Title: Mexico Uxmal & Kabah, Yucatan
Cel mai restaurat sit arheologic maya, al carui
nume înseamna orasul construit de trei
ori Asezat în vecinatatea unor coline numite
puuc, care în limba maya înseamna lant muntos,
nume pe care ulterior l-a primit stilul
arhitecturii constructiilor din regiune, dintre
care cele mai frumoase se afla la Uxmal Uxmal is
an ancient Maya city of the classical period,
considered one of the most important
archaeological sites of Maya culture, along
with Palenque, Chichén, and Calakmul in Mexico,
Caracol and Xunantunich in Belize,
and Tikal in Guatemala. Considered one of the
Maya cities most representative of the region's
dominant architectural style, it has been
designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
de México !
3Hotel Mision Uxmal
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5Templul de pe Piramida Ghicitorului, piramida
ovala, singura de acest fel din zona maya, înalta
de 35 de metri Temple in the Adivino (a.k.a.
the Pyramid of the Magician or the Pyramid of the
Dwarf), a stepped pyramid structure, unusual
among Maya structures in that its layers'
outlines are oval or elliptical in shape, instead
of the more common rectilinear plan
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7The Adivino (a.k.a. the Pyramid of the
Magician or the Pyramid of the Dwarf)
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9The Pyramid of the Magician
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12Grand Pyramid at the ruins of the ancient Mayan
city Uxmal
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14Gran Pirámide The 30m-high, nine-tiered pyramid
has been restored only on its northern side
15La Uxmal exista un edificiu construit în anul
900, refacut în 1998, numit Casa Iguanei
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A set of four buildings surrounding a large
trapezoidal courtyard was named the Nunnery by
the Spanish because of the large number of small
"cells" in the buildings. The individual
buildings are constructed on platforms that rise
above the level of the courtyard. The buildings
were constructed at different times. Two smaller
structures, The Temple of Venus and one know
simply as Building Y, are at courtyard level, on
the east and west sides of the stairs leading to
the North Building
18Cadrilaterul Calugaritelor
19The decorative frieze above the lower story of
the buildings is different on each building
20The Governor's Palace at the Classic Maya city
of Uxmal
21The Governor's Palace
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23The orientation of the Governor's Palace at the
Classic Maya city of Uxmal can be related to the
extremes of the planet Venus on the horizon.
24The Adivino
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Se crede ca numele orasului însemna stapân cu
mâna grea si puternica, nume legat si de statuia
gasita la intrarea în zona arheologica, un
personaj care nu are trasaturi mayase si care
tine un sarpe în mâna Desi un oras mic se stie ca
a fost foarte important, fiind legat prin sac-bé
(calea sacra) cu o lungime de mai bine de 20 km,
de marele centru maya Uxmal precum si de alte
situri cu o importanta mai mica Kabah is south
of Uxmal, connected to that site by a 20
kilometres long raised causeway 5 metres (16
feet) wide with monumental arches at each end.
Kabah is the second largest ruin of
the Puuc region after Uxmal. Ruins extend for a
considerable distance on both sides of the
highway many of the more distant structures are
little visited. The area was inhabited from the
mid 3rd century BCE. Most of the architecture now
visible was built between the 7th century and
11th centuries CE
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29Internet image
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32Fotografii Sanda Foisoreanu Sanda
Potrovita Prezentare Sanda Foisoreanu
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