Title: Geology, the Fossil Record and Noah
1Geology, the Fossil Record andNoahs Flood
2Geologic Column
3Geologic Column
- Layers in the earth
- Geology is the study of the Earth
- Paleontology is the study of fossils.
- Law of superposition
4Problems with Geologic Column
- How could the plants and animals be progressing
from simple to complex if the ones on the
bottom were already complex? - Flood of Noah
- Transition fossils
5Origin of the Fossil Record
- Geologists claim the fossil record was formed
through the same natural processes occurring
today, and interpret it as a history of life on
earth over gt600 million years. - The Bible says there was a supernaturally-based
global flood, and creation scientists interpret
the fossil record as being the result of the
flood of Noah.
Monument Valley, Utah
6Era Period Time (mil)
Quarternary 1.8 present
Teritary 6.5 1.8
Cretaceous 14.5 6.5
Jurassic 208 14.5
Triassic 245 208
Permian 290 245
Carboniferous 363 290
Devonian 410 363
Silurian 440 410
Ordovician 505 440
Cambrian 544 505
Precambrian 650 - 544
Geologic Time Scale
7The Flood of Noah
- Genesis 6 18 But I will establish my covenant
with you and you shall come into the ark, you,
your sons, your wife, and your sons' wives with
you. 19 And of every living thing of all flesh,
you shall bring two of every sort into the ark,
to keep them alive with you they shall be male
and female. 20 Of the birds according to their
kinds, and of the animals according to their
kinds, of every creeping thing of the ground
according to its kind, two of every sort shall
come in to you, to keep them alive.
8Source of the Great Flood
- Genesis 711 In the six hundredth year of Noah's
life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day
of the month, on the same day all the fountains
of the great deep burst open, and the floodgates
of the sky were opened.
9The Flood of Noah
- Genesis 7 19 And the waters prevailed so
mightily upon the earth that all the high
mountains under the whole heaven were covered 20
the waters prevailed above the mountains,
covering them fifteen cubits deep. 21 And all
flesh died that moved upon the earth, birds,
cattle, beasts, all swarming creatures that swarm
upon the earth, and every man 22 everything on
the dry land in whose nostrils was the breath of
life died..
10The Flood of Noah
- Genesis 8 2 the fountains of the deep and the
windows of the heavens were closed, the rain from
the heavens was restrained, 3 and the waters
receded from the earth continually. At the end of
a hundred and fifty days the waters had abated 4
and in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day
of the month, the ark came to rest upon the
mountains of Ararat. 5 And the waters continued
to abate until the tenth month in the tenth
month, on the first day of the month, the tops of
the mountains were seen.
11Source of the Great Flood
Mid Oceanic Ridge / Lithosphere Plates
- The flood possibly began when the earth's crust
was fractured releasing subterranean caverns of
water and magma.
12Source of the Great Flood
- During the flood of Noah subterranean fountains
persisted for 150 days. (Gen 711-24) - Spring water such as the famous Artesian Wells
originate from ancient underground aquifers like
the Ogallala aquifer, which spans 8 states in the
US. - These buried waters are possibly a remnant of the
fountains of the great deep that burst forth
during the Biblical flood.
Fountains of the Deep
13Source of Great Flood
- Ring of Fire
- Causes of Precipitation
14Views on the Genesis Flood
Why the difference?
15World-wide Flood Evidences
- Creationists date the flood to about 5,000 years
ago - Earths geologic features require a catastrophic
explanation - Sedimentary rock formations (water deposited,
e.g. sandstone) cover continent-sized regions - Large coal, oil, ore deposits (not forming today)
- Great fossil beds exist - require rapid burial
- Mountains made of ocean-bottom rocks, ocean
fossils on continent interior mountains, fossils
of warm habitat plants/animals near the poles - Many exceptions to standard geologic column (e.g.
out of order strata, different age fossils
16Other Flood Evidences
- Origin of civilization is near ark landing
- Written history appears 5-6,000 years ago
- Pottery, agriculture, domestication, metallurgy,
cities date lt11,000 years ago - Tree ring studies of oldest living trees (Bristle
Cone pines) date to 5,000 years ago - Population statistics suggest a thousands of
years (vs a million) population build up - Radiocarbon dating age distribution analysis
shows large spike of death about 5,000 years ago
17Geologic Evidence
What physical evidence should we look for to
support evolution?
- The geologic column should exist as a standard
feature throughout the earth - The fossil record must demonstrate a gradual
progression of simple to complex organisms over
long ages - Evidence that long ages are required for what we
18Geologic Column
Steven Austin (Ph.D. Geology), Ten
Misconceptions about the Geologic Column, Impact
137, Nov. 1984.
- The notion that the earths crust has an onion
skin structure with successive layers containing
all strata systems distributed on a global scale
is not according to the facts. - Data from continents and ocean basins show that
the ten systems are poorly represented on a
global scale
19- approximately 77 of the earths surface area on
land and under the sea has seven or more (70 or
more) of the strata systems missing beneath
- 94 of the earths surface has three or more
systems missing beneath - 99.6 has at least one missing.
