Title: The First Years of the War 1861-1863
1The First Years of the War 1861-1863
2The Art and Science of War
- Antoine-Henri Jomini
- Art of War
- West Point
- Position, Maneuver Concentration
- High ground
- Occupying major cities
- Retreat
3The Armies
- Cavalry
- Artillery
- Infantry
- Corps of Engineers
- The Quartermaster Corps
4The typical battle
- Advancing through grapeshot
- Hand to hand combat
- Smoke and confusion
5The soldiers
- Billy Yank and Johnny Reb
- Conscription
- Exemptions
- Substitutions
- Riots
- Draft dodgers
- Desertion
- Bounties
6Men Present for Duty in the Civil War
7Ohio Military Service
8Soldiers Occupations North/South Combined
9Johnny Reb Billy Yank
10Immigrantsas a of a StatesPopulationin1860
11Buy Your Way Out of Military Service
12Camp Life
13Army life
- Drudgery
- Poor food and shelter
- Logistical problems
- Profiteers
- Disease and lack of medical treatment
14The first campaigns 1861
- A short and painless war
- Lincolns plan
- Bull Run or Battle of Manassas
- General McDowell v General Beauregard
- The rebel yell
- Stonewall Jackson and Joe Johnston
- Southern victory
15Battle of Bull Run (1st Manassas)July, 1861
16Stonewall Jackson
- "If anyone says he heard the rebel yell and
wasn't scared, then ,he never heard it." A
Northern soldiers comments on the rebel yell
given when confederates charged their positions.
- Overconfidence in the south
- Regrouping-Army of the Potomac
- General McClellan
18General George McClellan
19Differing strategies
- Northern strategy
- Winfield Scotts Anaconda Plan
- Defend Washington Pressure on Richmond
- Gain control of the Mississippi Valley
- Blockade the south
20The Anaconda Plan
21Lincolns Generals
Winfield Scott
Joseph Hooker
Ulysses S. Grant
Irwin McDowell
George McClellan
George Meade
Ambrose Burnside
George McClellan,Again!
22Ulysses S. Grant
23Southern strategy
- Stop Union advances
- Foreign allies
- Great Britain
- France
- Napoleon III
- King Cotton dethroned
- Cotton diplomacy
- The Trent affair
- James Mason John Slidell
- Charles Francis Adams
24The War in 1862
- Copperheads
- Suspension of the right of habeas corpus
- Suppression of anti-administration newspapers
- The exile of Clement Vallandisham
- Defeatism
- Southern victories
- General Jackson General Robert E. Lee
25The Confederate Generals
Stonewall Jackson
Nathan Bedford Forrest
George Pickett
Jeb Stuart
James Longstreet
Robert E. Lee
26General Robert E. Lee
27Western campaign-A shift in the war
- General Halleck General Ulysses S. Grant
- Battle of Shiloh Church
- General Albert Sydney Johnston
- General Buell
- The War at Sea
- Threatening the blockade
- The Merrimack (The Virginia)
- The Monitor
28The Battle of the Ironclads,March, 1862
The Monitor vs.the Merrimac
29Damage on the Deck of the Monitor
30The Monitor
- Confederates
- Union-Army of the Potomac
- General McClellan
- Springfield repeating rifle
- Political differences
32McClellan I Can Do It All!
33The Peninsula Campaign
- McClellan attempts to take Richmond
- Lee bluffs
- Battle of Seven days
- Replacing McClellan with General John Pope
- 2nd Battle of Manassas
- Recalling McClellan
- Davis encourages Northern victories
- Battle of Antietam
- Lees army escapes to Virginia
34War in the East 1861-1862
35CalvaryJeb Stuart, Nathan Bedford Forrest etc
36Lincoln Visits Antietam
37Battle of Antietam Bloodiest Single Day of the
September 17, 1862
23,000 casualties
- Horace Greeley
- Emancipation Proclamation
- William Seward
- Enlisting in the army
- British neutrality
39Emancipation in 1863
41The Southern View of Emancipation
42- Radical Republican support
- Replacing McClellan with General Ambrose
Burnside - Stalemate
- Fredericksburg, VA
- Murfreesboro, TN
4354th Massachusetts
- Col Robert Gould Shaw
- Recruited by white abolitionists
- death sentence by the Confederacy
- James Island, SC
- Fort Wagner, Charleston, SC
- William Harvey Carneymedal of honor recipient
44African-American Recruiting Poster
45The Famous 54th Massachusetts
46August Saint-Gaudens Memorial to Col. Robert
Gould Shaw
47African-Americansin Civil War Battles
48Black Troops Freeing Slaves