AKS 43: Age of Revolutions - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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AKS 43: Age of Revolutions


Chapter 21.5 Pages 614-617 ... democratic ideals of French Revolution Feared nationalism. ... amount in taxes could not vote 30% of the males over the age of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: AKS 43: Age of Revolutions

AKS 43Age of Revolutions Rebellions
  • Chapter 21.5 Pages 614-617
  • Chapter 22.4 Pages 640-645
  • Chapter 23 Pages 651-675
  • Chapter 24.1 Pages 681-686

Warm Up 1 Test Corrections
  • Write the question
  • Write the answer
  • Write where you found the answer
  • ie notes, characteristics of Absolutism, warm
    ups, AKS 42 sheet.

  • You Need A Book !!!

What would you do?
What would you do?
  • If the school started forcing students to pray a
    prayer asking God/gods for blessings during the
    moment of silence? If students refused they would
    be held after school until they said the prayer.
  • If Mill Creek charged you a fee for being tardy
    to school and making up assignments? If the fees
    were not paid your credits would be suspended for
    advancement to the next grade.
  • What avenues do students have to instigate
    change in the school society?

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EnglandDefying Parliament
  • James I (1603-1625)
  • Struggled w/ Parliament over
  • Centralized and consolidated the power of the
    government and tried to win over the aristocracy
    by giving them new offices and titles.
  • Not a lot of money to pay for it
  • Conducted foreign policy without consulting
  • Agreed to new trans. of Bible
  • Granted the charter for the founding of
    Jamestown, which was named after him

EnglandDefying Parliament
? Charlie!
  • Charles I (1625-1649)
  • Suspended Parliament and attempted to rule
    through his advisers.
  • Collected taxes without the consent of Parliament
  • Imprisoned those who refused to pay
  • Quartered troops in citizens home
  • Goals
  • Rid the nation of Puritans
  • Root out the country opposition

EnglandDefying Parliament Charles I
  • Charles needed money to defend the kingdom
    against a recent Scottish invasion.
  • Scots did not like his religious policies
  • Parliament demanded more rights
  • Forced Charles to sign Petition of Right
  • Not imprison subjects w/o due cause
  • Not levy taxes w/o Parl.s consent
  • Not house soldiers in private homes
  • Not impose martial law during peacetime
  • Set forth idea that law was higher than king
  • After he receives the money he ignores the
    document and will try to arrest the leaders of
    Parliament for the affront to royal power

EnglandEnglish Civil War (1642-1649)
  • Background/Causes
  • Parl. passed laws to limit royal power king
    outraged arrested Parl. leaders mob began to
  • Loyal to Charles Royalists/Cavaliers
  • Puritan supporters of Parl.
  • Roundheads

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EnglandEnglish Civil War (1642-1649)
  • Result
  • Roundheads win
  • Oliver Cromwell
  • Leader of the Roundheads
  • Roundhead General
  • Tried, beheaded Charles for treason 1649
  • First time was publicly executed occurred in
  • Est. commonwealth (repub. form of govt)

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England (1660)
  • Charles II
  • Rule known as Restoration
  • (Parliament restored the monarchy
  • as an institution)
  • Habeas Corpus
  • Prisoners must be charged with a crime
  • A judge must formally charge a prisoner
  • Prisoners could not be held without trials
  • Navigation Acts in the American colonies
  • Since Charles II did not have any children, the
    throne would pass to his Catholic brother, James
    II. This contributed to growing tensions in

England (1685-1689)
  • James II Causes
  • James offended subjects b/c he boasted his
  • Dissolved Parl. b/c he appointed Cath. officials
    to high office (against law)
  • Glorious Revolution
  • William Mary (James daughter) led army to
    London James II fled (bloodless overthrow)

England (1689)
  • Results Limits on Monarchs
  • Became const. monarchy
  • English Bill of Rights passed
  • Made clear the limits of royal power
  • included provisions that made Parliament stronger
    than the monarchy
  • monarch could not suspend laws without
    Parliaments consent
  • monarch needed Parliaments approval to raise
    taxes and maintain army
  • monarch had to summon Parliament frequently
  • monarch could not interfere with Parliamentary
  • protected rights of individuals
  • guaranteed trial by jury of anyone accused of
  • outlawed cruel and unusual punishment
  • limited amount of bail that could be imposed
  • Cabinet developed to keep govt from halting to a

English Revolution
  • Historical implications
  • In England a body of political thought emerged
    that argued that human liberty can be ensured
    within the confines of a powerful national state
  • One governed by mere mortals and not by divinely
    sanctioned and absolute kings
  • At the heart of the enlightenment ideal lay the
    notion that the state serves the interests of
    those who support and create a viable
    alternative to absolutism
  • Nations can survive without an absolute monarch

