Title: Revolutions of 1848
1Revolutions of 1848
2Information on Karl Marx
- Communist Manifesto 1848 with Engels
- Surplus value of labor theory
- Scientific socialism
- Economic interpretation of history
- Inevitable proletariat revolution
- Dialectics and Hegel
3He painted Liberty Leading the People
4Liberty Leading the people was painted after
which revolution?
- French Revolution of 1830
5Which king went out and which king came in as a
result of the revolution of 1830?
- Charles X out and Louis Phillipe in
- Which of those two was relatively more liberal?
- Louis Phillipe
6Who painted The raft of the Medusa?
7Which revolution of 1830 was not successful?
- Poland
- Which country stopped it?
- Russia
8French socialist, wanted Social workshops
- Louis Blanc
- What revolution was he part of?
- 1848
- How was he involved?
- Member of provisional government
9Which three countries made up the Holy alliance?
10His nickname was the butcher
- General Cavaignac
- As a result of what event did he get the nickname
the butcher? - June Days of 1848
- Who was the President of France at the time of
the June Days - No one-they had not yet elected one
11Lamartine represented this political philosophy
- Political Republican
- With which revolution would Lamartine have been
associated? - French, 1848
- Will he get what he wants from the revolution of
1848? - No
12Guizot was the foreign minister of which French
- Louis Phillipe
- With which revolution would he have been
associated? - 1848
13He led the revolt of Hungary in 1848.
- Louis Kossuth
- Kossuth revolt was an example of this type of
rebellion. - Nationalism
- Kossuths revolt led to revolt here.
- Austria
14This repressive act was aimed at German college
students and newspapers
- Carlsbad Decrees
- Who issued these decrees?
- Metternich
15He wrote beauty is truth, truth is beauty, that
is all ye know on earth and all ye need to know.
- John Keats
- Which poem included this quote?
- Ode on a Grecian Urn
16Belief that said that the value of a man-made
object depended on the labor required to produce
- Labor theory of value
- This was a key part of his theory.
- Marx
17The 10 member Provisional French government of
1848 was made up of these two types of Republicans
- Political, Social
- Identify two key members of this government
- Blanc, Lamartine
18Karl Marx co-authored Communist Manifesto with
- Engels
- In what year was the manifesto written?
- 1848
19The word to describe what Marx called the working
- Proletariat
- Marx said a dialectic between the proletariat and
this class was inevitable - Bourgeoisie
20The meeting of German liberals to discuss a
future United German State
- Frankfurt Assembly
- In what year did they do this?
- 1848
- Who did they want to become their king?
- Frederick William IV
21He became the Emperor of Austria in 1848 at the
age of 18.
22He was Known as the July Monarch
- Louis Phillipe
- July of What year?
- 1830
- Who did he replace?
- Charles X
- Who benefited most from him being king?
- Middle class
23Who wrote this poem?
I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high
oer vales and hills, When all at once I saw a
crowd, A host of golden daffodils Beside the
lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing
in the breeze And then my heart with pleasure
fills, And dances with the daffodils.
24He died on the way to fight in the Greek
- Lord Byron
- What year would this have been?
- 1824
- Were the Greeks successful?
- Yes
25Which type of music was bound by strict structure.
- Classical
- Name 2 classical composers
- Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven
- Give a year in which this music was primarily
being created. - 1750-1830
26They insisted on the value of feelings and love
for the unclassifiable.
27He was the most famous French romantic Writer
- Victor Hugo
- What did he write?
- Les Miserables, Hunchback of Notre Dame
28This Conference was called in 1820 to develop a
plan to stop all revolutions against autocratic
- Conference at Troppau
- Who signed it?
- Russia, Austria, Prussia
- Who didnt
- Great Britain
29This law reallocated electorate seats to the
urban north of England
- Reform Bill of 1832
- Who was the Prime Minister at that time?
- Earl Grey
- What political party was he from?
- Whigs
30These laws placed a high tariff on the imports of
grain into England.
- Corn Laws 1815
- When were they repealed?
- 1846
- Who repealed them?
- Robert Peel
- What political party was he associated with?
- Tory
31The July revolution in France (1830) followed the
issuance of these.
- The four Ordinances
- Who issued them?
- Charles X
32He was called the Bourgeoisie king
33This event in England in 1819 demonstrated the
division between the government and the working
- Peterloo massacre
- What French event was this most like?
- The June Days.
34This law limited the hours anyone could work and
restricted children from working in industry.
- Factory act 1833, mines act 1842, 10 hours act
35Which came first, the great English reform bill
or the repeal of the corn laws.
36Name one economist from the Manchester school of
37He came up with the iron law of wages
38These English attempt at greater democracy in the
1840s failed.
39He refused the crown from the gutter
- Frederick William IV
- What was he King of?
- Prussia
- Who offered him the crown?
- Frankfurt assembly
- What would the crown have made him?
- King of a liberal Germany
40Who painted this?
41Who painted this?
42This working class movement sought greater
political equality in England in 1838.
43The dual revolution in nineteenth century Europe
was in these areas.
- Industrial Revolution, Representative governments
44He called for a Holy Alliance of European nations
45List the rulers of France in order from Napoleon
I to Napoleon III.
- Louis XVIII
- Charles X
- Louis Phillipe
- Louis Napoleon Bonaparte
46He wrote Prometheus Unbound
- Byron
- What other romantic work refers to Prometheus?
- Frankenstein, the modern Prometheus
- Who wrote Frankenstein?
- Mary Shelley
- Who was she married to?
- Percy Bhysse Shelley
- What did he write?
- Ode to a skylark