The Cathedral of Siena (Italian: Duomo di Siena), dedicated from its earliest days as a Roman Catholic Marian church and now to Santa Maria Assunta (Most Holy Mary of Assumption), is a medieval church in Siena, central Italy. The cathedral itself was originally designed and completed between 1215 and 1263 on the site of an earlier structure. It has the form of a Latin cross with a slightly projecting transept, a dome and a bell tower. The dome rises from a hexagonal base with supporting columns. The lantern atop the dome was added by Gian Lorenzo Bernini. The nave is separated from the two aisles by semicircular arches. The exterior and interior are constructed of white and greenish-black marble in alternating stripes, with addition of red marble on the façade. Black and white are the symbolic colors of Siena, etiologically linked to black and white horses of the legendary city's founders, Senius and Aschius.
POLUAREA I TIPURILE EI Poluarea i tipurile ei Poluarea reprezint contaminarea cu substan e toxice a mediului natural, ce afecteaz s n tatea vie uitoarelor ...
OLTENI A Organizarea spa iului geografic A ezare Municipiul Oltenita, este asezat in Lunca Dunarii, in dreptul km 430, in aval de confluenta Dunarii cu raul Arges.
Sinaia is a town and a mountain resort in Prahova County, Romania. The town was named after Sinaia Monastery of 1695, around which it was built. The monastery in turn is named after the Biblical Mount Sinai. King Carol I of Romania built his summer home, Peleș Castle, near the town in the late nineteenth century. The city is a popular destination for hiking and winter sports, especially downhill skiing. The altitude varies from 767 to 860 metres above sea level. Among the tourist landmarks, the most important are Peleș Castle, Pelișor Castle, Sinaia Monastery, Sinaia Casino, Sinaia train station, and the Franz Joseph and Saint Anne Cliffs. Sinaia was also the summer residence of the Romanian composer George Enescu, who stayed at the Luminiș villa.
Tema: Dispozitivul Arhimede partea I- construc ia partea II- verificarea func ionarii Scopul: S construiesc un dispozitiv cu ajutorul c ruia s determin ...
Bune practici pe internet Din activitatea Asociatiei IAB Romania IAB Romania, pe foarte scurt online advertising & marketing trade organisation Efort ...
Kiwi De : Ghita Gabriel Ce Este Kiwi? Kiwi este un fruct mic , oval Are o coaja maro , pufoasa In interior fructul este verde Are gust dulce-acrisor Origini n ...
Johan Gutenberg, cunoscut pentru contribu iile sale n tehnologie, a construit n 1430 un periscop pentru a vedea peste mul ime la un festival din Aachen, iar ...
Siguran a alimentar Curs de formare Co-financiado por: Autocontrolul Sistemul HACCP Termopar Termometru bimetalic Digital Infra-ro u Semnifica ie: Analiza ...
Title: PowerPoint Presentation Author: Mihai Last modified by: mada Document presentation format: On-screen Show Company: Ministerul Comunicatiilor si Tehnologiei ...
Title: PowerPoint Presentation Last modified by: Administrator Created Date: 1/1/1601 12:00:00 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show Other titles
Title: TEORIA SI METODOLOGIA INSTRUIRII Author: Titi Last modified by: Titi Created Date: 11/3/2006 3:52:23 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show
Title: PowerPoint Presentation Last modified by: Dorin&Manuela Created Date: 1/1/1601 12:00:00 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show Other titles
Title: PowerPoint Presentation Author: User Last modified by: adina Created Date: 3/4/2004 5:25:43 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show Company
Title: EGIPTUL ANTIC Author: Gonzy Last modified by: Ana Created Date: 8/16/2006 12:00:00 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) Other titles
(E. Allan Poe i Lautremont ... Lucida Handwriting Monotype Corsiva Wingdings Arial Rounded MT Bold Aharoni Times New Roman Algerian Arial Black Bookman Old ...
Monitorizarea si Evaluarea Conf. Univ. dr. Calin Emilian Hintea Ce reprezinta? Doua etape interconectate ale managementului unei interventii (program/proiect ...
Title: LE BUDGET ECONOMIQUE Last modified by: ASUS Created Date: 11/17/2004 10:48:32 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show Company: bfp Other titles
Dintre cele 7 ,,vechi minuni ale lumii, 6 nu mai exist ast zi. Ele au fost distruse de catastrofe naturale, de r utatea oamenilor,dar au disp rut i ...
Programul Opera ional Sectorial Mediu Managementul Integrat al De eurilor la nivelul Regiunii 2 Sud-Est jude ele Br ila, Buz u, Constan a, Gala i, Vrancea i ...
CURS OPTIONAL FIZICA Propunator Prof. FERI PROGRAMA- CURS OPTIONAL CURRICULUM LA DECIZIA SCOLII reprezinta ansamblul proceselor educative si al experientelor de ...
MINUNI ALE CIVILIZA IEI I ALE NATURII (America de Nord) Profesor Cornelia Cucu Liceul cu Program Sportiv Bac u Hawaii, inutul vulcanilor Din avion ,lan ul de 2 ...
Title: Slide 1 Author: AEA-Technology Last modified by: IT Created Date: 10/30/2006 1:42:40 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) Company
Defini ie: Pendulul gravita ional reprezint un sistem fizic, format dintr-un corp de mas m suspendat de un punct fix printr-un fir de lungime l, care ...
Title: From Warsaw to Prague- the Romanian Civil-Military Relations after 1989 Author: instructor Last modified by: marian zulean Created Date: 2/8/2003 5:33:04 PM
Informatica Industriala Cursul 2 Componente utilizate in sistemele digitale de control Tipuri de componente Componente hardware: procesoare specializate ...
RPC-urile ofera simplitate si suport pentru diverse unelte pe cand WS-urile bazate pe documente ofera flexibilitate superioara si sunt mai slab cuplate. ... (JAX-RPC ...
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Title: PowerPoint Presentation Author: Sanda Last modified by: Laptop Created Date: 10/12/2004 10:18:16 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show
Oferta IMT-Bucuresti in cadrul Retelelor Stiintifice de Excelenta Europene si Nationale - I - Seminarul National Nanostiinta si Nanotehnologie , 27 ianuarie ...