Title: Presentazione di PowerPoint
1Financial and administrative procedures LAPs
RAPs Project Community action programme to
combat social exclusion 2002-2006 Second
transnational exchange programme Call for
proposal VP/2004/004 under 2005 budget line
04.040202 Dossier n. 2004/VP004/10136 Ist
Steering Group Meeting Bruxelles, 7-8 November
International and European Affairs Department
2Reference documents
- Laps Raps project proposal approved
- Contract N.VS/2005/0375
- Guideline - Community Action Programme to combat
Social Exclusion 2002 -2006 - Second
Transnational Exchange Programme - Applicant Guide VP/2004/004
3- Payments/refunds
- All eligible costs for the implementation of the
project must be paid within the budget period
15/9/2005 to 31/8/2006 (YEAR ONE) - The only costs that partners will have to account
for are - Staff costs
- Travel (airfare)
- Costs links to travel (public transports and
small snacks) - These costs will be reimbursed according to the
following procedures
4Staff Costs
- Staff costs should be justified by the following
documents - Original official contract and or letter of
appointment (or certified copy) - Time sheets signed and certified
5Travel Costs- Airfare
Participants of the project steering and peer
review group meetings are expected to book and
pay for their own flights. The related cost will
be refunded as soon as the note of expenses is
received together with original tickets/invoice
from Travel Agency and boarding passes. Travel
associated costs public transports and small
snacks can be reimbursed provided that
receipts/tickets are transmitted to the
Coordinator along with a request of
reimbursement The Coordinator provides for any
other subsistence expenses (hotel, restaurants
and conference rooms) in cooperation with the
Local partner
6Procedures for payments SGM and PREW costs
- Travel and accommodation general procedure apply.
- Host city/partner supports the coordinator in
- Identifying service providers for Hotel, meals,
interpretation, venue - N.B. A formal request of three estimated
quotations or a certified agreement with an ad
hoc provider of good and services, is foreseen
for any supply. - The coordinator pays directly to the service
providers all costs incurred hence - Very important note every single invoice must be
made out to the City of Venice (for expenditures
to be paid directly).
7Payments by Coordinator
- Very important note every single invoice must be
made out to the City of Venice (for expenditures
to be paid by City of Venice) - Ref. Comune di Venezia Direzione Centrale
Relazioni Internazionali e Politiche Comunitarie
S.Polo, 1098 30125 Venezia (P.I
8Relevant documents format
- We will forward to all the partners the
financial management methodology attached with
all the relevant documents to be filled in by the
partners and submitted to the Coordinator. - Beneficiarys Bank details (it is crucial to have
all the relevant info ie. Name of bank, address,
BIC/SWIFTand IBAN - Time sheets (format requested by E.C)
- Statement of expenditures (format requested by
E.C) - Summary table of estimated cost of each Partner
- Copy of Contract.
- Very important note all the originals proof of
payments for staff cost must be kept by all
partners at least for five years. - Expenditure must not exceed the amount of the
budget approved by the EU. - Payment will be made on Partners Bank account
indicated to the Coordinator.
9Contact InformationCentral Project Managment Team
- Mr. Andrea Del Mercato - Strategic Management of
the project - Mrs. Paola Canton Financial Officer
- Mrs. Tiziana Alvisi Administration and
Communication Officer - International and European Relations Department
- City of Venice San Polo - 1098, 30125 Venice
- Tel 39 041.2700.811
- Fax 39.041.2700 890
- international.relations_at_comune.venezia.it
- www.comune.venezia.it/ineuropaenelmondo