- Only a few locations on earth (about 0.4 of its
area) have been described with the succession of
the ten systems beneath. - The entire geologic column, exists only in the
diagrams drawn by geologists.
20Geologic Column
James Perloff, Tornado in a Junkyard,1999, p. 154.
- The public generally believes that the Earths
layers look much like the textbook geologic
column, with strata neatly stacked upon each
other. This is not the case.
21Catastrophism vs. Uniformitarianism
- Catastrophism - Prior to the 19th century it was
largely assumed by geologists that catastrophes
such as the Biblical flood were responsible for
the majority of the earths fossiliferous rock. - Uniformitarianism - Around 1850 the
non-catastrophic view of earths geology began to
develop, which suggested that gradual processes
and uniform intensities were instead responsible.
Is the Grand Canyon evidence of a catastrophe or
millions of years of erosion?
- Sedimentary rock typically exists as distinct
layers or strata.
The Grand Canyon, Arizona
23Strata Formation
Bryce Canyon National Park
Small Particles
Medium Particles
- Layers form anytime particles are suspended in
fluid then allowed to settle.
Large Particles
24Strata Correlation
- The order of layers in the geological column was
deduced by examining and correlating strata from
various location. -
- Exposed strata is examined for characteristics
it contains, such as index fossils, and compared
with layers visible in other locations. - Layers similar to these in Bryce Canyon can be
found elsewhere in Utah and other states such as
Bryce Canyon National Park
25Mechanisms of Rapid Strata Deposition
- Rivers
- Landslides
- Mudflows
- Turbidity currents
- Liquefaction
26Widespread Turbidities
- About 30 of all sedimentary rocks in the Grand
Canyon are turbidities formed through deposition
by turbidity currents.
Grand Canyon, Arizona
27Mount St. Helens
- The eruptions at Mt. St. Helens were an
important geological event for creation science. - Rapid deposition and erosion occurred providing
a model of the type of activity taking place
during the great Biblical flood of Noah.
28Rapid Strata Formation at Mt. St. Helens
March 19, 1982
June 12, 1980
May 18, 1980
Toutle River, Mt. St. Helens
- Stratified layers up to 400 feet thick formed as
a result of landslides, air fall tephra,
pyroclastic flow, and mudflows, during the Mt.
St. Helens eruptions.
29Human Artifacts in Coal
- Sulfur Springs ArkansasNov. 27 - 1948
- While I was working in the Municipal Electric
Plant in Thomas, Okla. in 1912, I came upon a
solid chuck of coal which was too large to use. I
broke it with a sledge hammer. This iron pot fell
from the center, leaving the impression, or mould
of the pot in a piece of the coal. - Jim Stull (an employee of the company) witnessed
the breaking of the coal, and saw the pot fall
out. - I traced the source of the coal and found that
it came from Wilburton, Oklahoma Mines. - Frank J. Kennord
Creation Evidences Museum, Glen Rose, Texas.
30Evidence of Rapid Burial
Polystrate Tree inSandstone and Coal
- Polystrate Fossils
- Petrified tree trunks are found that frequently
cross several strata proving the layers were
deposited at the same time instead of over
millions of years.
31Fossil Record
- Fossils - A trace or remnant of preexisting life
embedded and preserved in the earths crust. - Fossil Record -
- A recording of history.
- A record of the relative times of death of
preexisting life. -
32The Fossil Record and Education
Biology Principles and Explorations, Holt,
Rinehart, Winston, 2001, p. 283.
- Fossils offer the most direct evidence that
evolution takes place. - Fossils, therefore, provide an actual record of
Earths past life-forms. Change over time
(evolution) can be seen in the fossil record.
Is this true?
- Many fossils have been foundthat is true
- No fossils of links between one kind and another
kind have been found.
34Fossil Sorting
- Assumptions
- 1) Fossil sorting is believed to represent the
history of life on earth. - 2) Fossils in the lowest layers are believed to
have lived before those in upper layers. - 3) The first appearance of a fossil is believe to
be the time when it evolved. - 4) The last appearance of a fossil is believe to
be the time it went extinct.
Geological Column
35Out of Place Fossils
- Assumption
- The last appearance of a fossil is the time when
it went extinct. ??? - The Coelacanth was thought to have gone extinct
with the dinosaurs 65 million years ago until it
was discovered off the coast of Madagascar.
Coelacanth Living Fossil
36Living Fossils
- Crocodiles - dates back 230 million years
- Army Ants - dates back 100 million years
- Cockroaches - dates back 350 million years
- Coelacanth - dates back 400 million years
- Crinoid or Sea Lilly dates back 150 million years
- Cycads dates back 240 million years
- Dragonfly dates back 230 million years
- Ginkgo dates back 270 million years
- Horseshoe Crab - dates back 300 million years
- Nautilus - dates back 500 million years
- Neopilina mollusks - dates back 400 million years
- Salamanders dates back 150 million years
- Sturgeon dates back 250 million years
- Tuatara dates back 200 million years.
