Laboratorio Subterrneo de Canfranc - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Laboratorio Subterrneo de Canfranc


Laboratorio Subterrneo de Canfranc – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Laboratorio Subterrneo de Canfranc

Laboratorio Subterráneo de Canfranc
Spain ASPERA Era-Net National day. Madrid Nov. 6
2007 A. Bettini. LSC, Padua University / INFN
The basic forces
The Standard Theory has been tested with extreme
precision with accelerators colliders But only
at very low energies, compared to the unification
and to the Planck scales For one of the basic
forces, gravity, we don't have yet a quantum
Explore the high energy frontier searching for
extremely rare signals
Tiny signals. Go underground
The last vision of Angel
  • 1986 A. Morales creates the first Canfranc
    Laboratory (?100 m2) close to a non-used railway
  • 2005
  • Morales completes the new laboratory between the
    new free way tunnel and the railway tunnel
  • Consortium of MEC, DGA, Saragossa University
    established to run LSC
  • MEC appoints a provisional Scientific Policy
    Committee, chair J. Bernabeu
  • July 2006. Expressions of Interest (EoI) to the
    SPC presented
  • 1 March 2007. A. Bettini appointed Director

Canfranc location
The sites
W-EU Labs coordination APPEC, ILIAS
The entrance
Overburden and Background radiation
  • 800-850 m rock overburden
  • Neutron flux 2?102 m2s1
  • µ flux 2-4 ? 103 m2s1
  • g flux 1.90.2 ? 104 m2s1
  • Radon in air 50-80 Bq/m3
  • Underground area 1000 m2
  • Support facilities on the surface under
  • Horizontal access, drive-in to the experiments
  • Budget approved for next 10 years 18 M
  • Staff (being hired) 12 positions

Schematic View
Hall A
Hall C
Hall B
Drive-in to the Lab (2006)
Hall A
40x15x12 600 m2
Hall B C (2006)
Hall C. Very low radioactivity measurements for
the experiments and the society
15x10x8 m3 10050 m2
Gallery clean room services (2006)
Emergency exit (2006)
Connection to the safety (railway) gallery and
bay area
Ground for the surface laboratories and offices
Director offices Administration Safety offices 16
offices for scientific users 7 offices for
technicians 4 laboratories Mechanical
workshop Seminar room Meeting room Library Outreac
h room 2 sleeping rooms Total area 1100 m2
useful, 1650 m2 built Cost 3 M (approved 1.26
M) Time 28 months
2000 m2
3/10/2007 The Pleno del Ayuntamiento de
Canfranc gives in use to LSC the 2nd floor of
the Casa Consistorial for 3 years
Other provisional structures
  • Workshops 400 m2, 6 m high
  • Storage area 50 m2
  • Barracks for offices 350 m2

Dark period
  • January 2007. 2 years after completion, evidence
    for non complete stabilisation of the rock
  • 14/March/07. Important rock-fall from the ceiling
    of hall A
  • Laboratory closed to the users
  • Saragossa University (responsible of the
    structures) calls a meeting with Dragados (the
    builder Company) and Idom (the design and control
  • Intervention on site starts immediately
  • Inspection of all the laboratory and analysis of
    expert shows
  • Concrete lining thickness ltlt on project,
  • Design of the anchorages in the rock not
    supported by proper calculation no guarantee of
    long-term stability
  • Measurements show still evolving convergence
  • Action to complete structures as in the original
  • Interventions to reach short-term stabilisation.
    Completed by 15/Aug./07

The long way to safety
  • The Rector of the University of Saragossa and the
    Director General of LSC share the view that no
    compromise can be accepted on matter of safety
  • May 07. DG consults expert, reports to Rector
  • May 07. Rector charges an independent expert
    (Prof. Romana Ruiz) of an in-depth analysis and
    of a dictamen for the necessary works
  • Oct 3. 07. Prof. Romana delivers his dictamen
  • November 07. Idom expected to deliver the project
  • .
  • .

