Unit 3 Imperialism - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Unit 3 Imperialism


Unit 3 Imperialism What is Imperialism? Empire Building in the late 1800s. Eng, Fr, Ger, Neth (Russia is building empire too- but differently) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Unit 3 Imperialism

Unit 3 Imperialism
  • What is Imperialism?
  • Empire Building in the late 1800s. Eng, Fr, Ger,
  • (Russia is building empire too- but differently)

New Imperialism Old Imperialism
  • 1500s-1700s
  • Europeans explored, and claimed territory in new
    world- but not so much other places. Increase
    contact with other civilizations, but not
    dominance (except Amerindians)
  • Late 1800s
  • In 1800 Europe directly controlled 7 of the
    earth, in 1914 84(!) British empire along
    represented 25 of world population, 20 world
  • Looking for materials, markets, and strategic
  • Social Darwinism

Why do it?
  • Europe is small, with limited opportunities for
    expansion. (esp. in west). Growing population
    needs room. 1815-1932 60 million people leave
    Europe (Largest s to US, Canada, Australia, New
  • Nationalism (which supported growth of power),
    and industrialization (which created need for
    materials/markets, and made communication/transpor
    tation more efficient) made empire building
    possible and profitable
  • Build your wealth- protect your power

Types of Imperialism Multiple Types
  • Colonial Most complete form of domination.
    Europeans take control- enforcing European rules
    and leadership (Viceroy) Control govt, econ,
    social system
  • Political Influence (but not necessarily
    control) govt. May use military domination, or
    replace ruler with puppet. Protectorate
  • Economic Control trade and commerce, but not
    govt. (though do influence to ensure control)
    mainly looking for trade advantage. Sphere of
  • Socio-Cultural often done with religious, or
    philanthropic means. Less coercion, just wont
    help if natives dont comply.

  • Strong religious revivalism _at_end of 19th century,
    esp among the middle classes
  • Went out to save the souls of the heathens-
    practical romanticism.
  • Successful in some areas (Africa) less so in
    areas with firmly established indigenous
    religions (Like Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists)

Forms of ImperialismSettler Colonies Tropical
  • Small of Europeans outnumbered by a large of
    natives. Norm in Africa, Asia, and S. Pacific
    (which created issues with controlling natives-
    made them more military based)
  • Climate considered unsuitable for women and
    children so families stayed at home.
  • Larger of Europeans (might or might not
    outnumber natives- but better) Canada, Australia,
    New Zealand, Algeria, Kenya
  • Climate more like Europe- bring the family. Will
    lead to development of new cultural elements

Social Darwinism
  • Survival of fittest- Europeans rule b/c they are
    stronger- they are supposed to civilize weaker
  • Success fed nationalism, and success in colonies
    kept attention from issues at home.

White Mans Burden
  • Part of the Europeans superiority complex was
    that they spent a fair amount of time moaning
    about how difficult it was for them to have the
    Burden of domination.
  • Poem Rudyard Kipling

Industrialization and Imperialism
  • Exploration had sought treasure and land. Now
    they need raw materials (cotton, hemp, copper,
    rubber, ivory, diamonds, cocoa, tea, coffee) for
    industry and protected markets for their stuff.
    The good news (for them) is that improved
    transportation- trains made it easier to
    penetrate inland. Panama/Suez canals cut travel

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Examples of ImperialismThe British Empire India
  • Mughal dynasty controlled India (but loosely,
    India always fragments, empire was falling apart)
    Europeans began trading in 1600s with Nawabs-
    Muslim princes. English French main traders,
    Dutch trade in Ceylon

British East India Company
  • Joint-stock, given a monopoly by the British
    government. Based in Calcutta. Competed with
    French, then drove them out during 7 years war.
    Company Men created trade outposts- made
    agreements with local rulers. Had Euro military,
    and native Sepoys to protect trade
  • Robert Clive Defeated French at Battle of
    Madras- kicked them out of India

Black Hole of Calcutta
  • 1765
  • Prince of Calcutta angry, threw English troops in
    tiny cell (several died) Upset the British, got
    permission from the Mughal Emperor to overthrow
    uncooperative princes and rule some territory
    directly. Controlled Calcutta, Bengal, and Bombay

Rule by East India Co
  • The British Raj (rule)- little by little they
    expanded the land they controlled, either by
    taking over, or setting up puppet rulers. Ever
    expanding military (European and Sepoy)
    Missionary attempts. Econ and political
    imperialism brewing

Anglo Indian Relations
  • Indians maintained rule of much territory (as
    long as they didnt upset the British). British
    didnt always want to rule directly- India is a
  • Delicate balance- princes maintain power, but
    British have control.
  • Modernized, and created new jobs- but hurt
    Indias once flourishing trade economy

