What is evolution? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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What is evolution?


Title: Natural Selection and Evolution Author: matt dean Last modified by: mreha-ta Created Date: 4/11/2001 3:06:21 PM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: What is evolution?

What is evolution?
  • The relative change in the characteristics of a
    population over successive generations
  • Changes in traits etc. As time goes by.
  • Ruffled grouse has changed to become well
    camouflaged enabling it to survive
  • A population is the smallest unit that can evolve
  • Any shift in a gene pool is called evolution

  • If evolution is the change in characteristics of
    a population over successive generations, then
    how do these characteristics change?
  • With the help of Adaptations and Variations

Some Causes of evolution
  • 1. Adaptation
  • A particular structure, physiology or behavior
    that helps an organism survive and reproduce in a
    particular environment
  • Ex. Camouflage of tiger, excellent sense of
    smell, hearing, vision, etc
  • 2. Variation
  • A significant deviation from the normal
    biological form, function or structure
  • Ex. Albino moose, striped zebra.etc.

Peppered Moth Case of adaption (p.644)
  • Industrial Melanism
  • Peppered moth cones in two variations
  • Black( wing color is black
  • Flecked moths( light white wings with flecks of
  • Pre-mid 1900s many more flecked moths than lack
  • Flecked moths would rest on lichens that provided
    camouflage. Black moths were easily seen and
  • Industrial Revolution 'factories in England
    started producing black smoke that covered trees
    and killed lichens
  • Flecked moths were seen and eaten
  • Black moths survived long enough to reproduce and
    pass on their genes
  • Many more black moths than flecked moths.
    Frequency of genes has changed in the population.

  • 1950s
  • England introduced the Clean Air policy , less
    soot, lichens began to grow on trees again
  • 1959- 9/10 moths are black
  • 1985 5/10 moths are black
  • 1989 3/10 are black
  • 2010 black peppered moth will be as rare as
    before industrial revolution

  • How do peppered moths support evolution?
  • 1. 1850s moths in England were mostly flecked
    (some were black) flecked ones survived because
    they were camouflaged
  • 2. 1900s air pollution made trees black. Black
    moths were able to survive
  • 3. 1950s saw pollution controls and now the
    flecked moth is surviving again

Time line of evolution!
  • Evolution has taken a loooog time to occur.

If 24hrs. Represented the entire evolutionary
time scale. Humans would show up about 3 seconds
before midnight
  • How long has it taken for evolution to occur and
    from what did it start?
  • Life is believed to have begun over 3500 million
    years ago with the earliest of cells.

Mechanisms of evolution
  • Natural Selection
  • Proposed by Darwin
  • Idea where characteristics of a population change
    because individuals with certain heritable traits
    survive local environmental conditions and pass
    their traits onto their offspring
  • The environment determines which individuals are
    most fit to survive and pass on genes
  • Fitness- how well an organism fits its
  • Ex. Peppered moth, leaf bug

  • Artificial Selection
  • Human selection of particular traits by breeding
  • Ex. Faster horses, disease resistant plants,
    dogs, etc
  • Humans determine the traits to be passed on to
    future generations
  • Population evolves in the direction man wishes it
  • Not all breeding( artificial selection) is good.
    Breeding Pekinese and British bulldogs for flat
    face produces respiratory problems

History of evolution. Who gave us what?
  • While we generally accept Darwin's theory of
    Natural selection as the mechanism of evolution
    several people have had an influence in
    evolutionary thought.
  • 1. Greek philosophers
  • Greek philosophers such as Aristotle and Plato
    did not believe in evolution. They said all
    organisms which could exist were already created

Georges Cuvier (1769-1832)
  • Founder of Paleontology(the study of fossils)
  • Fossil record revealed that something was causing
    species to appear and disappear
  • Thought that boundaries between fossils layers
    corresponded to catastrophic events such as
    Noahs flood or droughts
  • Developed the theory of catastrophism
  • Catastrophes account for the disappearance and
    appearance of new species in the fossil record

Charles Lyell (1797-1875)
  • Expanded on Hutton's idea of Gradualism
  • Gradualism-
  • idea that earths geological features are in a
    slow continual cycle of change
  • Developed the theory of Uniformitarianism
  • Idea that geological processes operated at the
    same rates in the past as they do today.
  • He rejected the idea of catastrophism, etc
  • He said the world was millions of years old and
    not 6000 years as believed

