- Extended Education
- Onslow County
2UNCW Extension Education ProgramOrientationTable
of Contents
- Agenda Pages 3- 4
- Extension Staff. Pages 6-9
- Admissions Information Pages 11
- Library Services. Pages 12-13
- Financial Aid Information Pages 14
- Bookstore Information Page 15
- Registrar Information... Page 16-21
- (How to register for your classes, etc.)
- Student Accounts Information Pages 22-28
- (Tuition Payments, How to pay your tuition,
etc.) - Campus Parking. Page 29
- UNCW Additional Information. Page 32
- (Student E-mail Account, Accessing Online
Classes, etc)
3UNCW Extension Education ProgramOrientation
- Agenda
- Check-In 30 min BT 101
- ID Cards
- Packet Distribution
- Welcome Introduction 5 min Dr. Barton
- Admissions 10 min Dr. Barton
- Dual Admission Ron Hardison
- Military Waiver Form
- Library 15 min Sue
Cody - Financial Aid 15
min Shannon Miles - Bookstore 10 min
- UNCW Services 5 min Dr. Barton
- Career Services
- Disability Services Chris Stone
- Student e-mail
4UNCW Extension Education ProgramOrientation
- Registrar 5 min Mandy Hodge
- SeaWeb Demonstration
- Student Accounts 10 min Dr. Barton
- Campus Parking 5 min Dr. Barton
- Undergraduate Degree Programs
- School of Nursing 10 min Dr. Barton
- Criminal Justice 10 min Dr. Barton
- Watson School of Education
- Elementary Education 20 min Lisa Keenan
- Teacher Licensure
- Graduate Degree Programs
- MA in Liberal Studies 2 min Dr.
Barton - MEd in Elementary Educ 2 min Dr. Barton
5Welcome and Introduction
- Dr. Beth Barton
- Director, Onslow Extension Program Military
Liaison - http//www.uncw.edu/extension
6UNCW Extension Program Staff
- Beth A. Barton, Ph.D., Director UNCW Military
Liaison - In January 2004, Beth was hired as the
Director of the UNCW Extension Program. Beth
holds a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology and
brings experience as a community college and
university instructor as well as a community
liaison, working with the local school system,
police department, and churches. She has
received numerous local and state awards for her
service to the community, primarily for
co-founding an after-school mentoring program for
disadvantaged children. Beth currently serves on
the Jacksonville-Onslow Chamber of Commerces
Military Affairs Committee, Education Committee,
the Swansboro Area Chamber of Commerces Military
Affairs Committee, and is one of three Board of
Directors for the Jacksonville Police
Departments Training Academy. (910) 455-2310 - Cecil L. Willis, Ph.D., Director of UNCW Criminal
Justice Extension Program. - Cecil is the academic advisor for all
undergraduate students pursuing a B. A. in
criminal justice in the Onslow Extension
Program. He holds a Ph.D. in sociology from
Virginia Tech and is professor of criminal
justice at UNCW. During his more than 30 years of
academic experience, he has held positions as
chair, Department of Sociology and Criminal
Justice and Assistant Vice Chancellor for
Academic Affairs at UNCW. (910) 346-8426
7UNCW Extension Program Staff
- Kim Allin, Enrollment Services Coordinator
- Kim came to us from the Education Center at Camp
LeJeune/MCAS New River. Kims strong education
background combined with her knowledge of the
Marine Corps Tuition Assistance makes her a
valuable asset to the UNCW Extension team. She
holds a Bachelor of Science in Business
Administration with a concentration in
Accounting, an Associate of Science in Finance
and an Associate of Science in Economics from
Hawaii Pacific University along with an Associate
of Arts from Coastal Carolina Community College.