English Revolution Sandwich James Sandwich
James I
Charles I
Charles II
Oliver Cromwell
James II
William and Mary Plate
Warm Up The English Civil War
  1. What was the Glorious Revolution? Why did it
  2. What is the new form of government established
    after the Glorious Revolution?
  3. Why is the English Bill of Rights so important?
  4. What is the Habeas Corpus Act? How does it
    impact modern governments?
  5. What was restored during the Restoration? Who
    restored the institution?
  6. What is the enduring historical significance of
    the English Revolution of the seventeenth

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American Revolution
  • Background England
  • England extended its hold all over the world
    taking control of parts of Asia, India, Canada
    and islands in the Caribbean.
  • Britain wanted the colonies to provide the crown
    with money and they did.
  • The government would only allow the sale of goods
    from the colonies to the England. The colonists
    were allowed to buy the goods from other
    countries but only after high tariffs were

United States (1776)
  • Causes
  • Trade, tax laws seen as unfair by colonists
  • Britain wanted the colonist to help pay for the
    French and Indian War
  • Basic conflict Did the colonies exist to enrich
    Britain, or were they entitled to trade for their
    own profit?
  • Boston Tea Party incident shutting down of
  • Battle at Lexington Concord
  • Colonists are upset because they are not
    represented in Parliament
  • Enlightenment Influence
  • King George broke social contract
  • Dec. of Ind. based on ideas of Locke others
    from Enlightenment (main author Thomas

United States (1776)
  • Changing Idea

United States (1776)
  • Success
  • Colonists motivation greater
  • British generals made mistakes
  • Time British citizens got tired of fighting
  • French helped at Yorktown
  • Americans were skillful fighters

United States (1776)
  • Results
  • Americans won ind. against
  • King George III
  • Articles of Confederation
  • Failed because it only allowed one body of
  • To prevent the central government from becoming
    too powerful colonial delegates established the
    Federal system
  • Federal System a government system in which
    power is divided between national and state
  • Constitution
  • Based on theories of Locke, Montesquieu,
  • Bill of Rights
  • 1st 10 amend. to Const.
  • Protected basic rights as freedom of speech,
    press, assembly, religion ( ideas of Voltaire,
    Rousseau, Locke)

Warm Up American Revolution
  1. What was the first governing document of the
    United States? Why was it unsuccessful?
  2. In order to create a check or controls on the
    central government, what type of system or
    government was formed? Define it.
  3. Which philosophes ideas are most prevalent in
    the Declaration of Independence? Who wrote the
    Declaration of Independence?
  4. What are the causes of the American Revolution?
  5. Name the monarch whom the Americans had to
    overthrow in order to obtain independence?
  6. What is the American Bill of Rights? What
    historical document does it closely resemble?
  7. According to Locke and Rousseau if a government
    violates the _______ ________, its citizens can
    rise against it.
  8. Why were the Americans successful in their fight
    for independence?
  9. Name the first country to put the ideas of Locke,
    Rousseau, Montesquieu, and Voltaire into

  1. What were the causes of the French Revolution?
  2. What is the name of the political and social
    system of France before the revolution?
  3. Name who is in each Estate of the Estates
  4. How many votes did each estate have in the
    assembly? Why was the Third Estate upset with
    the number of votes allotted to it.
  5. Who paid most of the taxes in France before the
    French Revolution?
  6. Why did Louis XVI call for a meeting of the
    Estates General for the first time in 175 years?
  7. Why did the Third Estate form the National
  8. What happened on July 14, 1789?
  9. What type of monarchy is established with the
    Declaration of the Rights of Man and the
    Constitution of 1791?
  10. Name the French document that said every man is
    born free and equal is similar to the American
    Declaration of Independence.
  11. What is the slogan of the revolution?

Warm Up CP Review
  1. What is Mercantilism? What would it encourage a
    country to do?
  2. What do colonies provide a nation?
  3. What was the effect of the cancellation of the
    Edict of Nantes?
  4. What did Peter the Great do politically?
  5. What are the core beliefs of the Enlightenment?
  6. Who was Louis XIVs finance minister?
  7. How was Russia predating ,Peters reign,
    different from Western Europe ?
  8. What is a salon?
  9. Where did the ideas of the Enlightenment spread?
  10. What is an absolute monarch? Why did they become
    so powerful?

Warm Up G/H Review
  • What is Mercantilism? What would it encourage a
    country to do?
  • What do colonies provide a nation?
  • What was the effect of the cancellation of the
    Edict of Nantes?
  • What did Peter the Great do politically?
  • What are the core beliefs of the Enlightenment?

