Title: Philippe Defraigne
26, 2003
Philippe Defraigne Cullen International phil.defra
2 Timely implementation
Timely, effective and coherent implementation
of the new regulatory framework for electronic
communications by July 2003 European Council
of March 2003
3 Transposition into national law
4 Transposition into national law
Accession countries joining in May 2004
5 Transposition into national law
Accession countries joining in 2007 and Turkey
6 Market analysis
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81998 vs. 2003
- ? Western Europe
- ? 1998 big bang
- ? 2003 long term effects
- Central and Eastern Europe
- ? A bit of both?
9Who is regulated?
10What is regulated?
11Managing expectations
Was the new package hyped just like .com stocks
and 3G auctions? Over-emphasis was placed by the
Commission on the idea of a lighter regime in
order to sell the package. Furthermore, the new
package is not a prerequisite for deregulation
(e.g. double transit charges have been removed
from FTs RIO)
12Extension of regulation why?
- ? Technological developments
- ? Mobile
- ? Internet
- ? Broadband
- ? Incumbent operators market shares
13Wholesale remedies
14Retail remedies CS/CPS
- Operators with SMP in market for
- the provision of connection to and use of the
public fixed telephone network must provide - ? CS
- ? CPS
- (Art. 19 Universal Directive)
15Retail remedies price control
IF a given retail market is NOT competitive AND
Access remedies CS/CPS obligations AND
Objectives (Art.8 Fwk Dir) NOT achieved THEN
additional remedies at retail level (Univ.
Service Directive Art 17 Price Control)
16Retail remedies price control
additional remedies at retail level ? No
excessive or predatory prices ? Not to
discriminate certain end-user groups ? Not to
unreasonably bundle services ? To comply with
price caps ? To comply with other NRA measures
to - control individual tariffs - to orient
tariffs towards costs or prices on comparable
17Retail leased lines
IF market for minimum set of leased lines is NOT
effectively competitive THEN obligations imposed
on operators with SMP ? Non discrimination ?
Cost-orientation ? Transparency (Technical
Tariffs Supply)
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19CL and SSR
Competition Law ? abuse of dominant position
(Art. 82) Sector Specific Regulation ?
creation of a competitive environment
20CL and SSR
Competition Law ? trigger for action is the
abuse Sector Specific Regulation ? trigger
for action is the Dominant Position
21CL and SSR
- SSR borrows CL concepts
- SMP Dominant Position
- methodology for market definition
- methodology for SMP designation
- CL has NOT superceded SSR
22Bronner case ECJ Nov 1998
Facts of the case Refusal by a major newspaper
publisher (Mediaprint) to give access to its home
delivery service to a smaller rival newspaper
(Oscar Bronner) Question is it abuse of
dominant position?
23Bronner case ECJ Nov 1998
Court ruling The refusal by a press
undertaking which holds a very large share of the
daily newspaper market in a Member State and
operates the only nationwide newspaper
home-delivery scheme in that M.S. to allow the
publisher of a rival newspaper, which by reason
of its small circulation is unable either alone
or in cooperation with other publishers to set up
and operate its own home-delivery scheme in
economically reasonable conditions, to have
access to that scheme for appropriate
remuneration does not constitute the abuse of a
dominant position
24Bronner case ECJ Nov 1998
- Court reasoning Three cumulative conditions need
to be fulfilled before there is abuse of dominant
position - the refusal should be likely to eliminate all
competition in the daily newspaper market on the
part of the person requesting the service - the refusal could not be objectively justified
- the delivery service should be indispensable to
carrying on that persons business inasmuch as
there is no actual or potential substitute for
that home-delivery scheme.
25SSR goes beyond CL
but whats the limit? Two dangers ? NRAs do
not provide new entrants with sufficient
support to enter the market ? NRAs encourage
inefficient market entry.
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27Harmonisation versus Subsidiarity
- Different level of justification for a harmonised
approach - Liberalisation
- Rolling out of Pan-European networks
- Harmonised level of protection for users
- Most efficient regulation (in the EU opinion)
28Harmonised objectives?
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