MEMS for - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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MEMS for


Tools Faculty, Students & Sponsors MEMS for Real time applications On Board diagnostics 6 to 10 PC workstations with Windows/Linux OS DSP Boards, Microcontroller Boards – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: MEMS for

(Started with a gift from Hitachi
America Inc)
  • Tools
  • Faculty, Students Sponsors
  • MEMS for Real time applications
  • On Board diagnostics  
  • 6 to 10 PC workstations with Windows/Linux OS
  • DSP Boards, Microcontroller Boards

Director Professor Subra Ganesan,,
Co-Director Professor Darrin M Hanna,, Co-
Director Professor Debatosh Debnath,,
Students (2006) Simo Maskouri Jo Lomonaco Kala
Majeti (MEMs), VijayaRangam Venkat Alladi John
Wei Ravi Anand Alex George Corporate Sponsors
(Pending) Hitachi America Ltd Texas
Instruments Daimler Chrysler Xilinx
Inc Freescale/ Motorola Microsoft - ES Software
Real Time Embedded Systems Lab
MEMS Strain Gage
HCS12 Microcontroller Board
RT Linux
DSP 6713
  • Teaching Laboratory
  • Real Time Systems Research
  • Tools

Research in real time embedded system involves
efficient and optimal design for size, power
consumption, performa-nce, features, and cost. We
analyze the embedded systems for ability to meet
critical tasks and also the non-critical tasks.
Ability to conserve power by adj-usting the task
schedule, use of advanc-ed DSP processors and
microcontrollers with wired or wireless
interfaces to net-work, analysis of network
protocols like CAN (controller area network),
design of sensors using MEMs for rugged
env-ironment, multiprocessor design for hi-gh
performance and fault tolerance, are some of the
areas of research. We established Real Time
Embedded and DSP system Laboratory with fun-ding
from Hitachi America and DSP processor hardware
and software from Texas Instruments and Motorola,
Real time analysis software from ETAS, and
Microsoft academic program. Faculties involved in
the RT system Lab are Dr. Subra Ganesan, Dr.
Darrin Hannah, and Dr. Debatosh Debnath. A
number of PhD and MS students are working in this
Researchers in the RTESL are investig-ating basic
research issues in the areas listed below, and
apply the basic resea-rch results to real-time
applications. Research Areas Real Time Embedded
system design including DSP, Micro controllers,
FPGA, MEMS, Sensors, Optimization for
performance, fault tolerance, power consumption.
Mobile, Wearable real time embedded systems,
Testable computer system design Applications Auto
motive controllers and Communication network
issues Non-automotive applications Embedded
system Security This lab will have
Infrastructure for Design, Development and
Testing of real time embedded hardware and
software systems.
  • Some of the software and hardware tools available
  • Matlab, Simulink, Fuzzy, DSP, Real time workshop
    tool boxes with Autocode generation tools
  • IBM Rational Rose tools, UML,  for Embedded
    software development.
  • ETAS- RTAI real time simulation tools for testing
    the schedulability of multiple tasks and also
    testing on target boards.
  • Network simulation tools
  • CAN network to test the real time dead line
    guarantee and CAN analysis tools from Dearborn
    Group, Vector and our own tool.
  • RTOS- real time operating systems- Win CE,
    VxWorks, QNX, RT Linux, etc.
  • Blue tooth network
  • PDA based development environment
  • Various types of microcontroller based
    development environment.
  • Active work on Collision warning system
  • Embedded Software testing and debugging 
  • DSpace tools
  • Hardware in the loop, Software- software in the
    loop testing
  • Intelligent Sensor with real time communication
  • Infrastructure
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