Title: Anatomy
2What is Anatomical Position?
- The position the body is in when referencing
relationships of the anatomical structures
3Anatomical Position
4Planes of Motion
- Bodys movements are around 3 planes of motion
- Frontal
- Divides body into front back
- Transverse
- Divides body into top bottom
- Sagittal
- Divides body into right left
5Planes of Motion
6Terms of Location
- When referencing location relationships between
anatomical structures, use the following terms
7Terms of location
- Anterior/Posterior
- Towards the front of body /towards the back
- Medial/Lateral
- Nearer the midline/center of body/away from
midline - Superior/Inferior
- Nearer the head/nearer the feet
8Terms of Location
- Proximal/Distal
- Used only in reference to the extremities
- Closer to the trunk/farther away from the trunk
- Palmar/Dorsal
- On the palm of hand/on the back of hand
- Plantar/Dorsal
- On the sole of foot/on the top of foot
- Cranial/Caudal
- Towards the head/towards the feet
9Movements of body
- Flexion/Extension
- Moving the body parts closer together
- Moving body part back to normal position
- Abduction/Adduction
- Moving body part away from midline
- Moving body part towards the midline
- Internal/External Rotation
- Rotating body part away
- Rotating body part back towards body
10Movements of Body
- Protraction/Retraction
- Moving the scapulae towards the spine
- Moving the scapulae away from the spine
- Lateral/Transverse Flexion/Extension
- Moving the arm across the chest/body
- Side bending of the trunk
- Pronation/Supination
- Moving the forearm so the palm is down
- Moving the forearm so the palm is up
11Movements of the Body
- Plantar Flexion/Dorsiflexion
- Pointing the toes/going up on your toes
- Pulling the toes towards you shin
- Inversion/Eversion
- The sole/plantar surface of the foot in facing
the midline of body - The sole of foot is facing away from the midline
of the body
12Movements of body
- Circumduction
- Moving the arm/leg in a circle (CW or CCW) using
a combination of movements - Rotation
- Moving head/trunk from side to side (as if there
is a stick down through the midline of the body)
16Body Tissues
- Skin
- Bone
- Muscles
- Tendons
- Ligaments
- Cartilage
17Body tissues
18Body Tissues
19Body Tissues
20Body tissues
21Body systems
- Integumentary
- The skin
- Skeletal
- System that supports us and gives us shape
- Muscular
- The muscles of the bodylargest system
22Body systems
- Nervous
- The master controlling and communicating system
of body - Cardiovascular
- Pumps blood through body
23Body Systems
- Respiratory
- System that supplies body with oxygen
- Endocrine
- Controls body through use of hormones to
stimulate metabolic activities of cells - Reproductive
- System that allows for the continuation of the
human species
24Body Systems
- Digestive
- Provides bodys means for transforming food into
energy - Immune
- Bodys main defense against all foreign
substances - Excretory
- Urinary system filters out waste and purifies
25Integumentary system
- Protection against bacteria, dirt, insects,
trauma, etc. - Keeps fluids inside body
- Picks up sensations
- Secretes oily substance
- Can expand to accommodate increase in girth
26Skeletal system
- Bones and hyaline cartilage
- Protects internal organs
- Gives structure and supporta
- Acted on by muscles to create movement
- Metabolically active to form RBCs and store
- 206 bones
- Skeleton divided into 2 parts
- 4 types of bones
28Parts of skeleton
- Axial
- Skull, thorax, vertebral column,pelvis
- Appendicular
- Extremities
29 Skeleton
30Types of bones
- Long
- Short
- Flat
- Irregular
31Long and short bones
32Flat bone
33Irregular bone
- Hyaline
- Covers the ends of bones
- Fibrocartilage
- Found in joints between bones
- Functions
- Shock absorption, allows for smooth movement of
bone on bone, protects the joint structures
- Contract to produce movement of the body
- Allows body to
- Accelerate
- Decelerate
- Stop movement
- Maintain normal postural alignment
- Produce heat
- Tough inelastic band of connective tissue
- Transmits the force of the muscle contraction to
a bone
- Composed of connective tissue that contains both