She previously worked as both an Office
Manager/Senior Education Assistant and a Program
Associate Coordinator for Hawaii Pacific
University. Her responsibilities included
advising students, managing daily office
operations and supervising and training new
employees. Kim is a recent graduate of a MBA
program and understands the trials that full time
working students endure. - Lisa Keenan, Watson School of Education Advisor
- Lisa is the academic advisor for all
undergraduate students pursuing a B. A. in
elementary education at the Onslow Extension in
Jacksonville. - She holds a B.S. from West Chester University,
Pennsylvania and a M.Ed. Curriculum and
Instruction from Kutztown University,
Pennsylvania. Her professional background is in
high school social studies. She has taught in
public schools and at the university level. She
is married to a retired U. S. Marine. They have
two childrenRick and Kelly. Lisa enjoys
gardening, living by the beach, teaching and
helping people (910) 455-8034
8UNCW Extension Program Staff
- Mandy Hodge, Administrative Associate
- Mandy is the Administrative Associate for the
UNCW Extension Program. She has several years of
experience with the military she moved to
Jacksonville in 2001 when her father retired from
the U.S. Marine Corps after 24 years. She is
engaged to be married to a former marine who is a
full time student at CCCC. Mandy graduated from
UNCW in 2005 with a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology
and a minor in Gerontology and looks forward to
participating in the Masters in Liberal Studies
program here with the Onslow Extension Program. - Student Workers
- Our offices would not run efficiently without
our student employees. They provide invaluable
assistance to prospective and current students,
as well as the rest of the Extension Program
staff and faculty.
9Our Staff
- http//www.uncw.edu/admissions/
- (910) 962-3243
- Dual Admission (Ron Hardison, CCCC)
- Transient Study Form
- Military Waiver Form
11Library Services
- UNCW Randall Library
- http//library.uncw.edu/
- (910) 962-3760
- CCCC Learning Resource Center
- http//www.cclinc.ncccs.cc.nc.us
- (910) 938-6237
- Camp LeJeune Libraries
- http//www.mccslejeune.com/library.html
12William Madison Randall Library
Library Support for Extension Students
- Library Books Mailed to You--Free!
- All extension students may request Randall
Library books for their own use. They will be
mailed to you at your home address at no charge. - We can also send you books and articles from
other libraries. - How does it work?
- We provide these services to you through our
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) and Document Delivery
Services department. Once you set up an ILL
account, you can request the materials you need. - To set up your account, go to
- https//illiad.uncw.edu/logon.html
- Click First-Time UsersClick here
- Identify yourself as a Distance Education Student
- Choose a username and password
- Fill in the form with the information about the
book - you want
- Library PIN
- Some library services require a PIN or password
from off campus - Renew library materials online
- Place holds on checked out items
- Access Course Reserves
- Access databases from off-campus
- To set up your Library PIN, go to this webpage
and follow the directions - http//library.uncw.edu/web/research/pin.html
Problems or questions? 866-377-8309
13William Madison Randall Library
Library Support for Extension Students
Contact us for more help
Sue Cody Associate University Librarian for
Public Services UNCW (910) 962-7409 codys_at_uncw.edu
Linda Muir Head Librarian CCCC (910)
938-6793 muirl_at_coastal.cc.nc.us
UNCW William Madison Randall Library 601 South
College Rd. Wilmington, NC 28403-5616 (910)
962-3760 (866) 377-8309
14Financial Aid and Veterans Services
- http//www.uncw.edu/finaid/
- VA Representative Shannon Miles (910) 962-3177
- Please note when first using VA benefits you may
have to pay out of pocket while waiting for the
benefits to begin - For Employees of NC County School Systems
- Model Teacher Education Consortium
- https//www.ncmtec.org
15UNCW Bookstore
- http//www.uncw.edu/ba/bookstore/
- (910) 962-3188
- Order books online
- http//uncw.bkstore.com/
- http//www.uncw.edu/reg/
- (910) 962-3125
- 100.00 Deposit
- This is REQUIRED before you register!
- SeaNet
- http//www.uncw.edu/reg/seanetfiles/stuseanetguid
e.htm - UNCW SeaPort
- Calendar of Events
- New student registration write in date here
- (
17(No Transcript)
18(No Transcript)
19(No Transcript)
20(No Transcript)
21(No Transcript)
22Student Accounts
Student Accounts Office (910)
962-3147 Cashiers office (910)
962-3164 Tuition Message to all UNCW Students
(updated October 16, 2006) Tuition and fees are
charged according to campus of the course (main
campus or extension) and not student
classification. When using the SEANET
registration system, please keep in mind that
Extension courses are courses with section
numbers 800 or higher and a campus of EXT. Only
these sections of courses are billed at the
Extension tuition rates which are calculated on a
per credit hour basis. All other section
numbers are considered on-campus courses and are
billed as such. Tuition and fee rates for both on
campus and Extension courses can be found
at http//www.uncw.edu/ba/accounting/student_accou
nts/tuition_and_fees_schedule.htm Ultimately, it
is the students responsibility to know the
different tuition rates.
