Title: Malta 10 Naxxar Palazzo Parisio4
Palazzo Parisio Naxxar
2Palazzo Parisio is located in the heart of
Naxxar, just opposite the church. Palazzo Parisio
was rebuilt in the 19th century by Marquis
Giuseppe Scicluna as his own private residence.
The magnificent walled gardens of the Palazzo
Parisio rank among the finest in Malta and are
the only privately-owned gardens open to the
public. They have a classic baroque style that
combines symmetry and Mediterranean flowers all
year long.
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4Ceiba speciosa, palo borracho (in Spanish
literally drunken stick). It belongs to the same
family as the baobab and the kapok and sometimes
reaches more than 25 metres (82 ft) in height.
The cotton inside the fruit pods, although not of
as good quality as that of the kapok tree, has
been used as stuffing (density 0.27 g/cm³),
soft and flexible, and is employed in packaging,
to make canoes, as wood pulp to make paper, and
in ropes.
5Ceiba speciosa is studded with thick conical
prickles which serve to store water for dry
times. In younger trees, the trunk is green due
to its high chlorophyll content, which makes it
capable of performing photosynthesis when leaves
are absent with age it turns to gray.
Ceiba speciosa
6Ceiba speciosa
7Ceiba speciosa
8Ceiba speciosa The floss silk tree is cultivated
mostly for ornamental purposes
9Ceiba speciosa is added to some versions of the
hallucinogenic drink Ayahuasca
10Ceiba speciosa
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12Ceiba speciosa
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17Cortaderia selloana
18Cortaderia selloana, commonly known as pampas
grass, is a flowering plant native to southern
South America, including the pampas after which
it is named. It is a tall grass, growing in dense
tussocks that can reach a height of 3 m (10 ft)
19Cortaderia selloana was introduced to Europe,
North America and Australia as an ornamental
grass, and, to a lesser extent, to provide food
for grazing animals. The feathery flower head
plumes, when dried, are widely used in flower
arrangements and other ornamental displays.
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25Cortaderia selloana
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27Free to visit the gardens but two restaurants,
the informal Caffé Luna and, for fine dining,
Luna de Sera, help pay the bills.
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29Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
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31Exotic species grow in the gardens as well as a
large collection of hybrid Hibiscus, with over 60
plants of various colours
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
32Hibiscus plants are members of the Malva family,
Malvaceae. This plant family includes more than
200 species of annual and perennial plants
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42A wall surrounds the gardens keeping it private,
peaceful and tranquil. The gardens at Palazzo
Parisio is maintained by a complex water and
irrigation system keeping the gardens beautiful
and green all year round.
43Text Internet Pictures Sanda Foisoreanu
Gabriela Cristescu Internet All
copyrights belong to their respective owners
Presentation Sanda Foisoreanu
Sound Enrico Musiani - Piccolo Fiore
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