collagen and elastic fibers - Elastic fibers allow for limited stretching
- Surround joints bind them together
strengthening and stabilizing the joint - Movement is permitted only in certain directions
38Types of joints
- Synovial or Diarthroses
- hinge, pivot, saddle, ball socket
- Cartilaginous or Amphiarthroses
- Symphyses (fibrocartilage)
- Fibrous or Synarthroses
- Sutures, Syndesmoses
39Diarthroses/Synovial joint
- 2 bones whose articular surfaces are covered w/
hyaline cartilage - Joint space enclosed by a joint capsule,
reinforced by named ligaments - Synovial membrane lines joints
- Secretes synovial fluid which fills joint space,
lubricates joint and nourishes articular cartilage
- The bony surfaces are connected by
- Broad flattened disks of fibrocartilage
- Hyaline growth cartilages
- Cartilage directly unites one bony structure to
another - Pubic symphysis
- Vertebral bodies
41Synarthroses or Fibrous
- Joint that is immovable
- Connected by solid connective tissue
- Bones are joined by fibrous connective tissue
forming an interosseus membrane or ligament - Anterior posterior ligaments in the radioulnar
and tibiofibular joints
43Bones of the foot
- 14 phalanges
- 1-5, proximal, middle, distal
- 2 sesamoid bones (found on plantar surface)
- 5 metatarsals
- 1-5
- 7 tarsals
- Talus, calcaneus, navicular, cuboid, medial,
middel and lateral cunieforms
44Bones of foot
45Bones of foot
46Sesamoid bones
47Sesamoid bones
48Bones of leg
- Tibia (shin bone)
- Main weight bearing bone of low leg medial side
- Medial malleolus
- Tibial tuberosity
- Tibial plateau
- Fibula
- Non weight bearing on lateral side
- Lateral malleolus
- Head of fibula
49Bones of leg
- Patella (knee cap)
- Sesamoid bone
- Base
- Distal pole
- Femur (thigh bone)
- Biggest bone in body
- Medial lateral condyles epicondyles,
pateallar groove, intertrochanteric notch, shaft,
greater lesser trochanters, head, neck,
50Bones of leg
51Tibia fibula
52Tibia fibula
56Pelvis or Innominate
- Ilium (anteior)
- ASIS, AIIS, PSIS, iliac crest
- Ischium (posterior)
- Ischial tuberosity
- Pubis (medial)
- Pubic symphysis
- Acetabulum
- Hip joint socket
60Vertebral Column (spine)
- Cervical 7
- Atlas, axis
- Thoracic 12
- Lumbar 5
- Sacrum 5 Fused
- Coccyx 4 Fused
61Vertebral column
62Vertebral column
- Spinous process
- Transverse process
- Body
- Vertebral foramen
- Facets
63Part of the vertebrae
- Only bone in body that does not connect to any
other bone - Assists in swallowing
- Found at level of C3-C4
- Manubrium
- Body
- Xiphoid process
- 12 pairs connect the vertebral column to the
sternum - Joined by cartilage
- Pairs 1-7 sternal (true) ribs
- Pairs 8-10false ribs w/ cartilage joining each
rib together with the 7th rib - Pairs 11-12floating ribs
- Acromion process
- Coracoid process
- Glenoid fossa
- Vertebral border
- Lateral border
- Inferior angle
- Spine of scapula
- Supraspinous fossa
- Infraspinous fossa
- Subscapular fossa
- Collarbone
- The only connection between the appendicular and
axial skeleton - Sternal end
- Distal end
- Humerus
- Bone of upper arm or just arm
- Radius
- Bone on lateral (thumb or radial) side of
forearm - Ulna
- Bone on medial (little finger or ulnar) side of
- Head
- Neck
- Bicipital groove
- Greater lesser tuberosity
- Deltoid tuberosity
- Capitulum
- Trochlea
- Olecranon fossa
- Medial lateral epicondyles
- Radial head
- Styloid process
- Radial Tuberosity
- Olecranon process
- Trochlear notch
- Radial notch
- Styloid process
- Bones of wrist
- 2 rows
- Proximal
- Lateral to medial---scaphoid, lunate, triquetral,
pisiform - Distal
- Lateral to medialtrapezium, trapezoid, capitate,
82Metacarpal Phalanges
- 5 metacarpals1-5 beginning with thumb
- 14 phalangesproximal, middle, distal
- 1st phalange does not have a middle one
83Metacarpals phalanges
- Frontal (1)
- Occipital (1)
- Parietal (2)
- Temporal (2)
- Nasal (2)
- Zygoma (2)
- Ethmoid (2)
- Sphenoid
- Maxilla
- Mandible
88Muscular System
- Muscles
- Contract to produce movement
- Accelerate
- Decelerate
- Stop movement
- Maintain normal postural alignment
- Produce heat
89Muscular system
- Tendons
- Connect muscles to bones
- Transmit force that muscles exert
- Ligaments
