Title: Presentazione di PowerPoint
1Training and therapy in a womans voice London,
may 2009
As a woman I have no country As a woman
I want no country As a woman my country is the
whole world Virginia Wolf
2Interpersonal and social processes involved in
helping contexts.
- Laura Fruggeri Umberta
Telfener - University of Parma University
of Roma - laura.fruggeri_at_unipr.it
3Cybernetic epistemology
- Within a cybernetic epistemology nothing is good
or harmful in itself. It can be defined either
one or the other way only within a relationship
and a context - Successes or failures do not depend unilaterally
on the clinician or on the client, but they are
generated within the story of their relationship
and of their reciprocal encounter. - Successes and failures emerge from the
coordination of actions and meanings
4Two levels of an intervention
5STRATEGIC level of the intervention from the
point of view of the PROFESSIONAL
Theoretical models
Institutional mission
6STRATEGIC level of the intervention from the
point of view of the CLIENT
Personal aims
Previous experiencs
7RELATIONAL level of the intervention
Premises Prof Client
Prof Client Premises
8RELATIONAL level of the interventionin a
triadic perspective
Premises Prof Client
Prof Client Premises
Significant others
9 Joint actions create contexts of meanings
unintended consequences
Premises Prof Client
Prof Client Premises
Significant others
10Double description includes both
- strategic level of analysis
- technical competence
- relational level of analysis
- relational competence
11Different levels of responsibility
- Technical responsibility Professionals become
competent in a model - Relational responsibility Professionals reflect
on the meaning that the expressions of their
competence have within the relationship with
client and his/her significant system - Social responsibility Professionals reflect on
how their actions contribute to maintain a
certain structure of power
12RIFLEXIVITY professional knowledge as a second
order operation
- Professional
- theoretic Client
- model
- Theoretic Professional model
- Professional Client
13Different levels of knowledge
- Knowing/Not knowing (hypothesising , first level
operations) - Knowing that one knows (reflexivity and
consciousness) - Knowing that one doesnt know (curiosity)
- Not knowing that one knows (intuition)
- Not knowing that one doesnt know (collusion,
resonance, blind spot)
14Operations necessary but not sufficient not to
become doctor homeostat
- The recognition that needs and models change over
time - The negotiation of the quest
- The usefulness of keeping in mind undesiderable
outcomes - The importance of unsaturated narratives
- Differenciating explanation and action domains
(Lang-McAdam) - .
15The importance of unsaturated narratives
- narratives co-constructed in therapy and in
social settings should not saturate the curiosity
of participants and leave instead space for new
hypotheses and actions
16The negotiation of the quest
- We can never work without an explicit quest,
since it allows the clinician to have clues about
interactive aspects (the family pattern around
symptoms, the referring person, expectations
concerning the future clinical work, differences
within the family) - Even when people seem to have a clearly defined
need, or when a context of intervention implies
specific needs, we still have to be aware that
the quest will emerge from the negotiation
processes which leads to the construction of a
shared frame
17The usefulness of keeping in mind undesiderable
- Errors within the cybernetic framework are
signals that can help clinicians to correct their
strategizing (they are usually within a
behavioral domain) - Resonance is often inevitable and is overcomed by
team work, co/super-vision, reflexion - Collusion, Chronicity, Iatrogeny, orthopedic
intervention are unintended consequences that
emerge from interactive processes (even if the
model is correctly applied)
18Invisible processes
- Cronicity occurs when map, story, narrative)
becomes shared by all the components of the
relational net (client, family, helpers, senders,
colleagues, significant others). If everybody
agrees there is no more curiosity and the
situation is stuck - Collusion when we participate to what goes on,
we fall into the system instead of proposing an
evolutionary stance, we have lost our
strategizing ability or we think we utilize our
strategizing instead we (non voluntarily) adhere
to the core of the system - Risk of iatrogenic risk it is the risk coming
from the cure process (iatreia cure gignomai
to emerge, to be born). It doesnt have to do
with the severity of the symptoms or of the
situation.The worsening of the symptoms emerges
from the story of the relationship, of the
encounter and from the coordination of
coordination of premises and actions. It is a
second order risk the mistake of the mistake,
not knowing that you dont know, having confused
the description of reality with reality itself.
19Systemic prejudicesaccording to Gianfranco
- A person has value since s/he exists
- It is impossible to controll others
- It is inevitable to delude oneself of the
possibility of influencing and manipulating
others - It is good to bee usefull not to cure
- Typology is a myth
- Therapy will be prosperous despite outcome
research - We should have temporary certainties instead of
permanent truths - Before changing the world lets try to understand
how it works
- Fruggeri, L. (2002) Different levels of analysis
in the supervisory process. In D. Campbell and
B. Mason (eds) Perspectives on supervision.
London, Karnac Books, PP. 3-20. - Fruggeri, L. (1998) Famiglie. Roma, Carocci.
- Fruggeri, L. (2005) Diverse normalità . Roma,
Carocci. - Fruggeri, L., Telfener, U., Castellucci, A,
Marzari,M., Matteini, M. (1991) New systemic
ideas from the italian mental health mouvement.
London, Karnac Books. - Telfener U., Casadio L.,(a cura di)(2003),
Sistemica, Voci e percorsi nella complessit?,
Bollati Boringhieri, Torino. - Telfener U. (2007),O Trabalho Com Imigrantes na
Italia Da Psicoterapia ? clinica Intercultural,
Pensando Familias, vol 11, n?2, pag.123-140. - Telfener U.,(2008), La terapia individuale
sistemica, alcune considerazioni, in Connessioni,
N?20, marzo 2008, pag 28-52.