Title: 1848 Revolutions
11848 Revolutions
2Ancien Regime
- Absolute Monarchies
- Form of government where the monarch controls the
right to make war, tax, judge, and coin money. - Up to 19th Century
- The Most Widespread Traditional Form of
Government in Europe - Notable exceptions
- Ancient Greece
- Republican Rome
- Oliver Cromwells Commonwealth
- American Revolution
3French Revolution
- Absolute Rulers
- Decadent
- Remote
- Ignorant of masses
- The Consent to be ruled by an absolute monarch
withdrawn - The Mob
- The Terror
- Revolution Hijacked
- Napoleon
- Spread Ideas of French Revolution throughout
Europe - By force
- Equality
- Meritocracy
- Secular
- Code Napoleon
- Modernisation
- Centralisation
- Nationalism employed to Defeat Napoleon
5Congress of Vienna
- Attempt to reintroduce Ancien Regime
- Legitimate Monarchy
- Bourbons Reinstated
- Authority of Church
- Aristocratic Privelege
- Congress imposed without consent of any peoples
- Imposed by victorious aristocracies
- Power politics and Realpolitik over National
Feelings - Buffer Zones
Metternich We have redrawn Europes Map For
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7Imposing Ancien Regime Principles 1815 - 1830
- Repressive Measures
- Britain
- Six Acts
- Peterloo
- Naples
- Minister of Vengeance
- Austria-Hungary
- Secret Police
- Agents Provocateurs
- Conservativism Ascendant
8Localised Revolutions
- Greece, Naples, Spain
- France
- 1830
- Over Royal Prerogative
- King tried to reduce electorate to Chamber of
Deputies - Bourbons replaced by Duc DOrleans
9New Challenges to Ancien Regimes
- Liberalism
- Democracy
- Republican Democrats
- Socialism
- Nationalism
- Government needs Consent of Responsible
Classes - Features
- Sovereignty of Parliament (not of People)
- Freedom of Press and Speech
- Individual Freedom
- Attracted
- Nouveau Riche
- Emerging Middle Classes
- Manufacturers, Industrialists, Merchants
- Traditional Institutional Power to be restrained
- Church
- Protestant Ideals preferred to Catholic ones
- Monarchy
- Headway
- Britain and Belgium
11Liberal Ideas on Universal Suffrage
- No people should be electors unless their income
and intelligence indicated that they had a vested
interest in social order. Ideally the electorate
should be the mercantile classes, the professions
and especially the owners of land. Cavour 1847 - If you want to ruin a state, give universal
suffrage. Barrot, Opposition Leader, France
12DemocracyRepublican - Democrats
- Government should express Will of the People
- Universal Suffrage
- Republicans
- One man, one vote
- Remove Monarchy
- Democrats would appeal to Working Class Support
- Wary of repeat of 1792 Terror
- Appealed to
- Petite Bourgoisie, Students, Elementary School
teachers - Headway
- France, Italian States, exiled Poles
- Want social and economic reorganisation of
country in addition to political reorganisation - Socialist dilemma
- How to achieve economic reorganisation!