23Student AccountsCashier's Office
- Extension Tuition/Fees for
- Undergrad per credit hour
- In-State
- (Tuition will increase each July)
- Grad Students per credit hour
- In-State
- (Tuition will increase each July)
- main campus rates can be found on Student
Accounts website
24Student AccountsPayment OptionsPayment Due
- NO bill will be mailed for classes for your first
semester!!! - Go to your student account (i.e., SeaNet) to
access your tuition/fees amount due - Pay by 400 pm ( )
write in date here - Cash
- Check, Cashiers Check, Money Order
- Credit Card MasterCard Visa
- Financial Aid
- Military Tuition Assistance Deferment
- Sponsorship (Voc Rehab, W.S.V.A., or other
state-sponsored aid)
25Payment Options (continued)
- AMS Payment Plan
- Coordinator Sissy Hendricks (910) 962-3147
- AMS toll-free 800-635-0120
- AMS website www.tuitionpay.com
- Financial Aid
- Classes will be held upon proof of your full
coverage. If partial coverage is provided, you
must pay the difference. -
- Sponsorship
- Authorization form must be received by the
Financial Aid Office by due date and the Student
Accounts Office must be aware of your
26Student AccountsBilling Procedure for Future
- Pre-Registration
- Any balance from previous term may prevent a
student from being eligible for pre-registration. - Bills are mailed to permanent address.
- Pre-registered students receive an EMAIL to
remind them of the payment deadline. - Due date pay balance and/or provide evidence of
financial aid, sponsorship, AMS, etc. - Class cancellation occurs for failure to pay bill
or to follow deferment instructions by posted due
date. - Important Failure to return the bill stub to
the Cashiers Office cancels the class! ! - All students are required to return a bill stub.
27Student AccountsAvoiding Future Problems
- Students with SEANET balances will not be able to
pre-register!! - It is the students responsibility to monitor
their student account on SEANET throughout the
term. - Please read Emails that are sent out about
billing. - Inserts that accompany bill include additional
details about billing procedures. - All refunds are process via HigherOne. See
- WWW.SEAHAWKCARD.COM for more information.
- If you have questions or concerns PLEASE call
before the deadline.
28Student AccountsResidency and Billing
- Payment in full of the out-of-state tuition and
fees (along with any other charges on the student
account) is required. If residency is changed, a
refund of the difference between in-state and
out-of-state tuition and fees will be processed. -
- Contact the Admissions Office for more
information about residency at 910-962-3243.
29Campus Parking
- Coastal Carolina Community College
- Permit required
- Coastal Security office (cafeteria) to obtain
permit - UNCW Parking
- http//www.uncw.edu/ba/parking_trans/index.htm
- (910) 962-3178
- Permit required
30Transient Study Form Paying for CCCC Classes
with UNCW Financial Aid
- Step 1 Apply to Coastal Carolina Community
College (NO FEE) - Step 2 Obtain an original Transient Study Form
from your advisor. Form is available online at
http//www.uncw.edu/reg Choose Transfer credit,
then choose Transient FormInformation. - Step 3 You, the student, complete the top
section. Your advisor will complete the middle,
boxed section. After the form is completed,
your advisor will sign the form. - Step 4 Take the completed form to the Coastal
Carolina Comm. College - Admissions Office (Ron Hardison). Show the form
to the Admissions counselor (no signature is
required from a CCCC counselor). Mr. Hardison
will make a copy of your transient study form,
will request a copy of your degree audit from
SeaWeb, and will register you for your CCCC
classes. Note VA students also visit CCCCs
VA certifying official with a copy of your
completed transient study form. - Step 5 PAY for your CCCC class(es) (whether you
have financial aid with UNCW or not). If you
have been awarded Financial Aid with UNCW, you
will be reimbursed the cost of CCCCs tuition
through the main campus Cashiers office about
two weeks after your Transient Study Form is
received at the main campus. Check your Student
Account on SEANET for the reimbursement check to
be posted. Your check will be ready for pick-up
(at main campus) 5 business days later. - Step 6 Return Transient Study Form to your
advisor. He/she will deliver the form to the
main campus to the Department Chair for
signature and then it sent to the Registrars
office. At that point, it will be forwarded to
Financial Aid for processing. - Additional Financial Aid Information
- UNCW and CCCC have a blanket consortiummeaning,
that these two colleges communicate regularly
about shared students who receive financial
aid. Every month, the UNCW Financial Aid
department creates a list of students who are
receiving financial aid. They send this form up
to CCCC to ensure that none of these students
have applied for financial aid from CCCC as well.