Thomas Malthus (1789)
  • Looked at plants and animals
  • Said that plants and animals grow faster than
    their food supply
  • Causes a population to be reduced by starvation,
    disease, etc.
  • Crowding and struggle for food and resources is
    what kept population from exploding
  • Darwin borrowed ideas on struggle for survival
    and realised those with the best traits for
    survival would pass on their gene

Jean Baptiste Lamarck (1744-1829)
  • Published a theory of evolution in 1809 the year
    Darwin was born
  • Believed that organisms came from nonliving
  • Said that organisms respond to the needs in their
  • Proposes the idea that body parts used
    extensively to cope in the environment would be
    come stronger and stronger (idea of use and
  • Examples biceps of blacksmiths ,giraffes neck

  • He based his theory on two observations thought
    to be true in his day
  • 1. use and disuse-
  • individuals lose characteristics they do not
    require and develop those which are useful.
  • Examples such as the black smith biceps
  • 2. Inheritance of acquired traits
  • Individuals inherit the acquired traits of their
  • Ex. A child would be strong because their dad was
    a weightlifter
  • A person who accidentally lost a finger would
    produce offspring with nine fingers

Alfred Wallace (1858)
  • British Naturalist developed same theory as
  • Wallace did extensive fieldwork, first in the
    Amazon River and the Malay Archipelago, where he
    identified the Wallace Line that divides the
    Indoneaian archipelago into two distinct parts a
    western portion in which the animals are largely
    of Asian origin, and an eastern portion where the
    fauna reflect Australasia
  • He was considered the 19th century's leading
    expert on the geographical distribution of animal
    species and is sometimes called the "father of
  • Wallace was one of the leading evolutionary
    thinkers of the 19th century and made many other
    contributions to the development of evolutionary
    theory besides being co-discoverer of natural
    selection. These included the concept of warning
    coloration in animals, and the Wallace effect, a
    hypothesis on how natural selection could
    contribute to speciation by encouraging the
    development of barriers against hybridization.

Charles Darwin
  • In 1831 he left on a 5 year voyage on board the
  • He stopped in the Galapagos islands where the
    diversity of tortoises and birds amazed him
  • His theory of Descent with Modification had two
    main ideas
  • 1. present life forms have risen by descent and
    modification from an ancestral species
  • 2. Natural selection is the mechanism of
    modification over long periods of time
  • He returned to England in 1836
  • He wrote the book the origin of the Species in
    which he published his theory of evolution

Natural Selection and Evolution
Summary of Darwin's Findings on Galapagos Islands
  • Noticed that each island had finch birds that
    were different from each other
  • Noticed that tortoises were different on each of
    the islands
  • If these were the products of creation, how could
    such variations have occurred in such a small
  • Darwin thought that these organisms must have
    evolved from a common ancestor

Darwins Finches
Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection
  • Main points
  • 1. organisms produce more offspring than can
  • 2. competition occurs between individuals for
    limited resources. This causes a struggle to
  • 3. There are variations in individuals in a given
    population and these traits can be passed on.
    Variations are often caused by Mutations
  • 4. only the individuals that are better suited to
    local environmental conditions survive to

What Darwin could not Explain
  • Darwin was not able to explain how the favorable
    traits were passed on to the offspring
  • why
  • He knew nothing of Mendel (heredity) and
    Mutations(producing variations) that could be
    passed on
  • However Mendel's ideas supported Darwin's ideas.
    This produced a revised theory of evolution

Theory of Modern Evolution or Modern synthesis
  • This is the theory of evolution commonly accepted
  • 1. This is a meshing of Mendel's and Darwin's
  • 2. Darwin says that variations exist in a
    population allowing certain organisms to adapt to
    their environment. These traits can then be
    passed on to offspring
  • 3. Mendel's work points out that mutations are
    the cause of variation within a population and it
    is the DNA that helped carry these best traits
    onto the next generation

Evidence Supporting the Modern Theory of evolution
  • The following are pieces of evidence that
    supports the modern theory of evolution
  • 1. Fossil record
  • 2. Biogeography
  • 3. Comparative Anatomy
  • A. Homologous structures
  • B. Analogous structures
  • C. Vestigial structures
  • 4. comparative embryology
  • 5. heredity
  • 6. Molecular biology

