Title: Presentazione di PowerPoint
1REM, Rapid Eye Mount, a Fast Slewing Robotized
Telescope to monitor GRB prompt afterglows
G.Cutispoto, (on behalf of the REM Team)
2What is REM
- A fast moving telescope
- Alt-az 60 cm f/8 RC silver-coated
- 2 Nasmyth foci (one idle)
- 60 deg 5 sec to any ?,? in 60 sec
- with a high throughput NIR Camera
- 10x10 am2 FoV
- 1.2 as pixel scale (diff.limited)
- 0.9-2.3 microns (Z,J,H,Ks)
- 512x512 HgCdTe chip _at_77 Kelvin
- Wobbling plate for dithering
- and a Visible Imaging-Spectrograph
- 10x10 am2 FoV
- 0.55 as pixel scale
- 30 bins between 0.45-0.9 microns
- 1024x1024 Marconi CCD in Apogee head
3REM Scope
REM is conceived as a link between transient
phenomena detected at high energy from space
AND Large ground-based facilities on the ground
? Gamma Ray Bursts
- Such a link is needed for
- Transient Coordinate determination
- High Energy detections have large error-boxes
- Pre-screen of transient characterisitics
- Cases selection for further observations
- In both Cases crucial are
- a) Coverage up to NIR
- Fast response
4Primary Target ? GRB
- 50 of the known GRB do not show an Optical AG.
- It could be dust or it could be Ly-? if the GRB
is high-z. - IF dust, K is much less
- absorbed more chance
- to get ?,? AND have
- info on dust via Col/Col
- diagrams
- IF Ly-?, we get ?,?
- when still bright enough
- to send trigger to large
- T-scopes to collect
- a spectrum at z14 !!
?Fast NIR?
5Primary Target ? GRB
And when there is no OT because of dust
absorption in Close vicinities or along the line
of sight
- IR is much less absorbed
- IR/Optical allow to estimate the amount of dust
Dust should be destroyed By burst. IR photons
penetrate while Higher energy photons do the job
We could see this
?Fast NIR?
6Fast and NIR enough ?
7Why an Optical Spectrograph
ROSS will acquire 30 simultaneous calibrated data
points between 0.45 and 0.9 microns This will
allow to
- Correlate the time of the optical peaks with
- the distribution of Lorentz Factors in the
- original cataclysm.
- Detect the possible time dependent obscuration
- of optical transients associated with GRBs.
- Possibly detect the peak energy that goes from
- gamma to optical within few hours.
8Broad Band Coverage
Everybody (more or less) accept Synchrotron for
afterglow emission, based on late (1-12 d)
What happens at the beginning ? Comptonization
dominates ?
Prompt Broad Band Spectrum and its variations in
time can tell us
Burst at different z observed at the same
wavelength can not be compared
Multi-band systematic observing allows a
comparison (at the same comoving freq.). The
larger the spectral baseline the larger the
With REM we can compare z1 and z10
9IDLE Time
Any possible optimization of the Space-borne
trigger source will let free REM observing
more bursts but latitude/longitude
- Housekeeping and calibration
- Other Observing programs
Anywhere Rapid multi-frequency observations are
- Multifrequency monitoring of AGNs
- Black Hole Candidates X-ray Novae
- Flare Stars
10Who Triggers REM ?
- What SWIFT gives us is
- Position of the GRB - 15 sec (4 am)
- Position of the XT 20-70 sec (5 as)
- Position of the OT 20-70 sec (n/10 as) (if
there) - Color Information 0.15-0.65 ?m600 sec
- What SWIFT does not give us
- Position of the Red-T (above 0.65 ?m) and NIR-T
- We want REM to give us
- Position of the NIR-T 20-40 sec (n/10 as)
- Color Information 0.9-2.3 ?m 60-300 sec
11But Also
- WXM Wide Field X-ray Monitor lt10 arcmin
errorbox - SXC Soft X-ray camera. 30 arcsec errorbox
- IBIS Cadmium/Telluride Coesium/Iodine Imager
- FOV 9x9 deg and precision 1 arcmin.
- JEM-X X-ray monitor FOV 4.8x4.8 deg and
- precision 30 arcsec.
- GRID 5-20 arcmin precision (depends on L)
- Super-AGILE lt 4-5 arcmin precision.
12REM Assembly
Nas-2 (idle)
13REM Telescope
Ordered to
14REM Camera
15REM Camera
Diffraction limited
16ROSS Spectrograph
17ROSS Spectrograph
..Diffraction Limited
.. Constant spectral Resolution (AMICI)
18Who is REM
P.I. F.M.Zerbi P.S. G.Chincarini
Osservatorio di Brera
Osservatorio di Catania
Opto-Mech design SWIFT experience
Dunsink Observatory
Robotic Telescope Mech and Control
Camera Control HW
Osservatorio di Roma
Trieste, Università di Perugia/Trieste/Michiga
Astronomical SW NIR Instruments
19Science Team Primary G.Ghisellini Secondary
M.Rodonò S.Campana A. Fernandez-Soto F.Fiore G.Gen
tile G.Israel B.McBreen S.Messina E.J.A.Meurs E.Pa
lazzi (Ross Co-S) J.Paul P.Saracco L.Stella G.Tagl
iaferri C.Akerlof L.Amati J.Danzinger F.Frontera M
.Orlandini M.Tavani
Project Office Secretary C.Fumagalli
ROSS Co-I G.Tosti
Integration Site E.Molinari G.Crimi
Camera P.Conconi D.Lorenzetti F.Vitali B.Jordan
Observing Software S.Covino D.Fugazza P.Goldoni
Reduction Software A.Antonelli L.Burderi A.Di
Paola V.Testa
ROSt G.Tosti G.Nucciarelli R.Mazzoleni ROSs L.
Nicastro N.Masetti A.Monfardini E.Pian
Telescope G.Cutispoto S.Sardone E.Martinetti
20REM Location
REM will be located at la Silla Obseravtory,
Chile together with the French robotic telecope
First Light is Scheduled for October 2002