Title: Greek Architecture
1Greek Architecture
2Palace at Knossos, Crete, c. 1500 BC
3Palace at Knossos, Crete, c. 1500 BC
4Lion Gate Mycenae c. 1300 BC
5Lion Gate, Mycenae, c. 1300 BC
6(No Transcript)
7Temple of Hera at Paestumc. 550 BC
8The Acropolis, Athens, Greece, c. 450BC
9Temple of Athena Nike, c. 425 BC, Kallikrates
10The Parthenon, c.440 BC-Iktinos and Kallikrates
- In architecture this is the wide central section
part of an entablature and may be plain in the
Ionic or Doric order, or decorated with
12Erechtheion, 420 BCE
13 caryatid
- a sculpted female figure serving as an
architectural support taking the place of a
column or a pillar supporting an entablature on
her head.
14Porch of the Maidens, 421407 BC
15Theater at Epidauros, Greece, C. 350 BC
Polykleitos the Younger