1. Fossil Record
  • Fossil remains or traces of once living
    organism. Often preserved in rock.
  • Fossil evidence supports evolution in the
    following ways
  • A. Fossils from more recent geological eras are
    more similar to present day organism than older
  • This supports the idea that life evolve over time
  • B. Fossils appear in chronological order in
    sedimentary rock. Younger fossils appear higher
    in sedimentary layers and are more complex than
    older fossils appearing in deeper layers
  • This supports the idea that has evolution has
    occurred , species of organisms have become more
  • C. Transitional Fossils make links between
    different sets of related organisms within
    differing fossil layers
  • Ex. Archaeopteryx shows a relationship between
    reptiles and birds.
  • This suggests that evolution is occurring over
    time from less complex to more complex life forms.

Finding the Age of Fossils Dating Fossils
  • There are two methods to determine the age of
  • A. Relative Dating Judging the age of a fossil
    according to its position in the layer of rock.
  • Ex. Fossil B is younger than C but older than
    Fossil A

  • B. Absolute Dating-finding the exact age of a
    fossil using radioactive dating
  • Radioactive dating- a method of finding the age
    of a fossil using half life of certain
    radioactive substances that decay over time
  • Note The radioactive substances decays into a
    more stable daughter element
  • Half Life period of time required for 1./2 of a
    radioactive isotope to decay into a more stable
  • Representative radioactive isotopes with half

Radioactive Parent Stable daughter Half Life (years)
C14 N14 5730
U235 Pb 207 713000000
K40 Ar 40 1250000000
Rb 87 Sr 87 48800000000
C 14
5730 years One ½ life
5730 years One ½ life
Notice after each half life only ½ the original
C14 sample remains. The other ½ has been changed
into N14( the more table form
Percentage of original sample remaining
100 50 25 12.5 6.25 3.125 1.56
1 half life
2 half life
3 half life
4 half life
5 half life
6 half life
Calculations involving half life
  • A. Finding amount of sample remaining
  • Procedure use ½ n (where n half flies) to find
    multiplication factor. Then multiply total by
    original mass
  • Ex. A 10 kg sample of C14 has underwent 4 half
    life's. How much of the original sample remains?
  • Ans. ½ n ½ 4 ½ x ½ x ½ x 1/2 1/16
  • Now multiply 1/16 x original mass
  • 1/16 x 10kg .625 kg remaining

Finding the half life( time required for a
substance to deacy1/2 its original amount
  • Ex. A rock is found to be 33000000 years old and
    contains 1/64 of the original sample. What is the
    half life of the rock/
  • First find the number of half life's it took to
    reduce the sample to 1/64
  • To do this we ask the question, ½ to what power
    1/64/ the easiest way to find this is to ask the
    question , 2 to what power is 64. In this case 26
    2x2x2x2x2x2, so we conclude that the number of
    half life's 6
  • Next divide the age of the rock by the number of
    half life's and you will find the value of 1 half
  • In this case 33000000/6 half-life's 5500000/
    half life's

Finding the age of the fossil
  • Ex. A fossil contains 1/32 of the original
    U-235. what is the age of the fossil if the half
    life of u-235 is 713000000?
  • Answer
  • First we need the number of half life's that
    reduces the fossil to 1/32 of its original amount
  • To do this we as the question ½ to what power is
    1/32. Obviously it would be ½ to the power of 5.
    This means that 5 half life's have passed.
  • Next we use the 5 half life's and multiply the
    value of a single half life to get fossil age. In
    this case we have the following
  • 5 half lifes X 713000000yrs/ half life
    3565000000 yrs old

2. Biogeography
  • This is the study of the geographical
    distribution of species
  • Darwin noticed that the birds on the Galapagos
    islands were similar to those on the mainland of
    South America
  • Geographically close environments (desert and
    jungles of south America) are more likely to be
    populated by related species rather than
    locations that are geographically separate but
    environmentally similar ( desert of Australia and
    a desert in Africa)