French Revolution
  • Four Stages
  • Old Regime
  • Moderate Stage 1789-91
  • The Radical Stage 1792-94
  • Napoleon becomes dictator and emperor

France (1789)Revolution Begins (Causes)
  • First Estate
  • Clergy
  • Enlightenment ideas bad
  • Second Estate
  • Rich nobles
  • Disagreed about Enlightenment idea
  • Third Estate
  • Bourgeoisie (middle class), peasant farmers
  • No power to influence govt
  • Embraced Enlightenment ideas
  • Resented 1st and 2nd estates
  • Paid almost all of the taxes

Embraced the Enlightenment ideals more closely
France (1789)Revolution Begins (Causes)
  • Economic Crisis
  • Poor harvest hurt the economy
  • Poor harvest hurt the economy
  • peasants were starving and extremely poor
  • nobles increased manorial dues, making the
    peasantry despise the whole hierarchy
  • Huge Debt
  • result of Louis XIVs spending loans
  • wars to expand Frances borders
  • The Palace of Versailles
  • Louis XV
  • extravagant personal spending and spending on
    wars (Seven Years War-France lost its colonies in
    Canada and India to Great Britain)

France (1789)Revolution Begins (Causes)
  • Louis XVI Marie Antoinette
  • Inherited debt from previous kings
  • Extravagant spenders themselves
  • Louis weak leader, indecisive
  • Marie spent a lot of money on gowns, jewels, etc.
  • Known as Madame Deficit

France (1789)Revolution Begins (Causes)
  • Influence of Enlightenment Ideas
  • Enlightenment ideas of equality and social
    justice influenced people of France to question
    the absolute monarchy (Old Regime) in France.
    They were also inspired by the American
    Revolution which showed the enlightenment ideals
    in action.

France (1789)Revolution Begins (Causes)
  • Estates-General
  • Assembly of reps from all 3 estates
  • Solution to problem - impose new tax on
    nobility assembly called to approve it in 1789
  • First meeting in 175 years

France (1789)Revolution Begins (Causes)
  • At the meeting of the Estates General the estates
    argued over procedure and did not address the
    taxation issue
  • Problem Third estates wants members of the
    estates general to vote as individuals on issues.
    This would allow the members of the third estate
    to ally with the liberal nobles and clergyman.
  • The first and second estates detested the idea
    which would weaken their power base and allow
    them to be out voted

France (1789) Moderate StageRevolution Begins
  • National Assembly
  • Formed by members of 3rd Estate when they were
    locked out of the meeting hall of the Estates
  • Tennis Court Oath
  • broke down door to indoor tennis court vowed
    not to leave until new constitution was written
  • Act proclaimed end of abs. mon. beginning of
    rep. govt

France Moderate Stage Revolution Begins July 14,
1789 (Causes)
  • Storming of Bastille (Spark that starts the
  • Louis sends troops to France word of them
    coming creates riots
  • Mobs wanted Bastilles supply of gunpowder to
    defend the National Assembly stormed the prison
  • killed prison guards, paraded in streets with
    their heads
  • 1st major act of revolution

Storming of the Bastille
  • Importance
  • Symbol of the Old Regimes darkness and despotism
    had fallen
  • Forced Louis to give up his plan reduced Kings
  • Saved National Assembly
  • Became great symbolic act of revolution for
    French people
  • Some court nobles flee the country

France (1789) Moderate Stage Revolution Begins
  • Great Fear
  • Senseless panic peasants became outlaws in fear
    that nobles were hiring outlaws to terrorize

Did You get it.
  • What were the three estates in France?
  • Why was each group in the 3rd estate dissatisfied
    with the Old Regime?
  • Why was the fall of the Bastille important?

Great Fear August Decrees of the National
  • August Decrees of the National Assembly
  • Did away with the special privileges of the
  • Exclusive hunting rights
  • Tax exemptions,
  • monopoly on highest offices
  • Manorial courts
  • The right to demand labor services from peasants
  • The decrees put an end to the Old Regime
  • They also create the Declaration of the Rights
    of Man and the Citizen
  • Louis XVI hesitated to approve the decrees which
    will lead to a second uprising
  • Peasant women, demanding bread, marched on
    Versailles demanded Louis Marie return to

France (1789) Moderate Stage
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man of the
  • Similar to inspired by U.S. Dec. of Ind.
  • Slogan Liberty, Equality, Fraternity

France Moderate Stage
  • The Rights of Man (1789)
  • Document declared men are born free and remain
    free and equal in rights also freedom of
    speech, religion
  • The goal of government was to preserve the above
    rights as well as liberty, property security, and
    resistance to oppression

