Title: Imperialism
1The Age of Imperialism
2Organizing Ideas
What Were the Motives for the New
Imperialism? Discuss Imperialism as It Applied
to Africa Asia America What Were the
Effects of Imperialism?
On Both the Imperialist Nations and the Nations
They Did It To More Positive or More Negative?
3Whats the Difference Between the Old and the New
- How Old Is Imperialism?
- When Was the Old
- Imperialism?
- Why Did It End in the Early 1800s?
- Why Did It Return?
4The New Imperialism
5Homework Quiz 3
Why Did Western Nations Engage in the New
- Write an Intro Paragraph
- Complete Setting 5 Points
- Diverse Categories 5 Points
- Focused Thesis 5 Points
- Traded - Economics
- Self-Sufficiency
- Raw Materials
- Protected Markets
- Safe Investments
- National Security protection from other nations
- Nationalism
- Racism
- Social Darwinism
- Spread our ideas which are fittest
- Political - Democracy
- Economic - Capitalism
- Religious Christianity
- Positive Image Locke or Hobbes?
- Morality Do the right thing
7- Surplus Population
- Missionary Zeal
- Humanitarianism
- Rudyard Kipling
- An Obligation
- White Mans Burden
8The White Mans Burden (by Rudyard Kipling)
9Light of the World
10According to The Cartoon, How Did Imperialism Affe
ct Other Nations?
11Social Darwinism
12The White Mans Burden
Rudyard Kipling
13The White Mans Burden?
14There Were Critics
Pile on the Brown Mans Burden And If Ye Rouse
His Hate Meet His Old Fashioned Reasons With
Maxims Up to Date, with Shells and Dum-Dum
Bullets The Brown Mans Loss Must Never Imply the
White Mans Gain
Source for Raw Materials
Industrial Revolution
European Motives For Colonization
Markets forFinishedGoods
Military NavalBases
Places toDumpUnwanted/Excess Popul.
Soc. Eco.Opportunities
16(No Transcript)
17and Potential Dangers
18Which Nation Served as the Role Model for the New
19Great Britain
Queen Victoria
Sun Never Sets on the Br. Empire
20(No Transcript)
21The Message?
This One?
22During the Time Period
- Added 4.25m Sq. Miles!
- Added 66m People!
- Invested 20b!
So, Who Wants to Be Like GB?
23Manifestations of the New Imperialism
Southeast Asia Africa Latin America India China Th
e Pacific
What Did They Have in Common?
24Southeast Asia
25Objects of the Imperialist Nations
26S o u t h e a s t A s i a
- Before 1800?
- Only (Sp.) Philippines and
- (Dutch) East Indies
- After 1800
- 1819 Br. Singapore
- ExpandedBurma
- French Vietnam
- Made Siam a Buffer
27- King Mongkut
- and His Queen
- Resisted European
- Imperialism
28Imperialism in the South Pacific
29(No Transcript)
30Pre-19c European Trade with Africa
31African Trade 15c-17c
3219c Mysteries Adventures
33European Explorers in Africa
19c ? Europeans Map the Interior of Africa
34Dr. Livingstone
I Presume
Henry Stanley
351. Where Is Dr. Livingstone?
DoctorLivingstone,I Presume?
Sir Henry Morton Stanley
Dr. David Livingstone
36European Explorations in mid-19cThe Scramble
for Africa
372. What is the Source of the Nile?
Sir Richard Burton
John Speke
38Some Key Terms to Know
- Colony
- Protectorate
- Condominium
- Concession
- Sphere of Influence
- Direct vs. Indirect Rule
39European Colonialism in Africa
- Problem with Africa malaria delivered by
mosquitoes - However, Europe solved that problem with the drug
41Africa in the 1880s
42Imperialism in Africa
Homework 2 Quiz
List 5 Specific Facts from the Reading. No
BS (Bogus Specifics), Please
- Why Interested?
- Who (Major Players)?
- Where?
- How Was Africa
- Impacted?
- Positive? Negative?
44Berlin Conference of 1884-1885
45West Africa
- After 1800, Slave Trade Faded
- What Next?
- New Stuff!
- Br, Port., Dutch, Fr, Ger, Sp.
