Low background gamma spectrometry at the Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane The LSM laboratory HPGe detectors development at LSM LSM HPGe detectors s performance
... dark matter research (EDELWEISS with Modane) and neutrinoless double beta decay ... EDELWEISS. ECFA. Jean Zinn-Justin, Dapnia. 12/05/06. 15. EXTREME STATES ...
Alphas below ... excited states at high energies of alphas are as at 6.5 MeV (overestimate ... 5.0 MeV alphas - Al2O3. 5.5 MeV alphas - Mg (natural) Modane, ...
detector TGV II is placed in Modane ... TGV spectrometer is running in Cd setup with ... without any sources in the TGV II spectrometer (1343 hours) ...
Introduction to the 'Cavities and vessels' session (by L. Mosca) 9h 10' Presentation of the Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane (15' 5') G. Gerbier (Saclay) ...
CENBG, IN2P3-CNRS et Universit de Bordeaux, France. Charles University, Praha, ... In Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane. 2 x 450 kg charcoal @ -50oC, 7 bars ...
Neutrino, Radioactivit et Datation des Vins Ph. Hubert, CEN Bordeaux-Gradignan Double d croissance b ta masse et nature du neutrino (Exp rience au LSM)
... School of Aeronautics and Astronautics AAE 520 Experimental Aerodynamics Principle Operation Detonation Driven Shock Tunnel Set- up and wave plan: ...
EDELWEISS-I last results EDELWEISS-II prospects. for dark matter ... Astroparticle Montpellier Toulouse meeting - 29/04/2005. Direct detection constraints ...
if high QF applies for WIMP recoils: results comparable to EDELWEISS (10-6 pb) Light yield ... Different targets (WIMP signature) Collect European competence ...
Image Processing Systems Institute (IPSI RAS) and Samara State Aerospace University (SSAU) ... Samara 443001, Russia, Phone (07) 846 3336123. Fax: (07) 846 ...
transport & logistic 2005, M nchen Projekt AlpFRail Karl Fischer Betreibergesellschaft Logistik-Kompetenz-Zentrum Prien mbH Das Logistik Kompetenz Zentrum in Prien ...
Title: PowerPoint Presentation Last modified by: G008814U Created Date: 1/1/1601 12:00:00 AM Document presentation format: Affichage l' cran Other titles
Discrimination performance - g rejection 99.9% for Erecoil 15keV ... 50 cm PE and better coverage. veto (99% coverage) ... PE shielding. March 2005 ...
D faillance g n rale pouvant entra ner la perte de la ma trise du syst me. ... Approfondissement concernant les autocars. Confirmation de la n cessit de construire des ...
RENATER REseau NAtional de t l communications pour la Technologie l Enseignement et la Recherche Dany.Vandromme@renater.fr www.renater.fr LHCOPN, Lyon, 10-11 ...
Title: Diapositiva 1 Last modified by: Mark Chen Created Date: 11/15/2004 3:03:13 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show Other titles: Arial Times New Roman ...
1/3 des praticiens souhaiteraient adresser davantage de patients en secteur ... 45% des praticiens souhaiteraient adresser davantage de patients en secteur ...
NOSTOS a new low energy neutrino experiment An idea by I. Giomataris from Saclay (France) Detect low energy neutrinos from a tritium source using a spherical gaseous TPC
L histoire du Col du Mont Cenis. Cette route du Col relie la vall e de la Maurienne en France, au Val de Suze en Italie. CLIC Avance manuelle ou automatique
Mikael Hult (S), Group leader low-level measurements, co-ordinator of CELLAR, ... CELLAR-actions. Setting up of a programme (in close. contact with ICRM LLWG) ...
Section fran aise : Lyon - Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne, g r e par RFF (r seau ferr de France) ... co ts: en valeur actuelle: 15,2 milliards d'euros. 2,3 milliards pour la section ...
R f rente pour la scolarisation des l ves en situation de handicap ... changements importants justifient une lecture assidue du BO pour lequel il est ...
TROUBLES FONCTIONNELS INTESTINAUX (TFI) SII Les nouveaux m dicaments ont la pr tention de traiter le SII dans son ensemble en agissant sur le concept de l axe ...
AVERAGE (RECOMENDED) HALF-LIFE VALUES FOR TWO NEUTRINO DOUBLE BETA ... (2.0 0.6) 1021 y (radiochemistry) This is the only one measurement! 11. 128Te and 130Te ...
tons of goods (road & rail) over the inner. alpine bow den (2003) ... German Association for Housing, Building and Spatial Development, Deutschland ...
2b2n analysis for 100Mo, 82Se and 150Nd. Background study for 2b0n research ... g and neutron shield: Iron shield (18 cm) water shield wood shield parafin ...
Self-gravitating ball of ideal gas at a uniform temperature would have ... Archeological Lead. CDMS II: Overview. Located at the Soudan mine in sunny Minnesota ...
5) evaluation of the cost and time of realisation of the different parts of each ... and the absence of significant time dependent displacement of the cavity. ...
R f rente pour la scolarisation des l ves en situation de handicap ... cas de pand mie de grande ampleur : Diffusion d' missions p dagogiques (France 5 ...
National Center for Scientific Research. Not only a funding agency ... Michel Spiro, CNRS-PNC Director or its representative Francois le Diberder, CNRS ...
... en g n ral sans changement de l antenne r teau D apporter la RNT (radio num rique terrestre) D apporter la TMP (t l vision mobile personnelle), ...
Physique des particules : quarks et leptons, origine de la masse, boson de Higgs, ... Personnel technique et administratif (80) : Soutien recherche ...
2 ETAPA: VAL D'ISERE LES KARELLIS 137 Km. 3 ETAPA: LES ... que nos separan de Albertville, as que habr que andar listos para no llegar 'fuera de control' ...
cylindrique, S = 20 m2, e ~ 60 mg/cm2. D tecteur de traces : chambre fils. en r gime ... aimant. Blindage en fer. R servoir d'eau. bois. Inauguration de NEMO-3, ...
Luminous matter does not account for enough mass to explain rotational velocities of galaxies ... Also groups pursuing Argon (WARP/ArDM), Helium (HERON), Neon (CLEAN) ...
L'acheminement peut se faire en wagons isol s ou par train entier. ... des incitations l'usage des modes alternatifs la route plus respectueux des objectifs de d veloppement ...