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Diapositiva 1


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Diapositiva 1

European underground laboratories An overview.
Lino Miramonti Milano University and INFN sez.
LRT 2004 - Topical Workshop in Low Radioactivity
Techniques(Sudbury, Canada)December 12-14, 2004
Boulby Mine
Gran Sasso
LNGS - Laboratori Nazionali delGran Sasso, Italy
3 main halls A B C 100 x 18 m2 (h.20 m)
Operating Institution Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN)
Location Gran Sasso Tunnel (Abruzzi, Italy)
Excavation 1987
Underground area 3 halls A B C (100m x 18m x 20m) service tunnels
Depth 1400 m (3800 mwe)
Total volume 180000 m3
Surface gt 6000 m2
Permanent staff 66 (physicists, technicians, administration)
Scientists users 450
Backgrounds Facilities _at_ LNGS (Gran Sasso)
Muon Flux
1.1 µ m-2 h-1
  • Low-level radioactivity measurements issues
  • Material selection and sample measurements (HPGe)
  • Background characterization of halls A,B,C with
    portable HPGe detector (Gamma spectrometry and
    directional photon flux)
  • Radiocarbon and tritium measurements
    (Radiodating Laboratory)
  • Radon groundwater monitoring (Environmental and
    geophysical monitoring of the Gran Sasso aquifer)
  • Development and characterization of new
    detectors (for nuclear spectrometry of
    environmental radioactivity)

Neutron Flux Neutron Flux
1.08 10-6 n cm-2 s-1 (0-0.05 eV)
1.84 10-6 n cm-2 s-1 (0.05 eV- 1 keV)
0.54 10-6 n cm-2 s-1 (1 keV-2.5 MeV)
0.32 10-6 n cm-2 s-1 (gt 2.5 MeV)
Primordial Radionuclides Primordial Radionuclides Primordial Radionuclides Primordial Radionuclides
238U 6.8 ppm Rock (Hall A)
0.42 ppm Rock (Hall B)
0.66 ppm Rock (Hall C)
1.05 ppm Concrete All Halls

232Th 2.167 ppm Rock (Hall A)
0.062 ppm Rock (Hall B)
0.066 ppm Rock (Hall C)
0.656 ppm Concrete All Halls

K 160 ppm Rock
MEASUREMENTS Present 32 m2 on one floor in
service tunnel Future 60 m2 distributed on
three floors in hall A
detector total and peak background count rate d-1 kg-1Ge total and peak background count rate d-1 kg-1Ge total and peak background count rate d-1 kg-1Ge total and peak background count rate d-1 kg-1Ge
40-2700 keV 352 keV 583 keV 1461 keV
GeBer 3686 3.3 1.5 4.6
GeMi 611 5.6 2.1 5.2
GePV 482 2.8 2.1 3.2
GsOr 469 2.4 0.76 4.3
GePaolo 226 0.83 0.38 1.4
GeCris 87 lt0.39 lt0.29 1.0
GeMPI 30 lt0.20 lt0.15 0.36
HPGe Hall (32 m2 floor)
Experiments _at_ LNGS (Gran Sasso)
Completed experiments Atm ?, Monopoles MACRO
(Streamer tubes Liquid scintillators) Solar
neutrinos GALLEX / GNO ( 30 T Gallium
radiochemical detector) ßß Heidelberg-Moscow (
11 kg enriched 76Ge detectors) Mibeta ( 7 kg
Bolometers TeO2) Dark Matter DAMA ( 100 kg
NaI detectors)
bb H-M
Gallex - GNO
Experiments _at_ LNGS (Gran Sasso)
Running experiments ßß Cuoricino ( 41 kg TeO2
crystals) Dark Matter CRESST (Sapphire
cryodetector CaWO4 crystals (phononsscintillati
on)) LIBRA ( 250 kg NaI crystals) HDMS /
Genius-TF (Ge detector 73Ge enriched) Supernova
neutrinos LVD (Streamer tubes Liquid
scintillator) Nuclear astrophysics LUNA (Accelera
Experiments _at_ LNGS (Gran Sasso)
Under construction CERN-GS beam ?
OPERA (Emulsion) ICARUS ( 600 T Liquid
Argon) Solar Neutrinos Borexino ( 300 T Liquid
Planned proposed ßß CUORE ( 750 kg
Te02) GERDA (76Ge) Nuclear astrophysics LUNA-II
I Gravitational waves LISA RD Dark
matter Liquid Xe / Liquid Ar
LSM - Laboratoire Souterrainde Modane, France
1 Main hall 30 x 10m2 (h 11m) gamma spectr.
hall (70 m2) 2 secondary halls of 18 m2 and 21
Operating Institutions CEA/DSM CNRS/IN2P3
Location Fréjus Tunnel (Italian-French border)
Excavation 1983
Underground area 1 main hall (30m x 10m x 11m) gamma spectroscopy hall (70 m2) 2 secondary halls of 18 m2 and 21 m2
Depth 1700 m (4800 mwe)
Surface gt 400 m2
Permanent staff 4
Scientists users 100
Backgrounds Facilities _at_ LSM (Modane)
Muon Flux
0.17 µ m-2 h-1
Neutron Flux Neutron Flux
1.6 10-6 n cm-2 s-1 (0-0.63 eV)
4 10-6 n cm-2 s-1 (2-6 MeV)
  • 13 HPGe from 6 different laboratoris of CNRS and
    CEA are available at LSM
  • Material selection for fundamental physics
  • Samples measurement for environmental control,
    earth science, archeology, biology, dating

