Title: Introduction to Unix CS 21
1Introduction to Unix CS 21
2Lecture Overview
- Starting out in Unix
- Getting help when needed
- Looking around a little
- Environment and Environment Variables
- The Unix file structure
- Organization
- Navigation
3Logging In (And Logging Out)
- Your Unix experience begins with a login prompt
- Login name and password
- Always be sure to log out
- Why?
- Malicious people shouldnt have access to your
account - Locking the screenis it safe?
- Well, maybe, maybe not
4Good Password Versus Bad Password
- What makes a bad password?
- Any word in a dictionary
- Any word from a sci-fi movie/show
- 30 sec 8 minutes to break
- What makes a good password?
- Easily interpreted and remembered by user
- Looks like random gibberish to others
- passwd normally changes your password
5Im In, Now What?
- No tour of Unix like Windows has
- Youre pretty much on your own
- Unix assumes you know what you are doing
- You are given just enough leverage to either do
everything well or really mess everything up
6Where To Get Help
- man
- The most important command in all of Unix
- info
- More complete descriptions of certain packages
- help
- Shell specific commands
- apropos
- whatis
7Man Page Sections And What They Mean
- 1 User commands
- 2 System Calls
- 3 C library routines
- 4 Administrative files
- 5 Miscellaneous
- 6 Games
- 7 I/O and special files
- 8 System administration commands
8More on man
- Other sections exist (such as the perl reference
manual and the tcl reference manual) - -a will show all the man pages that match
- First is shown by default
- How would you find out more about man?
- man man
10How Am I Supposed To Read This?
- Name
- The name of the program and a brief description
- Synopsis
- How to run this command
- Description
- Listing of all flags and what they do
- See also
- Relevant related commands
11What Do You Do If There Isnt A Man Page?
- Option 1 run the program and hope it doesnt
destroy anything - Option 1b run the program with random flags and
see what exactly it destroys - Option 2 do a little snooping
- Check for man pages or documentation on the web
- See if there are any environment variables that
it might use
12Who is logged on and what are they doing?
- users
- Shows a list of all currently logged on users
- who (and whoami)
- Shows a list of all currently logged on users and
where they are logged on from - w
- Shows a list of all currently logged on users and
what they are running - finger
- Tells a little more information about users
13Privacy issue?
- You can tell when someone else is logged on and
exactly what they are doing - Everyone else can see what you are doing
- Is this acceptable?
14One User To Rule Them All
- The superuser root
- Root has the permission to do anything
- Including wiping the entire system clean
- The system will allow root to do just about
anything - Comparable to Administrator in Windows
- Of course, any user in Windows XP can be
designated an Administrator and install software
15No, You Cant Get Root
- For obvious reasons, you will not be given root
access - Dont feel bad though, very few people at school
have root - You can always install your own machine at home
to play around with - Knoppix
16Environment And Environment Variables
- A set of preset variables that all programs run
from that shell can see - In order to see them, run the command printenv
- Set environment variables with the command
export VARVALUE - Clear environment variables with unset VAR
18Stupid Analogy Of The Day
Environment Variables
- Each contain useful information
- Every program can check them out and read them
- If someone changes them, the next person to check
them out will see those changes
19Exporting Or Not
- If you dont export the variable, it is a local
variable and not accessible to everyone - Get access to a local variable by using the
dollar sign (VAR)
20A Very Important Environment Variable
- Tells Unix where to look in order to find
programs to run - Very important hint
- When typing a command, you should be able to hit
the tab key in order to complete it - Called tab completion, this is a most invaluable
tool - The system searches your PATH for any program it
can run that matches what you have typed so far
21Files, Files Everywhere
- Unix treats almost everything as a file
- Standard text files and binaries
- Directories
- Links
- Even devices!
- Your terminal is a file, your keyboard is a file,
your hard drive is a file, everything is a file!
22What Was That?
- To repeat, Everything in Unix is a file!
- Why?
- This goes back to the design of Unix trying to
keep everything simple - Treating everything the same allows for a simple
interface to interact with everything in the same
23Unix Directory Structure
- Everything is a file, and the directory structure
is like a filing cabinet
24Inverted Tree Structure
25What Goes Where?
- /
- Root of the entire system
- Comparable in Windows to C\
- Windows, however, has several roots depending on
what partition and device you are looking at - /bin
- Commonly used binaries (programs)
- /sbin
- More programs to run
- Statically linked
- Still should run if you tinker around and mess
things up - /usr
- User related commands as well as a whole bunch of
random stuff
- /lib
- Libraries go in here
- /dev
- All devices are located in here
- /home
- Traditionally, this is where user accounts are
stored - /etc
- Startup files and configuration files for daemons
and other programs
- /var
- Various files go in here
- Traditional location of mailboxes
- /var/spool/mail
- /proc
- Special files that contain information about the
system or info from running programs
29Navigating The Directory Structure
- You are always located at one location in the
tree - ls
- Provides a listing of the current directory
- All files and directories are shown
- cd
- Change directory
- cd / Moves your current directory to /
- cd without any arguments moves you to your home
30Creating And Removing Directories
- mkdir
- Makes a directory
- mkdir myDir
- rmdir
- Removes an empty directory
- rmdir myDir
31A Couple Of Notes
- Unix is case-sensitive
- myDir is different from MyDir and mydir
- Not all files are shown with ls
- ls a will show all files
- Hidden files in Unix always start with a .
- Example .hidden
- .plan
32Command Line Options
- Almost all Unix commands have options that change
what they do - Read the man pages for a listing
- They have the form -a
- Depending on the command, they may be lumped
together - -a l is the same as -al
33How Different?
34Special Directories
- .
- This stands for the current directory
- ..
- This stands for the directory directly above the
current directory -
- Your home directory
- These directories can be stacked
- ../.. stands for two directories directly above
the current directory
35Relative Versus Absolute Pathnames
- Unix supports two different styles for
directories - Absolute pathnames
- Always start from / and contain the entire route
- /home/csgrads/villarre
- Relative pathnames
- Assumed to be relative to current directory
- Doesnt start with a /
- classes/cs21
36Advanced Navigation Through The Directory
- pushd
- Push a directory onto a stack
- popd
- Pop a directory from a stack
- A Stack is whats known as a LIFO structure
- Last in, first out
37How Does A Stack Work?
38How Does A Stack Work?
39How Does pushd and popd Work?
Current Directory
pushd /var/spool
pushd /home
40Today In Lab
- Put all of the material from today into practice
- Lab will be posted later today at
41Reading Assignment
- Read chapters 2-4
- I will assign a homework beginning of next week
- First quiz will be a week from next Tuesday