Title: Bab 5 Analisis Industri Dan Persaingan
1Bab 5 Analisis Industri Dan Persaingan
- Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan ancaman dalam
persaingan industri - Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan konsep persaingan
industri - Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan strategi bersaing
perusahaan berdasarkan perannya di pasar sasaran
3Induce your competitors not to invest in those
products, markets and services where you expect
to invest the most that is the fundamental rule
of strategy. Bruce Henderson,
Founder of BCG
There is nothing more exhilarating than to be
shot at without result.
Winston Churchill
4Five Forces Determining Segment Structural
5Analyzing Competitors
6Industry Competition
- Number of Sellers - Degree of Differentiation
- Entry, Mobility, Exit barriers
- Cost Structure
- Degree of Vertical Integration
- Degree of Globalization
7Struktur Industri
- Monopoli
- Oligopoli
- Persaigan monopolistik
- Persaingan Murni
8Barriers and Profitability
Low, risky returns
9Strategic Groups in the Major Appliance Industry
- Group A
- Narrow line
- Lower mfg. cost
- Very high service
- High price
- Group C
- Moderate line
- Medium mfg. cost
- Medium service
- Medium price
- Group D
- Broad line
- Medium mfg. cost
- Low service
- Low price
- Group B
- Full line
- Low mfg. cost
- Good service
- Medium price
Vertical Integration
10Competitors Expansion Plans
11Informasi Kekuatan dan Kelemahan
- 1. Pangsa pasar (share of market) - Pangsa
pesaing atas pasar sasaran. - 2. Pangsa ingatan (share of mind) - Persentase
pelanggan yang menyebut nama pesaing dalam
menanggapi pertanyaan, sebutkan perusahaan
pertama di industri ini yang ada di dalam pikiran
Anda. - 3. Pangsa hati (share of heart) - Persentase
pelanggan yang menyebut nama pesaing dalam
menangapi pertanyaan, Sebutkan perusahaan yang
produknya lebih Anda sukai untuk dibeli.
12Seleksi Pesaing
- Pesaing Kuat vs Pesaing Lemah
- Pesaing Dekat vs Jauh
- Pesaing yang baik vs buruk
13Hypothetical Market Structure Strategies
Expand Market
Attack leader
Special- ize
Defend Market Share
Status quo
Expand Market Share
14Defense Strategies
(1) Position defense
(6) Contraction defense
15Optimal Market Share
16Attack Strategies
17Specific Attack Strategies
- Price-discount
- Cheaper goods
- Prestige goods
- Product proliferation
- Product innovation
- Improved services
- Distribution innovation
- Manufacturing cost reduction
- Intensive advertising promotion
- End-user specialist
- Vertical-level specialist
- Customer-size specialist
- Specific-customer specialist
- Geographic specialist
- Product or product-line specialist
- Product-feature specialist
- Job-shop specialist
- Quality-price specialist
- Service specialist
- Channel specialist
Fighter orientation
Long-run profit
Emerging needs groups
Exploit weaknesses
- Reactive