Title: Zimbabwe 4 Ilala lodge, Victoria Falls
3Laleaua de Gabon (Spathodea campanulata)
4Frangipani (plumeria)
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6Erythrina lysistemon A flamboyant member of the
pea family, this tree is also commonly known as
the coral tree, and umsinzi in Zulu. Its flowers
draw a myriad birds and insects with a penchant
for nectar, its bark is favoured by elephants,
and the leaves are munched by baboons, black
rhinos and assorted antelope. The flowering of
the lucky bean trees is an excellent indication
that its time to plant crops, while boiled bark
is an ingredient in many traditional medicines.
When the pods ripen and split, the rows of bright
red seeds that fall have long been regarded as
lucky charms, and are often incorporated into
adornments and jewelery
7Firecracker plant (Russelia equisetiformis) is a
weeping shrub
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15Thomas Baines (1822-1875), pictor, l-a însotit pe
David Livingstone si pe alti exploratori în
expeditiile africane, iar picturile lui au facut
cunoscuta lumii Cascada Victoria Thomas Baines
was an English artist and explorer of British
colonial southern Africa and Australia
16H.M.Stanley (exporator african) si servitorul sau
17J.H.Speke (explorator african)
18Dr. David Livingstone, primul european care a
ajuns (1855) la Cascada Victoria
19The decor in the main areas is evocative of times
past with old photographs and prints - you really
felt you were in Africa ...
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32You can hear the falls from the outside dining
33Acoperi? Straw roof
34Annatto (Bixa orellana, Achiote)
35Annatto (Bixa orellana, Achiote)
36Annatto (Bixa orellana, Achiote)
Fotografii ? Sanda
Foisoreanu ? Aurelia Saftiuc
? Lucia Buzdugan ? Sanda Negrutiu
Prezentare Sanda Foisoreanu
Fond muzical ? Oliver Mtukudzi - Ndima Ndapedza
? Miriam Makeba -