The Assembly adopted many reforms
  • A limited monarchy (1791)
  • Monarch lost absolute power, but still has
    executive power to enforce laws.
  • Departments or districts of France created
  • 83 districts, abolished the old districts of the
    Middle Ages.
  • A new constitution for France (9/1791)
  • Guaranteed all French citizens equal treatment
    under the law
  • Citizens paying less than a specified amount in
    taxes could not vote
  • 30 of the males over the age of twenty five were
    excluded by this stipulation
  • Only the more well to do citizens qualified to
    sit in the Legislative Assembly, a unicameral
    parliament created to succeed the National

The Assembly adopted many reforms
  • A state-controlled church (1791)
  • Catholic church lost its lands and its political
  • Church officials and priests were elected by
    property owners and paid as state officials
  • The new laws alarmed many peasants and drove a
    wedge between them and the bourgeoisie

Warm Up French Revolution 1
  • What were the causes of the French Revolution?
  • What is the name of the political and social
    system of France before the revolution?
  • Name who is in each Estate of the Estates
  • How many votes did each estate have in the
    assembly? Why was the Third Estate upset with
    the number of votes allotted to it.
  • Who paid most of the taxes in France before the
    French Revolution?
  • Why did Louis XVI call for a meeting of the
    Estates General for the first time in 175 years?
  • Why did the Third Estate form the National
  • What happened on July 14, 1789?
  • What type of monarchy is established with the
    Declaration of the Rights of Man and the
    Constitution of 1791?
  • Name the French document that said every man is
    born free and equal is similar to the American
    Declaration of Independence.
  • What is the slogan of the revolution?

What is the picture trying to convey?
G/H Warm Up Review 2
  1. What are the following numbers XIV? XVI? VII?
  2. Who said that liberty was everyones birthright
    but that civilization or government reduced
  3. What did Peter the Great do culturally?
  4. What was Chinas trading policy in the 14th
  5. Why did kings and queen of Europe assume
    unlimited power?
  6. What class in France embraced the ideas of the
    Enlightenment the most?
  7. Why was the Estates General convened after 175
  8. What were the long term causes of the French
    Revolution? What was the immediate cause?
  9. Why was the National Assembly formed?
  10. Name the document that guaranteed freedom of
    speech and religion in France?

CP Warm Up Review 2
  • Who unified Japan and established a militaristic
    government? What is the name of the government?
  • Why was the Edict of Nantes issued?
  • Who is the Sun King?
  • Who said every man was born with the natural
    rights of life liberty, and property? He also
    said it is the job of the government to protect
    these natural rights.
  • What are the following numbers XIV? XVI? VII?
  • Which estate paid almost all of the taxes in
    France during the Old Regime?
  • What class in France embraced the ideas of the
    Enlightenment the most?
  • Why was the National Assembly formed?
  • What kind of government was established in 1791
    with the new constitution?

The Radical Stage 1792-94
  • A counterrevolution led by irreconcilable nobles
    and alienated churchmen, gained the support of
    strongly Catholic peasants. It began to threaten
    the changes made by the Revolution, forcing the
    revolutionary leadership to resort to extreme
  • The sans-culottes, small shopkeepers, artisans,
    and wage earners, foresaw that the bourgeoisie
    would succeed the fallen aristocracy as the
    ruling class.
  • They wanted equality to include narrowing the gap
    between the rich and poor.
  • A reduction of economic inequality,
  • called for higher taxes for the wealthy
  • redistribution of land.
  • a democratic republic in which the common man had
    a voice.

France Radical StageReform Terror
  • France at War
  • 1792 fought against Prussia Austria
  • Mob imprisoned royal family
  • Legislative Assembly declared king deposed,
    dissolved assembly, called for election of new
    legislature (National Convention)
  • Jacobins radical political org. called for
    death of those who supported king

France Radical Stage
  • Bourgeoisie join Jacobin Club (1792)
  • Jacobins (radicals)
  • wanted a strong central government, with Paris as
    the center of power
  • supported temporary governmental controls to deal
    with the needs of war and economic crisis (this
    gained the support of the sans-cullots)
  • After the san-culottes surrounded the Convention
    and demanded the arrest of the Girondin
    delegates, the National Convention comes under
    control of the Jacobins.

France (1789)Reform Terror
  • Guillotine
  • Machine with weighted blade that severed head of
  • Louis and Marie executed in this way

  • Because of domestic and foreign threats, the
    National Convention took drastic action. It set
    aside the constitution that was created in 1793
    and created the Committee of Public Safety.
  • The Committee of Public safety was led by
    Robespierre and imposed The Reign of Terror on
    the French citizens.

