TEKNIK PENULISAN BERITA Gaya Piramida Terbalik Gambar: KETERANGAN GAMBAR atau disebut anatomi berita Judul Berita (Headline) a) Berfungsi menolong pembaca yang ...
Cholula (statul Puebla) face parte din istoria însângerată a Mexicului, fiind celebră şi datorită „măcelului de la Cholula”. În anul 1519 Hernan Cortés intră în oraş şi „le dă o lecţie” locuitorilor, ucigând în numai două ore mai mult de 3.000 de localnici de oarece luptaseră împotriva lui. La Cholula a existat cea mai mare piramidă din lume, piramida Tepanapa, construită în cinstea lui Quetzalcoatl, şarpele cu pene de quetzal. Ea a fost ridicată în mai multe etape, până la anul 800 d.C. A fost distrusă aproape în totalitate de spaniolii care au construit în anul 1666 cu pietrele ei, deasupra, biserica Nostra Señora de los Remedios
TIPOVI ORGANIZACIJA OSNOVNA PITANJA Koliko podre enih mo ete samostalno kontrolirati? Opseg kontrole (strma i blaga piramida, 2-20 podre enih, ve i broj ...
Slideshow with my own photos taken during the trips to Mexico. Teotihuacan is an enormous archaeological site in the Basin of Mexico, containing some of the largest pyramidal structures built in the pre-Columbian Americas. Apart from the pyramidal structures, Teotihuacan is also known for its large residential complexes, the Avenue of the Dead, and numerous colorful, well-preserved murals.
Slideshow with my own photos taken during the trips to Mexico. Teotihuacan produced a thin orange pottery style that spread through Mesoamerica. The city and the archaeological site were located in what is now the San Juan Teotihuacán municipality in the State of México, Mexico, approximately 40 kilometres northeast of Mexico City. The site covers a total surface area of 83km² and was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987. It is one of the most visited archaeological sites in Mexico
Chichen Itza is a well-known Archaeological Site and more after being selected one of the New 7 Wonders of the World in July the 7th, 2007, one of the most visited archeological sites in Mexico. Chichén Itzá was one of the largest Maya cities and it was likely to have been one of the mythical great cities, or Tollans, referred to in later Mesoamerican literature. The city may have had the most diverse population in the Maya world, a factor that could have contributed to the variety of architectural styles at the site.
Title: EGIPTUL ANTIC Author: Gonzy Last modified by: Ana Created Date: 8/16/2006 12:00:00 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) Other titles
Yohanes Widodo Teknik Penulisan Berita Sebelum membicarakan mengenai teknik penulisan berita dalam media online atau cyberspace, perlu diingat lagi apa itu berita.
Uxmal is an ancient Maya city of the classical period located in present-day Mexico. It is considered one of the most important archaeological sites of Maya culture. It is located in the Puuc region of the western Yucatán Peninsula. It has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in recognition of its significance. Kabah is south of Uxmal, connected to that site by an 18 kilometres long raised causeway 5 metres wide with monumental arches at each end. Kabah is the second largest ruin of the Puuc region after Uxmal
Visoka astronomska znanja. Azteki. i . Maji . so poznali natan enpremer Venere (okrog12 100 km) intrajanje njenegasinodi nega leta - 584 dni(natan no583,82 dni)
EKOSISTEM Air di atmosfer berada dalam bentuk uap air. Uap air berasal dari air di daratan dan laut yang menguap karena panas cahaya matahari. Sebagian ...
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2. Ledvice uravnavajo ravnote je vode in kislinsko bazno ravnote je zunaj celi ne teko ine. pH zunaj celi ne teko ine je 7,4, uravnavata ga koncentraciji ...
ALIMENTELE I ROLUL LOR ALIMENTATIA S N TOAS . Educatie tehnologic Clasa a V-a DEFINIRE TERMEN ALIMENT orice produs natural sau preparat care furnizeaz ...
