Title: Pertemuan 19 Model Pengambilan Keputusan
1Pertemuan 19Model Pengambilan Keputusan
- Matakuliah J0274/Akuntansi Manajemen
- Tahun 2005
- Versi 01/00
2Learning Outcomes
- Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa
- akan mampu
- Memahami proses pengambilan keputusan termasuk
aspek-aspek yang mempengaruhi proses
3Outline Materi
- Informas sebagai barang ekonomi
- Sifat dan tipe keputusan
- Model pengambilan keputusan
- Tahapan pengambilan keputusan
4Informasi sebagai suatu barang ekonomi
- Rantai transformasi
- Informasi adalah sebuah special good
- Biaya produksi tinggi
- Biaya reproduski quasi null
- Biaya tetap tinggi, namun biaya marjinal rendah
- Nilai informasi (waktu, volume, ketidakpastian)
- Harga Jual informasi tergantung pada
nilai/manfaat, bukan pada biaya.
5Sifat Dasar Decision Making
- Pengambilan Keputusan
- Adalah tindakan memilih salah satu alternatif
dari sekumpulan alternatif yang tersedia. - Proses Pengambilan Keputusan
- Rangkaian Proses mengenali, mendefinisikan
situasi, identifikasi alternatif, memilih
alternatif terbaik, dan implementasinya. - Sebuah keputusan yang efektif adalh yang
mengoptimalkan beberapa faktor seperti laba,
penjualan, kesejahteraan karyawan dan pangsa
pasar. - Para manajer membuat keputusan berkenaan dengan
masalah dan kesempatan.
6Tipe Keputusan
- Keputusan Terprogram
- Suatu Keputusan yang cukup terstruktur (recurs)
yang kerap berulang. - Contoh Memanaskan mesin mobil di pagi hari.
- Keputusan Tak terprogram
- Suatu keptusan yang relatif dan terstruktur dan
terjadi sangat jarang dibandingkan keputusan
teprogram. - Contoh Memilih tujuan wisata saat liburan.
7Tipe Keputusan
- Routine and Non-Routine Decisions
- Objective vs. Bounded Rationality
- Level of Certainty
8Kondisi Decision-Making
- Decision Making Under Certainty
- Suatu kondisi dimana manajer memahami dengan baik
alternatif yang tersedia serta kondisi berkaitan
dengan setiap alternatif. - Decision Making Under Risk
- Suatu kondisi berkenaan dengan ketersediaan
alternatif dan potensi manfaat serta biaya
resiko. - Decision Making Under Uncertainty
- Suatu kondisi dimana manajer tidak mengetahui
seluruh alternatif, resiko setiap alternatif, atu
konsekuensi untuk setiap alternatif.
9Uncertainty apa saja yang ada?
- Uncertainty karena Teknologi
- Dell and LiOn battery
- Will it work? Will Sony as the only supplier
have enough capacity? - Uncertainty berkenaan permintaan
- Economic recession or boom, interest rates,
inflation, consumer preferences - Expansion of Saturns Spring Hill Plant
- Uncertainty karena persaingan
- Competitive actions and reactions
- Success of international expansion by Wal-Mart
- Success of new beverages of Coke and Pepsi
10Isu lainnya dalam Decision Making
Incentives for Decision Makers
Short-Run Versus Long-Run Decisions
11Isu lainnya dalam Decision Making
- Pitfalls yang harus dihindari
Sunk costs.
Allocated fixed costs.
Unitized fixed costs.
Opportunity costs.
12Kondisi Decision-Making
13Pandangan Rasional dalamDecision Making
- Model Klasik Decision Making
Figure 9.2
14Langkah Dasar Rational Decision Making
- 1. Identifikasi seluruh opsi (termasuk doing
nothing). - 2. Kuantifikasi nilai (biaya) konsekuensi yang
mungkin timbul untuk setipa opsi - 3. Prediksi likelihood untuk setiap konsekuensi.
- 4. Integrasi seluruh kemungkinan.
15Kompenen Decision Making
- State /Kondisi
- Adalah kondisi aktual yang mungkin terjadi di
masa mendatang - Keputusan / Decision
- Berbagai pilihan dimana seorang decision maker
dapat memilih satu diantaranya - Outcomes /hasil
- Hasil dari suatu kombinasi states dan decisions
16Tahapan menuju Good Decisions
- Definisikan problem dan influencing factors
- Tetapkan decision criteria
- Pilih model pengambilan keputusan
- Identifikasi dan evaluasi alternatif menggunakan
model yang dipilih - Pilih alternatif terbaik
- Implementasi keptusan
- Evaluasi hasil
- Memungkinkan manajer melakukan analisis What
if. - Disusun untuk manajemen masalah dan manajemen
input - Force a consistent and systematic approach to the
analysis of problems - Require managers to be specific about constraints
and goals relating to a problem - Help reduce the time needed in decision making
18Keterbatasan Models
- They
- may be expensive and time-consuming to develop
and test - are often misused and misunderstood (and feared)
because of their mathematical and logical
complexity - tend to downplay the role and value of
nonquantifiable information - often have assumptions that oversimplify the
variables of the real world
19The Decision-Making Process
20Ways of Displaying a Decision Problem
- Decision trees
- Decision tables
21Steps in the Rational Decision-Making Process
Table 9.1a
22Steps in the Rational Decision-Making Process
Table 9.1b
23Evaluating Alternatives in theDecision-Making
Figure 9.3
24Behavioral Aspects ofDecision Making (contd)
- Bounded Rationality
- The concept that decision makers are limited by
their values and unconscious reflexes, skills,
and habits. - Satisficing
- The tendency to search for alternatives only
until one is found that meets some minimum
standard of sufficiency to resolve the problem. - Coalition
- A political force in decision making which
consists of an informal alliance of individuals
or groups formed to achieve a goal.
25Behavioral Aspects ofDecision Making (contd)
- Intuition
- An innate belief about something without
conscious consideration. - Escalation of Commitment
- A decision maker is staying with a decision even
when it appears to be wrong. - Risk Propensity
- The extent to which a decision maker is willing
to gamble when making a decision.
26Behavioral Aspects ofDecision Making (contd)
- Ethics and Decision Making
- Individual ethics (personal beliefs about right
and wrong behavior) combine with the
organizations ethics to create managerial
ethics. - Components of managerial ethics
- Relationships of the firm to employees
- Employees to the firm
- The firm to other economic agents
27Group and Team Decision Makingin Organizations
- Forms of Group Decision Making
- Interacting groups or teams
- are the most common form of decision-making
groups which consists of an existing group or
newly formed team interacting and then making a
decision. - Delphi groups
- are sometimes used for developing a consensus of
expert opinion from a panel of experts who
individually contribute through a moderator. - Nominal groups
- are a structured technique designed to generate
creative and innovative ideas through the
individual contributions of alternatives that are
winnowed down through a series of rank-ordering
of the alternatives to reach a decision.
28Advantages and Disadvantages ofGroup and Team
Decision Making
Table 9.2
29Managing Group and Team Decision-Making Processes
- Managers Can Promote the Effectiveness of Group
and Team Decision Making - Being aware of the pros and cons of having a
group or team make a decision. - Setting deadlines for when decisions must be
made. - Avoid problems with dominance by managing group
membership. - Have each group member individually critically
evaluate all alternatives. - As a manager, do not make your position known too
early. - Appoint a group member to be a devils
advocate. - Hold a follow-up meeting to recheck the decision.