Title: Vietnam Hue Oras Imperial 4
1TemplulTo Mieu
Hué oras imperial
2Templul To Mieu The Mieu, also known as The To
Mieu is a temple to worship of the Nguyen Dynasty
emperors with the location in the southwest of
the Imperial Citadel
3Complexul To Mieu
Pavilionul Hien Lam
Complexul Templului To Mieu a fost restaurat
recent. În Templu se afla altarele dedicate
fiecarui împarat, pe care se afla fotografiile
acestora. Templul era folosit pentru ceremoniile
de aniversare a deceselor, dar în timpurile
imperiale accesul femeilor era cu desavârsire
Complexul Templului To Mieu, dedicat memoriei
Împaratilor din dinastia Nguyen, este format din
Templul propriu zis, Pavilionul Hien Lam, Cele
noua Urne Dinastice si câteva constructii mai
mici. Temples in Vietnam are often used
specifically for ancestor worship, as opposed to
pagodas, which are more general religious
structures. The To Mieu Temple was constructed by
Emperor Minh Mang in 1821 in commemoration of
former emperors of the Nguyen Dynasty. The
imposing three-tiered Hien Lam Pavilion sits on
the south side of the complex it dates from 1824
4Templul To Mieu
5Templul To Mieu
6Internet image
Internet image
The solemn To Mieu Temple, housing shrines to
each of the emperors, topped by their photos.
Between these two temples are Nine Dynastic Urns
(dinh) cast between 1835 and 1836, each dedicated
to one Nguyen sovereign.
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8În epoca coloniala franceza doar noua împarati au
fost comemorati aici
9Altarele pentru cei trei împarati a caror
cinstire a fost interzisa în perioada franceza
(Ham Nghi, Thanh Thai si Duy Tan) au fost
adaugate în 1959.
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19În toate Templele si lacasurile de cult se intra
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21Pavilionul Hiem Lan
22Pavilionul Hien Lam
The drum tower
23Doi dragoni sunt închisi în custile rosii care
par cabine telefonice Two dragons are locked in
red cages that look like telephone booths
The bell tower
The large yard in Bat Trang tiles (a famous
pottery brand in Vietnam during that time).
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25Cele noua Urne Dinastice (Dinh) care simbolizeaza
puterea si stabilitatea dinastiei au fost turnate
în anii 1835-1836, fiecare fiind dedicata unui
suveran. Ele au circa doi metri înaltime si o
greutate între 1900 si 2600 de kilograme Nine
Dynastic Urns (dinh) cast between 1835 and 1836,
each dedicated to one Nguyen sovereign.
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33Main gate of The To Mieu, the Mieu Mon
34Main gate of The To Mieu, the Mieu Mon. The fact
that the gate has the Tam Quan, the typical
architecture style of Nguyen dynasty. In
addition, the roof is well-decorated with
colorful broken ceramics and wind bells making
the most elegant work of art during Nguyen era
35Aphanamixis polystachya, the pithraj tree, widely
used as a medicinal plant in Ayurveda
Fotografii ? Sanda Foisoreanu ?
Sanda Negrutiu ? Internet (slide1,
6) Prezentare Sanda Foisoreanu
Muzica ? Bao Yen - Song about Hué
? Hué Nha Nhac Cung Dinh
37Hanoi public art
Located in the southwest corner of the Imperial
Citadel, Mieu Thai To is a great temple complex
to worship emperors of the Nguyen Dynasty. The
place was built to worship Emperor Thai To Cao,
and maybe thats why it got the name Thai To
Mieu. Nowadays, it has become the place to
worship all Nguyen dynastys emperors. Though the
country underwent a turbulent past with several
wars, the temple complex was luckily kept intact.
Compared to other temples in Hue, it is
considered the most untouched temple.
38Hue Imperial City
was one of the most important political centres
of the country and tells a fascinating story
about the history of modern Vietnam
Huong Giang
Khai Dinh
Tu Duc
Khai Dinh
Huong Giang
Oras Imperial 2
Oras Imperial 3
Oras Imperial 1
Oras Imperial 4
Oras Imperial 5
Pagoda Thien Mu 1
Oras Imperial 6
Pagoda Thien Mu 2
Dong Ba Market