ARHITECTURA VIITORULUI CELE MAI UIMITOARE SI FANTASTICE PROIECTE DIN LUME Complex de locuinte - Dubai Hotel - Abu Dhabi Proiect nou - Dubai Technosphera Dubai ...
Dintre cele 7 ,,vechi minuni ale lumii, 6 nu mai exist ast zi. Ele au fost distruse de catastrofe naturale, de r utatea oamenilor,dar au disp rut i ...
EKOSISTEM Aditya Pusparajasa, S.Si Pencemaran Lingkungan Pencemaran lingkungan masuknya substansi-substansi berbahaya ke dalam lingkungan sehingga kualitas lingkungan ...
Title: No Slide Title Author: Zdenka Babic Last modified by: etf Created Date: 12/6/2000 7:43:18 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show Company
Managementul calitatii- Planificarea calit ii produselor i serviciilor 1.Definirea nivelului de calitate acceptat : cerin e privind calitatea, indici de ...
TIPOVI ORGANIZACIJA TIPOVI ORGANIZACIJA Funkcionalna organizacija Divizijska organizacija Matri na organizacija Virtualna (mre na) organizacija Bezgrani na ...
hubungan pemerintah pusat dan pemda (studi kasus provinsi nad dan papua) mata kuliah dinamika politik lokal semester genap dosen: ratri istania, sip, ma
Title: PowerPoint Presentation Last modified by: Carmen Document presentation format: On-screen Show Other titles: Arial Tahoma Wingdings Arial Black Franklin Gothic ...
DASAR-DASAR DEMOGRAFI Oleh Nugroho Susanto Sedangkan faktor penarik yang menyebabkan seseorang untuk bermigrasi yaitu: Adanya kesempatan kerja; Pendapatan lebih baik ...
Title: Slide 1 Author: User Last modified by: Windows Created Date: 10/6/2006 5:46:25 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show Company - Other titles
MANAJEMEN PRODUK & BRAND MBKI - Universitas Paramadina Siklus Hidup Produk (Product Life Cycle) Total industry profit (initially loss) Total industry sales Tahap ...
SWOT ANALYSIS SWOT Analysis Analisis SWOT akan memberikan informasi kepada manajer mengenai dimana posisi organisasi dalam persaingan. Analisis lingkungan usaha dan ...
masmardi (XI-1) 3.2 Membacakan berita dengan intonasi, lafal, dan sikap membaca yang baik (4jp) Tujuan Pembelajaran: Siswa dapat memahami ragam wacana ...
... Wykorzystanie najlepiej wykszta conych i do wiadczonych kadr (coaching, feedbeck, counselling, mentoring) ... mentoring, feedbeck, indywidualne cie ki ...
... Harley Close Range Photogrametry. Principles, Methods and ... Arial Calibri Times New Roman Motyw pakietu Office Bezparametryczna metoda wyznaczania ...
Perkembangan Teknologi Media Humas Dosen Drs. Octo Rianto, MM. Dosen Tetap Paruh Waktu URINDO Dosen Tidak Tetap FIS Univ. Negeri Jakarta. Dosen Tidak Tetap Univ ...
TUGAS IPS HUDA HELDIRIN NUSA 12 9F NEGARA MAJU Negara-negara di dunia yang: Standar hidup relatif tinggi Sektor industri mendominasi perekonomian negara Skor Indeks ...
Title: Slide 1 Author: STMIK-LIKMI Last modified by: COMPAQ Created Date: 11/4/2006 12:31:44 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) Company
Restless Legs Referaat Rob Rouhl 4 mei 2005 Restless Legs (RLS) In rust (meest s avonds en s nachts) onaangename sensaties in benen (soms armen) nopend tot ...
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... Lower-lower class MASYARAKAT EROPA Top class Academic middle class Economic middle class Workmen and formens class Underdog class ... A Strategy 1 _Generic 1_Post ...
Ginjal dilihat dari depan Sistem urinary adalah sistem organ yang memproduksi, menyimpan, dan mengalirkan urin. Pada manusia, sistem ini terdiri dari dua ginjal, dua ...