- Connect bone to bone
- Form joints
90Muscular System
91Muscles of the Lower extremity
- Several small muscles of foot
- Extensor Digitorum Brevis (EDB)
- Extends toes 2-4
92Muscles of the leg
- 4 compartments of the leg
- Anterior
- Lateral
- Superficial Posterior
- Deep Posterior
93Anterior Compartment
- Tibialis Anterior
- Dorsiflexion, inversion
- Extensor Digitorum Longus
- Dorsiflexion, extension of toes 2-5
- Extensor Hallicus Longus
- Dorsiflexion, extension of great toe
94Anterior compartment of leg
95Tibialis Anterior
96Extensor Digitorum Longus
97Extensor Hallicus Longus
98Lateral compartment
- Peroneus Longus (Fibularis Longus)
- Eversion, dorsiflexion
- Peroneus Brevis (Fibularis Brevis)
- Eversion, some dorsiflexion
99Lateral Compartment
100Superficial Posterior Compartment
- Gastrocnemius
- Crosses knee ankle joints
- Plantar flexion, knee flexion
- Soleus
- Plantar flexion
- Plantaris
- Small little muscle w/ long tendon on lateral
side - Plantar flexion, knee flexion
101Superficial Posterior Compartment
102Superficial Posterior Compartment
103Deep Posterior Compartment
- Tibialis posterior
- Plantar flexion, inversion
- Flexor Digitorum Longus
- Plantar flexion, flexion of toes 2-5
- Flexor Hallicus Longus
- Plantar flexion, flexion of great toe
104Deep Posterior Compartment
105Tibialis Posterior
106Flexor Digitorum Longus
107Flexor Hallicus Longus
108Posterior compartment
109Muscles of thigh
- Quadriceps
- Hamstrings
- Adductors
- Abductors
- Miscellaneous
- 4 muscles
- One attaches on ilium (AIIS)
- 3 attach on the femur (2 of them posterior)
- All insert at the patella, encasing it and
forming the patellar tendon which attaches on the
tibial tuberosity
- Rectus Femoris
- Most superficial, crosses hip and knee joints
- Knee extension, hip flexion
- Vastus Lateralis
- Knee Extension
- Vastus Medialis
- Knee extension
- Vastus Intermedius
- Knee extension
113Rectus Femoris
114Vastus Medialis
115Vastus Lateralis
116Vastus Intermedius
- 3 muscles
- Attach on the ischial tuberosity of the ischium
- One inserts on fibula
- 2 insert on tibia
- Biceps femoris (lateral w/ 2 heads)
- Semimembranosus (middle with more membrane)
- Semitendinosus (medial with more tendon)
- All 3 do hip extension, knee flexion
120Biceps femoris
- All attach on the pelvis and the femur more
medially - Gracilis (thank you muscle)
- Adductor Magnus
- Adductor longus
- Adductor Brevis
- Pectineus
- All do adduction of hip, some hip flexion,
gracilis does knee flexion as well
- Gluteus Medius
- Abduction, external rotation
- Gluteus Minimus
- Abduction, internal rotation
129Gluteus Medius and Minimus
130Gluteus Medius
131Gluteus Minimus
132Miscellaneous Muscles
- Sartorius
- Attaches on ASIS and tibia
- Hip flexion, knee flexion, external rotation of
hip - Tensor Fascia Latae
- Internal rotation of hip
- Gluteus Maximus
- Hip extension, external rotation
133Miscellaneous muscles
- Piriformis
- External rotation
- Iliopsoas
- iliacus psoas major
- Hip flexion
135Tensor Fasciae Latae
136Gluteus Maximus
137Gluteus Maximus
138Gluteal Muscles
143Other structures
- Iliotibial Band
- Pes Anserine
- Made up of tedons from the Gracilis, Sartorius,
semitendinosus - gooses foot
144Iliotibial Band
145Pes Anserine
146Muscles of the Anterior Trunk
- Abdominal muscles
- Rectus abdominus6-pack
- Trunk flexion
- External Obliques
- Trunk flexion/rotation/sidebend
- Internal Obliques
- Trunk flexion/rotation/sidebend
- Transverse abdominus
- Hold internal organs in place, trunk flexion
147Abdominal muscles
150Muscles of Posterior Trunk
- Erector Spinae
- Iliocostalis
- Longissimus
- Spinalis
- Multifidis
- Rotators
- Long short
- All do trunk extension and some rotation
151Muscles of the back
152Erector Spinae
153Erector Spinae
154Erector Spinae
156Muscles of the Shoulder
- Sternomastoid (sternocleidomastoid)
- Attaches sternum clavicle to mastoid process
- Neck flexion, rotation to same side
- Pectoralis Major
- Attaches from sternum to humerus
- Adduction of shoulder, horizontal flexion
- Pectoralis minor
- Attaches ribs 3-5 to coracoid process
- Shoulder depression
158Pectoralis Major Minor
159Muscles of the Shoulder
- Trapezius
- Attach from skull to 12T vertebrae to clavicle,
