APA Bibliography Format Tim Roufs - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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APA Bibliography Format Tim Roufs


... Writing at UMD you probably learned the MLA (Modern Language Association) format. APA Bibliography Format. Follow APA conventions for documenting your work. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: APA Bibliography Format Tim Roufs

APA Bibliography FormatTim Roufs
  • APA Bibliography Format
  • (American Psychological Association)


APA Bibliography Format
Follow APA conventions for documenting your work.
If you took Comp 1120 College Writing at UMD you
probably learned the MLA (Modern Language
Association) format.

APA Bibliography Format
Use APA style rather than the ASA (American
Sociological Association) format, unless you are
already using ASA.
APA Bibliography Format
Your APA bibliography section should be called
  • alphabetize
  • on a separate page
  • after the text of your document, but before any
    appendices or notes
  • number each page, continuing the numbering of the

(No Transcript)

APA Bibliography Format
Whichever format you use, you need to include
information on
  • Author(s)
  • Publication Date
  • Title
  • Publication Information
  • place of publication
  • publisher
  • (sometimes) page numbers


APA Bibliography Format
Reference to a work with a single author
Spencer, R. F. (1969). The north Alaskan
Eskimo. Washington, DC Smithsonian
Institution Press. (Original work Published
in 1959)

APA Bibliography Format
Reference to a work with multiple authors
Coleman, B., Frogner, E., Eich, E. (1971).
Ojibwa myths and legends. Minneapolis Ross
and Haines.

APA Bibliography Format
Reference to a later edition of a work with
multiple authors
Hodges, J. C., Whitten, M. E. (Eds.). (1986).
Harbrace college handbook (10th ed.). San
Diego Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.

APA Bibliography Format
Reference to a book or report with a corporate
United States Department of Agriculture, Forest
Service. (1986). Record of decision Final
environmental impact statement, land and
resource management plan, Superior National
Forest. (USDA Publication No. 641-
110/20043). Washington, DC U.S. Government
Printing Office.

APA Bibliography Format
Reference to a government report with an unknown
author not available from the Government
Printing Office
Cultural status of the South African man-apes.
(1955). In Annual report of the
Smithsonian Institution (pp. 318-
338). Washington, DC Smithsonian Institution.

APA Bibliography Format
A reference to part of a specific volume in a
multi-volume work
Durant, W., Durant, A. (1961). The story of
civilization Vol. 7. The age of
reason begins (pp. 479-484). New
York Simon and Schuster.

APA Bibliography Format
Reference to an unpublished manuscript
Fleischman, W. A. (1978). Resident and
non-resident owner attitudes toward
land use. Unpublished manuscript,
University of Minnesota Duluth, Center for
Community and Regional Studies,
Duluth, MN.

APA Bibliography Format
Reference to an article in journal with
continuous pagination throughout the annual
Black, D. (1979). Common sense in the sociology
of law. American Sociological Review,
44, 18-27. ------------------------ If
pagination is not continuous add the issue number
in parentheses after the volume number Black,
D. (1979). Common sense . . . , 44(6), 18-27.

APA Bibliography Format
Reference to an article from a monthly magazine
Patterson, F. (1978, October). Conversations
with a gorilla. National Geographic,

APA Bibliography Format
Reference to an article from a newspaper where
the author is given and where pages are
Creedon, J. (1979, September 24). The Kosinski
method. Minnesota Daily, pp. 32, 34.

APA Bibliography Format
Reference to an article from a weekly magazine or
weekly newspaper, with no author given
Puzzling out man's ascent. (1977, November 7).
Time, 64-69.

APA Bibliography Format
Reference to two works of the same author in the
same year arrange alphabetically by title, add
a, b, c, etc.
Davis, K. (1963a). Social demography. In B.
Berelson (Ed.), The behavioral
sciences today (pp. 124-137). New York
Basic. Davis, K. (1963b). The theory of
change and response in modern
demographic history. Population Index, 29,

APA Bibliography Format
Reference to an article reprinted in a collection
of works by different authors
Carneiro, R. L. (1974). A theory of the origin
of the state. In Y. A. Cohen (Ed.),
Man in adaptation (2nd ed., pp.
417-426). Chicago Aldine. (Reprinted from
Science, 1970, 169, 733-738)

APA Bibliography Format
Reference to a work in a collection of works by
the same author
Hallowell, A. I. (1955). The nature and
function of property as a social
institution. In A. I. Hallowell,
Culture and experience (pp. 236-249).
Philadelphia University of
Pennsylvania Press. (Reprinted from
Journal of Legal and Political Sociology, 1943,
1, 115-138)

APA Bibliography Format
Reference to an unsigned article in a reference
Culture change. (1976). Encyclopedia of
anthropology (pp. 97-98).