- Overcame Native Resistance
- By 1914 All But
- Liberia
46The Ottoman Empire
47North Africa
- Part of Ottoman Empire
- 1805 Egypt Broke Away under
- Muhammad Ali
- Aid from Britain
- Suez Canal (1869)
- Br. Bought Egypts Stock
- Sought Control over Sudan
- Fr. Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco
- Tensionswith Sudanese and
- the French
48- 1885 Won at
- Khartoum
- 1898 Victory
- at Omdurman
- Took over Sudan
49Battle of Omdurman
50The Fashoda Incident
51Central Africa
- The Dark Part of the Continent
- Exploits of Explorers, Missionaries
52The Belgian Congo "King Leopold's Ghost"
53The Congo Free State orThe Belgian Congo
54King Leopold II(r. 1865 1909)
55- Belgiums King Leopold II
- Belgian Congo
- Europeanization!
56Congo River
57Rubber Vines
58(No Transcript)
59Punish- ment
60(No Transcript)
615-8 Million Victims! (50 of Popul.)
It is blood-curdling to see them (the soldiers)
returning with the hands of the slain, and to
find the hands of young children amongst the
bigger ones evidencing their bravery...The rubber
from this district has cost hundreds of lives,
and the scenes I have witnessed, while unable to
help the oppressed, have been almost enough to
make me wish I were dead... This rubber traffic
is steeped in blood, and if the natives were to
rise and sweep every white person on the Upper
Congo into eternity, there would still be left a
fearful balance to their credit. --
Belgian Official
62Belgiums Stranglehold on the Congo
63East Africa
- France First, then
- GB, GER, Port., Belgium
- NOT Italy
- Ethiopia Defeated
- Menelik II
64The Struggle For South Africa
65Dutch Landing in 1652
66Boers Clash With the Xhosa Tribes
Boer Farmer
67- Founded Natal,
- Transvaal, and
- the Orange
- Free State
- 200,000 Pop.
- After 1860
- Both Gold and
- Diamonds
- Discovered
Shaka Zulu
68Shaka Zulu (1785 1828)
69The Great Trek, 1836-38
70Diamond Mines
Raw Diamonds
71The Struggle for South Africa
72- Enter Cecil
- Rhodes
- His Dream?
- A Cape to
- Cairo Empire
73Who is this? Grabbing for?
74Uncle Sam The Colossusof the Pacific (A
75Paul Kruger (1825-1904)
76Boer-British Tensions Increase
- 1877 Britain annexed the Transvaal.
- 1883 Boers fought British in the
Transvaal and regained its
independence. - Paul Kruger becomes
- 1880s Gold discovered in the
77The Boer War 1899 - 1900
The British
The Boers
78A Future British Prime Minister
British Boer War Correspondent, Winston Churchill
79The Struggle for South Africa
80Boer War
- Causes?
- Effects?
- 1910 Union
- of South
- Africa
- Apartheid
81(No Transcript)
82Africa in 1914
N e g a t i v e
P o s i t i v e
Where Next?
- Name 3 Western Colonies in SEA.
- Imperialism in Africa
- Barbary Pirates
- Mohammed Ali
- Suez Canal
- David Livingstone
- Henry Stanley
- Omdurman
- Fashoda
85- Congress of Berlin (1885)
- Cape Colony
- Great Trek
- Cecil Rhodes
- Boer War
- What Was the Impact of Imperialism
- on Africa?
- Where Next?
Would Asia Go the Way of Africa?
87(No Transcript)
- Which European Nation
- Opened India?
- What about Indias History Made
- It Vulnerable to Outsiders?
- What Was the Nature of
- India by the 19th Century?
89An Empire in Decline
90- The British Presence
- East India Company
- Robert Clive
- Seven Years War
- Treaty of Paris (1763)
- Aftermath
- Made Some Reforms
- Not Enough!
91The Sepoy Mutiny - 1857
Cawnpore Incident
92What on Earth Are They Doing to Those People?
93After 1857
- Direct Control
- Sent Viceroys
- Victoria Made
- Empress of
- India
94India After 1857
- Direct Control
- Jewel in the Crown
- Reforms
- Impact?
- Indian Nationalism
- ButHow?
- Leadership
95INDIA Under The British Raj
96Impact of British Raj --
97Indias textiles?
98M o r e R e f o r m s
- Read the Handout
- How Did Indians Respond?
99Ram Mohun Roy
- Modernize
- (Westernize)
- End suttee/sati
- End child brides
- End thugees
- Dies in England
100I n d i a n N a t i o n a l i s m
- What Did Nationalists Want?
