Title: Das Curriculuminformationssystem an der Universitt Wien Eine Bestandsaufnahme
1Das Curriculuminformationssystem an der
Universität WienEine Bestandsaufnahme
- Merl P.1, Petta P.1, Ucsnik L.1, Holzbaur C.1,2,
Trappl R.1,2, Marz R.3
1 Österreichisches Forschungsinstitut für
Artificial Intelligence 2 Institut für
Medizinische Kybernetik und Artificial
Intelligence, Universität Wien 3 Institut für
Medizinische Chemie, Universität Wien
- Was sind Curriculum Informations Systeme?
- Grundsätzliches zum neuen Wiener Curriculum
- Das Wiener CIS
- Implementierung
- Schlussfolgerungen
3Conceptual framework Some principal features
- Intended Use
- Principal Users
- Instructional Unit
- Standardized Terminology
- Circumstance of Development
4Was sind CIS?
- It is the intention to capture information
about the curriculum as it is being presented,
organize it, and to store it for later retrieval
to enhance curriculum management. - Mattern, W. D., M. B. Anderson, et al.
(1992)Acad Med 67(1) 12-6
5Was sind CIS?
- CIS must be developed with a specific purpose in
mind, to direct the subsequent process of
abstracting and representing information - Nowacek, G. and C. P. Friedman (1995)
- Acad Med 70(12) 1096-100
6Was sind nun CIS???
- IT-basiert
- Erfassung bestimmter geplanter Aspekte eines
Curriculums - Unterstützung geplanter Funktionen in Planung,
Koordination, Administration oder Evaluation - Zielgruppenorientiert
7Principal Users
- A single system cannot serve the needs of all
potential users and so a system should be
designed to be maximally useful for one principal
intended user-group - Nowacek, G. and C. P. Friedman (1995)
- Acad Med 70(12) 1096-100
8Instructional Unit
9Content - Depth of Granularity
10Standartisierte Terminologie
- Koordination im Kurrikulum
- Vergleichbarkeit von Kurrikula
11Standartisierte Terminologie
- MeSH or ULMS, are too specific and detailed in
relation to certain concepts, while being
incomplete or absent in relation to others - Nowacek, G. and C. P. Friedman (1995)Acad Med
70(12) 1096-100 - Möglicher Lösungsansatz - NBMeSH
12Circumstances of Development
- Scenario 1
- Curriculum in the Making
- Scenario 2
- Curriculum being Implemented
- Scenario 3
- Curriculum Underway
13General Conclusions
- Mismatch between CIS potential and current
implementation - Focus on structures
- CIS are not a standard feature for curriculum
planning and maintenance Resources or
organizational issues may prove as obstacles - Recommendation Wider implementation of CIS as
planning tools will support curriculum management
internally and curriculum exchange externally
14Das MedizinCurriculum Wien Eine grundlegende
15Das MedizinCurriculum Wien Eine grundlegende
- Old subject-based, teacher-centered, no
integrationNew integrated and student-centered - Independent planning teams headed by block
coordinators organize curriculum elements - Independent planning teams for Curricular Units
- Planning materials of a group are of relevance to
other planning groups
16Vienna CIS - Central Issues
- Who will be the principal users?
- What functionalities will the system provide?
- What circumstances prompt the development of a
particular Curriculum Information System (CIS)?
17Vienna CIS- Challenges
- Old, subject-based curriculum
- Faculty bore no responsibility for content
integration - New curriculum requires habitual change
- Free access w/ large numbers of students
- Planning teams work independently
- Planning materials require coordination
18Vienna CIS - Central Issues 2
- Circumstances Curriculum in the Making
- Primary Users Block Coordinators and Planning
Teams - Functionalities CIS as a means to support
exchange, documentation and coordination
19Whats New in Vienna?
- A CIS for a curriculum in the making
- Curriculum planners as principal users at the
heart of the CIS
20CIS Desired Functionality
21CIS Interface
22CIS Browsing Curriculum Elements
23CIS Interface
24CIS and Curriculum Foundations
25CIS Search Functions
26CIS Implementierung - Themen
- Gegenwärtige Funktionalität
- Informations- bzw. Datentransfer
- Lernziele
- Die nackte Wahrheit
27CIS ImplementationCurrent Functionalities
- CIS currently used to review the content matter
being planned - Functions to assess the relationship between
planning materials deferred
28CIS ImplementationCurrent Functionalities
29CIS Implementation Information Transfer
- Interpretation and editing of planning materials
by third parties entails information loss - Enable direct transfer of planning materials
through support tools
30CIS ImplementationLearning Objectives
Learning objectives should be partof Curriculum
Information System design to help focus and
specify planning efforts
31CIS Implementierung -Die nackte Wahrheit
- Technische Herausforderung
- Akzeptanz
- Budget
32Wiener CIS Schlussfolgerungen
- AnalyzeCircumstances, Users, Functionalities
- Incremental implementation with continuous
adaptation - Learning objectives play essential role for
Curriculum Information Systems