Sepoy Rebellion
  • 1857
  • East India Co issued native troops new rifles-
    with bullet casings that offended both Hindu and
    Muslim troops (cow hide, pork fat) Touched off
    simmering anger (India is an ancient
    civilization, didnt like the way the British
    treated them as inferior)
  • 1000s of British killed- govt stepped in to
    squash rebellion, and ended by taking full
    control. Colonial, Tropical Dependency. Tiny
    British pop directly controlling millions of

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British Imperial Rule
  • An English Viceroy now ruled India directly-
    powerful, efficient bureaucracy Indian Civil
    Service (Open to all- but exams given only in
    England- so all Euro). Mughal Empire disbanded,
    but various Hindu and Muslim princes allowed to
    rule as loyal subjects
  • Native promised equal protection under the law,
    and the right to practice their own religious and
    social customs (though some, like Suttee, we

  • Elaborate ceremonies, and celebrations help to
    legitimize British rule (A big show was an
    important part of eastern culture)
  • Victoria declared Empress of India and Prince
    of Wales (Edward VII) had elaborate coronation
    tour 1902-3

Economic Impact
  • Massive investment in infrastructure esp
    railroads (25,000 mi of track)
  • Cotton, tea, silk, sugar sent in raw state to Eng
    to be processed. (Indias econ has been trade
    based for centuries- actually becomes MORE
  • Growth of cities, growth of disease- Cholera
    worst, contaminated drinking water.

Indian Nationalism
  • English created European style schools for
    children of native elite- train them to be 2nd
    tier rulers/bureaucrats of their own nation. But
    that created an unintended consequence- the
    English gave birth to Indian Nationalism
  • 1. Brought various groups together
  • 2. Gave them a common grievance
  • 3 Alienated them from their native
  • cultures, strove to build something
  • new they could all be a part of
  • Rammohun Roy- most important early
  • nationalist

Indian National Congress
  • 1885 A group of educated and ambitious Indians
    gathered- with the intent of creating a larger
    role for Indians in the civil service.
  • Eventually, the focus will turn to home rule, and
    then the creation of the modern Indian state
    (after wwi)

Southeast Asia
  • Competition for colonies began during
    exploration, after all- Asia was where everyone
    had been headed in the first place.
  • Now pushing into new areas

British colonies Dutch colonies
  • Dutch East Indies made up of what is today
  • Important source of rubber, sugar, coffee,
    tobacco and tin
  • Need to control trade from China India
  • Burma teak, rubber, jade, ivory
  • Singapore (Malaysia) A key port and naval base,
    as well as source for tin and rubber.

Russo- Japanese war Japan
  • Had been isolationist since 1500s- Commodore
    Matthew Perry (US) opened trade in 1853.
  • Meiji restoration- Japanese determined to beat
    Euro at its own game. Industrialized at record
    pace- soon needed their own colonies for raw
  • 1904 Both Russia and Japan want Manchuria (north
    of China) and Korea. Japans new ultra modern
    military wins- announces them as a world power

French Colonies
  • Rather behind in colonial game- a sign of their
    struggles at home
  • Most important in Asia was French Indochina
    Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia

  • Had also been in contact with Europe since 1500s-
    and tried to keep contact at a minimum. Ming
    dynasty had made deliberate choice NOT to
    modernize- and stuck to it. By 1800 that has
    created a problem (closed to technology etc)
  • Canton System Chinese only allow foreign ships
    in Canton, and will only trade for gold/silver,
    not goods.
  • 1792 Eng. sent George McCartney (McCartney
    Mission) to negotiate more open trade policy.
    Chinese demanded he kowtow before emperors
    envoys- he said he would, if they would bow to a
    picture of the king. England frustrated with
    China, dont like being treated as 2nd class

Opium Wars
  • So now England needs to find a product the
    Chinese will trade for- and they find it in
    India, drugs. (Opium has been used there for
    centuries for painkilling etc..)
  • Began to give it away after failure of McCartney
    mission, and by 1820 England has a positive
    balance of trade.
  • Emperor tried to outlaw Opium- ineffective.
    Blocked British from landing, and burned
    warehouses of opium- British said that was a
    violation of trade- and declared war
  • 1839, and 1856 Eng spanked China
  • and began to force trade
  • concessions

Unequal Treaties
  • Treaty of Nanking 1842 Canton system dismantled.
    Chinese lost control of their foreign trade.
  • 5 ports opened- Hong Kong ceded to the British.
    Extraterritoriality and most favored nation
    status given to British.
  • Other Euros see this and force their way in (US,
    Japan, France)

Taiping Rebellion
  • 1850 Chinese civil war brought about by losses in
    war and humiliation of treaties. 20 mil Chinese
    died- took govt 14 years to put down rebellion

