The New England Colonies - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The New England Colonies


1607-1763 Unit II Part 2 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The New England Colonies

  • Unit II
  • Part 2

The New England Colonies
  • Remember James I gave out 2 charters in 1606
  • The First was to the London Co. which settled
  • The Second charter was given to the Plymouth Co
    (Later to be called the Council of NE) which was
    to make settlements in the northern region of
  • Remember, at first it was ALL Virginia

The Pilgrims v The Puritans
  • Puritans were people who wanted to PURIFY the
    Anglican Church (the Church of England)
  • In England they wanted separation of church and
  • Pilgrims were sometimes called Separatists
    because they had given up on purifying the
    Anglican Church and had separated from it.

Pilgrims v Puritans
  • There were only 35 Pilgrims who came over on the
    Mayflower in 1620. They were supposed to settle
    in the Southern region under the jurisdiction of
    the London Co.
  • BUT the voyage was rough.
  • December storms blew them way off course and they
    ended up in Cape Cod Bay in Mass.

The Pilgrims Background
  • After the death of Elizabeth I, religious
    dissenters were increasingly persecuted
  • Many found refuge in the Netherlands
  • The Dutch were very tolerant. This is partly why
    they had such success in trade
  • No one in the Netherlands was persecuted for
    religious reasons BUT there WERE problems for the
    transplanted Puritans and Pilgrims

Problems in the Netherlands
  • Since all religions were tolerated, the Pilgrims
    and Puritans were surrounded by infidels!
  • Foreigners could find work in the Netherlands but
    the good-paying jobs were reserved for Dutch
  • English children were growing up Dutch!

The Scrooby Group
  • 35 Pilgrims who had traveled from Scrooby to the
    Netherlands got permission from the London Co. to
    settle in the Southern region
  • They shared the ship, The Mayflower, with 67
    others who the Pilgrims called Strangers

The Pilgrims
  • The December seas were rough and they were blown
    off course and ended up in the jurisdicion of the
    Plymouth Co.
  • All aboard signed the Mayflower Compact before
    they got off the ship
  • An agreement to abide by the laws that they would
    all make togethera recognition of their

The Plymouth Plantation
  • The Pilgrims DID get permission to stay in
  • Pilgrims were met by Squanto and Samoset who had
    had contact with John Smith earlier and spoke
  • Rough first winter. ½ died
  • Were later aided by the natives what to eat,
    how to hunt, etc. Thanksgiving

The Plymouth Plantation
  • Governor Bradford
  • Elected 30 times
  • Wrote The History of the Plymouth Plantation
  • Settlement grew slowly
  • After 10 years the population of 300 shared one
    plow between them
  • Was eventually swallowed up by the Puritans

The Puritans
  • The great migration of the 17th century refers
    to the migration of thousands of Puritans to the
    New World
  • In 1630 Puritans on 17 ships with 1000 (families
    and their servants) sailed to the New World
  • Settled in the Boston-Salem area
  • Was called the Mass. Bay Co.

The Mass. Bay Co.
  • Their first governor Winthrop
  • Goal to build A City on a Hill
  • A model Christian community for all the world to
    seea utopia
  • Established a theocracy
  • Industrious, prosperous
  • By 1640 10,000 settlers

Big interest in Education
  • Puritan belief Everyone should be able to read
    the Bible
  • 1636 Harvard established to train ministers
  • 1647 Mass. General School Act communities
    taxed to support free public schools

Critics were ousted
  • 1635 Thomas Hooker wanted separation of Church
    and state
  • Was ousted
  • 1636 established Hartford
  • Hartford and nearby communities drew up a
  • The Fundamental Orders of Conn. first written
    constitution that really worked. Provided for 3
    branches of government

More Critics
  • 1636 Roger Williams also wanted separation of
    Church and state AND suggested that the land they
    were occupying rightfully belonged to the Indians
  • Was banished and founded Rhode Island
  • Plantation Agreement at Providence (constitution)
  • RI was first for religious freedom

Ann Hutchinson
  • Was also a critic but a woman and did not object
    to theocracy
  • Said only members of the elect should hold civil
  • The Elect those who had had a revelation of
    some sort and were sure of salvation

Anne Hutchinson
  • Belief was that the Age of Revelation had passed
  • BUT Hutchinson claimed to have had a revelation!
    (A mere woman!)
  • Was tried for heresy and banished (was pregnant)
  • She was killed by Native Americans in NY in 1643
  • One of her followers founded New Hampshire

New England Confederation
  • Native Americans were a problem for all
  • New England Confederation was an organization of
    different New England communities for defense
    against the Indians

1692 Salem Witch Trials
  • Hanged 19 people and two dogs
  • Pressed 1 Giles Corey
  • Hysteria
  • Girls and family slave
  • Ergot? A mold growing on rye having
    hallucinogenic effects

