CLASSIFICATION OF PARASITES PROTOZOA HELMINTHS Unicellular Single cell for all functions Multicellular Specialized cells 1:Aoebae: move by pseudopodia.
Ameba: Formally Phylum Sarcodina R & J Ch 7 Protozoa with pseudopodia (or if not, distinct locomotive protoplasmic flow present). Mitochondria when present never in ...
... Chlorophyta Green Algae Spirogyra being eaten by a heterotroph Amoeba proteus-unicellular protozoan- Rhizopoda Rhizopoda amoebas-using pseudopodia Rhizopoda ...
amoebas that often use pseudopodia for food capture and locomotion ... Naegleria fowleri: a free living amoeba found in lakes and ponds that can cause ...
Generally absorb food through their cell membranes. Reproduce by binary fission or ... Phylum Sarcodina- amoeba. Look like microscopic jelly. Use pseudopodia ...
c. When the transformed cell divides, its daughter cells are cancerous cells too. ... extensions (pseudopodia) that enable them to move about (metastasis) malignant. ...
Genetic info NOT surrounded by membrane. There is no nucleus. Genome has less DNA ... Motility #2 = sessile (= attached) Motility #3 = pseudopodia (= 'false foot' ...
Autotrophs (PHS), heterotrophs (phagocytosis), parasitic (malaria) even ... Reproduce sexually by conjugation or by syngamy (gametes) Protista Facto! ...
Sporozoa Which scientists study fungi? Mycology Are important in the weathering process of rocks. lichen The tangled mass of hyphae that makes up the fungi s body.
Animal Like-Protista (Protozoa) All are unicellular heterotrophs. Nutrition by ingesting other organisms or dead organic material. Some organisms are parasitic, since ...
The Protozoans Ciliates Amoeboid Protozoans Flagellated Protozoans Kingdom Protozoa Defining Characteristics All are unicellular eukaryotes What is a prokaryote?
PROTISTS EUGLENA, AMOEBA, PARAMECIUM, VOLVOX What is a Protist? Kingdom Protista Very diverse single-celled organisms. Eukaryotic Less complex with many different ...
Algae Algae diverse simple mostly aquatic mostly photosynthetic Belong to the kingdom Protista Eukaryotic So they have a nucleus and membrane bound organelles ...
Title: Slide 1 Author: ITS Last modified by: ssiegel Created Date: 7/27/2004 1:36:11 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show Company: USCS Other titles
GENERAL PROTOZOOLOGY By Dr. Emad AbdElhameed Morad Lecturer of Medical Microbiology and Immunology Protozoa are Unicellular organisms. Structurally equivalent to a ...
PROTOZOA Marlia Singgih Wibowo Pendahuluan Protozoa berarti first animal , suatu bentuk sederhana kehidupan hewan Dapat hidup bebas di laut, air tawar ...
Introduction to Lab 6: Ex. Protozoa Introduction to Lab 6: Ex. Protozoa This lab exercise introduces a group of microorganisms that are called the Protozoa (proto ...
Kingdom Protista is subdivided into three subkingdoms The animal-like protists The plant-like protists ... phyla based on their method of locomotion Protozoan ...
... predict what will happen to water! Cell Structure and Function - Chapter 5 ... HIGH concentration of H ions. LOW concentration of H ions. Through the Membrane ...
Sporozoans Sporozoans are animal-like protists that have part of their life cycle inside the cells of their hosts. ... Phytophthora caused the potato blight in Ireland.
PROTISTS EUGLENA, AMOEBA, PARAMECIUM, VOLVOX What is a Protist? Kingdom Protista Very diverse single-celled organisms. Eukaryotic Less complex with many different ...
Lecture 3 The Living Foraminifera The protoplasm of a foraminiferid comprises a single cell differentiated into an outer layer of clear ectoplasm and an inner layer ...
Origin and Diversification of Eukaryotes: Protists Eukaryotic Cells Nucleus and membrane bound organelles Well developed cytoskeleton structural support that ...
* The Pathway of Protein Synthesis Figure 3.10 * Lysosomes Vesicles within the cytoplasm which contain ... pinocytosis or autophagy. Autophagy (self-eating) ...
Eukaryotic Pathogens: Algae and Protozoans What types of eukaryotic organisms are pathogenic, and how do they differ from bacteria? Algae: dinoflagellates and saxitoxin
Kingdom Protista Unicellular plants and animals General Information Protista, from the Greek protistos = first Diverse group Aka Algae & Protozoa Most are Unicellular ...
Kingdom Protista Unicellular plants and animals General Information Protista, from the Greek protistos = first Diverse group Aka Algae & Protozoa Most are Unicellular ...
Cells that are much more complex than normal animal cells. Characterized by the way they move ... often comprised of interwoven cells. Protozoans. 10/31/09. 48 ...
Title: Wonderful world of Fungi! Author: Department of Life Sciences Last modified by: Burchett, Greg Created Date: 4/6/2002 7:38:01 PM Document presentation format