Primordial Radionuclides Primordial Radionuclides Primordial Radionuclides
238U 0.84 ppm Rock
1.9 ppm Concrete

232Th 2.45 ppm Rock
1.4 ppm Concrete

K 213 Bq/kg Rock
77 Bq/kg Concrete
HPGe dedicated to Edelweiss exp. background count
rate d-1 kg-1Ge 212 4 for E gt 30 keV
Experiments _at_ LSM (Modane)
Completed experiments p decay Atm ? Frejus
proton decay exp (Fe and flash chamber). ßß
NEMO-I (prototype NemoIII) NEMO-II (prototyp
e NemoIII) TGV (Stack of Ge detectors with
sheets of DBD candidates) Dark Matter EDELWEISS-I
(1 kg Ge bolometer heationization)
Running experiments and Under construction ßß
NEMO-III (Tracking calorimeter) Dark
Matter EDELWEISS-II (10 to 35 kg Ge heationiz.)
LSC - Laboratorio Subterraneo de Canfranc, Spain
Tobazo's peak
2 small halls Lab1 36 m2 1 Main hall Lab3
20 x 5 m2 (h 4.5 m)
Canfranc railway tunnel entrance
Now used only to store materials
Mobile Lab (now dismounted)
Operating Institutions Zaragoza University
Location Railway tunnel of Somport (Canfranc, Pyrenes) 7.5 km
Excavation 1986 lab1 1994 lab3
Underground area 2 small halls lab1 Main hall lab3
Depth 200 m (675 mwe) lab1 900 m (2450 mwe) lab3
Surface 36 m2 lab1 118 m2 lab3
Permanent staff 7
Scientists users 35
Backgrounds Facilities _at_ LSC (Canfranc)
Muon Flux
7.2 µ m-2 h-1
Neutron Flux Neutron Flux
3.82 10-6 n cm-2 s-1 integrated (neutrons from radioactivity)
1.73 10-9 n cm-2 s-1 integrated (muon-induced neutrons in rock)
Gamma Flux
210-2 ? cm-2 s-1
The AMBAR installation for measuring low contents
of radioactive contaminants in materials intended
for low-background experiments
Low temperature installation with the 2x2x3 m3
Faraday cage located at Lab 3
Experiments _at_ LSC (Canfranc)
  • Completed Running experiments
  • ßß IGEX-2ß ( 9 kg enriched Ge detectors)
  • Dark Matter IGEX-DM ( 2 kg enriched Ge
  • COSME (small Ge detectors)
  • NaI32 / ANAIS (NaI Crystals)
  • ROSEBUD (Bolometers Sapphire, Ge, BGO,
  • Under construction
  • ßß GEDEON
  • Dark Matter ROSEBUD II

The new Canfranc Underground Laboratory
Civil works for the construction of a new
underground Laboratory are underway
Characteristic of the new LSC Characteristic of the new LSC
Depth 900 m (2450 mwe)
Main experimental hall 600 m2 (oriented to CERN)
Low background lab 150 m2
Clean room 45 m2 (100/1000 type)
General services 135 m2
Offices 80 m2
It should be finished next summer 2005 The first
call for proposals will be announced soon
IUS Boulby Mine Laboratory, UK
Stub2 300 m2 Stub2a 150 m2 H area
900 m2 JIF area 2500 m2
Operating Institution Institute for Underground Physics University of Sheffield
Location Potash mine, Boulby (UK)
Excavation 1988 (Stub 2) 1995 (Stub 2a) 1998 (H area) 2003 (JIF area)
Depth 850 m (2250 mwe) to 1300 m (3600 mwe)
Surface 3000 m2
Permanent staff 2
Scientists users 30
Backgrounds Facilities _at_ IUS (Boulby mine)
Muon Flux
1.5 µ m-2 h-1
Low background facility (located in the Stub A of
JIF area)
Neutron Flux Neutron Flux
2.8 10-6 n cm-2 s-1 (gt 100 keV)
1.3 10-6 n cm-2 s-1 (gt 1 MeV)
Primordial Radionuclides Primordial Radionuclides Primordial Radionuclides
238U 70 ppb Rock