3. Comparative Anatomy
  • This is a comparison of physical structures in
    differing organisms that may suggest a common
    ancestor. These methods are looked at
  • Homologous Structures these are body structures
    in different species which have the same origin
    but differ in structure and function.
  • Ex. Human arm, frog leg, bat wing, horse leg
  • These structures all have a similar number of
    bones/ ligaments suggesting they came from a
    common ancestor, but they all have a different
    structure and function
  • Analogous structures these structures that have
    different origins but similar functions
  • Ex. Bird and incest wings
  • Vestigial structures these are structures that
    were functional in ancestors, but have no current
  • Ex. Pelvic bone in baleen whales, wings in
    ostriches, appendix in humans

Homologous structures
Analogous structures
4. Comparative Embryology
  • This is a comparison of embryos from various
    species to indicate relationships among organisms
  • Many embryos have similar stages of development
  • Ex. All vertebrates go through a stage having a
    gill pouch

Comparative embryology
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5. Heredity
  • Knowledge of heredity can explain how variations
    can occur in a population allowing members of
    that population to be better suited to their
    environment and thus undergo natural selection

6. Molecular Biology
  • This is a comparison of the DNA and proteins
    within various species to indicate relationships/
  • The closer the DNA sequences are between organism
    the more closely related the species are. This
    may suggest a common ancestor
  • Ex. Humans and chimpanzee differ by only 2.5

Population Genetics and Hardy Weinberg
  • Population genetics
  • This is a study of the genes in a population and
    how they may or may not change over time
  • Recall if there is a shift in the gene pool of a
    population them we know evolution is happening
  • Population
  • A localized group of a single species occupying a
    particular area
  • Gene pool
  • This is the total of all genes within a

Hardy-Weinberg Principle
  • Proposed by Hardy and Weinberg
  • A model of a population that is not changing to
    help understand a population that is changing
  • Premise of the principle
  • The principle states that in a population under
    certain conditions the frequency of alleles will
    remain stable from generation to generation
  • In other words, under certain conditions a
    populations genetic makeup will not change
    meaning it is not evolving. It is in Genetic
  • The principle explains why recessive alleles do
    not disappear in a population over time and to
    helps explain why dominant traits do not become
    more widespread

Conditions necessary to establish a population
hardy Weinberg equilibrium
  • Requirements
  • 1. No mutations occur in the population.
  • 2. No immigration or emigration.
  • 3. There must be a very large population in
    order to avoid genetic drift.
  • 4. There must be no natural selection No
    genotype has an advantage over another.
  • 5. There must be no sexual selection mating is

  • 1. p q 1
  • P frequency of dominant allele(how often the
    dominant allele shows up in the total population
  • q frequency of the recessive allele(how often
    the recessive allele shows up in the total
  • 1100
  • Since there are only ever two alleles for a trait
    , the total amount of the allele always has to
    add up to be 100 or 1

  • P2 2pq q2 1
  • P2 frequency of Homozygous dominant genotype
  • 2pqfrequency of heterozygous genotype
  • q2 frequency of homozygous recessive genotype

  • Suppose we have a population of Gerbils with he
    following conditions

Phenotype Black Black White
Genotype BB Bb Bb
Number of gerbils 196 168 36
Total number of gerbils (19216836) 400 400 400 400
Genotype frequency (BB,Bb,bb) BB 196/4000.49 Bb168/400 0.42 BB 36/4000.09
Allele frequency (B and b) B 196
168/8000.07 b 168 36/800 0.03
  • The table above shows the frequencies and
    genotypes frequencies . Notice how they are
  • Now lets look at formula
  • we know BB 0.49 p2
  • Bb 0.42 2pq
  • Bb 0.09q2
  • According to the formula
  • If we find want to find the frequencies of the
    alleles B and b we need to find the square root
    of p2 and q2 so

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More on Evolution
  • Microevolution - population change in allele
  • Macroevolution grand scale changes as seen in
    the fossil record

Mechanisms of evolution
  • The following are mechanisms that cause genetic
    variation in a population and thus move them away
    from Hardy Weinberg equilibrium
  • In other words the following cause populations to
  • Mutations
  • Genetic drift
  • Gene flow
  • Non-random mating
  • Natural selection
  • Sexual selection

  • Changes in the DNA that bring new alleles in a
  • New alleles provide variations that cause
  • Mutations can be harmful, neutral or beneficial
  • Mutations are beneficial if they provide a
    selective advantage which allows certain
    organisms to adapt to their environment
  • Ex. California ground squirrel having the ability
    to break down rattlesnake poison