If a student has applied for financial aid
through both institutions, the student will have
to repay the aid received from the secondary
institution. Therefore, do NOT apply for aid
through CCCC if you are already a UNCW student
receiving aid.
31Application for the Benefit of Reduced Tuition
Rate as a Member of the Armed Services or
Dependent Relative
- This paperwork must be filled out by all active
duty and military dependents http//www.uncw.edu/a
dmissions/documents/MilitaryResidencyForm.pdf - It must be completed annually (usually before
fall semester). - It must be accompanied by affidavit (statement of
service) from active-duty members command. - Letter must state Name, rank, or relationship to
active duty member, and member must be stationed
in North Carolina. - Questions please contact Kim Allin at
32UNCW Additional Information
- Disability Services (Chris Stone)
Disability Services is the designated office that
provides services to students with disabilities
who are enrolled at UNCW. We are committed to
providing assistance to enable qualified students
to accomplish their educational goals, as well as
assuring equal opportunity to derive all of the
benefits of campus life. Disability Services has
devoted much energy to meeting the requirements
of Section 504, Federal Rehabilitation Act of
1973 and its amendments, and to the Americans
with Disability Act of 1990. Disability Services
serves as a full-time advocate for students with
disabilities, as well as a resource for faculty,
staff and administration. - http//www.uncw.edu/stuaff/disability
- (910) 962-7555
- Career Services
- UNCW CCCC Cooperative Career Services Agreement
- http//www.uncw.edu/stuaff/career
- CCCC (910) 938-6373
- Student E-mail Account (Required) You may
establish your account 5 days after you register
for classes. - SeaPort (http//seaport.uncw.edu/)
- Online Courses -SeaPort or https//www.uncw.edupri
33Degree Programs
- Undergraduate Programs
- School of Nursing (RN-Access Program)
- Criminal Justice
- Clinical Research
- Social Work
- Business Administration
- Watson School of Education
- Elementary Education
- Teacher Licensure
- Graduate Degrees
- M.A. Liberal Studies
- M.Ed. Elementary Education
34 and the
- Donald R. Watson
- School of Education
35Items you will find in your UNCW Watson School of
Education folder
- See the inside of the manila folder.
- Verify that you have received all of the
information sheets listed under COMMENTS and
place your initials in the box. Return folder to
Mrs. Keenan.
36Important websites(see yellow sheet)
- www.uncw.edu/ed/advising
- www.uncw.edu/reg
- www.uncw.edu/extension
37What courses can I take this semester?
- Transfer students are eligible to take
- EDN 200 (EDU 216 _at_ CCCC)
- EDN 203 (PSY 263 _at_ CCCC)
- PSY 223 (PSY 241 _at_ CCCC)
- EDN 301
- EDN 303
- You may also select UNCW courses from your
academic concentration that you have chosen (PSY,
ENG or HST). - One must meet the admission requirements for the
Watson School of Education in order to take the
remainder of the education courses.
38What are the admission requirements for the
Watson School of Education?(see gray sheet)
- Complete the university requirements in English
and mathematics and a science laboratory course
with grades of C or better in each course. - Complete EDN 200 Teacher, School and Society
with a grade of C or better. (EDU 216
Foundations in Education at CCCC) - Complete a minimum of 45 semester hours
cumulative grade point average of 2.7 or better
(4.0 Scale) on all work attempted at UNCW.
Transfer students must earn a 2.7 GPA on a
minimum of 12 hours completed at UNCW. - Attain passing scores on teacher education entry
tests specified and mandated by the Board of
Education of the State of North Carolina. As of
July 1, 1995 the tests and the required passing
scores are Praxis I Or a composite score of
- PPST Reading 176
- PPST Writing 173
- PPST Mathematics 173
- All students should plan to take the PPST (Praxis
I) as soon as possible unless you have sufficient
SAT scores. Information is available on-line at
http//www.uncw.edu/ed/advising - (see orange sheet)
39Admission requirements continued
- To apply to the Watson School of Education, an
application form should be completed and
submitted the semester before anticipated
admittance. (Forms are available in the UNCW
extension office or on-line). Most transfer
students apply during their first semester with
UNCW. - Students should ensure that all requirements
listed above have been met prior to the time of
anticipated admittance. Applications for
admission are processed at the end of the spring,
summer II and fall semesters.
40 Have a great semester at