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COMP091 Operating Systems 1 My Name: Prof. Baker Web Page: Lecture notes and assignments will be posted to the web page – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: COMP091

COMP091 Operating Systems 1
  • My Name Prof. Baker
  • Web Page http//
  • Lecture notes and assignments will be posted to
    the web page
  • Email
  • Or
  • Assignments are to be submitted as email

COMP091 Operating Systems 1
  • History of Operating Systems

  • First Generation
  • No OS as we know it
  • Second Generation
  • Batch processing
  • One job at a time
  • Third Generation
  • Multi-programming
  • Spooling
  • Fourth Generation (now)
  • Massive interactivity
  • GUI
  • Programming by system calls

In the very early daysvon Neumann Architecture
  • John Louis von Neumann, Hungarian mathematician
    28 December 1903 - 8 February 1957
  • Proposed the stored program concept
  • Program instructions stored in memory along with
  • Rather than being wired on plug boards
  • Circuitry decodes instructions
  • Just have to get code into memory

In the very early daysProgramming
  • Computers had rows of switches representing bits
  • Address row contained address in binary
  • Data row contained content in binary
  • Load button caused data to be loaded into address
    in memory
  • Programming meant setting the address switches,
    then the data switches, then pressing "load"
  • Repeat for each instruction and data address

In the very early daysOperating
  • After loading all the instructions and data,
    program had to be started
  • Computer had a "Run" button
  • "Run" button set next instruction counter to
    first memory location and started execution of
    instructions there
  • "Run" button was the entire operating system
  • But it introduced the modern operating system
    concept of Boot Loaders

Boot Loaders
  • Does not mean boot as in kick as in kick start
  • Refers to old expression "Pull yourself up by
    your boot straps"
  • Of course that can't be done because who has
    straps on their boots
  • But the idea of a program that gets loaded
    without the help of some other program is
    reminiscent of this
  • Hence the bootstrap program, or boot loader
  • The "run" button was the first boot loader

In the very early daysAutomatic Programming
  • Programming by switches very tedious and error
  • Eventually programs were coded onto paper tape
    using a paper tape machine with a keyboard
  • "load" button could read entire program from
    paper tape into memory ready to run
  • This was referred to as automatic programming
  • Some though it would spell the end for
  • Introduced first modern OS component
  • device drivers

Device Drivers
  • First device drivers were necessary to control
    the devices that contained the programs
  • These were supplied by the computer manufacturer
    and at first were hard wired
  • Programmers wrote their own drivers to interact
    with hardware at run time, after booting was
  • Manufacturers drivers were just for booting
  • Eventually this duplication of effort led to
    another modern concept
  • Runtime Library

Runtime Libraries
  • Early run time libraries were essentially open
    source creations
  • Programmers shared common code among themselves
  • Later, manufacturers began distributing runtime
    libraries with their computers
  • Made machine more usable
  • Maybe ensured efficient use
  • Library routines were linked to programs by link
    editor after compiling or assembling

I/O Control Systems
  • On early systems programs directly controlled I/O
    devices using custom code (maybe shared in a
  • Eventually manufacturers made their I/O libraries
    available at run time as an I/O Control System
  • Part of main memory was set aside for the IOCS,
    the rest of memory was for users
  • This was the first development to resemble on O/S
  • It introduced the idea of Memory Management
  • And made OS functions available at run time

In the very early daysComputer Operators
  • Automatic programming also introduced the idea
    of the Computer Operator
  • Programmers would fill out a form specifying
    their run time requirements
  • Run request form, along with paper tape, card
    deck or magnetic tape(s) would be handed to
    operator to run when computer became available
  • Programmer didn't need to be there at run time to
    set switches

Computer OperatorsScheduling
  • Computer operators scheduled jobs into computers
    one at a time
  • Early job queues consisted of stacks of Job
    Request forms, maybe clipped to a clothes line
  • Users were charged for use of computer time, and
    for use of peripherals
  • Operators would keep track of this info on the
    Job Request Form, but a more efficient method was
  • Especially from the accountants' point of view

Second Generation -- Monitors
  • The IOCS was in memory and active at run time
  • And was involved in I/O operations as well as
    starting and stopping jobs
  • So accounting was added to the IOCS to allow
    accurate billing for machine time and I/O
  • These systems now came to be called monitors and
    signaled the start of the second generation of
    operating systems
  • And introduced the OS concept of Accounting

  • Accounting is still present in modern multi-user
    operating systems as part of the Security System
  • Security systems are concerned with identity and
    that means
  • Identification
  • Who are you
  • Authentication
  • How do we know
  • Authorization
  • What can you do
  • Accounting
  • How much of it did you do

Better Scheduling
  • With operators manually scheduling jobs, there
    would be idle time between jobs while the
    operators set up the next job
  • This wasn't a problem if jobs ran for a long time
  • The idle time was small relative to the
    productive time
  • With faster computers, jobs ran faster and the
    idle time became significant
  • The solutions was another modern operating system
    concept The job queue

Batch Operating Systems
  • With the addition of a job queue to the monitor,
    more efficient scheduling became possible
  • Jobs would be read into a job queue when they
    were submitted
  • The monitor would start the next job as soon as
    the last job finished
  • Jobs' resource needs would be described by Job
    Control Language statements stored on the queue
    with the job
  • These batch OS systems were the first real OS's

Some Examples
  • Monitors
  • FORTRAN Monitor System, General Motors Operating
    System, Input Output System
  • Batch Systems
  • Note that these OS were almost all supplied by
    the computer manufacturer
  • GECOS, SCOPE (Supervisory Control of Program
    Execution - CDC), EXEC (Univac) , MCP
    (Burroughs), IBM 1410/1710 OS