- Indian National Congress
- Muslim League
101- Mohandas Gandhi
- Passive Resistance
- Civil Disobedience
- It Would Take Awhile
What about the Rest of Asia?
Would China Go the Way of Africa and India?
103- Who Opened
- China?
- What Dynasty
- Ruled China?
- (Manchu Dynasty)
- What Was It Like
- by Mid-1800?
- Corruption, Unrest,
- Shortages, a Pop.
- Explosion!
- What Happens to
- Bad Ch. Dynasties?
104W h a t I n t e n s i f i e d C h i n a ' s
P r o b l e m s w i t h t h e E u r o p e
a n s ?
- Why Was So Much of Europes
- Money Leaving Europe?
- What to Do About It?
105Whats Happening in this Picture?
106What Does the Cartoon Suggest?
What Course of Action to Take?
107- 1800 China Banned Opium
- Hardly Enforced, However
- Letter to Queen Victoria
- 1839 Destroyed
- GBs Supply!
- Response the
- Opium Wars
- Self-Strengthening
108(No Transcript)
109Signing the Treaty of Nanjing - 1842
110- Treaty of Nanjings Provisions
- Opened Several Ports
- Ceded Hong Kong to GB
- Extraterritoriality Granted
- Indemnity Made China Pay
- Treaty of Tianjin Ended the
- Second Opium War
- Treaties Began Chinas Century
- of Humiliation
111Taiping Rebellion Led by Hong Xinquan
112- Impact?
- 20 Million Killed!
- Internal Divisions
- By Late 19th Century
- Sino-Japanese War
- Lost Korea, Formosa
- Outsiders Carving
- Spheres of Influence
- Again, Divided
- Open Door Policy
- Boxer Rebellion
113Dowager Empress Cixi
A Boxer (Ready to Rebel?)
114What Does This Imply about Western Imperialism
in China?
Aftermath of the Rebellion?
115- Rise of
- Chinese
- Nationalism
- What Did
- Nationalists
- Want?
- Who Led the
- Movement?
116- Guomintang Party
- 1911 Manchus Out!
- 1912 Est. Republic
- Growing Pains
- By 1920 2 Forces
- Nationalism and
- Communism
- Stay Tuned
Dr. Sun Yat-sen Revive China Society
- Background
- Who Governed Japan?
- Tokugawa Shogunate
118- 1603-1868
- Feudalism
- Then
- Who Opened
- Japan?
119Matthew Perry and His Black Ships
120Opening Japan
121- Treaty of Kanagawa
- Opened Ports
- Extraterritoriality
- Most Favored Nation
122- How to Respond?
- Samurai Revolt
- Meiji Restoration (1868)
123- Meiji Restoration
- Emperor Matsuhito
- What Next?
- Charter Oath
- Whose Model?
- Zaibatsu Economy
- Shidehara Diplomacy
- Then, Imperialism
- Sino-Japanese War
125Russo-Japanese War
126- Arbitrated by
- T. Roosevelt
- Afterwards?
- Did the West
- View Japan as
- an Equal?
- What Would
- Japan Do
- about It?
Treaty of Portsmouth (1905)
127(No Transcript)
128Our Last Stop
Latin America
- Recall from Our Last Unit
- When Did Nationalism Hit?
129Santa Anna
Often Ruled by Caudillos
130- Benito Juarez
- Victory over the French
- Celebrated on
131- Afterwards
- Growing Pains
- Pol, Eco, Soc
- Problems and
- U.S. Presence
132(No Transcript)
133- Recall the Monroe Doctrine?
- When Did the U.S. Become an
- Imperialist Nation?
- Spanish-American War (1898)
- By WWI
- Why Were We Interested?
- A ship of ours called the USS Maine blew up in a
Spanish harbor in Cuba Spanish-American War
- We won and received Spanish territory in the
Caribbean and the Pacific - Caribbean Puerto Rico, Cuba
- Pacific Philippines, Guam
- US led by sugar planter Sanford Dole also took
Hawaii from Queen Liliuokalani - We did this because we needed a naval base in the
Pacific and cheap sugar
137How Were We Viewed?
- Roosevelt Corollary
- Gunboat Diplomacy
138(No Transcript)
139(No Transcript)
140and T. Roosevelt Is Remembered
for Building the Panama Canal
141(No Transcript)
142(No Transcript)
143It Opened in 1914
144Impact of Imperialism?