In Europe
  • 500,000 killed between 15th and 17th centuries
  • In the colonies no more deaths but trials in
    Va. In 1706 and NC in 1712

The Dominion of New England
  • King James II revoked charters of all colonies N.
    and E. of Penn and organized them into one Royal
    Colony The Dominion of NE
  • Royal Governor was Andros
  • The Dominion ended with Wm and Mary 1689

The Toleration Act of 1689
  • Ended religious persecution
  • Granted freedom of worship to all but Catholics
    and Unitarians
  • Did NOT establish religious equality
  • BUT Church attendance no longer required for

The Half-Way Covenant
  • The Puritans believed that the Age of Revelation
    had passed
  • How to keep Church membership?
  • The Half-way Covenant Allowed the children of
    persons of good character to be baptized into the

The Three Regionsof the English Colonies
  • New England Mass. Conn., RI, NH
  • Mid-Atlantic NY, NJ, Penn, Delaware
  • Southern VA, NC, SC, Maryland, Georgia

The Three TYPES of Colonies
  • Charter the governor is chosen by the people of
    the colony
  • Proprietary the governor is or is chosen by the
  • Royal the Governor is chosen by the King

By the time of the Revolution
  • All colonies were Royal Colonies

The English Civil War and Interregnum 1649-59
  • Cromwells followers Roundheads
  • Charles Is followers Cavaliers
  • Cavaliers migrated to VA when it was clear that
    the King was losing the war

The Other Colonies
  • Maryland the first Proprietary Colony
  • Lord Baltimore (George Calvert) got a charter
    from Charles I
  • Established Maryland as a bastion for Catholics
  • 200-300 sailed on the Arc and the Dove
  • Established a headright system to attract new

  • But then, Protestants came over
  • The Maryland Toleration Act (to safeguard the
    rights of Catholics) was passed by the colonial
    legislature (1649)
  • BUT was repealed by Protestant majority in 1655
    causing a Civil War in Maryland!
  • Grew tobacco like VA

The Carolinas (Proprietary)
  • 1660 Charles II gave a huge area to 8 favorites
    S. of VA
  • Offered the Headright system
  • Insured that nearly all white settlers owned
    property and had political power

John Locke
  • Drafted the Fundamental Constitutions
  • Unusual and unworkable provided for a social
    hierarchya heredity nobility
  • First settlers by 1680Charleston.. Thriving fur
    trade and food to W. Indies. Also

The Carolinas
  • Northern most region near Albemarle was poorer
    and more back-woodsy
  • By 1712 separated into 2 Royal colonies N and S
  • Huguenots to S. Carolina when the Edict of Nantes
    was revoked

The Middle Colonies
  • NOTE Dutch smugglers made it impossible for the
    English to enforce their trade regulations
  • 1664 English captured Dutch New Amsterdam
    without a fight. And renamed it New York
  • The Dutch did not consider the colony valuable
    enough to fight for

New Jersey
  • The Duke of York took a chunk of NY and gave it
    to two of his friendsLord Berkley and Sir George
  • Berkley sold his interest to some Quakers in 1674

  • Aka Society of Friendsestablished 1600 by George
    Fox and Margaret Fell
  • Belief in sexual equality
  • All are in the eyes of God
  • No ministers, no ritual
  • Rejected idea of Original Sin and Predestination
  • Were persecuted in Mass by Puritans
  • 1702..NJ was made a Royal Colony

  • 1681 Wm Penn (Quaker) received Penn from King
    Charles II in leiu of a 16,000 debt that the
    crown owed to Penns father
  • Wm Penn was the proprietor
  • By 1685 9,000 settlers
  • Many, though, objected to the idea of the
    absolute rule of the proprietor (though Penn was
    a good one)

Pennsylvania continued
  • 1701 The Charter of Liberties a constitution
    written by a representative assembly limiting the
    power of the proprietor
  • Penn did not fight it
  • In 1703 Pennsylvania allowed 3 counties to form
    their own representative assembly Delaware

Georgia (late) 1732
  • Group of London Philanthropists, led by
    Oglethorpe, wanted to give English imprisoned
    debtors a fresh start
  • Got permission from George II to found Georgia
    Rules no slavery and no alcohol
  • Was unenforcable.

  • 1752 trustees gave up and Georgia became a royal
  • George II supported the establishment of Georgia
    to act as a buffer between Spanish Florida and
    the lucrative tobacco-growing English colonies.

Prior to the American Revolution
  • All colonies had representative assemblies
  • The right to vote depended upon property
    ownership (and , of course, you had to be a
    white, male, free, adult)
  • The most democratic aspect of New England society
    was the town meeting

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