The Protestant Reformation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Protestant Reformation


The Protestant Reformation – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Protestant Reformation

The Protestant Reformation
Medieval versus Renaissance Worldview
  • Medieval View
  • Idea of a Divine Plan
  • Importance and Hierarchy
  • Dualism Spirit vs. Matter

- Renaissance - Overriding concept -
Humanism - Importance, return and
restoration of classical texts, arts,
literature and drama from Greek and
Roman Period
Pre- Reformation
  • Domination of the Church 12th-13th Centuries
  • Witch Hunts
  • Immoral Priests
  • Predestination
  • Indulgences
  • Justification by Faith Alone
  • Belief in relics and intercessors

  • Domination of the Church
  • Owned 30 of European Land
  • Taxes go to the Church
  • Pope is infallible (cannot be wrong or do
    anything wrong)

  • Church did not allow the laity (common people) to
    read the Bible ? Bible in Latin and Greek and not
    in their own language

Pre- Reformation
  • Witch Hunts
  • 40,000-100,000 killed, mostly women or disabled
  • Malleus Maleficarum (The Hammer of Witches)
  • how to find and persecute witches
  • By Kramer and Sprenger
  • Jean Bodin
  • On the Demon Mania of Witches
  • torturing witches was the way to go

Witches were..
  • They rode by night
  • had pacts with the Devil
  • The formal repudiation of Christianity
  • secret nocturnal meetings
  • The desecration of the Eucharist and crucifix
  • Sacrificial infanticide, and
  • Cannibalism

Malleus Maleficarum
Malleus Maleficarum
Malleus Malleficarum
The method of beginning an examination by torture
is as follows First, the jailers prepare the
implements of torture, then they strip the
prisoner (if it be a woman, she has already been
stripped by other women, upright and of good
report) . This stripping is lest some means of
witchcraft may have been sewed into the
clothing--such as often, taught by the Devil,
they prepare from the bodies of unbaptized
infants, murdered that they may forfeit
salvation. And when the implements of torture
have been prepared, the judge, both in person and
through other good men zealous in the faith,
tries to persuade the prisoner to confess the
truth freely but, if he will not confess, he
bids attendants make the prisoner fast to the
strappado or some other implement of torture. The
attendants obey forthwith, yet with feigned
agitation. Then, at the prayer of some of those
present, the prisoner is loosed again and is
taken aside and once more persuaded to confess,
being led to believe that he will in that case
not be put to death.
Witch Hunts
Bodin mention, Now, if there is any means to
appease the wrath of God, to gain his blessing,
to strike awe into some by the punishment of
others, to preserve some from being infected by
others, to diminish the number of evil-doers, to
make secure the life of the well-disposed, and to
punish the most detestable crimes of which the
human mind can conceive, it is to punish with the
utmost rigor the witches - Bodin then then
proceeds to enumerate fifteen distinct crimes,
all horrid, of which every witch is guilty, and
argues that, in default of proof, violent
presumption should suffice for the sentence of
witches to death.
  • Immoral Priests
  • Corrupt
  • Sinful
  • Did not practice what they preach

  • Indulgences
  • The Church would receive payment from its
    followers and in return they would promise
    eternal salvation and forgiveness of their sins
  • - Pope Leo X endorsed it
    to help build St. Peters Basilica
  • - Johann Tetzel
    enforced the sales and was a indulgence
    preacher (according to Luther)
  • - Tetzel is the most
    associated with the idea that money buys
    forgiveness, but he also said.
  • - No one", "secures an
    indulgence unless he have true contrition

  • Predestination (John Calvin)
  • It was already predetermined by God who would go
    to Heaven and who would go to Hell
  • It did not matter what you did on Earth
  • Those who were predetermined were called The

  • Justification by Faith Alone
  • Luther suggested that the Catholic Church
    believed its followers should only have faith in
    God and not worry about doing good deeds

  • Beliefs in Relics and intercessors
  • Catholic Church believe that relics from dead
    Saints were gateways to God
  • Praying to individual Saints for certain ailments
    was common and were also seen as gateways to Gods