The long way to safety
  • The Rector of the University of Saragossa and the
    Director General of LSC share the view that no
    compromise can be accepted on matter of safety
  • May 07. DG consults expert, reports to Rector
  • May 07. The Rector charges an independent expert
    (Prof. Romana Ruiz) of an in-depth analysis and
    of a dictamen for the necessary works
  • 3/10/07. Prof. Romana delivers his dictamen
  • November 07. Idom expected to deliver the
  • .
  • .

Do we see the light at the end of the tunnel?
LSC might be ready around summer
The March 2007 event
Weak points
Concrete lining too thin Anchorages too short
Width of the gallery comparable with that of the
halls Proper 3D calculations missing Convergence,
stress, sound velocity during construction
missing Long range stability not reached
Weak points
As seen by a (guided) layman
Section with inverted arch
No inverted arch in entrance, gallery, hall B
Stresses concentrate in the high curvature points
Walls tilt, basement raises
Weak points. Hall A elsewhere
As seen by a (guided) layman
8-10 m long anchorages employed in similar
4 m long anchorages in Hall A and B
May produce relaxation of the internal stress,
instability and fall of rock wedges
gt 20 cm thickness in the project 5-10 cm in its
30-40 cm thick armed concrete employed in similar
An example
Projected concrete design thickness gt 20 cm. As
done. Always lt 20 cm
Non-consolidated rock becomes brittle
Initial reparations in hall A
Hall A now
The entrance
Stabilisation wall
New anchorages and net
The gallery now
Example. Evolution of the direct dark matter
Adapted from B. Sadoulet. Chair of the DUSEL
Site-independent study (on solicitation by
NSF) May 2006. Report at Henderson DUSEL meeting
Effect of Gran Sasso
We are hunting in the dark, we do not know which
is the best weapon
Life cycle and costs
The life cycle of experiments is long and gets
Cost of the experiments may range from few M to
several 10 M
Scientific Programme
  • The construction of a world-class scientific
    programme for an underground laboratory is a
    difficult challenge. It is necessary
  • To attract the interests of the scientific
    community - first of all the national one
  • To attract the capital investments of the
    Agencies - first of all the national ones
  • Manage the competition with operational and
    larger laboratories
  • The project has stalled in the last months, due
    to the unsafe conditions and to the reparation
  • The provisional Scientific Policy Committee
    received a number of interesting ideas, at the
    level of Expression of Interest (EoI)
  • Next phases. Call for new ideas more worked out
    documents (Letters of Intent LoI or Experiment
    Proposals EP)

The Scientific Committee
I have obtained the approval of the Governing
Bodies for the composition of the Scientific
Committee. 1st meeting December 2007
Frank Avignone. S. Carolina Univ. Chair. Elena
Aprile. Columbia Univ. Laura Baudis, Zurich
University Yves Declais. Institut de Physique
Nucléaire de Lyon Juan Fuster. CSIC and Valencia
Univ. Andres Gadea. Valencia Univ. and Legnaro
National Laboratory Belen Gavela. Madrid,
Universidad Autónoma Chang-Kee Jung. Stony Brook
Univ. Former PI of DUSEL Henderson project, PI of
UNO project, Masatoshi Koshiba. Tokio Univ.
Creator of Kamiokande Observatory. Nobel Prize
EoI analysed by the CCG (2006)
  • ANAIS (Saragossa). Prototypes working in the old
    lab. Approved for the new LSC
  • Dark matter search. The available detector mass
    is sufficient to look for the annual modulation
    signal. If background will be low enough it can
    test the positive DAMA result. However, it should
    not delay
  • Rosebud (Saragossa). RD for dark matter search
    with bolometers
  • ArDM. EoI for dark matter search with LAr
  • Robust collaborating groups
  • Delay of LSC. Not very different experiment under
    construction at Gran Sasso
  • SuerMEMO. EoI for double beta decay.
    Encouragement and approval of the prototype BiPo
  • BiPo was in data taking when rock fell
  • Moved to the Underground Modane Laboratory
  • Robust collaborating groups. May become important
    part of the LSC programme, provided the RD leads
    to an EP
  • ZEPLIN III. EoI on dark matter with Liquid Xe
  • Part of the Boulby Underground Laboratory
  • Test on gravity. The CCG doubts on the proposal
    to be competitive

EoI received and not analysed by CCG
  • SIMPLE. Search for dark matter with spin
    dependent interaction. Technique super-heated
    bubbles. The possibility to reach large enough
    sesnsitive mass should be understood.
  • ULTIMA. EoI to develop superfluid 3He bolometers
    in low-radiation conditions, to search for dark
    matter. The possibility to reach large enough
    sesnsitive mass should be understood.