More Positive?
More Negative?
Take Out a Sheet of Paper Divide It Like This
145Positive on Europe
Positive on Other Nations
Negative on Europe
Negative on Other Nations
146That's All, Folks
147Cant Wait For That Test!!
And the Review Quiz
- National Pride
- Economic Self-Sufficiency
- Social Motives
- Surplus Population
- Missionary Zeal
- Social Darwinism
- White Mans Burden
149Some Key Terms
- Colony
- Protectorate
- Condominium
- Concession
- Sphere of Influence
152Imperialism in Africa
- Why Interested?
- Who (Major Players)?
- How Dominated?
- Impact?
154Battle of Omdurman
155(No Transcript)
156Dutch vs. British
Boer War
157(No Transcript)
158Would Asia Go the Way of Africa?
159An Empire in Decline
160Key Events
- Calcutta
- 7 Years War
- Sepoy Mutiny
161The Sepoy Mutiny
162Key Events
- European Interest
- Opium Wars
163(No Transcript)
- Treaty of Nanjing
- Treaty of Tianjin
- To Modernize or Not?
- Taiping Rebellion
165Taiping Rebellion Leaders
166- Taiping Rebellions
- Impact?
- Late 19th Century
- Open Door Policy
- Chinese Reaction
167(No Transcript)
168Dowager Empress Cixi
A Boxer
169- Guomintang
- 1912 - Republic
- Growing Pains
Dr. Sun Yat-sen
- Background
- Tokugawa Shogunate
- Problems?
- Perrys Visit - 1853
172Matthew Perry and His Black Ships
173Opening Japan
174Key Events
- U.S. Opens Japan (1853)
- Treaty of Kanagawa
- Meiji Restoration
- Charter Oath
- Modernization
- Sino-Japanese War
- Russo-Japanese War
- Treaty of Portsmouth
- Aftermath
175(No Transcript)
176Imperialism in S. Asia
177Imperialism in the S. Pacific
178Latin America
179- Background
- Growing Pains
- U.S. Presence
- Sp-Am War
- Aftermath
180An American Lake?
181Wielding the Big Stick
Roosevelt Corollary
182Building the Panama Canal
183(No Transcript)
184It Opened in 1914
186Foreign Policy Goals based on Social Darwinism
- 1. National Security - self defense
- 2. Trade - Promotion of world trade and to better
our economic opportunities at home - markets - resources - places to
invest - 3. Nationalism - pride in your country - the
desire to spread our ideas around the world - A sense of mission in encouraging
freedom around the world and - promoting "self government" -
democracy - promoting capitalism
- promoting Protestant Christianity
- missionary work - 4. Social Gospel - "do the right thing"!
- Altruism - Humanitarianism -
Morality - 5. Image - Improving our image at home and abroad
- Those goals had to be weighed against the
cost in terms of money and lives
188"Cornerstones" of Isolation - Early U.S. Foreign
Policy (Before 1898)
- Isolation - not making permanent commitments
with foreign countries - wish to be left alone and to leave
others alone - George Washington's Farewell Address (1797)
- Further U.S. trade
- Avoid "entangling alliances
- (permanent) temporary ones for expediency ok
- Monroe Doctrine (1823)
- Warning to Europe to stay out of
western hemisphere! ! - We promised to stay out of the rest of
the world - England - 1
- decided to work with us instead of
against us (trade possibilities)
189 Trade-Related Foreign Policy - Prior to Civil War
- 1. China
- GB exposed weakness of China in the Opium Wars
- (ended in 1842) they acquired Hong Kong
- Caleb Cushing - 1844 - opened trade with the
largest market in the world - Treaty of Wanghia - opened 5 ports
- "most favored nation" status
- "extraterritoriality"
- By 1890's, lots of trade and missionary activity
- Was this a good decision on bad decision? Use
goals to evaluate. -
190 Trade-Related Foreign Policy - Prior to Civil War
- 2. Japan
- Commodore Matthew Perry - 1854
- used intimidation to force trade
- "Black ships" (black smoke)
- "toys" of the Industrial Revolution
- Treaty of Kanagawa (1858)
- opened 2 ports (for their own good)
- established "most favored nation" status for U.S.
- Japanese later erected a statue of Perry in
Japan - Was this a good decision or bad decision? Use
goals to evaluate.