Spheres of Influence
  • British hold monopoly on trade on the Yangzi
  • Russia had Manchuria (until Russo-Japanese war)
  • US demanded Open Door Policy Imperialists
    promised not to fight, but to respect each
    others claims- and allow free trade in other
  • By 1900 many of Chinas ports had been carved
    up as special zones for various Imperial powers

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  • Last area to be imperialized. Deepest, Darkest
    Africa had always been troubling for Europeans.
    Poor climate (for them) few navigable rivers.
    Euro had stayed on coast.
  • But Africa had TONS of raw materials- and as tech
    improved and needs grew- Europe moved in

North AfricaEgypt British
  • 1st step into Africa. Ruled by Ottoman Empire
    (through a native Khedive) 1769-1849 led by
    Muhammad Ali, who wanted to modernize (capitalize
    on cotton) Borrowed from England- then starts
    having econ problems (post civil war) 1875
    England steps in to protect investment- and Suez
  • From 1883- 1956 Egypt is ruled by British, became
    a model for new imperialism

  • South of Egypt- and source of the Nile. Therefore
    British need the water- and had to conquer in
    1898 to protect their interests

Algeria French
  • Mediterranean has been home to Barbary Pirates
    for 100 years. French invade N. Africa in 1830 to
    put down piracy by 1870 control territory. Still

  • 1881 France expanded on a pretext of tribal raids
    from neighboring territory.
  • Gradually extended all the way along west coast

South Africa
  • Dutch est colony on the Cape of Good Hope in 1652
    as a stopping point on the way to Asia.
  • After Napoleonic wars- parts of Southern Africa
    claimed by the British as well Dutch began to
    move further inland (the great trek)
  • Became primarily a settler colony- as did Kenya,
    Tanzania, and Nigeria

Shaka Zulu
  • Native leader-1816 began attacking Euros to
    defend his land- successfully. (innovative
    techniques) Led British to expand their presence
    in south- which brought them into conflict with
    other Euros

  • Descendants of the Dutch. Had moved away from
    coast to Transvaal and Orange Free State- All
    well and good- until diamonds discovered there in

Cecil Rhodes
  • Prime Minister of British Cape Colony- moved in
    to claim diamonds (stated goal Cape to Cairo
    dominance of Africa) Aggressive imperialist- said
    British should annex the stars. Founded DeBeers
    mining Co.
  • Pushed British claims north into what he called
    Rhodesia (Zimbabwe and Zambia) by 1910 Cape,
    Transvaal and Orange all South Africa

Boer War
  • 1899-1902
  • British and Boers fight for control of territory.
    Both sides fought savagely. British created
    worlds first concentration camps for civilians
    to keep them from being able to fight.
  • Massive British force sent in to overwhelm.
    British not really concerned that Dutch dont
    like them, but Dutch are supported by Germans-
    who are making British increasingly nervous

Explorers and Missionaries
  • Romanticized- seemed exotic (in an age where
    things were practical at home)
  • David Livingstone- 1841, came to convert and
    explore along Zambezi river. Named Victoria
    Falls. Did a speaking tour wildly popular. Set
    off on expedition to find the source of the Nile-
    disappeared for months. Henry Stanley went in
    search of him (met at lake Tanganyika) and then
    on to claim land for king Leopold of Belgium in
  • Popularity help precipitate the
  • Scramble for Africa

Scramble for Africa
  • 1875-1901. Mad dash by Euros to claim every bit
    of land. Inspired by explorers and practical
    gains to be had- and by social Darwinism
  • 1880 Europe controlled 10 of Africa, by 1914
    they had everything except Liberia and Ethiopia

  • Got a late start to imperialism b/c of
    unification issues. Bismarck wasnt interested at
    first, then realized it was one of the markers of
    a great power.
  • Claimed Togoland and Cameroon in W. Africa,
    German East Africa (Tanzania) and Namibia in SW

Berlin Conference
  • 1884-1885 Bismarck called a meeting of 14 major
    states to discuss imperialist plans- wanted to
    avoid war over disputed claims. Sat down with a
    map and carved it up. Shows Germanys increased

  • Last on in. Same problems with unification, and
    they werent really industrialize either (so they
    didnt need the stuff so much) just trying to
    participate. Claimed Eritrea, part of Somalia,
    tried to take Libya

  • Settler colonies and small tropical dependencies

Australia and New Zealand
  • 1770 Capt. James Cook claimed Australian for the
    British. Began as a Penal Colony (New South
    Wales) Sheep herding the major industry until
    gold discovered in the 1851
  • Arrival of Europeans devastating for the natives.
    Aborigines continued hunter/gatherer lifestyle,
    but Maori of New Zealand signed treaties with
    British which were disavowed, and after a series
    of wars they ended up on reservations