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The Reformation
  • Martin Luther
  • 1483-1546
  • 95 Thesis, 1517 in Wittenberg
  • The Pope can err
  • Laity should read the Bible
  • Idolatry to pray to relics, paintings,etc
  • Attacked the sacraments
  • Against indulgences
  • Justification by faith alone
  • Priests do not need to live life long lows (can
    get married)
  • Have mass in vulgate (local language
  • Excommunicated 1521

The Reformation
  • Attack on Sacraments
  • Immoral priests performing sacraments does not
    make sacraments sacred
  • Reduced the sacraments ? Baptism, Confirmation,
    Eucharist, Confession, Anointing of Sick,
    Ordination and Marriage to just Baptism and
  • Marriage sacrament does not need a priest

The Reformation
  • Transubstantiation
  • Catholic Church believes it literally is the body
    and blood of Christ
  • Luther suggests it was just symbolic

The Reformation
  • Calvinism refers to the development of a
    religious ethic that emphasized individuality,
    hard work, productivity and personal
  • Rejected external aids to religion ? stained
    glass windows, restricted music, paintings, etc.
  • No frills ? dancing, gambling, drinking, swearing
    and expected self discipline
  • Believed in Predestination
  • French Calvinists were called Huguenots
  • Anabaptism refers to the development of a
    religious ethic that emphasized a communal life
    style, cooperative work, sharing and group
  • Adult baptism Jakob Hutter, Menno Simons
  • Pacifists
  • Community of goods

English Reformation
  • Henry VIII (1491-1547)
  • Divorce from Catherine of Aragon
  • - Has Mary (Catholic) 1485-1533
  • Marries Anne Boleyn (1500-1536) and has Elizabeth
    (1503-1563) (Protestant) beheaded due to
    adultery (
  • Jane Seymour - 1508-1537 - died after having
    Edward VI (1537-1553)
  • Anne of Cleves 1515-1557 (illness) divorced
  • Catherine Howard 1524-1542 beheaded due to
  • Catherine Parr 1512-1548 (remarried, died due to
  • Dissolution of the monasteries
  • Anglican Church
  • English Bible ? roots from John Wycliffe

Catherine Howard
Rose without a Thorn
Anne Boleyn blind marriage,
six fingers, huge
moles and had syphilis
The Counter Reformation or The Catholic
  • Actions taken by Catholic Church to counteract
    the impact of Protestant Reformation
  • Includes Council of Trent, Roman Inquisition,
    Index of Prohibited Books, creation of religious

Council of Trent (1546- 1563)
  • All medieval church law was valid and important
  • Latin would remain official language
  • Re-emphasized the importance of good works and
  • No new definition of the 7 sacraments ?baptism,
    Eucharist, Reconciliation, Confirmation,
    Marriage, Ordination, Annointing of the sick
  • The Pope was still the earthly head of the church
  • No man was to interpret the Bible differently
    from the church

The Council of Trent
  • Also introduce the following reforms
  • 1. The sale of indulgences was controlled
  • 2. abuses of monastery life were checked
  • 3. Education for the priesthood was improved
  • 4. Church administration was better

Other Actions taken by the Catholic Church
  • Roman Inquisition- a tribunal designed to find
    heretics and bring them to justice
  • Roman Index of Prohibited Books- a process of
    reviewing and censoring books
  • The founding of Religious Orders devoted to
    teaching, propaganda, and social services, e.g.-

When the Dust SettlesCatholicism vs.
  • Scripture interpreted by wisdom
  • Good Works and Faith
  • 7 Sacraments
  • Stick with Latin
  • Clergy must be celibate and chaste
  • Purgatory is real
  • Honour Saints

-Scripture as you read it Faith Alone -2
Sacraments- Eucharist, Baptism -Language of the
people -Clergy could marry -Go to Heaven or
Hell -Criticized Honouring Saints
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ReformationEurope(Late 16c)
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