spine of scapula acromion process - Shoulder (scapular) elevation, retraction,
depression - Rhomboid Major Minor
- Attach from lower cervical/upper thoracic
vertebrae to medial border of scapula - Shoulder retraction
161Rhomboid Major Minor
162Muscles of the Shoulder
- Latissimus Dorsi
- Attach from lower 6 thoracic, lumbar and sacral
vertebrae to humerus - Shoulder extension, adduction, internal rotation
- Serratus Anterior
- Attaches upper 8 ribs runs back to attach on
medial (vertebral) border of scapula - Shoulder (scapular) retraction
163Latissimus Dorsi
164Serratus Anterior
165Serratus Anterior
166Serratus Anterior Rhomboids
167Muscles of the Shoulder
- Deltoid
- Attaches to the clavicle, spine of scapula,
acromion goes to the deltoid tuberosity on
lateral aspect of humerus - Shoulder abduction, some flexion, extension
169Muscles of shoulder
- Rotator cuff muscles
- Supraspinatus
- Infraspinatus
- Teres minor
- Subscapularis
170SITS muscles
- Supraspinatus
- External rotator attaches on supraspinous fossa
greater tuberosity - Infraspinatus
- External rotator attaches on infraspinous fossa
greater tuberosity - Teres minor
- External rotator attaches on lateral border of
scapula greater tuberosity - Subscapularis
- Internal rotator attaches on the subscapular
fossa to the lesser tubersoity
171Rotator Cuff Muscles
172Rotator Cuff Muscles Muscles
173Rotator Cuff
174Muscles of the shoulder
- Teres major
- Internal rotator
- Attaches from the inferior angle of scapula to
lesser tuberosity
175Teres Major
176Muscles of the Arm
- Biceps Brachii
- 2 heads, short arises on coracoid process, long
on the glenoid fossa attach on radial
tuberosity - Shoulder flexion, elbow flexion, supination
- Corobrachialis
- Coracoid process to mid humerus
- Shoulder flexion
- Brachialis
- Arises from lower half of humerus to ulnar
tuberosity - Elbow flexion
177Biceps brachii
180(No Transcript)
- Comes off the lower 1/3 of hunerus
- Attaches to the radial styloid process
- Flexes elbow
183Triceps Brachii
- Has 3 heads-long, lateral, medial
- Comes off the lateral part of glenoid fossa, the
posterior lateral part of humerus - Attaches on the olecranon fossa
- Elbow extension, some shoulder flexion
184Triceps Brachii
185Forearm Flexors
- Several muscles
- Found on anterior aspect of forearm
- Attach on the medial epicondyle of humerus
- Inserts on carpals, metacarpals phalanges
- Flexes elbow, wrist, fingers
186Forearm flexors
- Flexor carpi radialis
- Flexor carpi ulnaris
- Palmaris longus
- Pronator teres
- Flexor digitorum superficialis
- Flexor digitorum profundus
187Forearm Flexors
188Flexors of fingers
- Flexor digitorum superficialis attaches to the
middle phalange - Flexor digitorum profundus attaches to distal
phalange - Superficialis splits profundus goes through
that split
189Forearm Extensors
- Several muscles
- Found on posterior aspect of forearm
- Attach on the lateral epicondyle of the humerus
- Inserts on the carpals, metacarpals phalanges
- Flexes elbow, extends wrist fingers
190Forearm extensors
- Extensor carpi radialis longus
- Extensor carpi radialis brevis
- Extensor carpi ulnaris
- Extensor digitorum
- Supinator
191Forearm Extensors
192Joints motions of the body
- Neck
- Flexion, Extension Rotation, Lateral Flexion
(side bend) - Trunk
- Flexion, Extension, Rotation, Lateral flexion
(Side bend) - Shoulder
- Flexion, Extension, Internal External
rotation, Abduction Adduction,
Horizontal/Transverse flexion, circumduction
193Joints and motions
- Elbow
- Flexion, Extension
- Wrist
- Flexion, Extension, Radial Deviation (abduction),
Ulnar deviation (Adduction) - Forearm (Radioulnar joint)
- Pronation, Supination
194Joints and Motions
- Metacarpalphalangeal (MP)
- Flexion, Extension, Abduction, Adduction
- Interphalangeal (PIP DIP)
- Flexion, Extension
195Joints motions
- Hip
- Flexion, Extension, Internal external Rotation,
Abduction, Adduction, Circumduction - Knee
- Flexion, Extension
- Ankle (and subtalar joint)
- Plantar flexion, dorsiflexion, inversion, eversion
196Joints and motions
- Metatarsalphalangeal (MP)
- Flexion, Extension, Abduction, Adduction
- Interphalangeal (PIP DIP)
- Flexion, Extension