France Reign of Terror (1793-1794)
  • Maxmilien Robespierre
  • Jacobin leader wanted to get rid of all of
    Frances past, religion, etc.
  • Became leader of Committee of Public Safety
  • From 1793-1794, ruled basically as a dictator
    this period called Reign of Terror

France (1789)Reign of Terror (1793-1794)
  • Reign of Terror
  • Chief Task protect the revolution from its
  • Often had enemies tried in morning, guillotined
    in afternoon
  • Many enemies were fellow radicals who
    challenged Robespierres leadership
  • Many executed for the flimsiest of reasons

France (1789)Reign of Terror (1793-1794)
  • End of Terror
  • 1794 members of Natl Convention turned on
    Robespierre he was executed by guillotine
  • New Government after the Revolution
  • Directory
  • Set up new plan for govt. power w/ upper
    middle class
  • Reestablished property requirements for voting
  • Produced a counter-terror, as royalists and
    Catholics massacred Jacobins in the provinces
  • Napoleon commanded Frances armies

Lasting effects of the Revolution
  • total war
  • nationalism
  • we believe in no supernatural religion our
    serious interior sentiments were all summed up in
    the one idea, how to be useful to the fatherland.
    Everything else was in our eyes, only
    trivial.It was our only religion.
  • terror as a government policy
  • a revolutionary mentality that sought to change
    the world, at times through violence
  • ended inequality between social classes
  • written constitution that limited kings power

Warm-Up French Revolution 2
  • Who (group) drove Robespierre from leadership of
    the revolutionaries?
  • Which group was in control of France during the
    Reign of Terror? Who was the leader of that
  • What was the main goal of the Committee of Public
  • What is the oath that the third estate took
    after they were locked out of the meeting of the
    Estates General?
  • Name the social group that mainly embraced the
  • Name the different governments of France during
    the Revolution.
  • What were the causes of the French Revolution?
  • What was the rallying cry of the French

Review (Just write down the answers and you can
work with a partner. This will be available
online later today. It does not count as a warm
  • He was a staunch believer in an absolute monarch,
    but disagreed with divine right
  • He was a ruler in the Qing dynasty who reduced
    taxes, cut government expenses, and offered
    intellectuals gov. positions.
  • French middle class that supported the ideas of
    the Enlightenment
  • Political and social hierarchical system in
    France before the revolution
  • They met because the king proposed a new tax on
    the second estate
  • He was the leader of the Committee of Public
    Safety who was killed by his fellow
    revolutionaries. His death ended the Reign of
  • The goal of this group was to protect the
    revolution against its enemies
  • They formed the National Assembly after being
    locked out of a meeting. They also formed a
    limited constitutional monarchy with the
    constitution of 1791.
  • This officially started with the storming of a
    prison on July 14, 1789.
  • This document guaranteed equal rights to all men
    in France
  • This group did not have a lot of political power
    prior to the revolution. Many were well off shop
    keepers and lawyers
  • This group paid most of the taxes in France prior
    to the revolution.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen
  • Kangxi
  • French Revolution
  • Third Estate
  • Robespierre
  • Rousseau
  • Committee of Public Safety
  • Old Regime
  • Bourgeoisie
  • Estates General

Napoleon Childhood
France (1799-1815)Napoleons Rise Rule
  • Hero Coup d'état
  • Coup d'état quick takeover of power
  • Brilliant military strategist with a photographic
  • Defended National Convention with cannonade from
  • Invaded Italy successful Invaded Egypt
  • Came back, surrounded legislature, members
    dissolved Directory, Napoleon declares himself
    first consul assumed role of dictator

France (1799-1815)Napoleons Rise Rule
  • Restored Order
  • Kept many of changes from Revolution
  • Set up tax system national banking system
  • Helped protect industries and combat inflation
  • Opened govt-run public schools
  • Used to indoctrinate children
  • Brought religion back
  • Napoleon was a deist/atheist and only valued
    religion as a unify tool used to control the
  • Created uniform set of laws Napoleonic Code
  • Crowned self emperor in 1804

Napoleonic Code
  • Napoleonic Code gave the country a single set of
  • code of laws that abolished the 3 Estates
  • granted equal rights to all classes,
  • but also censored newspapers,
  • took away womens rights (the right to own
  • Women are considered inferior and must be
    controlled by their husband.
  • restored slavery in French colonies

A Second Coalition attacked France
  • At the time of Bonapartes coup, France was still
    at war with Britain, Austria, and Prussia.
  • Napoleons army had forced Austria and Prussia to
    make peace, thus ending the First Coalition.
  • Britain still fighting and forms Second Coalition
    in 1799 with Austria and Russia.
  • 1802 Napoleon defeats the 2nd Coalition . It is
    the 1st time in 10 years that there is peace in
  • He uses surprise and speed as essential
    ingredients of warfare.
  • He sends a small elite force to engage the enemy,
    then the rest of his army would move to his
    enemys rear flank and cut them from the supply

France (1799-1815)Napoleons Rise Rule
  • Loss of American Territory
  • Lost St. Domingue (Haiti)
  • Sold Louisiana Territory in 1803 for 15 million
    to U.S.