- Peaceful Social Reformers
- Robert Owen
- Adam Smith Moral Conscience
- Common ownership of means of production and
distribution - Marx Engels
- Communist Revolution
- Insurrectionary, militant
- Appealed to
- Educated Artisans
- The belief that a group of people who shared a
common language, history, heritage, culture and
possibly religion, should be brought together to
form a Nation state. - Requires consent of people on a form of
government - Therefore could be combined with other ideologies
eg liberalism, democracy - Napoleon inspired French Nationalism and
resistance to French Nationalism - Appealed to
- Educated literate classes, professionals,
middle classes - Role of culture, arts, tradition in defining
national consciousness - Italian Resorgimento movement
- Combined Liberal Nationalists and Republican
Nationalists - Diversity of ideology hinders Nationalism
15Pre-1848 Tensions
- Long Term
- Industrialisation
- Coal, iron, textiles
- Economic challenge to rulers
- Migration
- Rural to Urban Centres
- Urbanisation
- Communications
- Challenge to Artisans
- Population
- Doubled in previous century
- Food Supply Problems
- Malthus
- Ideological Challenges
- Liberalism, Nationalism, Democracy, Socialism
16Pre-1848 Tensions
- Short Term
- Agricultural Crisis
- Poor Cereal Harvest
- Prices rise by 60 in a year
- Potato Blight
- Prices rise by 135 in a year
- Uncertainty of Supply
- 70 of Wages on food
- Financial Crisis
- Investment bubbles burst
- Railways, Iron, coal
- Less money to spend on manufactured goods
- Unemployment
- Working and Middle Classes, joined in misery as
are urban and agricultural populations
171848 Revolutions
- Unclear Reasons for Revolutionary Activity
- Reaction to Long term and Short term
Socio-Economic causes - Competing Ideologies in different countries
- Some Countries have no revolutions
- Britain Russia
- Different Revolutionary leaders, aims and
aspirations in different countries - Varying Combinations of Liberals, Democrats,
Nationalists and Socialists - No clear coherent organised Revolutions
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19Case Study France A Revolution hijacked not
once, not twice, but thrice!
- 1830 1848 a weak, corrupt Orleanist Monarchy
- Restricted privileged electorate of 240,000
- Liberal bourgeoisie demand incorporation into
electorate - Reduction of Property qualification from 200 to
100 Francs - Intransigent stand of Louis Philippe
- Conservative establishment alienates Liberals
- Reform Banquets used to protest against King
- Paris Banquet banned by authorities
- Liberals agree but radical Republicans continue
demos - Troops open fire on peaceful protesters
- Barricades erected, looting, civil disorder
- National Guard defect
- King loses control of Paris
- Abdicates 24th February to Republican Provisional
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21The Provisional Government falls to the
- Provisional Government
- Odd collection of radical Moderate Republicans
- Radical social reform v constitutional
parliamentary rule - Conservative Liberal suspicion of Republicanism
(memories of 1792 Terror) - Financial Disarray
- Flight of capital stock market crashes 55
- New 45 increase of tax imposed on peasantry
- Handing power back to the Conservatives
- April Elections
- Universal Suffrage (9,000,000)
- Peasants suspicious of socialist plans to
nationalise land - Politically Immature Peasants sought advice
from betters - Easter Sunday
- Republicans won 80 seats (of 900 available)
- Conservatives Monarchists won 700 seats
22The Second Republic elects a leader who will kill
the Republic!
- The Constituent Assembly elects a new moderate
executive - Unhappy Republicans recommence Revolution
- Radicals and Socialists
- Liberty or Death
- June Days Barricades
- Forces of Law Order do not buckle a second time
- 3,000 rioters killed, 12,000 arrested
- December Presidential Elections
- Louis Napoleon 74 Cavaignac 19
- Napoleon offers stability and familiarity
- Kills off 1848 Liberal, Socialist and Republican
dreams once and for all! - New elections called May 1849
- Conservatives 500 seats
- Republicans up to 200 seats
- Result unsettles Louis Napoleon
- Repressive measures extensively employed
- Freedom of speech restricted
- Franchise reduced (poorest 33 removed)
- 1851 Coup detat
23The Habsburg Empire Rocks to the Core
- Nature of Austro-Hungarian Empire
- Very Conservative Monarchy
- Regency
- Archduke Ludwig for Ferdinand
- Court Intrigue
- Metternich versus Kolowrat in Konferenz with
Ludwig and Karl - Racially Diffuse
- Corrupt and Inefficient
- Severe economic difficulties (in response to
rising Germany) - Racial Character of Multi-National Empire
- The Liberal Revolution
- Influence of French Events