Genetic Drift
  • Change in allele frequencies in small populations
    caused by chance alone
  • For example in a small population mutations can
    cause allele frequencies to change whereas in a
    large population the mutations may have little to
    no effect on the frequencies. The gene pool will
    not shift if the population is large
  • The allele frequencies in small populations can
    change over time and this can lead to evolution.
    Remember in a non evolving population ( hardy
    Weinberg equilibrium) the allele frequencies
    remain unchanged

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Causes of Genetic drift
  • A. Bottleneck effect a situation in which as a
    result of chance some alleles are overrepresented
    and others are underrepresented because a
    population has been reduced through natural
    disasters etc.
  • Ex. Elephant seals have passed through a
    bottleneck. They have been overhunted causing
    their numbers to be reduced to about 20. because
    of this certain alleles have been eliminated)(
    variety reduced). The population has since grown
    to 30000 having little variation. This has
    resulted in a change in the allele frequency

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  • Founder effect
  • When a small amount of organisms (called a
    founder population) move into a new area, chances
    are they do not contain the entire population in
    the parent population this results in a changes
    in allele frequencies
  • Ex. Hawaiian honey creeper birds migrated from
    north America

Polydactyl in Quakers
Gene Flow
  • This is the movement of genes into or out of a
    gene pool
  • This causes a change in the gene pool resulting
    in evolution
  • If gene flow happens enough between two
    neighbouring populations they may eventually
    merge into one population with a common genetic

Non Random Mating
  • If a population mates on a random basis genetic
    equilibrium is maintained and the population does
    not evolve
  • Normal populations do not undergo random mating.
    For example individuals will mate more with their
    neighbours rather than distant organisms there
    are two types of non random mating
  • Inbreeding- mating between closely related
  • This will cause a loss in variety in the
    population and the allele frequencies will change
  • Assortive Mating- this is where organisms choose
    mates that are similar to themselves
  • Artificial selection ( breeding of certain dogs)
    is an example of assertive mating. The dogs being
    mated are choosing (or are chosen for them) mates
    that are similar to themselves
  • This causes a reduction in variety in the
    population causing allele frequencies to change

Non-Random Mating
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Natural selection
  • A populations characteristics can change because
    certain individuals within the population have
    heritable traits that allow them top adapt to and
    survive local environmental conditions
  • There are 3 types of Natural Selection
  • Stabilizing selection
  • Directional selection
  • Disruptive selection

  • Natural selection where an intermediate or normal
    phenotype is favored over the extremes
  • Ex. Birth weight( most babies born today are of
    average or normal weight because the extreme (low
    or high) birth weight babies are selected
    against(we do not see many low birth weights or
    high birth weights babies anymore) The middle
    intermediate phenotype is favored

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  • Selection where one extreme phenotype is favored
    over the other. This causes a shift in the
    phenotypes in that direction
  • This type of selection is common during
    environmental change or when population migrates
    to a new habitat
  • Ex modern horse (adapted to a grassland habitat)
    adapted from an ancestral horse (adapted to a
    forest habitat). Most horse today resemble the
    modern horse and not the forest horse

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  • Selection where both extremes of the phenotype
    are selected rather than the middle (intermediate
  • The intermediate phenotype may be eliminated from
    the population
  • Ex. Coho salmon. Males are either small (jack
    salmon) or very large. No real medium size male
    salmon found in the population

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Sexual Selection
  • This is selection on the basis off being able to
    find a suitable mate in which to produce
    offspring. Having the ability to choose a mate
    helps ensure genetic information is passed on as
    well as introduces variety into the population
  • Finding a suitable mate is based on 2 main
  • Male competition- male competition can determine
    who gets the chance to mate with female
  • Female choice-females choose who they mate with

Sexual Selection
  • Sexual selection acts on an organism's ability to
    obtain or successfully copulate with a mate.
  • Selection makes many organisms go to extreme
    lengths for sex

  • Formation of a species
  • Biological species a group of organisms able to
    interbreed and produce fertile offspring
  • Ex. Horses and donkeys are separate species. They
    are able to interbreed, but the offspring
    produced are not fertile