232Th 125 ppb Rock

K 1130 ppm Rock
0.5 T swing crane
Ultra Low HPGe - Development of the Ge facility
at Boulby is currently awaiting completion of the
laboratory infrastructure. The Boulby Mine
facility hosts a 2 kg (400cc) Germanium detector,
used for material radiopurity measurements (20cm
of lead as outer shielding and 8 cm of copper as
the inner shielding plus Radon steel box) the
setup will be sensitive to contamination of
samples at the level of 0.1- 0.2 ppb Ultra Low
NaI - A NaI crystal from the NaIAD experiment
will be installed in the clean room low
background facility for crude bulk tests of
activity (Pulse Shape Analysis).
Plan for JIF Low Background Lab (Stub A)
Experiments _at_ IUS (Boulby mine)
  • Completed Experiments
  • Dark Matter NaIAD ( 50kg NaI array detector)
  • ZEPLIN-I ( 4 kg Liquid Xe scintil. Detector)

  • Running experiments
  • Dark Matter ZEPLIN-II ( 30 kg Liquid Xe
    scintil. Detector)
  • DRIFT (Low pressure gaseous TPC)

Integrated Large Infrastructures for
Astroparticle Science
France Commissariat a lEnergie Atomique, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
Italy Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Istituto di Fotonica e Nanotecnologie Trento, European Gravitational Observatory
Germany Max Planck Institut für Kernphysik, Technische Universität München, Max Planck Institut für Physik Muenchen, Eberhardt, Karls Universität Tubingen
Spain Zaragoza University
UK Sheffield University, Glasgow University, London University
Czech Rep Czech Technical Univ. in Prague
Denmark University of Southern Denmark
Netherland Leiden University
Finland University of Jyväskylä
Slovakia Comenius University Bratislavia
Greece Aristot University of Thessaloniki
ILIAS is an initiative supported by the European
Union (6th Framework Programme) with the aim to
support the European large infrastructures
operating in the astroparticle physics sector.
3 groups of activities
The ILIAS project is based on 3 groups of
activities Networking Activities (N2) Deep
Underground science laboratories (N3) Direct dark
matter detection (N4) Search on double beta
decay (N5) Gravitational wave research (N6)
Theoretical astroparticle physics Joint
Research Activities (RD Projects) (JRA1) Low
background techniques for Deep Underground
Science (JRA2) Double beta decay European
observatory (JRA3) Study of thermal noise
reduction in gravitational wave
detectors Transnational Access
Activities (TA1) Access to the EU Deep
Underground Laboratories
JRA1 (Joint Research Activities 1) Low
background techniques for deep underground
sciences (LBT-DUSL)
  • Objectives
  • Background identification and measurement
    (intrinsic, induced, environmental)
  • Background rejection techniques (shielding,
    vetoes, discrimination)

Working packagesWP1 Measurements of the
backgrounds in the underground labsWP2
Implementation of background MC simulation
codesWP3 Ultra-low background techniques and
facilitiesWP4 Radiopurity of materials and
purification techniques
A vast RD programme on the improvement and
implementation of ultra-low background techniques
will be carried out cooperatively in the 4
European Underground Laboratories.
A fifth Underground Laboratory within ILIAS
The CUPP - Centre for Underground Physics in
The project to host an underground laboratory in
the mine was started in 1993, and the Centre for
Underground Physics in Pyhäsalmi (CUPP) was
physically established in 2001.
238U 27.8 44.5 Bq/m3
232Th 4.0 - 18.7 Bq/m3
226Ra 9.9 26.0 Bq/m3
40K 267 625 Bq/m3
Rn 10 to 148 Bq/m3
A preliminary study, including some background
measurement and rock analysis has been made
The old part of the mine There will be plenty of
free space to host and storage experiments
The new mine started to operate in July 2001. It
extends to the depth of 1440 m (4000 mwe). The
largest cavern that can be easily constructed is
100 x 15 x 20 m3.
An example of the layout
SUL - Solotvina Underground Laboratory
It was constructed in 1984 by the Institute for
Nuclear Research (Ukrainian National Academy of
Sciences). It is situated on the west of
Ukraine, in Solotvina near the border with
The principal scientific goal is the search of
double beta decay
1 Main hall 30 x 20 m2 (h 8 m) 4 small halls 3
x 6 m2 (h 3 m)
Muon Flux
62 µ m-2 h-1
Neutron Flux Neutron Flux
lt 2.7 10-6 n cm-2 s-1 (integrated)
Primordial Radionuclides
Due to a low radioactive contamination of salt, the natural gamma background in the SUL is 10-100 times lower than in other underground laboratories
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