Title: The Restoration Colonies
1The Restoration Colonies
2Settling the Middle or Restoration Colonies
GOALS ? profit and individual betterment.
3New Netherlands New Sweden
- Founded in the 1660s by
- Friends of British King Charles II.
- Land speculators.
- Middle class farmers craftsmen.
4More Like Later America Than Other Regions!
- Economic diversity.
- Large cities ? more cosmopolitan culture.
- Some slavery 6-12 of the population.
- Ethnic and religious diversity.
- Religious toleration.
- Bread Colonies.
5New York Manors Land Grants Patroonships Owner
of company
6New York Harbor, 1639
7New Amsterdam
8Peter Stuyvesant
Governor of New Amsterdam
9 Peter Stuyvesant
- Major figure in the early history of New York
City (New Netherlands) - Built protective wall on Wall St.
- Built the canal that became Broad Street
- Developed Broadway
10New York Then and Now
11William Penn
Preached religious freedom Equal treatment of
Native Americans Founded the Society of
Friends aka. Quakers Given a royal land
grant by Charles II to found PA
The Holy Experiment
12Royal Land Grant to Penn
13Penn Native Americans
- Believed Natives should be treated fair
- If land was taken, market price should be given
as compensation - Both equal white and Native representation for
14Penns Treaty with theNative Americans
15Urban Population Growth1650 - 1775
16Ethnic Groups
17Settling the Lower South
- 1660s 1730s
- The Carolinas Georgia.
- Planters yeomen farmers from VA or the Sugar
Islands. - Debtors other petty criminals.
18Port of Charles Town, SC
The only southern port city.
19Crops of the Carolinas
20Rice Indigo Exportsfrom SC GA 1698-1775
21Founder of Georgia
A buffer zone between Britains North American
colonies Spanish Florida.
22The Trustees of Georgia
Painted by William Verelst, 1734
231733 Savannah
Grill pattern of settlement.
2418c Southern Colonies
251670 - 1680 A Decade of Crisis
26King Philips War,1675 1676
- Conflict between the Native tribes of New England
and English settlers (also some Natives) - Over half of the colonists towns (90ish) were
attacked - About 1 of 65 colonists were killed (one of the
highest ratios in American history - War ends when Metacom is killed
Metacom, known to the English as King Phillip
27King Philips War,1675 1676)