Title: TowerPlan
- Fred Hopengarten K1VR
- Eric Scace K3NA
2Typical questions when buildingor changing
- Is it safe to guy at a different spot than the
catalog drawing? - Can I go higher than the manufacturer recommends
if I use this smaller antenna? - Can another antenna be added to this tower?
- Is my mast strong enough?
- What problems have I overlooked?
3Answers are expensiveor uncertain
- Hire Professional Engineer.
- Over-design.
- Frank, Tim and Matt do it this way, so it must
be OK. - It hasnt fallen over yet, so I can add some
4Sneak previewTowerPlan software services
- Color graphics, text reports
- Safety margins for all parts of system.
- Deflections, loads, and torques.
- Construction drawings.
- Bill of Materials.
- P.E. dry and wet seal documents (when
Important for rotators!
5How TowerPlan worksStep 1 Description
- Base guy anchors.
- Tower
- Pick from library of manufactured towers.
- Guy wires insulators.
- Antennas.
- Pick from library of manufactured antennas.
- Describe homebrew antennas.
- Antenna mounts rotators.
- Miscellaneous cable runs, boxes, etc.
6Easy to use
- Extensive dialogs.
- Continuous view of system.
7How TowerPlan worksStep 2 environment
- Select conditions
- Choose the industry standard for the location.
- Select custom wind and ice loads.
- Multiple sets of environmental conditions may be
included in each analysis. - Example
- 80 mph wind no ice
- 65 mph wind ¼ radial ice
8How TowerPlan worksStep 3 safety factors
- Separate safety factors for each major part of
system - Rotators.
- Antennas.
- Mounts.
- Tower.
- Guys and anchors.
- Allows for progressive failure under extreme
9How TowerPlan worksStep 4 analysis
- Calculating enginefinite element analysis
(FEA). - Strain, shear, torque and displacements on each
element. - Compare to failure point to determine margin of
safety. - Compare margin to target safety margin.
- Wind directions around each antenna tested for
worst orientation. - Rotatable antennas aligned to the most severe
combination for system. - Wind directions around entire system tested for
different failure modes.
10How TowerPlan worksStep 5 results
- Graphic display
- Stress, shear, torque, displacement.
- Safety margin relative to target.
- Points of failure.
- Detailed and summary text reports.
11How TowerPlan worksStep 6 iterate
- Modify design
- Correct for failures.
- Optimize choice of materials.
- Re-run analysis.
- Print final design
- Construction diagrams report summary.
- Bill of Materials.
12Making life easierTower antenna libraries
- Pre-described tower sections.
- Pre-described antennas.
- Homebrew antennas can be described and added to
personal library. - Black box to the user.
- User picks from list of manufacturer products.
- Product details are not available to user.
- Manufacturer may provide both current and
historical variations of products.
13How TowerPlan worksNeed dry- or wet-seal
- Finalize design with TowerPlan.
- Request sealed drawings on-line.
- Dry seal PDF file e-mailed to you.
- Wet seal TowerPlan prints and ships drawings
with wet seal. - P.E. seal chosen appropriate to jurisdiction.
- Most hams will work intensively to design a
system - but, after design is done, do not make changes
for months or years. - Will software be current then?
15Not available in stores! (and dont call 1-800-)
- Web-based service
- Register on-line.
- Description may be done off-line.
- Analysis calculations occur on-line.
- Results may be reviewed off-line.
16Not available in stores! (and dont call 1-800-)
- Benefits
- Current software features bug fixes.
- Current library antennas and towers.
- Not constrained by users CPU speed or memory.
- Eliminates complexity of multi-platform software
design maintenance. - Reduces distribution expense.
17Release schedule
- Release 1 software and libraries in development.
- 3Q beta testing.
- 4Q general availability.
- Release 1 will likely contain
- The most popular tower models.
- As many antenna models as we can practically
18You can help!Tower or antenna manufacturer?
- Contact us NOW to
- Include your products in the TowerPlan libraries.
- Post links to your web-site.
eric _at_ k3na.org
19You can help!Professional Engineer?
- Contact us to
- Provide seal services for your jurisdiction.
- Receive referrals for custom design work.
- Post links to your web-site.
eric _at_ k3na.org
20You can help!Planning antenna project soon?
- Remind your tower and antenna manufacturer
- Please arrange for your towers/antennas to be
included in TowerPlan libraries! - Contact us
- What kind of tower antennas?
eric _at_ k3na.org
- Sleep soundly during storms.
- Build.
- Optimize.
- Analyze.
- Dont guess!
eric _at_ k3na.org