From the 9th to 13th centuries, Bagan was the capital of the Kingdom of Pagan, the first kingdom to unify the regions that would later constitute modern Myanmar. During the kingdom's height between the 11th and 13th centuries, over 10,000 Buddhist temples, pagodas and monasteries were constructed in the Bagan plains alone, of which the remains of over 2200 temples and pagodas still survive to the present day.
Mahesh Matta is the head chef of a popular Mumbai-based restaurant ‘Desi Swaad’ and the founder of the acclaimed charitable food organization called ‘Mahesh Matta Sanda Wellness’
Mahesh Matta is the head chef of a popular Mumbai-based restaurant ‘Desi Swaad’ and the founder of the acclaimed charitable food organization called ‘Mahesh Matta Sanda Wellness’.
Digital Marketing, likewise called web-based showcasing, is the advancement of Mahesh Matta Sanda Wellness brands to interface with potential clients utilizing the web and different types of computerized correspondence.
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Title: Slide 1 Author: Sanda Last modified by: Darko Grundler Created Date: 6/22/2003 2:04:14 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show Other titles
Veleprodajno i maloprodajno poslovanje Renko Model pet konkurentskih snaga Industrijska struktura Pregovara ka mo dobavlja a Sna na marka ...
Thermal flows along the south-eastern Adriatic EGU2009-1561 Maja Teli man Prtenjak & Sanda ivanovi Department of Geophysics, Faculty of Science, University of ...
With input from Gretchen Gano, Sanda Ionescu, Jim Jacobs, Nancy McGovern, Wendy ... University of Surrey, United Kingdom. Swedish Social Science Data Service (SSD) ...
Title: Slide 1 Author: Sanda Last modified by: Darko Grundler Created Date: 9/21/2003 4:57:31 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show Other titles
Title: PowerPoint Presentation Author: Sanda Last modified by: Laptop Created Date: 10/12/2004 10:18:16 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show
Takako Sanda, Xiaoming Fu, Seong-Ho Jeong, Jukka Manner and Hannes Tschofenig ... Topics were divided into two categories, Main' and Further Study' ...
Change Management: Myth and Reality Sanda Ionescu Failure Rates 2/3 of change initiatives fail 3 types of ...
1. Panasonic. Pre CRN discovery from proxy on candidate new path. Takako Sanda and Toyoki Ue ... Panasonic. Open issues. How it works with QoS-NSLP ? ...
Takako Sanda, Xiaoming Fu, Seong-Ho Jeong, Jukka Manner and Hannes Tschofenig ... One out of all cases are explained in detail, and others are explained ...
Mahesh Matta sanda wellness is an Indian celebrity chef. A Chef by profession, he has successfully donned the roles of television program Host, Author and Contributor to varied magazines and a Restaurant Consultant. he’s nicknamed as “Sanda Wellness Chef” due to his kinship to travels.
Victoria Falls town is located northwest of its province, in front of the borders with Zambia, separated from it by the Zambezi River and the binational Victoria Falls. It lies few km from the Zambian city of Livingstone, and is surrounded by the Zambezi, Mosi-oa-Tunya and Victoria Falls national parks
STATISTICAL LANGUAGE MODELS FOR CROATIAN WEATHER-DOMAIN CORPUS Lucia Na inovi , Sanda Martin i -Ip i and Ivo Ip i Department of Informatics, University of ...
Zimbabwe, officially the Republic of Zimbabwe, formerly Rhodesia is a landlocked country located in Southern Africa, between the Zambezi and Limpopo Rivers. The capital and largest city is Harare. A country of roughly 14 million people, Zimbabwe has 16 official languages, with English, Shona, and Ndebele the most common.
Victoria Falls is a town in the province of Matabeleland North, Zimbabwe. It lies on the southern bank of the Zambezi River at the western end of Victoria Falls themselves. The Zambezi is the fourth-longest river in Africa and the largest flowing into the Indian Ocean from Africa. The area of its basin is 1,390,000 square kilometres slightly less than half of the Nile's. Zambezi is a great way to relax and experience a beautiful African sunset while sipping your Zambezi lager.
Victoria Falls town is located northwest of its province, in front of the borders with Zambia, separated from it by the Zambezi River and the bi-national Victoria Falls.