How do species form?
  • There are generally two pathways in which species
    are formed
  • 1. Transformation- the formation of a species
    because of a series of accumulated changes over
    time. One species changes into another in this
  • Species changes new species
  • 2. Divergence- the formation of species from a
    parent species/ ancestor
  • Parent species
  • Species

Speciation occurs when two groups become isolated
from each other
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Types of Speciation
  • Allopatricseparation of members of the same
    species by a physical barrier. The separate
    populations over time may evolve distinctly
    different characteristics. If the geographical
    barriers are later removed, members of the two
    populations may be unable to successfully mate
    with each other, at which point, the genetically
    isolated groups have emerged as different
  • Allopatric isolation is a key factor in
    speciation and a common process by which new
    species arise.

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  • ParapatricOccurs in adjacent populations due to
    local environment problems. is the relationship
    between organisms whose ranges do not
    significantly overlap but are immediately
    adjacent to each other they only occur together
    in a narrow contact zone.
  • Sympatricis the process through which new
    species evolve from a single ancestral species
    while inhabiting the same geographic region
  • individuals continue to live with each other.
    Mostly in plants. Due to polyploidy.

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Allopartric vs. Sympatric
What causes species to become isolated?
  • Barriers
  • Types of barriers
  • Geographical Barriers- when a population becomes
    divided by a geographical boundary such as a
    canyon, river, etc. This prevents interbreeding.
    Over time natural selection causes genetic
    differences to become so large two species form.
  • Ex. Giraffes that become separated by mountains
    will eventually develop into separate species

  • Biological Barriers
  • These are barriers that keep species
    reproductively isolated
  • These barriers may be Pre-zygotic barriers or
    Post zygotic Barriers

Pre zygotic Barriers
  • These are known as pre-fertilization barriers
    that either impede mating or prevent
  • a. Behavioural isolation- bird songs, courtship
    rituals pheromones, etc. Are all species specific
    and prevent fertilization
  • b. Temporal isolation these are usually timing
    barriers. Several species mate at different times
    during the year and as such are not able to mate
  • c. Habitat isolation-some species live in the
    same area but have different habitats
  • Ex. North American garter snakes. One prefers
    open areas while the other prefers water
  • d. Mechanical isolation- some species are
    automatically incompatible thus not allowing them
    to exchange sperm and egg
  • Ex. The genitals on certain species on insects
    work on a lock and key hypothesis. If the lock
    does not fit the key, no fertilization can happen
  • e. Gametic Isolation-sometimes the gametes from
    species do not even meet. This prevents
  • Ex. Sea urchins release eggs into the water but
    chemicals on the surface of the eggs prevent
    sperm from as different species to fertile them.

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Post Zygotic Barriers
  • These are barriers that prevent a zygote from
    developing into a fertile organism
  • a. Hybrid Invariability-incompatibility of two
    species may cause the zygote to stop embryonic
  • Ex. Embryos of sheep/goats do not survive
  • b. Hybrid sterility- this is the production of an
    organism but it is sterile
  • Ex. Horse donkeymule(sterile)
  • c. Hybrid Breakdown-sometimes the first
    generation of offspring are viable and can
    reproduce, but when their offspring reproduce
    their offspring are sterile or weak.
  • Ex. Cotton plants produce generations of seeds
    that die

Patterns of Evolution
  • Convergent Evolutionbecome more alike due to
    environment. Aquatic mammals and fish.
  • Divergent EvolutionShare a common ancestor, but
    evolve differently.
  • CoevolutionPlants and pollinators parasites and

Adaptive Radiation
  • The diversifying of an ancestral species into a
    variety of species
  • This usually occurs after a novel characteristic
    has evolved or if there is a mass extinction
  • Ancestral species
  • Ex. Galapagos finches from one common ancestor on

Species 1 Species 2 Species 3
Adaptive Radiation
  • The finches of the Galapagos Islands provide a
    classic example this evolutionary process - a
    single lineage gives rise to species occupying
    diverse environmental niches. (13 species)

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Divergent evolution
  • This is where species that were once similar to
    an ancestral species diverge to become different
  • Note Adaptive radiation is an example of
    Divergent Evolution

Convergent evolution
  • This is evolution where two completely unrelated
    species have similar traits
  • Ex. Birds and bees have wings (similar trait)
  • Each species develops the same traits because
    they adapt to the same type of environmental
  • The species do not come from a common ancestor

Co evolution
  • This is evolution where two species change
    together where each species responds to changes
    in the other
  • Ex. Milkweed plants and monarch butterflies. The
    milkweed plant has toxins in their leaves.
    Monarch butterfly eats the leaves and absorbs the
    toxins making them toxic. Most birds avoid
    monarch butterflies for this purpose

Pace of evolution
  • How fast does evolution occur?
  • There are two theories that explain how fast
    evolution occurs. Both examine the fossil record.

