Title: Direct Dark Matter Searches
1Direct Dark Matter Searches
- Véronique SANGLARD
- sanglard_at_ipnl.in2p3.fr
- Motivations for non-baryonic dark matter search
- Principle of the direct detection
- Running experiments
- Future experiments
- Conclusion
3Motivations for Dark Matter Search (1)
- Rotation curves studies
- Dark matter halo around the galaxies
- Local density 0.3 GeV/cm3
4Motivations for Dark Matter Search (2)
- At cosmological scale
- Results of WMAP -gt
- O tot 1.00
- O baryon lt 0.05 (confirmed by experiments like
EROS, MACHO) - O matter 0.3
- O Cold Dark Matter 0.22
- Need weakly interacting non-baryonic massive
particles - WIMP (slt10-6 pb)
5Natural WIMP candidate
- Neutralino definition in the SUSY field
- Stable particle if R-parity
- conserved (LSP)
- Indirect detection
- Detection of WIMPs annihilation
- products
- Direct detection
- Detection of WIMPs scattering off
- nuclei
6Direct Search Principle
- Detection of the energy deposit due to elastic
scattering on nuclei of detector in laboratory
experiment - Optimum sensitivity for MWIMP MRECOIL
- Rate lt 1 evt/day/kg of detector
- Need low background
- Deep underground sites
- Radio-purity of components
- Active/passive shielding
- Need large detector mass (kg -gt ton)
- Recoil energy 20 keV
- Need low recoil energy threshold
7WIMP signatures
- Nuclear recoils
- Not electron recoils (dominant background)
- Neutron scattering also produces recoils
- spectrum shape
- Exponential (as most bkg)
- Shape for backgrounds unknown/poorly predicted
- Coherent interaction (Spin-independent) ?
- Absence of multiple scattering (against neutron)
- Uniform rate throughout volume (against surface
radioactivity) - Directionality of nuclear recoils
- Annual rate modulation
8Direct detection techniques
9Current direct detection experiments
10NaI scintillation DAMA
- Based in Gran Sasso lab (3500 mwe)
- 100 kg of NaI(Tl)
- Exposure 107731 kg.d
- Coincidence between 2 PMTs
- Pulse shape rejection inefficient at 2 keVee
- Used annual modulation
- Claim annual modulation at 6.3s over 7 annual
cycles - M? 52 GeV/c²
- sn 7.2 10-6 pb
- Not compatible with CDMS, EDELWEISS experiments
- Future LIBRA (250 kg of NaI)
11NaI scintillation DAMA
- Based in Gran Sasso lab (3500 mwe)
- 100 kg of NaI(Tl)
- Exposure 107731 kg.d
- Coincidence between 2 PMTs
- Pulse shape rejection inefficient at 2 keVee
- Used annual modulation
- Claim annual modulation at 6.3s over 7 annual
cycles - M? 52 GeV/c²
- sn 7.2 10-6 pb
- Not compatible with CDMS, EDELWEISS experiments
- Future LIBRA (250 kg of NaI)
Single-hits events residual rates
12Ge ionization GENIUS-TF
- Based in Gran Sasso lab (3500 mwe)
- Running experiment
- 4x2.5 kg (up to 14) naked HPGe in N2
- Problems surface contamination by Radon
- Goal for background 1 count/(kg.keV.y)
lt 50 keV - But serious problems for GENIUS (1T of Ge in N2)
13Liquid Xe Scintillation ZEPLIN-I
- Based in Boulby mine (2800 mwe)
- 3.2 kg (fid.) -gt 230 kg.d
- Single phase
- 3 PMTs coincidence
- Pulse Shape Amplitude (time constant
discrimination) - Difficulties with neutron calibration at low
energy (in deep site) - Resolution 100 at 40 keV (7 keVee)
- Experiment now completed but no published results
yet - Future ZEPLIN II (30 kg)
14Liquid Xe ScintillationIonization XENON
- Prototype 3kg (active mass) dual phase detector
with TPCs - 7 PMTs in the cold gas above the liquid
- Measurements of
- Primary scintillation light (S1)
- Secondary scintillation light from ionization
electrons (S2) - CsI photoelectron signal (S3)
- Discrimination variable S1/S2
- Current work
- Calibrations (?, a, neutrons)
- Future XENON10,100,1T in Gran Sasso lab
15Liquid Xe ScintillationIonization XENON
- Prototype 3kg (active mass) dual phase detector
with TPCs - 7 PMTs in the cold gas above the liquid
- Measurements of
- Primary scintillation light (S1)
