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The Marine Biome
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The Marine Biome
Even though we name individual oceans, they are all connected so they make up ... Some have roots that grow high on the trunk, look like stilts ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation
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Title: The Marine Biome
The Marine Biome
Cycle carbon dioxide and oxygen on Earth
Modifies temperatures changes
Home to many organisms
Most important provides stability to the web of
life on Earth
The World Ocean
Even though we name individual oceans, they are
all connected so they make up one large body of
water-the world ocean
it is one large biome with many ecosystems and
World ocean is divided into zones based on depth
and distance from the shore
Depth zones photic, aphotic, benthic zones
Shore distance zones oceanic, neritic,
intertidal zones
Oceanic Zone
This is the open ocean
Largest zone in the ocean, 90 of the world ocean
Ranges in depth 500 meters to 11,000 meters deep
Not much sunlight penetrates into the oceanic
Photic zone is only at the surface, about 200 m
Only phytoplankton are the producers
They convert CO2 into billions of tons of carbon
each year
This provides the basic material for the bottom
of the food web
Plankton is the food source for both large and
small ocean animals fish and whales
Aphotic zone-takes up most of the world ocean,
but does not have much organism diversity
Limited by absence of sunlight
Organisms have to adapt to cold, dark, deep water
Feed on pieces of dead organic material that
sinks down from surface
Detritus-tiny pieces of dead organic material
that are food for organisms at the base of an
aquatic food web
Clams, worms, sponges all feed on detritus
Ocean Water
Even though all ocean water is connected, it is
not all the same
Differ in temperature, salinity, and density
Water near the equator gets more direct sunlight
so it is warmer and more saline and (water
evaporates b/c of the sunlight)
Water near the poles is colder, and less saline,
and more dense
It is constantly getting more water from melting
glaciers and ice caps
Ocean Currents
Ocean water flows in similar patterns all year,
called currents
Currents are driven mostly by winds
They are pretty stable and remain the same even
though there are small changes
Currents can cause water located very close
together to be very different
Currents allow fish and organisms to travel
quickly over long distances
Currents have kept pollutants dumped by people
concentrated in areas
Fish become polluted and humans eat the fish
Ocean Dumping Act(1988) banned dumping industrial
waste in the ocean
Neritic Zones
Continental shelf- the shallow border that
surrounds the continents
Runs b/n the shore and 500 m below the surface of
the water
Neritic zone- the ocean region b/n the edge of
the continental shelf and the low tidemark
Its usually shallow, so gets sunlight for
Only 10 of the ocean
But are the most productive b/c they get sunlight
and are warm
Neritic zones include reefs and estuaries
Coral Reefs
Reef- natural structure built on a continental
Coral reefs found in warm, tropical waters
Kelp reefs found in cold waters
Importance of coral reefs
Home to huge variety of organisms
Breeding and feeding place for many fish
1/3 of all ocean fish live on or depend on coral
Protects shoreline from erosion
Many coral reef organisms have medical benefits
Coral reefs are very fragile
Made of calcium carbonate skeletons of millions
of tiny corals
Top layer is alive
Zooxanthellae alga lives inside tissue of coral
Alga perform photosynthesis and provide food to
Human Damage of coral reefs
Blast reefs to make harbors
Coral is harvested for jewelry
Fish are popular for home aquariums
Collecting the fish damages the coral
Water pollution damage
Toxic chemicals kill coral and organisms
Silt, sand, and topsoil wash into the water and
make it cloudy, less light for photosynthesis
So can look at health of coral reef to determine
the quality of water
When coral reefs start to die, start to
investigate the water quality
Region where a freshwater source, usually mouth
of a river, meets the saltwater of the ocean
Water is usually brackish here
Nutrients and sediments are mixed here
Many marine organisms breed here, commercially
Function as buffer zone, filter sediments and
pollutants from the water
Slow down floods and storm water
Humans use for boating, fishing, hunting
Neritic Zone Production
Sunlight can reach it, so photosynthesis occurs
Many mineral nutrients wash into the zone from
the shore
Tides wash in fresh nutrients and O2, and takes
away waste
Fringe reefs-grows just off shoreline
The reef will keep growing farther out
The reef closest to the shore will start to die,
creating a channel
Forms a barrier reef- reefs that are separated
from the shore by a channel
Great Barrier Reef in Australia is largest coral
reef in world
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Intertidal Zones
This zone located along the shoreline
Alternates twice a day b/n periods of exposure at
low tide and periods of submersion at high tide
2 high tides and 2 low tides each day
Any organisms living there must be able to
withstand these constant changes, and pounding of
Attach to rocks, burrow in sand
Often surrounded wetlands salt marshes and
mangrove swamps
Salt Marshes
Flat, muddy wetlands surround estuaries, bays,
and lagoons
Mud floor is exposed during low tides, and
submerged during high tides
Common in US coasts, especially east coast
Support migratory bird populations feeding and
resting grounds in b/n journeys
Plant life (grasses) support rich community of
fish and invertebrates
Many shellfish and fish spend part of their life
there, so they can be easily captured for sale
Plants are their food and protection
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Salt Marsh Formation
Streams flow into an estuary or shallow, neritic
Sediments are deposited at the mouth of the
stream, and build up forming a delta
the delta begins to sink. Subsidence-the weight
of accumulated sediments cause the delta to sink
under the water
The amount that sinks has to balance the amount
that is deposited for a salt marsh to remain
This sinking and depositing of sediments causes
the river to change its course many times
Mangrove Swamps
Coastal wetland that occurs only in warm climates
Named after the mangrove plant that lives there
Mangroves cannot grow in areas that freeze more
than 2 days a year
Mangroves can either be a tree or shrub, 800
species total, 10 live in US
Most common in US is red mangrove
Low O2 in swamps
Mangroves have roots that grow up and stick out
of the water
Some have roots that grow high on the trunk, look
like stilts
Mangrove swamps are being destroyed at a high
Make great commercial fish and shrimp ponds
Construction projects
Waste dumping
Review Questions Ch11
What is the most important thing that the marine
biome provides for the Earth?
What is the name given to all of the oceans
connected together?
What are the names of the 3 zones based on shore
What is the largest zone, and how much space does
it take up?
What is detritus? Why is it important?
Where is ocean water the warmest? Coldest?
What are ocean currents?
How do ocean currents contribute to polluting the
What is the neritic zone and how much space does
it take up?
Why are coral reefs important?
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