  • A model that says change occurs slowly and
    steadily before and after a divergence
  • Fossils show a slow and repeated change through
    the fossil record

Punctuated equilibrium
  • A model proposed by Gould and Eldridge
  • A model that proposes evolution happens in spurts
  • The model says that species undergo long periods
    of stasis where they remain unchanged followed by
    short periods of very rapid change (spurts)
  • The changes are usually brought about by sudden
    environmental changes such as volcanoes
    earthquakes etc.
  • Species previously disadvantaged could now be
    advantaged and new species could develop quickly

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Origins of the World and Life
  • Many theories exist that try to explain the
    origin and development of life on earth
  • The following will be considered
  • Chemical evolution
  • Panspermia
  • Gaia hypothesis
  • Heterotroph hypothesis
  • Symbiogensis (symbiotic theory)
  • Intelligent design

Chemical Evolution
  • A theory of evolution created by Oparin-Haldane
  • They said that organic molecules (the building
    blocks of life) could develop from inorganic
    compounds present on the surface of the early
  • The earth had an atmosphere that consisted of no
    oxygen, but plenty of hydrogen, Ammonia(NH3 ,
    Methane and water vapour(inorganic molecules)
  • These gases condensed and formed a primordial
  • Energy from, lightening and UV radiation caused
    organic molecules to develop from inorganic
    molecules in the soup
  • Overtime the organic molecules combined to become
    an early life form

  • Miller Urey
  • Two scientists who designed an experiment to
    prove Oparin-Haldanes theory. Here is what they
  • They combined methane, ammonia, water vapour and
    hydrogen in a flask and exposed the gases to an
    energy source simulating lightening
  • The liquid inside the flask changed color and
    when examined contained several organic compounds
    including amino acids
  • Amino acids make up protein which make up the
    structure of most living things

  • A theory that suggests life began elsewhere in
    the universe and migrated to our plant
  • For example it is believed that life originated
    from bacterial cells elsewhere and travelled from
    outer space to earth on meteorites

Gaia Hypothesis
  • theory put forward by James Lovelock
  • Idea that earth is a super organism called Gaia
  • The earth has systems that keep a balance between
    temperature and atmosphere
  • After life originated on earth, Gaia came alive
    and began to regulate earth systems
  • The systems help provide an environment where
    life could exist and survive

Heterotroph Hypothesis
  • Theory put forth by Oparin
  • Said that firs cells on earth had to be
    heterotrophs that eventually developed into
  • Primordial soup existed of organic molecules
  • The environment was oxygen poor
  • Heterotrophs such as anaerobic bacteria fed on
    the organic molecules
  • The hetrotrophs began to release carbon dioxide
    into the atmosphere, The heterotrophs developed
    into autotrophs and began using carbon dioxide
  • The autotrophs began to release oxygen into the
  • This made the atmosphere oxygen rich that could
    now support life

  • Put forth by Lynn Margulis
  • Theory that attempts to explain the development
    of mitochondria and chloroplasts as organelles
    that appear in eukaryotic cells
  • Chloroplasts and mitochondria have their own DNA
    and come from the symbosis (working together) of
    prokaryotic cells
  • Here is how she said eukaryotic organisms
  • An anaerobic bacterium ate but did not digest an
    aerobic bacterium(called a guest bacterium)
  • The guest bacterium provided oxygen to the
    bacterium. The guest bacterium eventually became
    a mitochondrion
  • Other bacteria ate photosynthesizing bacteria.
    The photosynthesizing bacteria became chloroplasts

Intelligent Design
  • Theory suggests that life and mechanism of life
    are too complex to have evolved by chance
  • Believed that the generation and evolution of
    life must have been directed by some unidentified
    supernatural intelligence
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