APA Bibliography Format
Reference to a letter to the editor
Levy, M. M. (1979, September 24). Letter to
the editor. Minnesota Daily, Sec. 1,
p. 6.

APA Bibliography Format
Reference to a TV or radio program
Downs, H. (Narrator). (1968, March 21). The
first Americans TV Video. New York
NBC News.

APA Bibliography Format
Reference to a film
Gardner, R. G. (Director). (1964). Dead birds
Film. Washington, DC Harvard
University, Peabody Museum, Film
Study Center.

APA Bibliography Format
Reference to a lecture
Laundergan, J C. (2000, December 8).
Functional analysis of social
stratification. Sociology 1100 class
lecture. University of Minnesota Duluth.
Duluth, MN.

APA Bibliography Format
Reference to electronic citations
Although most agree on the components for
electronic citations, format standards are just
emerging for citations from electronic
media. For citing WebSites the tendency seems to
be to italicize (or underline) the title of the
site, or, if there is no title, to include a
description such as Home Page, but not
underlined or italicized or in quotation marks.

APA Bibliography Format
Reference to electronic citations
For the latest up-to-date information see Style
Sheets for Citing Internet Electronic Resources
-- UC Berkeley - Teaching Library Internet
Workshops Electronic Reference Formats
Recommended by the American Psychological
Association -- APA

APA Bibliography Format
Reference to electronic citations
  • Author's Last Name, Initial(s).
  • (Date of document). if different from date
  • Title of document.
  • Title of complete work. if applicable
  • Version or File number. if applicable
  • (Edition or revision). if applicable
  • Protocol and address, access path, or
  • (date of access).


APA Bibliography Format
Reference to an Unnamed WebSite
Kim, A. Home page. 9 Oct. 1997.
lthttp.//www.cohums.ohio -state.edu/english/peopl

APA Bibliography Format
Reference to a Named WebSite
Burka, L. P. (1993). A hypertext history of
multi-user dimensions. MUD history.
http//www.utopia.com/talent/ lpb/muddex/essay
(2 Aug. 1996).

APA Bibliography Format
Reference to a WebSite by a Corporate Author
Classical myth The ancient sources. Dept. of
Greek and Roman Studies, U of Victoria. 28
Mar. 1998 lthttp// www.wesleyan.edu/cbays/homep

APA Bibliography Format
Reference to an Online periodical
Author, A. A., Author, B. B., Author, C. C.
(2000). Title of article. Title of
Periodical, xx, xxxxxx. Retrieved month day,
year, from source.

APA Bibliography Format
Reference to an Online periodical
Browing, T. Embedded Visuals Student Design
in Web Spaces. Kairos A journal for
teachers of writing 2.1 (1997). 9 Oct. 1999
http//english.ttu.edu/ kairos/current/toc.htmlgt

APA Bibliography Format
Reference to an Online periodical
Zahn, M. States Sex Offender Law Is it
working? Milwaukee journal sentinel online.
28 Mar. 1998. ltcom/forums/sexoffender/0328sex.s

APA Bibliography Format
Reference to E-mail, Discussion Lists, and
Crump, E. Re Preserving Writing. Alliance for
Computers and Writing listserv. acw-l_at_unicorn.
acs.ttu.edu (31 Mar. 1995).

APA Bibliography Format
Reference to Online Reference Sources
Fine arts. (1993). In E. D. Hirsch, Jr., J. F.
Kett, J. Trefil (Eds.), Dictionary of
cultural literacy. Boston Houghton
Mifflin. INSO Corp. America Online. Reference
Desk/ Dictionaries/Dictionary of Cultural
Literacy (20 May 1996).

APA Bibliography Format
Reference to Software Programs
ID Software. (1993). The ultimate doom. NY
GT Interactive Software.

APA Bibliography Format
You no longer need to include words like "Inc.,"
"Publishers," "and Co., " "Company," "Ltd.," and
"Limited" in your references section. Thus,
for example, refer simply to St. Martin's
rather than St. Martin's Press. There is one
exception with university presses, spell out
the entire publisher (for example, "The
University of Chicago Press").
For more information see the Dept. Writing Guide
APA Bibliography Format Tim Roufs
  • End of
  • APA Bibliography Format
  • Presentation
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