Title: David Jenkins
1David Jenkins
- Director of Educational Partnerships
- Staffordshire University
2Jill Ward
- Director
- Lifelong Learning Network
3Quantifiable achievements so far
- Developments are either in place or near
completion - 545 Learners
- 25 Progression Agreements targeting some of the
most difficult areas - 14 Enabling Curriculum awards
- 24 Foundation Degrees
4Quantifiable achievements so far
- 6 Honours Degrees
- 12 CPD programmes
- 14 Information Advice and Guidance projects
- 59 Scoping and Research projects
- Employers involved in all developments extent
to which depends on the project
5Lifelong Learning Networks Current practice and
John Selby, Director (Education and Participation)
Staffordshire, Stoke-on-Trent, Shropshire,
Telford and Wrekin Lifelong Learning Network
Conference Stafford 3 March 2009
6Original aim and purpose of LLNs
- To improve the coherence, clarity and certainty
of progression opportunities for vocational
learners into and through higher education
through - Curriculum development and alignment
- Progression agreements
- Improved information, advice and guidance
- To embed changes to processes affecting these
learners across the whole institution - Building the house from the bottom up
7LLN achievements to date - 1
- Over 700 different new or modified curricula
- (building the house from the bottom up)
- 1697 agreements with a further 787 in draft
- 32,844 learners benefiting per year
- 250,000 learners benefiting from IAG
8LLN achievements to date - 2
- Significant involvement in ensuring progression
routes from 14-19 diplomas - Providing staff development opportunities at
institutions to build capacity and to encourage
culture change - ¾ of curriculum development work undertaken by
LLNs in conjunction with employers - Building and utilising FE-HE progression links to
instigate culture change in institutions,
altering attitudes towards the capabilities of
vocational learners
9LLN achievements in Staffordshire
- Tackling difficult areas for progression e.g.
Advanced Apprenticeships - Working cross-regionally with LLNs and with
Aimhigher to secure a coherent approach and
developing network-wide progression agreements - Development of a skills for HE module for
successful progression to HE - Focus on IAG in the workplace in conjunction with
Union Learn - Working closely and productively with employers
- Significant focus on research to enable
10LLNs and a wider adult learning agenda
- Engaging employers
- Providing flexible learning opportunities
- Adult learning and re-training in a period of
economic downturn
11New opportunities fair chances for the future
- White paper released by Cabinet Office, January
2009 - Opportunities and challenges for LLNs and HE
sector - Progression for Apprenticeships key feature
- Focus on adult learning and upskilling
- Focus on IAG
- Commitment to strengthening vocational pathways
to HE
12Sustaining the achievements of LLNs
- Funding for LLNs has primarily been made
available to support infrastructure, processes
and innovation - Key to long-term sustainability is
- Embedding activities into partner institutions
core business - Demonstrating the value of the networks work
- Using the network structure to develop additional
activity - Participating in institutional funding bids e.g.
for employer engagement
13- Kavita Oberoi
- Oberoi Consulting Ltd
14- Workshops
- Progressing the learners who dont know they can
The Library - Changing the shape of learning in Health Social
Care and the Public Sector- Teddesley Suite - Developing Employers Knowledge of HE Chase
Suite - Identifying Leaders in Leaderless Organisations
Brocton Suite - Employers as Deliverers of HE Industry roles in
programme conception Colin Lewis Suite
15Pioneering Flexible Learning
Professor Christine King
Vice Chancellor Staffordshire University
Professor Chris Phillipson
Pro-Vice Chancellor, Learning Academic
Development Keele University
- The Learner Journey
- Put video link here
18Closing address
Ian Hart
Head of Partnerships and Liaison University of