Title: Invasive Aquatic Species
1Invasive Aquatic Species In The Atchafalaya
Basin Glenn Thomas Rachel Walley
2Acknowledgements Jody David LDWF Inland
Fisheries Dist. VI Jill Jenkins USGS/LSU
3- Asian Carps
- Common (German) carp Cyprinus carpio
- Grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella
- Silver carp Hypophthalmichthys molotrix
- Bighead carp H. nobilis
- Black carp Mylopharyngodon piceus
4- Ecological Impacts
- Primary Feeding Strategies
- Consumption (depletion)
- Competition (displacement)
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9Fishery-Independent Captures Atchafalaya
10Commercial Landings Statewide
11 Reduced condition factor of two native fish
species coincident with invasion of non-native
Asian carps in the Illinois River, U.S.A. Is this
evidence for competition and reduced fitness?
Fish Biology (2007)
12Gizzard Shad
Bigmouth Buffalo
13Gizzard Shad
Bigmouth Buffalo
14Continuing Research
15Ploidy Determinations
Is fish diploid or triploid? Detection of 2N or
3N status can assist with tracking occurrence and
potential source type (e.g. escapements from
captivity, intentional introduction, or breeding
16Ploidy Determinations
Nile tilapia 2.2 pg diploid black carp 2.1,
triploid black carp 3.2 pg.
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18Channeled Apple Snail Pomacea canaliculata
- South America Amazon Basin
- Asia
- Throughout Tropics aquarium trade, food
- 1 rice pest Philippines
- Established, Jefferson parish
- Identified, Iberia parish
19Aquatic Plant Communities
- Invasive species are in high abundance
- Native plant species are in peril
- Competition for resources
20Troublesome Species
- Common Salvinia
- 1980, South and Central America
- Water Hyacinth
- 1880s, South America
- Hydrilla
- 1970s, Southeast Asia
- Giant Salvinia
- 2006, Brazil
21Paragrass Brachiaria mutica
- Africa to Florida, pasture grass cattle forage
- Hollow floating stems, 6 meters across slow
moving water - Fresh or brackish
- Considered one of the worst weeds in the world
22Invasive Submersed Versus Native
- Hydrilla branches at the waters surface to forms
dense canopies
Coontail Ceratophyllum demersum Fanwort Cabomba
Hydrilla H. verticillata
23Invasive Floating Versus Native
- Form dense mats
- Shade-out native submersed
- Inhibits algal photosynthesis
24Study Area
Randomly selected sample sites that represent the
different habitat types characteristic of the ARB
- Low water stage
- Survey of percent coverage at each site
- Water and soil samples collected
26Percent Coverage Across Habitat Types
27Plant Community Interactions
- Total percent coverage
- Inverse relationship between the percent coverage
of native and invasive plants - Reduced model
28Plant Community Interactions
- Dominated by a few invasive species that
overwhelm the many, but less aggressive, native
species - Recommendations
- Improve control methods for management
- Herbicides
- Biological control
- Prevention
- Education to increase public awareness
- Committee members
- Drs. William E. Kelso, D. Allen Rutherford, Megan
La Peyre - Dr. Michael D. Kaller, Debra Kelly, Dr. Robert
Gambrell, Adam Piehler, Brian Heiman, Jerry Lang,
Lauren Hart, Robyn Sellers, Jenny Bodin, Jonathan
Fisher, Thorpe Halloran, Jesse Bahm, Jonathan