- Liberals take heart
- Demand removal of Arch-Reactionary Metternich
limited reforms of government - Meetings and Demonstrations dispersed by Gunfire
- Antagonises situation Barricades erected
- Liberal Amazement
- Metternich resigns March 13th 1848
- Constitution Granted Censorship lifted
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26The National Revolutions
- Emboldened by events in Vienna
- Hungary
- New Liberal regime established
- Kossuth
- Magyar Language qualification
- To promote Hungarians
- Antagonises Slavs
- Bohemia
- Czechs emboldened by Magyars
- Liberal Government set up in Prague
- Italy
- Lombardy and Venice rise up
- Joined by Piedmont
27The Radicalisation of the Liberal Revolution
- Students and Democrats emboldened
- Stream of Petitions
- April 25th Liberal Constitution proposed of
elected assembly to share power with Emperor - Radicals rejection of limited concessions
- May 15th Elections agreed for new assembly to
decide new constitution - May 17th Royal Family legs it
- New government abolishes Serfdom
28Liberal Austrian Weaknesses
- Slavic and National Rivalries
- Revealed by Pan-Slavic Congress
- Poor communications
- Failure to broaden appeal of Revolution
- Urban Liberals antagonise Rural Population
- Tax burden falls on peasantry
- Newly freed serfs are content
- Army owes allegiance to Royal Family
29The Counter-Revolution
- Loyal Army defeats Italians
- Returning Confidence from other
Counter-Revolutions - Russians show Autocratic Solidarity
- Divide and Conquer
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31The Brief History of Liberal Germany
- Confederation of Germany
- Congress of Vienna
- Buffer State
- 39 Sovereign States
- Prussia Austria vied for domination
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33The King of Prussia
- Frederick William IV
- Mad as a Hatter
- Anti-Liberal but Arthurian Medieval Romanticist
- Agricultural Romanticist
- Relied on Junker Support
- Prussia
- Efficient
- Good Finances
- Strong Military
34Following the French
- February French Revolutions
- Many riots in Minor German States
- Liberals, Democrats and Socialists take advantage
- Austria and Prussia expected to intervene to
crush revolutions BUT - Vienna Revolution Fall of Metternich
- Berlin riots
- Army efficiently suppressing revolutionaries
However King Frederick William IV withdraws
Troops and hands victory to Prussian Liberals - Other Princedoms collapse when Prussias nerve
35The Liberals cannot believe their luck
- German National Assembly in Frankfurt
- Organised Constituent Assembly
- Universal Suffrage
- But only elected Privileged Notables
- Little Experience
- A German Ruler
- Choose Austrian Habsburg Archduke John rather
than King of Prussia - Well Known Liberal Sympathiser
- But cannot guarantee loyalty of Prussian Army
36Liberals Fail to broaden Support
- Impose Law and Order
- Keen to impress existing rulers
- Alienate democrats / socialists
- Suppression of National minorities
- Danes in Schleswig Holstein
- Czechs in Bohemia
- Use Prussians and Austrians to suppress
- However, support Poles
- To antagonise Russians
- But antagonises Prussian Junkers more
37Prussian Resurgence
- Army moves to crush new Polish Grand Duchy
- Parliament cannot stop it
- Prussian parliament disagrees with Frankfurt
parliament - Prussian army invades Schleswig Holstein (at
Frankfurts request) - Horrifies international liberal opinion
- Britain and Russia threaten war with Prussia
- Prussia agrees to own peace with Denmark
- Abandons Frankfurt government
- Frankfurt realises that it has no army!
38Austria and Prussia back in Business
- Austria reasserts control in Vienna
- Frederick William deposes Berlin parliament
- Frankfurt parliament offers emperorship to
Prussian King - Frederick William declines
- Realist liberals realise parliament dead
- Radicals take to the barricades again
- Prussian army crushes all resistance
39The Bottom Line for Germany
- Success of Revolution Discredited Conservative
ideas - Failure of Revolution Discredited Liberal Ideas
- Too many Chiefs not enough Indians
- Little Popular Support
- Union of Liberals and Democrats not followed up
- Democrats alienated
- Rule of Force the only winner
- Massive exodus of liberal intelligentsia
- Liberalism died in Germany
- Militarism, hierarchy, statism triumphant
- Capitalists follow suit
40The Bottom Line for the 1848 Revolutions
- It appeared as if the Conservatives reasserted
control - However
- Things had changed forever
- Economic/social problems permanent challenges to
ruling order - Conservatives would have to make concessions to
remain in power - Many of the limited Liberal achievements remained
permanent - The 1850s/60s would see the most liberal period
in European History