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  • Not popular with imperialist until nearly the
    end- but then liked as points for naval
    bases/trade control. Also divided at Berlin
  • France Tahiti, Marquesas, New Caledonia
  • England Fiji
  • Germany Marshall Islands
  • US Hawaii and Philippines (Sp. Amer War)

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Global Changes from Imperialism
  • Widened gap between rich and poor, created a new
    measure of success beyond Ind/not Ind. (Beginning
    of idea of 1st world and 3rd world)
  • Spread industrialism worldwide- though did not
    offer control to non-euros.
  • West needed to dominate the world to maintain
    their pace of growth

Issues Economic
  • Imperialists controlled resources of their
    subject countries. Global trade of new resources
    diamonds, rubber (most important) petroleum- as
    well as those long established timber, cotton,
    tea, coffee, cacao.
  • Europeans filled colonies with farms for cash
    crops (either native, or introduced) often at
    expense of staple crops for native population

  • Encouraged people to emigrate from Europe for
    cheap land and econ opportunity.
  • Moved natives if they needed them for labor
    source. Ex Indians to South Africa to build RR.
    (worked well to move people from dense cultures,
    like China/India)
  • 1815-1932 approx 60 million left Europe-
    primarily from Eng, Ireland, Italy and Germany.
    Most went to European dominated areas like US,
    Australia, New Zealand, and Canada.
  • Immigrants generally from poor/rural areas
    (though not poorest- they couldnt afford ticket)
    About ½ returned to Europe at some point. Jewish
    immigrants least likely to return (persecution)

  • Conflicts between Euro/natives fairly distant-
    Euros tended to stay separate. Highly insular and
    insulated, only natives they knew were
    servants. Upper class natives seldom included in
    Euro world- which bred resentment (esp in
  • Increased opportunities for native women, and for
    European women- greater independence

Scientific Racism
  • Imperialism designed to benefit imperialists- not
  • Social Darwinism (Herbert Spencer) said there
    were 4 main races on the planet, each with
    distinct characteristics.
  • Black (African) naturally lazy and unintelligent
  • Brown (Indian/Hispanic) arrogant and dull
  • Yellow (Asian) smart, but sneaky
  • White (Euro) morally superior and intelligent
  • Survival of the fittest- Europeans win because
    nature has selected them to rule

International rivalries
  • Between 1814-1914 there were no serious wars in
    Europe (the Crimean and Franco-Prussian were
    largest) Diplomacy and Balance of Power (Congress
    of Vienna and Realpolitik) had kept lid on Euro.
  • Fighting and beating natives made Euros more
    aggressive- and used to winning easily.
  • Bismarck main person responsible for balance of
    power in late 1800s- w/o him relationships
    between great powers will quickly become tense.

Bismarcks Demise
  • Wilhelm I dies 1888. New Emperor, Wilhelm II
    younger (29) more aggressive. He doesnt want to
    be a world power, he wants Germany to be the
    world power- and if he has to knock England down
    to get there- so be it. (Irony, he is Queen
    Victorias oldest Grandson) Bismarck has
    carefully avoided conflict with England- thats a
    war you cant win easily.
  • Dismisses Bismarck as Chancellor in 1890- and
    Germany changes. Start building a navy, and a
    bigger army- leading into an arms race that will
    be a contributing factor to wwi.
  • Wilhelm breaks a treaty with Russia b/c he wants
    to draw Germany and Austria back together
    (really?). France sees a great opportunity for
    revenge- and makes a treaty with Russia- Germany
    will now face a 2 front war if they ever fight in
    Europe (Bismarcks OTHER big fear)

Crisis in the Balkans
  • 1908- 1913
  • Ottoman Empire is falling apart (Sick Man of
    Europe) especially the areas in eastern Euro.
    Become independent nations Serbia, Montenegro,
    Albania, Bulgaria, Romania.but not really, both
    Austria and Russia have their eye there.
  • Austria managed to annex Bosnia Herzegovina as
    things crumbled, both Serbia and Montenegro
    claimed same territories.
  • Pan slavism Slavs a major ethnic group in
    Balkansand Russia. Russia says it has a duty to
    defend (they mean dominate) Fresh off loss to
    Japan- they feel they have something to prove
  • Area is getting tense- turning into a powder keg

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Balkan League
  • 1912 Serbia, Greece, Bulgaria, and Montenegro
    created a group to push Ottomans out. Cant agree
    on territorial boundaries- go to war (2nd Balkans
  • A lot of bad feeling in area- which in another
    time would have stayed in the area and festered.
    But alliances, ambitions, and resentments will
    turn this overlooked area to the spark of a
    conflict that will change the course of history.
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