Title: Denis PerretGallix
International Associated Laboratory
- National Center for Scientific Research
- Not only a funding agency
- Budget 2005 2.3 B (including salaries)
- 26,080 permanent employees
- 11,644 researchers
- 14,416 engineers and technical staff
- 6 research departments (all fields)
- 2 national institutes (IN2P3, INSU)
- 1,256 research and service units (85 are joint
laboratories) Strong connections with
universities and other research organizations - 40 LIA
- 16 UMI
- The largest research organization in Europe
- IN2P3
- National Institute for Nuclear Physics and
Particle Physics - Budget 2005 38.7 M (excluding salaries)
- 2488 permanent employees
- 795 researchers
- 1693 engineers and technical staff
- 18 Laboratories in France
- 7 in Paris
- 11 In French regions CC-IN2P3, LAPP close to CERN
- 5 Centers
- Computing Center CC-IN2P3 in Lyon
- GANIL (Ion Accelerator center)
- Under ground lab. in Modane
- IC conception,
France CERN Host Country, Budget 2005 98 M
3C. Brechignac
A. Migus
4France-Japan Particle Physics International
Associated LaboratoryFJPPL
- Motivations goes beyond the usual mere
researcher exchange - Because long term projects need teams, not only
individuals - It gives higher visibility to the collaborations
- It helps structure research teams in our own
countries - Based on
- A network of French labs from CNRS, CEA and
Universities - A network of Labs from KEK and Universities
- Two-site Laboratory opening access for
- Japanese researchers to France and Europe
research activities - French to the Japan and Asia research activities
- 2 Co-directors
- Japan Fumihiko Takasaki (KEK)
- France Denis Perret-Gallix (IN2P3/CNRS)
- LIA Budget
- Travel money (project budgets are separately
managed) - Each party manages its own budget
- Call for proposals (bottom-up)
- Annual general workshop
- Status report by each collaboration
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7FJPPL Timeline
- Signed May 29th, 2006
- 1st Steering Committee June 1st 2006
- Call for proposals 2007
- Start January, 15th - dead-line March 31st
- IN2P3,DAPNIA and KEK directors meeting 2007 in
Japan - Proposed date May 7th
- FJPPL Workshop 2007 in Japan
- Proposed Date May 8-9th
- Steering Committee
- Proposed Date May 10th
- To be checked with DAPNIA
Supporting programme - CNRS-IN2P3, CEA-DAPNIA, Ministry of foreign
affairs agreement - Invitation (40-80 /day taxes) 3 months -gt 2
years in French Laboratories - US and Japanese physicists on LHC programme
8Steering Committee members For the French
Parties (6 members) Michel Spiro, CNRS-PNC
Director or its representative Francois le
Diberder, CNRS-IN2P3 Deputy Director Jean
Zinn-Justin, CEA-DAPNIA Director or its
representative Bruno Mansoulié, head of Particle
Physics, Marco Zito, DAPNIA_CEA Olivier Napoly,
DAPNIA-CEA, Dominique Boutigny, IN2P3-CNRS,
Director of CCIN2P3 Jean-Eudes Augustin,
IN2P3_CNRS President of the SC Observers
Natacha Aveline, invited member, from the CNRS
Tokyo Office Dominique Ochem, invited member,
Nuclear affairs Counselor (French Embassy) in
Tokyo For the Japanese Party (6
members) Atsuto Suzuki, KEK DG, KEK Yukihide
Kamiya, Director, Accelerator laboratory,
KEK Mitsuaki Nozaki, Deputy Director, Institute
of Particle Nuclear Studies (IPNS), KEK Masanori
Yamauchi, Professor, IPNS, KEK Kenzo Nakamura,
Professor, IPNS, KEK Takahiko Kondo, Professor,
9Detector RD
CALICE Particle Flow Algorithm and DAQ for
Linear Collider
TPC technology for Linear Collider Physics
PMT for a Megaton Water Cherenkov project
SiLC Silicon traking for Linear Collider
CMOS and SOI for pixel detectors
Liquid Xenon detector for PET
World LCG (ICEPP, University of Tokyo)
Superconducting Magnets for LHC upgrade
B Physics
Luminosity Upgrade, Super B Factory, common
Neutrino Physics
T2K and future beams
T2K 280 m detector collaboration
11Double-Chooz collaboration
Simulation and Data Analysis
GDRI ACPP event generators for LHC and linear
GRID EGEE NAREGI interoperability
Accelerator RD
Optical coupling cavities for positron production
for Linear Collider
Beam-Beam interaction, Interaction Region design
Alternative coupler design, operation and
RD of emulsion technology to study fragment
interaction to improve ion therapy
1239 French researchers
1352 Japanese researchers
14Ask account to denis.perret-gallix_at_in2p3.fr Name,
email, affilation and what is your project
15FJPPL Summary
- 19 programmes supported in 2006
- 91 physicists involved (39 French 52 Japanese)
- Budget 312 K (CNRS-IN2P3-DREI, CEA-DAPNIA,
KEK) - KEK 2 room offices access to a meeting room
- IN2P3 host labs (LAPP, LPNHE, LLR, LAL) and
DAPNIA - LAPP FJPPL accounting and administration
management - Open to other European and Asian countries
16Since 2006 Nov. 1st FJPPL at KEK Yon-Go-Kan
Building 4th Floor, Room 404, 405
Not yet Heaven ! but coming close last floor
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22Medal of Merit to Prof. Y. Shimizu
Nov. 6th Maison Franco-Japonaise
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