Title: Philippe Wehmeyer Managing Director, GAME France
1Philippe WehmeyerManaging Director, GAME France
2GAME in France - Overview
Source IDG, April 2008 Installed base to 31
December 2007
3GAME in France - European Games Market
Source IDG, April 2008 estimated
4GAME in France French Games Market 05-08
Source GFK estimated
5GAME in France Store numbers
Acquired Maxi Livres
Acquired Addon
6GAME in FranceOctober 2008
7GAME in France - Sales and EBITDA
8GAME in France The offer
- Retail experience
- Specialist retail proposition
- Property management
- Head office infrastructure
- Distribution
- Online
- Supplier relationships
- Specialist offer
- Preowned
- Reward Card
9GAME in France HO Infrastructure
10GAME in France Installed base
Source IDG
11GAME in France - Preowned
12GAME in France - Reward Card
- 2.5m customers
- Majority of transactions with a Reward Card
- Male 79
- Female 21
13GAME in France Some major titles
14GAME in France
15Lisa MorganGroup Chief Executive
16GAME in France
- Specialist difference
- Well positioned
- Broadening our reach
- Buoyant video games market
- Growing and evolving customer base
17GAME in France