Puebla, formally Heroica Puebla de Zaragoza and also known as Puebla de los Ángeles, is the seat of Puebla Municipality, the capital and largest city of the state of Puebla, and one of the five most important Spanish colonial cities in Mexico. A colonial era-planned city, it is located in (southern) Central Mexico on the main route between the capital, Mexico City, and Mexico's main Atlantic port, Veracruz—about 100km east southeast of Mexico City and about 220 km west of Veracruz. The city was founded in 1531 in an area called Cuetlaxcoapan, which means "where serpents change their skin", in between of two of the main indigenous settlements at the time, Tlaxcala and Cholula
Slideshow with my own photos taken during the trips to Mexico. Lângă Cholula, biserica Santa Maria Tonantzintla, acoperită în exterior cu plăci de ceramică de Talavera bordo cu romburi albastre şi steluţe albe, asimetrică, este incredibil decorată în interior având pereţii acoperiţi cu reliefuri colorate ţipător şi sculpturi „naive”. Tot în stil baroc mexican este şi biserica San Francisco de Acatepec
Situated on the border between Zimbabwe and Zambia, between the cities of Victoria Falls and Livingstone, was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1989 Situată la graniţa dintre Zimbabwe şi Zambia, între oraşele Victoria Falls şi Livingstone, Cascada Victoria a fost declarată în anul 1989 monument al naturii UNESCO Cascada este numită de către băştinaşii Kolo Mosi-oa-Tunya „Fumul tunător“, iar numele reprezintă ceaţa provenită din pulverizarea apei, care se ridică până la 30 de m înălţime, fiind vizibilă de la o distanţă de 30 km
Puebla (formally Heróica Puebla de Zaragoza and also known as Puebla City), is the capital and largest city of the state of Puebla, and one of the five most important Spanish colonial cities in Mexico. Due to its history and architectural styles ranging from Renaissance to Mexican Baroque, the city was named a World Heritage Site in 1987. The city is also famous for mole poblano, chiles en nogada and Talavera pottery. However, most of its economy is based on industry.
Perfume River (Huong Giang) is a local river that crosses the heart of Hue city. Perfume River is like a gorgeous fairy hair, a symbol of Hue imperial city. It takes an important part of Fengshui in the architecture of the Nguyen Dynasty. The Perfume River is the inspiration for a lot of artists and musicians to compose. Moreover, It is the soul of Hue and the locals. Nearly 30 km long, the origin of its name "Perfume River” is mainly because flowers (Acorus calamus) from upstream orchards dropping into the water during the autumn has created a strong floral sense for the river. It is a must-do to take a dragon boat along the Perfume River to enjoy the fresh air as well as the breathtaking views of nature on both sides of the romantic River.
Tu Cam Thanh (Forbidden citadel): Located inside the Imperial City, behind the Throne Palace, the Forbidden Purple City is reserved for Emperor and his family. Constructed early in Emperor Gia Long’ reign in 1804 with brick walls 3.72m high, 0,72 m thick, about 1,230 m in circumference. Its front and back sides are 324 m each while either left and right side is more than 290 m including 50 architectural constructions of different sizes and 7 gates for facilities of entrance and exit. Dai Cung Mon (the Great Place Gate) is in the front side for Kings. Can Chanh Palace (the place for every day working of Emperors). Can Thanh (Emperor's Private Palace), Khon Thai Residence (Queen's Private Apartment) reserved for the Queen. Duyet Thi Duong house (Royal Theatre), Thuong Thien (the kitchen for the King' food), Thai Binh Lau (King's reading room)
Phu Thao Nhi, restaurant at Hue Vietnamese cuisine is a style of cooking derived from Vietnam with fish sauce, soy sauce, rice, fresh herbs, fruits and vegetables all commonly used. Vietnamese recipes utilize a diverse range of herbs, including lemongrass, mint, Vietnamese mint, long coriander and Thai basil leaves. Traditional Vietnamese cooking is greatly admired for freshness of the ingredients and for the healthy eating style.The most common meats used in Vietnamese cuisine are beef, pork, chicken, fish, and various kinds of seafood. The Vietnamese also have a strong vegetarian tradition influenced by Buddhist and Chinese values
Slideshow with my own photos taken during the trips to Mexico. Santa María Tonantzintla is a church in Cholula, Puebla, Mexico. The church is valued for its decoration in what is called folk or indigenous Baroque. The church was initially built in the 16th century and developed over four phases until the 19th century. Decoration include pre-Hispanic elements such as dark skinned angels, others with blond hair and blue eyes, niches with headdresses, tropical fruits and ears of corn. This area was sacred to Tonantzin, the mother goddess, and the Spanish replaced her with an image of the Virgin Mary.