Third Coalition
  • When Britain sees that Napoleon is not content to
    be simply ruler of France and that he has taken
    over part of Italy and Switzerland they feel
  • Britain, along with Russia, Austria, Sweden, and
    Prussia, declare war on Napoleon in 1805. They
    form the Third Coalition.
  • He defeats everyone in the coalition except
    Britain. Russia becomes his ally
  • Napoleon controls most of Europe
  • Napoleon built one of the greatest empires since
    Roman times.

France (1799-1815)Napoleons Rise Rule
  • Europe Battle of Trafalgar
  • Battlefield success forced Austria, Prussia,
    Russia to sign peace treaties
  • Only battle lost Battle of Trafalgar naval
  • Results ensured supremacy of British navy,
    forced Napoleon to give up plans of invading

(No Transcript)
I Love Questions
  1. How did Napoleon seize power?
  2. How did the Napoleonic Code carry out the ideas
    of the French Revolution? How did it limit

France (1799-1815)Napoleons Defeat
  • Mistakes
  • Continental System
  • Goal Prevent trade communication b/w Great
    Britain other European nations
  • naval blockade that closed all European ports to
    British ships in order to cut off all trade with
  • Blockade not tight enough smugglers get cargo
    in out
  • Napoleon attacked Portugal to enforce the terms
    of the Continental System
  • The British navy, which is stronger than
    Napoleons, also had a naval blockade for ships
    bound for the European continent.
  • They made ships of neutral countries, US
    included, sail to Britain in order to search and
    tax them.
  • US was ticked off and they declare War on the
    British in 1812.

France (1799-1815)Napoleons Defeat
  • Peninsular War
  • Napoleons failure to defeat England spawned his
    two later mistakes in an effort to enforce the
  • Because the Spanish failed to prevent the
    Portuguese from trading with Britain and
    contributed little military or financial aid to
    Frances war effort, Napoleon invaded Spain.
  • Napoleon tried to make his brother the king of
    Spain. The people of Spain did not like this idea
    and revolted due to the rise of nationalist
  • Guerilla peasant fighters in Spain fought
    Napoleons forces 6 years
  • England had pitched in to help the guerillas
  • losses weakened French empire

3. Napoleon invaded Russia
France (1799-1815)Napoleons Defeat
  • Mistakes
  • Russia still continued to trade with the British
    in violation of the Continental System.
  • Invasion of Russia (1812)
  • Russians practiced scorched-earth policy
  • Napoleon made it to Moscow Alexander had burned
  • Napoleon became trapped by the winter Russians
    attacked only 10,000 soldiers left to fight

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(No Transcript)
France (1799-1815)Napoleons Defeat
  • Defeat
  • Napoleon is defeated by the Grand Alliance
    (Britain, Russia, Prussia, Austria, and Sweden)
  • Prussia Russia took advantage of inexperienced
  • Napoleon accepted terms of surrender exiled him
    to Elba

France (1799-1815)Napoleons Defeat
  • The Hundred Days Battle of Waterloo
  • Hundred Days Napoleons last bid for power
  • He is not willing to accept defeat
  • Napoleon escaped Elba, regained power
  • Battle of Waterloo Prussian British troops
    defeated French
  • Napoleon exiled to St. Helena died 6 years later

Napoleons Accomplishments
  • He supported many of the changes of the French
  • He put the French economy on solid footing by
    setting up an efficient tax collection system and
    a national banking system
  • He overhauled the government to end corruption
    and improve efficiency
  • He set up Lycees or government-run public schools
  • He restored the position of the Catholic Church
    in France
  • He introduced a comprehensive set of laws known
    as the Napoleonic Code, giving France a uniform
    set of laws
  • He was greatly loved and admired by the French

Warm Up Napoleon
  • How did Napoleon seize power?
  • How did Napoleon both preserve and undermine the
    ideals of the French Revolution?
  • How did Napoleon try to weaken Britain? What were
    the results?
  • What were Napoleons three mistakes that
    eventually led to his defeat?
  • Why did he attack Portugal?
  • How did the Russian czar defeat Napoleon?
  • What was the reaction to Napoleons return in
    France? In the countries of the Grand Alliance?
  • What happened to Napoleon after he was defeated?
  • Name the causes of the French Revolution and the
    effects of the Revolution.
  • What law code does Napoleon create? What does it

Europe before the Congress of Vienna ?
France (1814-1815)Congress of Vienna
  • Meeting called by four of the 5 Great Powers
  • Delegates from Austria, Great Britain, Prussia,
    France, and Russia were in attendance.