- Velvet Worm dates back 500 million years
- Wollemi Pine - dates back 150 million years
37Marine Fossils Everywhere
- Marine fossils are found on almost every
mountain range in the world (Alps, Andes, etc.),
and provide clear evidence that the oceans
covered the continents.
38Fossilizationaccording to uniformitarianism
After death, the ammonite slowly sinks to the sea
floor. Scavengers feed on the fleshy body of the
creature, and after only several weeks all that
remains is the shell.
39Fossilizationaccording to uniformitarianism
Several months after death the shell gradually
becomes covered with silt and sand. These layers
continue to build, providing a shield around the
shell and protecting it from damage. Time
continues to pass and more and more layers are
deposited. After a few hundred years the shell is
several feet beneath the surface.
40Fossilizationaccording to uniformitarianism
Gradually the chemicals in the shell undergo a
series of changes. As the shell slowly decays,
water infused with minerals passes through it,
replacing the chemicals in the shell with
rock-like minerals (Calcite, Iron or Silica).
Over millions of years the original shell is
completely replaced by the minerals and what
remains is a rock-like copy of the original
shell. The fossil has the same shape as the
original object, but is actually rock.
41Evidence of Rapid Burial
- Geologists claim that fossilization requires
millions of years to occur. However, many fossils
have been found with fully articulated skeletons,
hair, scales, feathers, and soft fleshy parts
such as skin, cartilage, unborn fetuses and
stomachs containing the animals' last meal.
From the marrow cavity of a fossilized
Tyrannosaurus rex thighbone, scientists have
extracted soft tissue. The flexible tissue can be
stretched (see arrow) and returns to its original
form. March 2005.
42Dinosaur Found in Stomach of Mammal Jan 2005
43Fossil Fish
Fleshy parts fossilized. Did this fish survive
decomposition for millions of years?
44Fossilized Leaves
Carbonized plant Thinnfeldia feistmanteli,
Australia. Source Museum Victoria.http//www.mu
45Fossilized Horse
Source Messel Pit Fossil Sitehttp//www.unesco-w
46Invertebrate to Vertebrate (Fish)
Biology, Miller and Levine, 2000, p. 680.
- Fishes are considered to be the most primitive
living vertebrates - similarities in structure and embryological
development show that fishes and modern
invertebrate chordates probably did evolve from
common invertebrate ancestors that lived many
millions of years ago.
There is not one single intermediate in the
textbook to support this claim!
47Invertebrate to Vertebrate (Fish)
Where are the thousands of observable
48What do the Facts Support?
Aerial Roth (Ph.D. Zoology), Origins, p. 189.
- However, we have virtually no evidence in the
fossil record or elsewhere for any of the changes
proposed during this immensity of time but the
public hears nothing of this problem.
49Fish to Amphibian
Biology Visualizing Life, Holt, Rinehart, and
Winston, 1998, p. 461.
- Because of these similarities, scientists think
the first amphibians were descendants of the
lobe-finned fishes, a group whose modern members
include the coelacanth and the lungfishes.
This is supposedly evolving into legs
- Extinct for 70 million years
- 1938 living coelacanths were found
- It is still 100 fish
The front fins (lobes) are still fins
51Alleged Intermediates
Life Sciences, Prentice Hall, 2002, p. 164.
52Critical Thinking
Is there any observable evidence of these changes
or is it all based on artists drawings?
- Evolutionists want to believe in evolution so
badly they will resort to deceiving their
followers and anybody else they can control in
the education system, including professors,
teachers, and students by making up data that
does not exist.
- Hard to distinguish between imprints and rock
formations - Complexity of an organism cannot always be
determined from its skeletal system - Variations within a species can explain fossil
life that was in a different form from life today - Fossil records are incomplete
- In earliest fossils found, all parts are fully
formed - Fossils said to be the oldest have been
recognized and classified - Fossils once listed as pre-historic are not
such at all - Fossils of modern man found in all strata
- Parts or entire organisms have been distilled off
leaving only a carbon residue instead of actual
part (especially in plants) - Disease or injury of the organism while it is
alive alters the structure (Neanderthal man) - Fossil remains appear suddenly in the crust of
the earth which indicates that life began
suddenly, as Gen. 1 says
57Two Views Which is Correct?
- The oldest rocks bearing evidence of earliest
life forms - Younger rocks containing more advanced life forms
- Gradual change in life forms from the simple to
complex - Large numbers of transitional forms
58Two Views Which is Correct?
- A sudden and explosive appearance of diverse and
highly complex forms of life - No gradual change of life forms from the simple
to complex - A regular and systematic absence of transitional
59Summary Fossil Record
Ernst Mayr (Professor Emeritus in the Museum of
Comparative Zoology at Harvard University, Hailed
as the Darwin of the 20th century), What
Evolution Is, 2001, p. 14.
- Given the fact of evolution, one would expect
the fossils to document a gradual steady change
from ancestral forms to the descendants. But this
is not what the paleontologists finds. Instead,
he or she finds gaps in just about every phyletic
Evolution is a matter of faith
- The Genesis flood explains the geologic column
and the fossil record