marine biome - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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marine biome


The marine flora, fauna and climatic conditions – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: marine biome

Marine Biome
  • Marine flora, fauna and climatic conditions
  • Done by
    Kaleab Midekessa

Marine biome
  • Marine regions cover about three-fourths of the
    Earth's surface and include oceans, coral reefs,
    and estuaries.
  • Marine algae supply much of the world's oxygen
    supply and take in a huge amount of atmospheric
    carbon dioxide.
  • The  marine biome is made up of three layers The
    euphotic zone, the disphotic zone, and the
    aphotic zone.
  • The euphotic zone is where the most life is,
    because that's were sunlight pierces.
  • The disphotic zone is dark and gloomy, and
    doesn't harvest as much life but still contains a
    large number.The third zone, the aphotic zone, is
    home only to the plants and animals that have
    adapted to the extreme to life in such harsh

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  • The largest of all the ecosystems, oceans are
    very large bodies of water that dominate the
    Earth's surface.
  • The Ocean has different zones. These are
    intertidal, pelagic, abyssal, and benthic.
  • All four zones have a great diversity of species.

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Intertidal zone
  • The intertidal zone is where the ocean meets the
  • There are only a few species of algae and
  • In those areas usually submerged during high
    tide, there is a more diverse array of algae and
    small animals, such as herbivorous snails, crabs,
    sea stars, and small fishes.
  • At the bottom of the intertidal zone,, many
    invertebrates, fishes, and seaweed can be found.
  • The fauna include worms, clams, predatory
    crustaceans, crabs, and shorebirds.

Pelagic Zone
  • The pelagic zone includes those waters further
    from the land, basically the open ocean.
  • The pelagic zone is generally cold.
  • The flora in the pelagic zone include surface
  • The fauna include many species of fish and some
    mammals, such as whales and dolphins. Many feed
    on the abundant plankton.

Abyssal Zone
  • The deep ocean is the abyssal zone. The water in
    this region is very cold (around 3 C), highly
    pressured, high in oxygen content, but low in
    nutritional content.
  • The abyssal zone supports many species of
    invertebrates and fishes.
  • Chemosynthetic bacteria thrive near these vents
    because of the large amounts of hydrogen sulfide
    and other minerals they emit.
  • These bacteria are thus the start of the food
    web as they are eaten by invertebrates and fishes.

Benthic zone
  • The benthic zone is the area below the pelagic
    zone, but does not include the very deepest parts
    of the ocean.
  • The bottom of the zone consists of sand, slit,
    and/or dead organisms. Here temperature decreases
    as depth increases toward the abyssal zone, since
    light cannot penetrate through the deeper water.
  • Flora are represented primarily by seaweed while
    the fauna, since it is very nutrient-rich,
    include all sorts of bacteria, fungi, sponges,
    sea anemones, worms, sea stars, and fishes.

Marine Flaura
  • The smallest marine plants are phytoplankton,
    which are single-celled and form the basis of the
    marine food chain.
  • Few marine plants are angiosperms, although
    along tropical coasts, flowering marine plants
    often accumulate.
  • Green algae (Chlorophyta) is the most common
    marine plant. Chlorophyll causes these algae to
    have bright green coloring.
  • Red algae (Rhodophyta), tinted by the pigment
    phycoerythrin, are the largest type of marine
    plants and the most diverse. Some red algae
    adhere to corals, thus creating reefs.

Other Marine Flaura
Algae coralline
Algae Dead mans fish
Marine Fauna
  • Great White Shark
  • Perhaps the most formidible predator of the open
    ocean. The great white is notorious and is the
    subject of many myths and legends.

  • Whale Shark
  • Much more placid than its infamous cousin, the
    whale shark is the largest species of fish on the
  • Hawksbill sea Turtle
  • The shell trade once decimated populations of
    this turtle. However, populations are gradually

  • Bottlenose Dolphin
  • Perhaps the most familiar member of the cetacean
    family, the bottlenose dolphin is one of the most
    intelligent sea animals.

Climatic Conditions
  • The climate of the marine biome is mostly
    varied. Since it is the largest biome in the
    world, the climate varies from -40 degrees
    fahreheit to over 100 degrees.
  • The average temperature is 39 degrees
    fahrenheit, but it is warmer near the equator
    where the direct rays of sun can pierce the water
    and warm it. The coldest is in the north and
    south poles, where the water is close to freezing
    if not frozen (Glaciers). Also, the deeper the
    ocean is, the colder the water will be because
    the sunlight isn't directly piercing it.

More than half of the world's rain fall over the
ocean for two reasons One, it's so large, and
two, the water cycle runs faster because the
biome is made of water. The average yearly
precipitation can add up to over 100 inches.
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