France (1814-1815)Congress of Vienna
  • Klemens von Metternich His Plan
  • Foreign minister of Austria
  • Leader of the Congress of Vienna
  • Didnt like democratic ideals of French
  • Feared nationalism. Why?
  • If Austrias many ethnic groups-Poles, Czechs,
    Magyars, Italians, South Slavs, and Romanians-
    embraced the nationalist spirit they would
    shatter the Hapsburg Empire
  • Hated liberalism. Why?
  • He felt it was a dangerous disease carried by
    middle class malcontents that produced domestic
    disorder and international instability.
  • Ideals of liberty and equality led to 25 years of
    revolution, terror, and war.

France (1814-1815)Congress of Vienna
  • Goals
  • French Containment
  • Surrounded France w/ strong countries so it could
    not overpower weak nations
  • Balance of Power
  • No country, including France, would be a threat
    to others
  • Legitimacy
  • Restore ruling families of France, Spain, several
    states in Italy Central Europe to their thrones

Europe after Congress of Vienna ?
France (1814-1815)Congress of Vienna
  • Political Changes
  • Conservatives took control in many countries
  • Many countries remained politically divided
  • Latin American revolutions ensued
  • Legacy
  • Power of France ? Britain Prussian power ?
  • Nationalism spread in Italy, Germany, Greece
  • Ideas about authority basis of power changed
    democracy became more popular
  • Brought a lasting peace for many later decades

Warm Up Congress of Vienna
  1. Who was the leader or most influential
    representative of the Congress of Vienna?
  2. What were the goals of the Congress of Vienna?
  3. Why did Metternich fear liberalism and
  4. In general, what were the political ideas of
    conservatives? Liberals? Radicals?
  5. How was the Congress of Vienna a triumph for

Latin American Revolutions
Social Structure in Latin America
  • The Spanish monarch appointed viceroys to govern
    the colonies and make sure that Spanish law was
  • A strict social order then emerged in the Spanish

Social Structure of Latin America
  • Peninsulares were men that were born in Spain
    sent to rule the colonies
  • Held high offices
  • Creoles were descendants of Spanish parents who
    were born in America
  • Gens de couleur free people of color, including
    mulattos in Haiti
  • Mestizospeople of mixed Native American and
    European descenttoday make up the biggest part
    of the population
  • Mulattos were people of mixed European and
    African descent

(No Transcript)
Haiti (1791-1804)
? His name is fun to say!!
  • Background
  • Population 40,000 white French settlers, 30,000
    gens de couleur (free blacks), 500,000 black
    slaves. Also had large communities of maroons
    (escaped slaves), who maintained their own
    societies and sometimes attacked plantations
  • When the French Revolution broke out, white
    settlers in Saint Domingue sought the right to
    govern themselves
  • Opposed legal and political equality with the
    gens de couleur
  • 1789 Civil War broke out between the two groups
  • 1791 Boukman, a vodou priest, organized a slave
    revolt. Everywhere the rebel slaves ventured
    they gained new recruits from the plantations
    they destroyed.
  • All groups fought each other. African slaves

Haiti (1791-1804)
  • Causes
  • Oppressed people (many slaves) fed up w/
    treatment from white masters
  • Learned about the ideas of the enlightenment
    while fighting alongside Americans during the
    American Revolution.
  • Toussaint LOuverture
  • Became leader of rev., skilled general, diplomat
  • French made peace, accused him of another
    uprising, sent him to prison in French Alps

Haiti (1791-1804)
  • Independence
  • Jean Jacque Dessalines
  • Took over for LOuverture
  • 1804 declared colony an independent country
  • 1st black colony to free itself from European
  • Only successful slave revolt in history
  • 1st Latin American nation to gain its independence

(No Transcript)
Latin America (1808-1825)
  • Causes
  • Lack of loyalty to king
  • Lockes ideas when ruler removed, power shifted
    to the people
  • The opportunity to revolt arose when Napoleon
    conquered Spain.
  • The revolutions were led by Creoles

(No Transcript)
Latin America (1808-1825)
  • Simón Bolivar
  • Venezuela called George Washington of S.A.
  • Partnered w/ San Martín in Ecuador
  • Bolivia named in his honor
  • José de San Martín
  • Liberator of Argentina, Chile, Peru

Latin America (1808-1825)
  • Mexico
  • Miguel Hidalgo started revolutionary movement in
  • José Morelos continued it (creoles feared loss of
    property, land, lives)
  • Agustín de Iturbide finished - 1821
  • Brazil
  • Happened w/o fighting
  • Brazilians signed petition, asked Dom Pedro (King
    Johns son) to rule, he agreed - 1822