- Secondary scintillation light from ionization
electrons (S2) - CsI photoelectron signal (S3)
- Discrimination variable S1/S2
- Current work
- Calibrations (?, a, neutrons)
- Future XENON10,100,1T in Gran Sasso lab
16Phonon and scintillation/ionization bolometers
- Simultaneous measurement of phonon and
scintillation/ionization - Different (light or charge)/heat ratio for
nuclear and electron recoils (WIMP and neutron
have lower light/charge than ?s, ßs ) - Discrimination event-by-event of electron recoils
(main background)
17Heat-scintillation CRESST-II
- Based in Gran Sasso lab (3500 mwe)
- 2x300g CaWO4 crystal W-SPT
- Net exposure 20.5 kg.d
- Rejection at 15 keV 99.7
- No neutron shield installed
- WIMP interact mainly with W
- Energy range 12-40 keV
separate cryogenic light detector
W SPT (W-Superconducting Transition Thermometers)
18Heat-scintillation CRESST-II
90 of nuclear recoils with quenching factor
Q7.4 below this line
90 of nuclear recoils with Q40 (W) below this
line 0 events (between 12 and 40 keV) Only
this detector used to derive exclusion limits
19Heat-ionization CDMS-II
- Based in Soudan Underground lab (2090
mwe) - 4x250g Ge 2x100g Si
- Net exposure 19.4 kg.d
- Detector ZIP (sensitive to athermal phonon)
- Active muon veto shielding (PE Pb)
20Heat-ionization CDMS-II
- Rejection of background surface events with
timing cuts
0 events (between 10-100 keV)
21Heat-ionization EDELWEISS-I
- Based in Modane Underground laboratory (4800 mwe)
- Low radioactivity dilution cryostat at 17 mK
- Shielding PEPbCu
- 3x320g Ge
- Amorphous layer (Ge/Si)
- NTD Ge thermometric sensor
- Al electrode (one segmented)
- Fiducial volume 57
- Rejection-? 99.9 at 15 keV
3x320g heat-and-ionization Ge cryogenic detectors
22Heat-ionization EDELWEISS-I
- New data taking with trigger on phonon signal
- Improved efficiency at low energy (50 at 11
keV) - Fiducial exposure 22 kg.d
- Stable behavior over 4 months
- 18 nuclear recoil candidates gt 15 keV
- 1 n-n coincidence
- Possible backgrounds
- Residual neutron flux
- Miscollected charge events
- Not enough statistics to conclude
23Heat-ionization EDELWEISS-I
- Final results 62 kg.d (fid. exp.)
- 50 trigger efficiency at 15 keV
- 40 nuclear recoil candidates gt 15 keV
(only 6 gt 30 keV) - Unknown background
- Used method developed by S. Yellin to
derive exclusion limits (as CDMS) - No background subtraction
- New limits consistent with previous published
results - V.Sanglard et al. astro-ph/0503265 (to PRD)
- Experiment stopped in March 2004
2490 C.L. exclusion limits on WIMP-nucleon
scattering cross-section (spin-independent)
Only published results are reported
25Next step for running experiments
- 7 towers (4x250g Ge 2x100g Si)
- 2 running now
- 33x300g CaWO4
- Wiring to mK level
- New readout system
- Neutron shielding µ veto
- Next slide
- Low radioactivity cryostat with larger
experimental volume (50 liters) - Improved neutron shielding
- Addition of µ veto
- 1st phase 28 detectors (21x320g Ge7x400g
NbSi) - Up to 120 detectors
- Expected sensitivity 0.002
evt/kg/day - Installation in progress in LSM
- Today 10-6 pb era
- Starting to test most optimistic SUSY models
- Next step 10-8 pb
- Increased detector mass
- Further reduce background rejection
- Lower energy threshold
- Improve event-by-event discrimination
- Goal 10-10 pb within 10 years
- Probe most of the allowed SUSY parameter space
- 1 ton scale (SuperCDMS, EURECA)
- Combined several targets
- Today 10-6 pb era
- Starting to test most optimistic SUSY models
- Next step 10-8 pb
- Increased detector mass
- Further reduce background rejection
- Lower energy threshold
- Improve event-by-event discrimination
- Goal 10-10 pb within 10 years
- Probe most of the allowed SUSY parameter space
- 1 ton scale (SuperCDMS, EURECA)
- Combined several targets
291 ton a simple experiment ?