Father Marko Ivan Rupnik is a Slovenian Jesuit theologian, (born November 28, 1954), based in Rome, renowned for his stunning mosaics adorning churches at Fatima and Lourdes, in Rome or Milan, as well as the Pope's private chapel in Vatican. “Merciful like the Father” the logo for the Year of Mercy was also designed by Padre Rupnik. His latest work is the mosaics in the Orthodox Church of Transfiguration in Cluj -Napoca Romania Marko Rupnik says: “The world is understood only in light. Things, objects, nature and man himself are only understood in the light. According to the Creator and His Wisdom, the truth is the light of the world and all that exists. But man cannot look at the light. It would be too much! The source of light is behind and beyond. Here are the colors. The experience of light is the colors festival!”
In Hue, one among the sites that you should really pay a visit is Dong Ba Market, the significant place of interest inside the city. What consists in the attraction towards this market is the preservation of ancient distinctiveness. Tourists can see all the typical features of a traditional Vietnamese market, for example, the sampan landing, the bus station and the bazaars. Dong Ba market is considered as a paradise for snapshots of daily activities as well as for shopping with everything from souvenir items to bronze goods, Hue sesame sweetmeat, conical poem hats, just to name a few. Should you find interest in Vietnamese food or culture, you’d better come to explore this place (
Puebla de Zaragoza, Puebla de los Angeles este al patrulea oraş ca mărime în Mexic şi este capitala statului Puebla. Este un oraş puternic industrializat, are cca 1.600.000 de locuitori, aşezat la o altitudine de 2165 m şi are un climat temperat, semiumed. La 5 mai 1862 două mii de mexicani au luptat cu cei 6.000 de invadatori francezi în faimoasa “bătălie de la Puebla” condusă de generalul Ignatio Zaragoza Seguin şi de aceea preşedintele Benito Juárez a emis decretul de schimbare a numelui oraşului. Centrul oraşului a fost declarat patrimoniu universal UNESCO la 11 decembrie 1987
Palazzo Parisio is located in the heart of Naxxar, just opposite the church. Palazzo Parisio was built in the 19th century by Marquis Giuseppe Scicluna as his own private residence. The magnificent walled gardens of the Palazzo Parisio, Naxxar, rank among the finest in Malta and are the only privately-owned gardens open to the public. Classically Baroque in style, they are a charming mixture of Italian symmetry and Mediterranean colour and perfumes, with seasonal appeal all year round. Many exotic species including jacaranda and oleander, over 65 species of hibiscus, a vast collection of bougainvillea
One of the most exceptional ecological features from the Tehuacán-Cuicatlán valley is its columnar cacti forest, one of the highest concentrations of columnar cacti in the world. The Tehuacán-Cuicatlán biosphere reserve was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site on July 2, 2018. That Pachycereus weberi (called in the homelands Candelabro or Cardón Espinoso) a Kaktusart is, like many other kinds with similar stature Kandelaberkaktus one calls. This Kaktusart grows in Mexico endemically in the states Puebla, Guerrero, Morelos and Oaxaca. It is after the physician and Botaniker Fréderic A.C.Weber designated.