2nd Generation Problem
  • In 2nd generation OS only one program could run
    at a time
  • If that program was waiting for I/O the entire
    machine would be idle
  • But if the monitor could hand the machine to
    another job while the first one waited the idle
    time wouldn't be wasted
  • This introduced another modern concept
  • Multiprogramming
  • More than one job loaded and ready to run

Another Problem
  • Multiprogramming OS's switched jobs when one
    became idle
  • But on-line users didn't want to wait long times
    for all other users to go idle
  • Interactive users required time slices on a
    regular basis
  • A time sharing OS would stop jobs after a short
    period of time to give some time to other users
  • Everyone had the illusion of a computer available
    for their exclusive use

Third Generation Multiprogramming
  • The third generation of Operating Systems was
    characterized by multiprogramming capabilities
  • Multiple jobs loaded in memory and ready to run
  • OS passes control to another job when one goes
  • Timesharing systems allocate regular time slices
    to interactive jobs so none will be inactive for
    unacceptable periods of time

Third Generation Memory Partitions
  • Multiprogramming required that many jobs be in
    memory at once
  • This required the modern OS capability of memory
  • OS divides memory into partitions
  • Allocates a partition to each job
  • Memory Maps map relative addresses into
    partitions' real addresses so jobs don't need to
    know where they are actually loaded
  • Originally fairly static mapping

Third Generation Virtual Memory
  • With multiprogramming there could be many jobs
    loaded in memory at once, and the more there were
    the more efficiently the machine resources could
    be deployed
  • Soon memory just wasn't large enough to hold
    enough jobs to keep the increasingly faster CPU's
    supplied with work
  • Virtual memory solved this by temporarily moving
    idle jobs from memory to disk until it was time
    to reactivate them

Third Generation Thrashing
  • Moving jobs (or portions called pages) from real
    to virtual memory came to be called paging
  • It allowed more jobs to be available to use the
    CPU resources
  • But it also consumed resources
  • If the resources used by paging was too much
    resource nothing would get done
  • This condition is called thrashing
  • Efficient paging algorithms seek to prevent

Thrashing Example
  • In the 1970's IBM sold an operating system called
    System 370
  • It was a multiprogramming virtual memory batch OS
  • They also sold VM, (Virtual Machine) which
    allowed customers to run more than one IBM OS at
    the same time
  • In one case a thrashing S370 system was resolved
    by running the S370 OS under VM
  • VM had a more efficient paging algorithm

Third Generation Spooling
  • Another problem introduced by multiprogramming is
    that you can't time share a printer
  • Jobs would be intermixed on the paper
  • 2nd generation OS gave jobs exclusive control of
    I/O devices like printers
  • 3rd generation introduces spooling
  • Printed output intercepted by OS and stored in a
    disk file called a spool, or print queue
  • Tanenbaum says SPOOL Simultaneous Peripheral
    Output On Line
  • Complete print jobs are sent to printer (or other
    device) when the generating job is finished

Third Generation File Systems
  • Early disk drives had removable disk packs and
    tape drives
  • Users handled them in whatever way they wished,
    addressing the hardware in hardware terms
  • With larger disks, and the use of disk space by
    the OS for spooling, job queues, page files etc,
    it became desirable for disks to have a common
  • Users would use space on these permanently
    mounted system disks, facilitating scheduling
  • The now familiar hierarchical file systems were
    introduced to enable sharing of space on system

Third GenerationProcesses
  • Originally the granularity of multiprogramming
    was at the level of a complete job
  • With virtual memory it became more efficient to
    swap pages rather than jobs
  • Also, jobs spent a lot of time using system calls
    to accomplish objectives and that involved
    processes running in the memory space of the OS
  • It became necessary to start and stop processes
    rather than jobs leading to the modern OS concept
    of processes

Third GenerationThreads
  • Jobs running in a modern OS can start processes
    that run in the memory of the OS, using drivers
    or other functions available through system calls
  • Each process shares the memory where the code
    resides, but is allocated separate memory for
    data, including state information
  • Each of these processes represents a process
    thread through the memory of the shared code
  • The shared code is multi-threaded

Third GenerationScheduler
  • Scheduler Adds new processes to the process
    table and removes completed processes from the
    process table
  • Process table contains
  • Memory area assigned to the process
  • Priority of the process
  • State of the process (ready or waiting)

Third GenerationDispatcher
  • Dispatcher Controls the allocation of CPU (of
    time slices) to the processes in the process
  • The end of a time slice is signaled by an
  • Each process is allowed to execute for one time
  • It performs "process switch" - procedure to
    change from one process to another
  • ProcessA -gt Dispatcher -gt ProcessB

Other 3rd Generations Issues
  • Deadlock
  • If process A waits on process B while process B
    waits on process A neither will ever complete
  • This is called deadlock
  • 3rd generation OS had to learn to detect and
    prevent deadlock
  • Security
  • With so many processes on the same machine OS had
    to learn how to keep them separated

4th Generation
  • Generally considered to be the OS's that operate
    modern desktop computers
  • Windows, Linux Android, and a few others
  • Massive reliance on OS system calls
  • Ubiquitous networking
  • Essentially Interactive

  • http//
  • http//
  • http//

Marking Scheme and Course Outline
  • Lectures and lab assignments posted at
  • http//
  • Marking scheme as follows
  • Two tests weeks 7 and 15 _at_ 15
  • Lab test 10
  • 10 labs at 5
  • Professionalism and comprehension 10
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