(No Transcript)
  • Caudillos
  • These were basically military dictators take
    control in many countries.
  • Most cared only about keeping their power.
  • They did not help the people, but rather
    oppressed them.
  • Most changes in government came at gunpoint.
  • By 1830, Latin America was home to 16 independent
  • Creoles benefited the most from the revolutions.
    Many maintained their social position
  • The Monroe Doctrine (1823)
  • Spain continued to try and get control of its
    former colonies.
  • Latin America would remain free and no European
    country would again control it.
  • England and the US were not going to allow
    foreign involvement, in order to ensure their own
    economic interests in the region.
  • President Monroe declared that no European nation
    would colonize or control any nation in the

Comparison of Revolutions
Mother country had parliamentary government, so colonial governments had a constitutional model Mother country governed by absolute monarch colonial governments had authoritarian model
Colonies had previous experience with popular politics had their own governments that often operated independently from British control Colonies had no experience with popular politics colonial governments led by authoritarian Creoles
Military leaders were popular and sometimes became Presidents (Washington, ), but they did not try to take over the government as military leaders constitutional principle that military would be subordinate to the government Had difficulty subduing the power of military leaders set in place the tradition of military juntas taking over governments
American Revolution occurred in the 1770s vulnerable new nation emerged at an economically advantageous time, when the world economy was expanding Latin American Revolutions occurred during the early 1800s, a time when the world economy was contracting, a less advantageous time for new nations
Warm Up Latin Am. Revolutions
  1. Who inspired revolutions in Latin America with
    the invasion of Spain? Why?
  2. How is the liberation of Brazil different from
    the other Latin American Revolutions?
  3. Who are Jose de San Martin, Simon Bolivar,
    Toussaint LOuverture? What are their
  4. What is the first country in Latin America to
    gain its independence? What else is unique about
    the revolution?
  5. What social group were most likely leaders of the
  6. Draw the social pyramid in colonial Latin
  7. Which country gained independence from the only
    successful slave revolt in history?
  8. After the revolutions in Latin America, who
    normally held power in the fledgling countries?

CP Review
  1. He was the Austrian diplomat with the most
    influence at the Congress of Vienna
  2. The first Latin American nation to gain its
  3. This meeting had the goals of bringing back the
    old monarchs of Europe (Legitimacy), establishing
    a balance of power, and making sure France was
    surrounded by strong nations (containment)
  4. This country was a colony of Spain. Miguel
    Hidalgo began the revolutionary movement there.
  5. This continent had the most colonies in Latin
  6. These people were the only ones able to hold high
    government offices in Latin America. They were
    born in Europe but lived in Latin America
  7. He is the leader of the only successful slave
    revolt in history
  8. This is the only LA nation to gain its
    independence without a lot of bloodshed
  9. He liberated parts of Spanish-speaking South
  10. This group was at the bottom of the social
    hierarchy in LA
  1. Haiti
  2. Mexico
  3. Brazil
  4. Miguel Hidalgo
  5. Toussaint LOuverture
  6. Jose de San Martin
  7. Metternich
  8. Mestizo
  9. Native South American
  10. Peninsular
  11. Europe
  12. Asia
  13. Spain
  14. England

G/H Review
  1. This was a victory for conservatives who in
    essence seized control of Europe after the
    Napoleonic wars
  2. First black nation to gain its independence from
    colonial powers
  3. He inspired the Latin American Revolutions by
    attacking Spain and diverting Spanish attentions
    to affairs in Europe
  4. He was the Austrian diplomat with the most
    influence at the Congress of Vienna
  5. The first Latin American nation to gain its
  6. This meeting had the goals of bringing back the
    old monarchs of Europe (Legitimacy), establishing
    a balance of power, and making sure France was
    surrounded by strong nations (containment)
  7. He freed parts of Spanish-Speaking South America
  8. He is the leader of the only successful slave
    revolt in history
  9. Miguel Hidalgo began the revolutionary movement
    in this former Spanish colony.
  10. This continent established the most colonies in
    Latin America (LA)
  11. These people were the only ones able to hold high
    government offices in Latin America. They were
    born in Europe but lived in Latin America
  12. This is the only LA nation to gain its
    independence without a lot of bloodshed
  13. This group was at the bottom of the social
    hierarchy in LA
  1. Haiti
  2. Mexico
  3. Brazil
  4. Miguel Hidalgo
  5. Toussaint LOuverture
  6. Jose de San Martin
  7. Metternich
  8. Mestizo
  9. Native South American
  10. Peninsular
  11. Europe
  12. Asia
  13. Spain
  14. England
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