Title: Presentazione di PowerPoint
1Sacca di Goro lagoon
UPAR-DES Pierluigi Viaroli, Gianmarco Giordani,
Antonio Bodini, Cristina Bondavalli, Martina
Austoni, Mariachiara Naldi, Marco Bartoli JRC
José Manuel Zaldivar, Dimitar Marinov, Francesca
Somma, Nick Murray FERRARA Silvano Bencivelli,
Paola Magri UNISI Chiara Mocenni, Loredana
2(No Transcript)
3SITE MEETINGS Scenario definition and DSS
prototype for the Sacca di Goro lagoon. Ispra, 1
June 2005 Participants JRC, Parma,
Siena Scenario finalisation, DSS implementation
and first runs for the Sacca di Goro site. Parma
22 July 2005 Participants JRC, Ferrara, Parma,
June 2005. Early Warning System for onset of
rapid proliferation of macroalgal species of
potential risk to aquaculture and human health
(Chaired by Ferrara)
4Incoming meetings with end users and
stakeholders 21 October 2005, Castello Estense,
Ferrara Monitoring activities and water quality
assessment in the Sacca di Goro lagoon 11
November 2005, Castello Estense,
Ferrara Modelling tools for the Sacca di Goro
Mamangement 2 December 2005, Town Hall,
Goro Presentation and demonstration of the first
version of the Sacca di Goro DSS
5International Meetings and Conference UNESCO-Man
and the Biosphere Programme, European MARS
Network, EU NoE MARBEF Expert meeting on
Ecological science and biosphere reserves to
help nature conservation practitioners and
society to set priorities in coastal and marine
areas in Europe UNESCO ROSTE, Palazzo Zorzi,
Venice (Italy) 12-14 May 2005. LOICZ II
Inaugural Open Science Meeting, Egmond aan Zee,
Netherlands, 27-29 June 2005 http//www.loicz.org/
conference ASLO Summer Meeting 2005, June 19-24,
2005. Santiago de Compostela, Spain
6- Synthesis of research and monitoring programmes
(1987-2003) - Viaroli P., G. Giordani, M. Bartoli, M. Naldi, R.
Azzoni., D. Nizzoli, I. Ferrari, J. M. Zaldívar,
S. Bencivelli, G. Castaldelli, E.A. Fano, 2004.
The Sacca di Goro lagoon and an arm of the Po
river. In P.J. Wangersky, The handbook of
Environmental Chemistry, Vol. 5, Water Pollution
estuaries (accepted) - Nutrient limitation and internal controls
- Viaroli P., M. Bartoli, R. Azzoni, G. Giordani,
C. Mucchino C., M. Naldi, D. Nizzoli, L. Tajé,
2004. Nutrient and iron limitation to Ulva blooms
in an eutrophic coastal lagoon (Sacca di Goro,
Italy). Hydrobiologia 550 - Azzoni R., G. Giordani, M. Bartoli, P. Viaroli,
2004. Iron-sulfur-phosphorus interactions
implications for sediment buffering capacity in
a mediterranean eutrophic lagoon (Sacca di Goro,
Italy). Hydrobiologia 550 - Interactions between clam/mussel farming and
ecosystem health - Nizzoli D., M. Bartoli, P. Viaroli, 2004. Oxygen
and inorganic nitrogen dynamics during a farming
cycle of the bivalve Tapes philippinarum.
Hydrobiologia 550 - Nizzoli D., D.T. Welsh, M. Bartoli, P. Viaroli,
2004. Impacts of mussel (Mytilus
galloprovincialis) farming on oxygen consumption
and nutrient recycling in a eutrophic coastal
lagoon. Hydrobiologia (in press) - Nizzoli D., D.T. Welsh, E.A. Fano, P. Viaroli,
2004. Impact of clam and mussel (Tapes
philippinarum and Mytilus galloprovincialis)
farming on benthic metabolism and nitrogen
cycling, with emphasis on nitrate reduction
pathways. Marine Ecology progress Series
7Modelling Zaldívar, J. M., Cattaneo, E., Plus,
M., Murray, C. N., Giordani. G. and Viaroli, P.,
2003, Long-term simulation of main biogeochemical
events in a coastal lagoon Sacca di
Goro(Northern Adriatic Coast, Italy). Continental
Shelf Research, 23 1847-1875. Zaldívar, J. M.,
Plus, M., Murray, C.N., Giordani, G., Viaroli,
P., 2003. A discrete stage-based model coupled
with a continuous biogeochemical model
Management of clams (Tapes philippinarum) in
Sacca di Goro. EUR Report n. 20561EN. Marinov,
D., Zaldivar, J. M. and Norro, A. 2004.
Hydrodynamic investigation of Sacca di Goro
Coastal Lagoon (Po river delta, Italian Adriatic
sea shoreline). EC, JRC. EUR report 21178 EN.
April. pp 79. Marinov, D., Norro, A. and
Zaldívar, J. M., 2004. Application of COHERENS
model for hydrodynamic investigation of Sacca di
Goro coastal lagoon (Italian Adriatic Sea shore).
Ecological Modelling (in press). Zaldívar, J.
