Title: Rekortmen Kuslar
1Rekortmen Kuslar
2Fastest Animal
- Peregrine falcon
- Strikes prey at 180 mph
3Elephant Bird
- Eleven feet tall
- 1100 pounds
- Largest egg ever
- Extinct in late 1600s
4Giant Moa
- New Zealand
- Hunted to extinction about 1600
- Fly up, down, left, right, backwards and upside
down - Wings beat 50 -200 times per second
- Heart rate 600 bpm
- Eat 2/3 body weight each day
- Nectar, pollen insects
6Struthio camelus
En büyük kus
Boy 2,5 mAgirlik 150 kg
En hizli Kosucu 40 km/s
Ömür Uzunlugu 40 yil
The largest bird is the ostrich . It
can grow up to 9 feet (2.7 m) tall. The ostrich
also lays the largest birds eggs which are up
to 4.5 x 7 inches (11 x 18 cm) across and
, weigh 3 pounds (1400 g).
Deve kusu
En küçük kus
Boy 2,5 mAgirlik 150 kg
Kanat çirpma rekortmeni(saniyede 80).
Kalp atis hizi rekormeni (dakikada 1260)
The smallest bird is the bee hummingbird which
is 2.5 inches long ( 6.2 cm) weighing only 0.06
oz (1.6 g). Hummingbirds lay the smallest birds'
eggs. They always lay 2 at a time, each the
size of a person's small fingernail.
8HIGHEST FLYERThe highest flyer is Ruppell's
griffon vulture. One collided with an airplane
off the Ivory Coast in 1973 at 37,000 feet
(11,278 m). A migrating Bar-headed Goose was
once seen over the Himalayan Mountains in Nepal
at roughly 28,000 feet.
9- FASTEST IN THE SKYThe fastest flying birds
include - the peregrine falcon, clocked at 90 mph (145
kph). - There are even accounts of these raptors diving
at - speeds up to 200 mph (320 kph)..
- the spine-tailed swift, about 90-100 mph (145-160
kph) -
- the harpy eagle - 37-50 mph (60-80 kph)
- champion racing pigeons fly up to 53 mph (85
kph) - mallard duck - 65 mph (105 kph)
10ONLY TWO POISONOUS BIRDSThe only two known
poisonous birds are the Hooded Pitohui (Pitohui
dichrous, also called the "garbage bird") and
the Ifrita (Ifrita kowaldi) from Papua, New
Guinea. The toxin (homobatrachotoxin, a
steroidal alkaloid) is concentrated in these
bird's feathers and skin, and is probably
obtained from some plant that they eat.
11FASTEST ON LANDThe fastest-running bird is the
ostrich which can run up to 43 mph
(70 kph). In contrast, the road runner (a type
of cuckoo) runs about 12 mph (19 kph)
SHORTEST LEGSSwifts (Apodidae) and hummingbirds.
12LARGEST TONGUEThe flamingo.
BIGGEST EYESThe ostrich has the biggest
eyeballs, which are 2 inches (5 cm) across.
BEST HEARINGOwls (especially Barn Owls and
Great Horned Owls) have the best hearing these
birds hunt at night.
13- Some other bird life spans are
- the rhinoceros hornbill, lives up to 33 years in
captivity - the rhea, a large, flightless bird that lives up
to 40 years in captivity, 20 year in the wild. - the vulture, a scavenger which can live up to 30
years in captivity - the ostrich , which has a life span of
up to 40 years! - the swan, which can live up to 50 years in
captivity, up to 19 years in the wild - the bald eagle , that lives over 50 years
in captivity - The life span of many birds is unknown.
14OLDEST KNOWNThe oldest known bird is the
long-extinct Archaeopteryx, which lived 135-180
million years ago, during the Jurassic Period.
It had teeth but is considered to be a bird.
Beautiful Archaeopteryx fossils have been found
in Germany.
15LONGEST LIFE SPANSAmong the longest-lived birds
are Parrots - various species of parrots live
from 40 to over 100 years. Cockatoos can live
for about 75 years. Macaws live for over 60-70
years in captivity.
Uçabilen en büyük kuslar (yaklasik 15 kg)
17Albatroslar (3,5 m)
En Uzun Kanatli Kuslar
CondorAkbaba (Amerika)(3 m)
18SwiftEbabil (170 km/s)
En Hizli Uçan
En Hizli havada Dalis
Dogan(250 km/h)
19Kiyi Kuslari (5 500 mil)
En Uzun Mesafeye Seyahat
20Deniz Kirlangiçlari (33 000 km)
En Uzun Mesafeye Seyahat
21Dalgiç Kuslari (60 m)
En Derine Dalan Kuslar
Imparator Penguen(250 m)
22Gentoo Pengueni (36 km/h)
En hizli yüzen kuslar