The city founded in 1486 by the troops of the Aztec emperor Ahuizotl, bore the name of Huaxyacac, which means "the place where los huajes grow " (a plant whose fruits sound like castanets and the dancers catch them around their legs) and was conquered by the Spaniards. in 1532. Today it is called Oaxaca de Juárez, it is the capital of the poorest state of Oaxaca in Mexico, and has 380,000 inhabitants. Oaxaca, 1545 m altitude Porfirio Diaz and Rufino Tamayo were born in Oaxaca
Sector for worship shrines of the King of the Nguyen dynasty: Trieu Mieu, Thai Mieu, Hung Mieu, The Mieu and Phung Tien place. These are the nine greatest bronze urns in Vietnam placed in the shade of the Hien Lam Pavilion, in front of the The Mieu Temple. They were cast by Emperor Minh Mang in 1836 to symbolize the sovereignty of the dynasty. Each of them is named after the posthumous title of the emperors worshipped in the Dynastic Temple. For example, Cao Urn is named after Emperor The To Cao (Gia Long), Nhan Urn after Emperor Thanh To Nhan (Minh Mang), Chuong, Anh, Nghi, Tuyen and Thuan Urns after Emperors Thieu Tri, Tu Duc, Kien Phuoc, Dong Khanh and Khai Dinh respectively. (Until 1958 only seven altars were established in The Temple corresponding to seven urns. Du and Huyen Urns did not exist yet.)
Located on the Mayan Train route and nestled in the heart of Maya culture, this charming city offers a unique experience where history and tradition intertwine. The city’s Historic Center, declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site, captivates visitors with its vibrant colonial houses, churches, and museums. Among the attractions of San Francisco de Campeche, the city’s walls stand as a testament to its historical past, offering a glimpse into its defensive history
Hoang Thanh (Royal Citadel): The Imperial City is located in the centre of the Citadel where established highest offices of Viet Nam's feudalism and sanctums honoring the cult of decreased Emperors. The Citadel, also has a nearly square form, with more than 600m long for each side, built of brick 4m high, 1m thick, around which is ditched a system of protection trench. Access to the Imperial City can be made by four entrance gates. Noon Gate is only used for the King. Royal Palace consists of more 100 beautiful constructional works divided many sectors. Further in, there are the halls of the mandarins on either end - military mandarins on one side and civil on the other. These halls were where the mandarins dressed in their ceremonial robes for royal functions. One of them had a small museum with elaborately embroidered robes on display.
Mérida is the capital of the Mexican state of Yucatán, and the largest city in southeastern Mexico. Mérida is also the cultural and financial capital of the Yucatán Peninsula. The city's rich cultural heritage is a product of the syncretism of the Maya and Spanish cultures during the colonial era. The Cathedral of Mérida, Yucatán was built in the late 16th century with stones from nearby Maya ruins and is the oldest cathedral in the mainland Americas
The temples of north Bali differ from those of the south. Every crevice of the temple in north Bali is gaily earned in curves flames and spirals, cascading a light ebullience everywhere. A fine example of this northern style in Pura Beji (Beji Temple) in the village of Sangsit, the district of Sawan, Singaraja. Pura Beji, a subak temple dedicated to Dewi Sri, goddess of agriculture. Naga snake form the balustrade of splendid gate way fantastic beasts and devilish guardians appear from the entangled flora. Rows of stone towers set maze of pink sandstone. The court yard is spacious and decorated only by a few frangipani trees.
Călătorim în Mexic. Agua Azul, tumbalá: la numai 133 km de oraşul San Cristóbal de las Casas, râul Agua Azul prezintă o serie de cataracte care formează lacuri naturale adăpostite de discuri calcaroase. Vizităm apoi Misol Há, cădere de apă de la 40 metri înălţime
Slideshow with my own photos taken during the trips to Mexico. Teotihuacan is an enormous archaeological site in the Basin of Mexico, containing some of the largest pyramidal structures built in the pre-Columbian Americas. Apart from the pyramidal structures, Teotihuacan is also known for its large residential complexes, the Avenue of the Dead, and numerous colorful, well-preserved murals.
Mérida is the capital of the Mexican state of Yucatán, and the largest city in southeastern Mexico. Mérida is also the cultural and financial capital of the Yucatán Peninsula. The city's rich cultural heritage is a product of the syncretism of the Maya and Spanish cultures during the colonial era. The Cathedral of Mérida, Yucatán was built in the late 16th century with stones from nearby Maya ruins and is the oldest cathedral in the mainland Americas
“A visit to Hue would not be complete without a boat excursion on the gentle Perfume River, or else you cannot feel the romance of Hue”. The Perfume River (Vietnamese: Huong Giang) is a river that crosses the capital city of Hue, in the central Vietnam. Perfume or Huong River is around 80 kilometers long, and owes its name to the fact that it flows through many forests of aromatic plants before reaching Hue, bringing with it a pure and fresh aroma.