2Udine (population 96,000 ca.)Friuli Venezia
Giulia Region (NE Italy)
3Town charter 987 a.d.Under Venetian Republic
(15th-18th centuries)Under Austro-Hungarian
Empire (late 18th-mid 19th centuries)
4Founded 1866
5- 140 teachers
- 1,287 students (14-18 years old)
- 4 courses of study
- ERICA Foreign correspondents
- IGEA Accountants
- Mercurio Accountants/Computer programmers
- Technical Lycée
6Timetable Monday to Saturday 33-36 hours/week,
six 50-minute periods/day
7ITC Zanon also offers
- Night school for adults (bookkeeping diploma)
- Courses in foreign languages and computer studies
for the community - Courses of Italian for immigrants
- Education for prisoners at local jail
8Educational autonomy1998Schools now take
more responsibility for
- curriculum planning
- extra-curricular projects
- economic policy
9ITC ZanonEurolanguages Project
- General courses for teachers
- Training courses for future CLIL practitioners
- Implementation of foreign language medium teaching
10General language courses for teachers
- English, German, French, Spanish any level
- Revise, improve, complement existing skills
- Promote intercultural/plurilingual awareness
- represent nursery for future CLIL teachers
11CLIL training course
- 60 hours language revision/communication
- language of classroom management
- Readings on CLIL worldwide
- Microlanguage of subject
12Training of CLIL teachers
- Univerity
- initial training
- in-class observation
- preparation of post-graduate course of
specialisation for future CLIL trainers/teachers
Training course minimum 60 hours drilling
Two-week course abroad
Implementation min. 1 module/term or 1 hr.
Ongoing support group
13CLIL Implementation
- Sept 1998-May 1999
- June 1999-Sept 1999
- September 1999
- November 1999
Teacher training courses 3 Lingua B-funded
finishing courses abroad CLIL across the
curriculum bilingual education seminar
14CLIL Diffusion
- February 2000
- February 2000
2-day training workshop for all schools
interested Setting-up of Udine CLIL Network (see
University of Venice website)
15Schools belonging to the Udine CLIL Network
- Istituto Tecnico Commerciale Antonio Zanon
- Istituto Tecnico Industriale Arturo Malignani
- Liceo Scientifico Niccolò Copernico
Liceo Classico Jacopo Stellini Istituto
Magistrale Caterina Percoto Istituto
Professionale Bonaldo Stringher
Liceo ScientificoGiovanni Marinelli
16ITC Antonio Zanonzanon_at_itczanon.it