Ideas (Dreams) for a Scientific Programme
  • Dark matter
  • 95 of the Universe mass-energy is dark
  • Status of the art. Calorimetric approach target
    of dark particles detector
  • sensitive detector mass M several kg
  • best background bO(103 kg1keV1 d1)
  • To explore theoretical range need MO(1t) and bO
    (105 kg1keV1 d1)
  • This levels may be reached in the next few years
    by noble liquids
  • 10-100 kg Xe and Ar modules operational / under
    construction at LNGS
  • Xe and Ar complementary, both in physics and
    technique. Both should be done
  • Do not forget other techniques. Hunting for dark
    matter is extremely difficult
  • Strong competition world wide
  • DAMA positive evidence can be confirmed/rejected
    only by an annual modulation sensitive experiment
    with Iodine nuclei
  • ANAIS is close, however KIMS in Korea might be
    even closer

Ideas (Dreams) for a Scientific Programme
  • Neutrino-less double beta decay
  • Unlike the other particles neutrinos may be
    matter and antimatter at the same time
  • Two approaches calorimetric and tracking
  • Status of the art of calorimetric approach (two
    experiments _at_ LNGS)
  • Sensitive mass O (100 kg)
  • Background bO(102 kg1keV1 y1)
  • Complementary tracking approach necessary, on
    different isotopes, with similar sensitive masses
    (NEMO3 _at_ LSM)
  • SuperNEMO may be the experiment. _at_ 100 kg scale
    may fill completely LSC
  • Other ideas in Spain and in the US. However much
    RD still needed
  • Project for two new halls _at_ LSM

Ideas (Dreams) for a Scientific Programme
  • Nuclear astrophysics
  • Nuclear reactions in astrophysical environments
    proceed at very low energies. Consequently their
    cross-sections are very small. Need to be
    measured underground
  • Status of art
  • Beautiful work of LUNA and LUNA2 at LNGS has
    (almost) completed the nuclear reactions in the
  • Much ore remains to be done. New 2-3 MeV
    accelerator underground needed. _at_ LNGS, _at_ LSC, in
    the US?

Try to be Cross-disciplinary
  • Microbiology. Dark Life
  • How deeply in the earth does life extend?
  • What makes life successful deep under the
  • What can life underground teach us about how life
  • Status of art. Good study made by Henderson DUSEL
    project in US
  • 2 new Phyla discovered at Henderson
  • Geology
  • Under-surface seismographers network
  • Hydrogeology. Monitor physical-chemical
    parameters of rock water
  • Geodynamics
  • Neutrinos from the Earth (geoneutrinos) may
    reveal completely new aspects of the inner part
    of the globe
  • Status of art
  • Geoneutrinos already observed by KamLAND in Japan
  • A global network of Liquid Scintillator detectors
    (several 100 kg) for the tomographic
    investigation of inner earth radioactive deposit.
    Hawaii and Canada are already seriously pushing
    this approach
  • Cross-disciplinary work between biologists and
  • Do bacteria enter into the genesis of minerals
    and rocks?

  • Matter (we) is made of quarks and leptons. We
    know how these fundamental elements behave and
    interact with experiments at the accelerators ?
    the Standard Model
  • Astronomers tell us that this is less than 5 of
    the total constituents of the Universe
  • Experiments underground in the cosmic silence
    have discovered phenomena beyond ths Standard
    Model (in neutrino physics)
  • LHC will soon lead accelerator experiments in a
    new energy domain. New type of matter may be
    discovered. Complementary to the direct search in
    the Universe
  • However, the real nature of the basic forces will
    become manifest only at energies that cannot be
    reached with accelerators
  • Underground experiments is the, albeit indirect,
    way we have to reach those energies
  • CANFRANC is the second largest underground
    laboratory in Europe. A marvellous opportunity
    for frontier experiments
  • The Spanish, European, world communities should
    not miss it

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