Title: Yritys ja Korkeakoulututkimus2.11.2004EL
1Yritys ja Korkeakoulututkimus/2.11.2004/EL
- Solukkojärjestelmät ( 2 kalvoa )
- RD ( 5 kalvoa)
- Yhteistyö ( 1 kalvo)
- Yhteenveto (1 kalvo)
- Toiveita ( 1 kalvo )
2General View in Cellular Telecommunication
- Network assumptions
- High price erosion due to aggressive market share
battle - In mature Western European markets mobile
penetration has reached such high levels that it
is becoming increasingly difficult for operators
to find new market segments that they can address
in order to drive further growth in subscriber
numbers. The total subscription base in Western
Europe increased by less than 10 in both 2002
and 2003. - Increased MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator)
and service provider activity has led to an
increase in churn levels - GSM/ EDGE
- market growth continues, the world goes mobile
Voice traffic will increase in mobile networks
constantly also of GPRS mobiles is increasing
e.g. GSM/EDGE terminals arriving to volume
products. According to the GSM Association, 76
network operators in 50 countries have committed
to deploying EDGE. - Operators in developing countries have reported
good net profits.. Net operating revenue for the
last periods increased in Africa, Russia, India,
China, Middle east etc. areas. - Voice data portion in ARPU (Average Revenue per
User) is changing. - WCDMA
- During the year 2004 around 60 commercial 3 G
networks will be opened - Mobile video has quietly emerged much more
rapidly than many in the industry predicted,
spurring a raft of mobile video ads as operators
try to pick up valuable 'early adopters' that
generate significant revenues per user. - Mobile
- Mobile networks are best positioned to provide
required variety of services. - Data services via mobile vs. wire line (DSL)?
cost, speed, mobility, security and roaming - WLAN and mobile networks complement each other in
multi-access environment ( IEEE802.xx )
3Nokia Cellular Networks
GGSN Internet(TCP/IP)
Packet Core
CS Core
Services supported by network must also be
supported by user equipments !!
4RD Terms
RD can be divided into four types of activity
basic, applied, product and process research ?
basic research is original experimental work
without a specific commercial aim, a type of
research done more frequently at universities
than at corporations ? applied research is
original experimental work with a specific
aimits results can distinguish one company from
another ? product research involves the
improvement and extension of existing products
and is more on the development side of RD ?
process research is the development of new or
improved processes, such as development, quality
and manufacturing processes, and is typically
done in parallel with product of development work.
5RD contd what is visible!
Product Research and Development involves new
products, the improvement and extension of
existing products
- Process Research and Development
- involves the development of new or improved
processes, such as - -design flow,
- -quality and
- -manufacturing
- processes
Applied research is experimental work with a
specific aimits results can distinguish several
Basic Research is experimental work without a
specific commercial aim, a type of research done
more frequently at universities than at
6RD contd Nokia
- Threat
- Technology discontinuity, which may cause a major
change in the way we are used to think about,
design, and implement technologies, or manage
technology supply chain. - It might originate from the technology field or
from a new business model that changes the
strategic power balance
Business Units Technology Platform module
System Research In applied research we want to
understand the impact of the technology on our
current products, architectures and platforms,
processes, and competencies.
RD in Nokia
Co-operation with several research institutes
Research NRC, etc.
Towards new and improved products and solutions
- Innovations (invention implementation)
- the technology, concept, process, or service with
which we have the potentiality to produce
entirely new set of features or product concepts,
major improvements in business - critical parameters (reliability/quality, cost,
size, usability, IPR )
7RD contd / Activity Timelines
- Continuous development Starting with technology
vision strategy, technology maps and technology
BU Program work Feasibilities transfer
Research validation
Technology Roadmapping
Standardisation, Industry initiatives,
Technology research strategy vision
New research strategy portfolio
BU Technology Strategy Vision
New technology feasibility studies New
technology validation and transfer
Module Renewal
Module Programs
Previous strategy defined applied research
Product Renewal
Product Projects/programs
8? Product Research involves the improvement and
extension of existing products and is more on the
development side of RD
RD contd - Example of Product development
- As can be seen in the Portelligent table
- UMTS phones introduced in 2003 substantially
exceeded W-CDMA/FOMA and high-end CDMA2000
products in average IC count and total electronic
component count, - 2004 UMTS handsets bring overall component count
to a much more comparable level, and have
actually lowered average IC count below that of
the feature-rich FOMA phones that NTT DoCoMo has
introduced in Japan this year.
9Co-operation Areas ?
- WCDMA GSM/EDGE architecture
- Optical interface,
- next generation high capacity radio
- PA modules, linearization, MCPA
- High capacity towards IP and 4G
- Turbo coding, Linearization
- 3G Ethernet based Transport
- 3.x 4G implementation architectures and
enabling technologies - B3G, 3.5G 4G radios
- Challenger technologies 4G contribution
- Multi computing, system studies
- Technology feasibilities
- Material Optimization
- Next generation high speed interfaces
- Antenna Line Component Optimization
- A seek for top global talent an attractive
environment in which to work - and to live
- RD hot spots with existing network of relevant
scientific and technological expertise - Good links to to academic research an
environment where innovations are supported and
easily commercialized - RD costs are important
- Environment
- Quality of the countrys education
- How to arrange intellectual property rights (IPR)
the way to protect proprietary innovations - Adapt technology to local markets where the
mass markets are, also RD tends to follow - if so how to enable effective collaboration
between international RD teams and collaborators
11Summary contd
- In Finland research know-how, countrys education
and co-operation are the basic power to survive
in future competition - Creativity in industrial environment is based on
knowledge. New ideas are built on the knowledge
base a person or a research centre has acquired. - Good atmosphere which supports creativity.
- In good atmosphere both people and the team feel
motivated. - In business it is important to network. One has
to know what is happening on the field of
interest. This includes also knowing what other
players are doing. Collaboration is essential in
innovating new products and services. - Expertise is the top attraction for global
research a challenge for global research and
development to create environment, which supports
relevant scientific and technological expertise,
networking as well as birth and growth of
spin-off enterprises. - Focus research ( on the long term), but
flexibility and speed are essential - Follow trends according to industry needs
- RD success System and project management is the
key - execution can be done in many places but
leadership needs to come from one location