M., Somma, F., Bouraoui, F., Austoni, M.,
Giordani, G., Viaroli, P. and Plus, M., 2004.
Preliminary study of spatio-temporal data
analysis tools for the management of coastal
lagoons. TN n I.04.75, EC, JRC Galbiati, L.,
Bouraoui, F., Elorza, F. J., Bidoglio, G., 2004.
Modelling diffuse pollution loading into a
Mediterranean lagoon. Ecological Modelling (in
press). Marinov, D.,Zaldívar, J. M., Norro, A.,
Giordani, G. and Viaroli, P., 2005. Integrated
modelling in coastal lagoons Part B.Lagoon
model. Sacca di Goro case study. EUR report n
21558/2. EC. JRC.pp 90. Marinov, D.,Zaldívar, J.
M., Galbiati, L., Bouraoui, F., Sena, F., Elorza,
F. J., Norro, A., Giordani, G. and Viaroli, P.,
2005. Integrated modelling in coastal lagoons
Part CCoupling watershed-lagoon model. Sacca di
Goro case study. EUR report n 21558/3. EC. JRC.pp
8Indicator development Austoni M., G. Giordani, G.
Castaldelli, J.M. Zaldívar, D. Marinov, P.
Viaroli, 2004. Application of the LOICZ
Biogechemical Model to the Sacca di Goro lagoon,
Northern Adriatic Sea region. LOICZ Report
Studies 28 Viaroli P., Christian R.R., 2003.
Description of trophic status of an eutrophic
coastal lagoon through potential oxygen
production and consumption defining
hyperautotrophy and dystrophy. Ecological
Indicators 3 237-250. Viaroli, P., Bartoli,M.,
Giordani, G., Magni, P., Welsh, D.T.
Biogeochemical indicators as tools for assessing
sediment quality/vulnerability in transitional
aquatic ecosystems. Aquatic Conservation Marine
and Freshwater Ecosystem 14 S14-S29 Zaldívar,
J. M., Viaroli, P., Bodini, A., Austoni, M.,
Carletti, A., De Leo, G. and Giordani. G., 2003.
Intercomparison analysis Bioindicators and
approaches leading to descriptive values of
ecosystem health in coastal lagoons. TN n
I.03.125. EC. JRC. pp 40. Zaldívar, J. M.,
Austoni, M., Plus, M., De Leo G. A., Giordani, G.
and Viaroli, P., 2005. Ecosystem health
assessment and bioeconomic analysis in coastal
lagoons. Handbook of Ecological Indicators for
Assessment of Ecosystem Health edited by Sven E.
Jorgensen, Fu-Liu Xu and Robert Costanza. CRC
Press, ISBN 1566706653. pp 448. Scenario
analysis Zaldívar J.M. , P. Viaroli, B. Mostajir
and G. Giordani, 2005. Impacts of Climate Change
on Mediterranean Coastal lagoons, pag. 106-115.
In S. Eisenreich (Ed.) Climate Change and the
European Water Dimension. EUR report n 21553 EN.
EC.JRC. pp 253.
9Dissemination activities Murray C.N., J. M.
Zaldívar, G. Giordani and P. Viaroli (Eds.),
2003. Proceedings of the International Conference
on Southern European Coastal Lagoons The
Influence of River Basin-Coastal Zone
interactions. Special Publication No.I.03.136
http//www.dsa.unipr.it/lagunet Giordani G., P.
Viaroli, D. P. Swaney, C. N. Murray, J. M.
Zaldivar and J. J. Marshall Crossland (eds),
2005. Nutrient fluxes in transition zones of the
Italian Coast. LOICZ REPORTS STUDIES No. 28.
SEE http//www.dsa.unipr.it/lagunet Viaroli P.,
Mistri M., Troussellier M., Guerzoni S., Cardoso
A.C., (eds) 2005. Structure, functions and
ecosystem alterations in Southern European
coastal lagoons. Hydrobiologia 550 Giordani G.,
Zaldìvar J.M., Murray N., Bencivelli S., Magri
P., Viaroli P., 2005. Ricerche e strategie per
lanalisi e il controllo delle acque di
transizione network nazionali, progetti
regionali e osservatori globali. Proceedings of
the conference held during the Lagune dItalia
meeting, Goro, 11 September 2004. Basset A.,
Sabetta L., Fonnesu A., Mouillot D., Do Chi T.,
Viaroli P., Giordani G., Reizopoulou S., Abbiati
M., Carrada G.C., 2005. Typology in Mediterranean
transitional waters new challenges and
perspectives. Aquatic Conservation, Marine and
Freshwater Ecosystems (in press).
10Meetings with end users and stakeholders 14
November 2003 Visit of the DITTY partners in
the Sacca di Goro lagoon with Councillors of the
Goro Municipality and the Province of Ferrara and
representatives of the two major associaton of
fisherman 30 March 2004 - Meeting of the groups
working in the Sacca di Goro lagoon 22 May 2004
- Meeting with end users of the Sacca di Goro
lagoon for Scenario identification 11 September
2004 Presentation of DITTY project in the
annual meeting of the event Lagoons of
Italy 11 February 2005 meeting with
stakeholders for economical analyses