Title: Using APA Reference Format
1Using APA Reference Format
- Comp 1013
- University of Minnesota, Crookston
- Mary M. Pringle, Ph.D.
2Using APA Reference Format
- APA (American Psychological Association) format
is the standard for academic publications in the
social sciences. - Other disciplines, and even specific publications
within disciplines, use slightly different
3Using APA Reference Format
- What they all have in common is that certain
fields are always set up the same way this way,
readers who know the format immediately
understand the publication information. - For example, in APA format, the date field is
always the second item and is enclosed in
parentheses, while in MLA format, the date comes
4Using APA Reference Format
In APA format, the date is the second field,
enclosed in parentheses with a period outside the
parentheses. Everything matters!
- Evans, J. J. (2003). Dreamweaver MX complete
course. New York Wiley Publishing. - MLA
- Evans, Joyce J. Dreamweaver MX Complete Course.
New York Wiley Publishing, 2003.
In MLA format, the date field come right after
the publisher field, with no parentheses. This is
5Using APA Reference Format
- If you look closely at the previous examples, you
will see other differences between the APA and
MLA citations. - They are all intentional, and they are all
significant! - From this point on, we will look only at APA
6Using APA Reference Format
- The full APA paper style is for people who are
submitting manuscripts for publication. - Manuscript style is set up to be easy to track
and identify, and easy to edit. - However, it is not an attractive or appropriate
format for publication.
7Using APA Reference Format
- You can see a sample of standard APA manuscript
format at http//www.dianahacker.com/resdoc/social
8Using APA Reference Format
- This is not an acceptable appearance for a
published document, so we will use APA format to
list our references and cite them in the text,
but we will use a slightly different overall
document format, which you can view at
9Using APA Reference Format
- There is an entire book devoted to APA format,
but Ch. 15 of Lester Lester has everything we
need to cite sources for the Comp 1013 projects.
Click on the image to go to the webpage for the
Publication Manual of the American Psychological
10Using APA Reference Format
- Within APA reference format, each type of
document has its own stylebooks, reports,
journal articles, newspaper articles are all a
little different from each other. - We are working with online sources, so we want to
master at least the most common kinds of online
11Using APA Reference Format
- Ideally, an online citation will have information
for all of these fields in the following order
Author/editor last name, initials, and a period.
(1998, October).
McDonough, W., Braungart, M.
(year of publication include month and day for
magazine and newspaper articles).
Title of article with optional description, e.g.,
Online version only first word and proper
nouns begin with a capital letter.
The next industrial revolution.
The Atlantic Monthly,
Retrieved July 18, 2003, from http//www.theatlant
Name of Website, Magazine, Newspaper, or Journal
(italics, all initial caps).
Volume number of journal, if given, in italics.
Page numbers, if info is given for printed
Retrieved date of access from
12Using APA Reference Format
If there is a volume number, dont use pp.
Dont forget the period here.
The issue number, if any, follows immediately in
parentheses (no italics).
There is a period here if there is no volume
number otherwise, its a comma.
Author/editor last name, initials, and a period.
(year of publication include month and day for
magazine and newspaper articles).
Title of article with optional description, e.g.,
Abstract only first word and proper nouns
begin with a capital letter.
Name of Website, Magazine, Newspaper, or Journal
(italics, all initial caps),
Volume number of journal, if given, in italics.
Page numbers, if info is given for printed
Retrieved date of access from
No period after the URL. Please make sure the URL
is live.
13Using APA Reference Format
(1998, October).
McDonough, W., Braungart, M.
The next industrial revolution.
The Atlantic Monthly,
Retrieved July 18, 2003, from http//www.theatlant
14Using APA Reference Format
- Q Many online sources do not give an individual
author namewhat should I do? - A There are two possibilities
15Using APA Reference Format
- The author may be a corporate entity such as the
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). - U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). (2003,
July 10). Bovine spongiform encephalopathy
(BSE)Backgrounder Release No. bg0166.03 .
Retrieved July 18, 2003, from http//www.usda.gov/
16Using APA Reference Format
- You may have to put the title in the author
field. - Slaughter on suspicion Vermont Reprint from
AP/CNN. (2001, March 10). The Official Mad Cow
Disease Homepage. Retrieved July 18, 2003, from
17Using APA Reference Format
- Check Lester Lester, pp. 292295 for more
information. - Be sure to list your sources in alphabetical
order according to the first word in the citation
(usually the author last name). - You can also use a numbered list system if you
have too many sites with no author (ask your
instructor about it).
18Using APA Reference Format
- Note that references should be formatted with
hanging indents. - In Word, select your reference list, click on
Format/Paragraph, and set as the next slide
illustrates. Then click OK.
19Using APA Reference Format
Hanging indent set at 0.3 in.
20Using APA Reference Format
- The final important consideration is how to cite
sources correctly in the text. - Please read Lester Lester, Ch. 8 before you
start. - Then read pp. 279286 for details.
21Using APA Reference Format
- The most common way to cite is to put the author
and date separated by a comma in parentheses
after the cited material. - E.g., There is no reason to stop eating beef
unless you are concerned about your health
(Smith, 2003).
(Smith, 2003)
22Using APA Reference Format
- If there is no author, list the first few words
of the title in quotes rather than the author,
e.g., (New Data, 2003). - Note that all of the words in the short title
start with uppercase letters.
23Using APA Reference Format
- Another common way to cite in the text is to say
something like Smith (2003) states or
According to Smith (2003), . - Be sure that you understand the difference
between paraphrase and direct quotesboth have to
be cited as long as youre using someone elses
words and ideas.
24Using APA Reference Format
- If you have any questions about the details of
citing sources, be sure to look for the answer on
a reliable website such as the Purdue Online
Writing Lab or the UMC Library APA page. - If you cant find the answer yourself, ask your
instructor, who loves to share this information!