Structural Funds Programming in Romania - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Structural Funds Programming in Romania


H O R I Z O N T A L T R A I N I N G F O R S T R U C T U R A L I N S T R U M E N T S ... between Romanian regions and their transfer from the hinterland to priority ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Structural Funds Programming in Romania

Structural Funds Programming in Romania
  • Pavlos Kollias
  • Senior Expert on Structural Instruments Training

The National Strategic Reference Framework
2007-2013 (NSRF)
  • Determines Romanias developmental course for the
    upcoming seven years.
  • Prepared by the MoPF (in its capacity as MA of
    the CSF), in a partnership associating all key
    stakeholder institutions, the NSRF defines the
    overall strategic direction of the countrys
    policies for attaining economic and social
    cohesion and regional convergence.
  • Moreover, it links these policies with those of
    the E.U., in particular with the revised Lisbon
    Strategy for growth and jobs as well as with the
    EC Community Strategic Guidelines, which
    establish the global objectives of the E.U.
    regional policy.
  • Based on the NDP, the guiding tool with respect
    to the effective utilisation of the national, EU
    and other funding resources available for
    accomplishing the countrys development aims -
    and taking stock of the RDPs of the eight
    Development Regions, the NSRF elaborates
    Romanias multi-annual strategic planning
    operational/financial programming for the
    2007-2013 period.

The National Strategic Reference Framework
2007-2013 (NSRF) II
  • by assigning priority to undertaking specific,
    interrelated categories of public investments,
    closely associated with the E.U. economic and
    social cohesion policy (and providing adequate
    reasoning and justification for the
    prioritisation of these particular structural
  • Strategic document does not focus on technical
    details. The NSRF explains the policy principles
    upon which the preparation of the OPs was
    founded, and elaborates how these OPs will carry
    out the delivery of the SFs in Romania.
  • It also explicates the implementation structures
    created for executing the SFs Programmes.

Overall Purposes for drawing up the NSRF
  • Demonstrate the concrete developmental direction
    of the Romanian strategy for delivery of the SFs,
    in compliance with the EU objectives and taking
    consideration of the relevant trends of the
    European and world economies
  • Elaborate the key national (and EU) cohesion
    priorities on which Romania intends to
    concentrate the SFs investments in order to
    tackle the weaknesses it faces and to develop a
    knowledge-based economy which will lead to
    economic growth, more and better jobs
  • Identify the qualities and assets on which the
    efforts to fulfil these priorities will be based,
    notably the countrys strategic geographical
    position, the development potential of its
    regions and cities, and the unprecedented change
    that has occurred in its economy during the
    pre-accession period. In this respect, the SFs
    constitute a further major agent for change and
    will assist the acceleration of the reform
    process. The NSRF provides the overall framework
    for the realisation of this change process.
  • Demonstrate the linkages between the Romanian OPs
    under the EU Convergence European Territorial
    Cooperation Objectives, and their compliance with
    the priorities of CSGs and Lisbon Agenda.

NSRF 2007-2013 Thematic Analysis
  • Romanian economy has still to overcome serious
    deficiencies that inhibit growth. Major,
    long-term structural interventions needed,
    especially in
  • Basic Infrastructure Poor quality and inadequate
    coverage in supply of potable water, sewerage and
    waste disposal and management systems low
    environmental awareness inefficient use of
    energy poorly managed natural environment
    inadequate transport facilities and lack of
  • Economic competitiveness Low productivity
    outdated production technologies, obsolete
    equipment underdeveloped entrepreneurial culture
    skills unattractive business environment and
    inadequate business support infrastructure poor
    access to finance, insufficient RD and ICT
  • Human Capital Inadequate, disesteemed,
    insufficiently articulated education, initial VET
    CVT systems inequality of opportunity leads to
    social exclusion.
  • Administrative Capacity Weak public services
    providing low customer satisfaction, remote and
    unfriendly concerns about corruption. Need for
    significant institutional strengthening so as to
    efficiently use manage and use the EU funds to
    foster economic and social development.
  • Territorial Cohesion Constantly increasing
    disparities between regions and between urban and
    rural areas FDI locates in most favoured
    Regions, leading to widening disparities Rural
    areas over-dependent on agriculture, with
    poor/non-existent basic infrastructure and
    business support services. Urban areas confronted
    with insufficient, low quality infrastructure
    (underinvestment), underdeveloped local economies
    and social environment.

NSRF 2007-2013 Strategic Responses
  • The Vision To create a competitive, dynamic and
    prosperous Romania.
  • The Objective To reduce the social and economic
    development disparities between Romania and the
    other E.U. Member States, through increasing
    Romanias GDP by 10 by 2015.

NSRF 2007-2013 National Thematic Priorities and
  • The strategic response to the countrys current
    economic weaknesses, aimed at creating the
    opportunities Romania needs. The NSRF seeks to
    bring together the various priority strands in a
    uniform strategy that is suitable for Romania but
    also conforms to the strategies of the E.U.
  • Development of Basic Infrastructure to European
  • Increasing the long-term Competitiveness of the
    Romanian Economy
  • Development and More Efficient Use of Romanias
    Human Capital
  • Building an Effective Administrative Capacity
  • Promoting Balanced Territorial Development

Indicative Structural Funds Allocation for Romania
  • For programming purposes, Romania as a whole is
    considered a NUTS I Region comprising eight NUTS
    II Regions.
  • Its entire territory is eligible for funding
    under the Convergence objective. In addition,
    those Romanian regions and counties which are
    located at its external borders with both EU
    member states and non-EU member states are
    eligible for funding under the European
    Territorial Cooperation objective where
    applicable, in coordination with the European
    Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI)
    and the Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA)
  • The indicative overall Structural Funds
    allocation for Romania is 19.668 billion EUR in
    current prices out of which 12.661 billion EUR
    under the Convergence Objective, 6.552 billion
    EUR from the Cohesion Fund, and 455 billion EUR
    under the European Territorial Cooperation
    Objective (including transfers to the IPA and
  • These figures are net of the additional
    allocations for the Rural Development and
    Fisheries Instruments respectively.

Indicative Structural Funds Allocation for Romania
The Operational Programmes
  • The NSRF is implemented through OPs under each of
    the Convergence and European Territorial
    Cooperation Objectives.
  • Convergence Objective
  • SOP Increase of Economic Competitiveness
  • SOP Transport
  • SOP Environment
  • Regional OP
  • SOP Human Resources Development
  • SOP Administrative Capacity Development
  • OP Technical Assistance

The Operational Programmes
  • European Territorial Cooperation Objective
  • OP Cross-border Cooperation (CBC) HURO
  • OP CBC Black Sea Basin
  • OP Transnational Cooperation South-East European
  • OPs for Interregional Cooperation
  • ESPON 2013

(No Transcript)
SOP Increase of Economic Competitiveness
  • Main focus 1st priority of NDP (Increase of
    economic competitiveness development of
    knowledge-based economy), 2nd priority of NSRF
    (Increasing long-term economic
    competitiveness). In a broader context, it also
    contributes to the implementation of all
  • General objective To increase the productivity
    of Romanian companies by reducing the obvious
    disparities when compared to the average
    productivity in the E.U.
  • Target Average annual GDP growth of about 5.5
    per employed person, which will allow Romania to
    achieve approx. 55 of the EU average
    productivity by 2015.

SOP Increase of Economic Competitiveness
  • Specific objectives of the SOP IEC
  • Consolidation and growth of the productive sector
  • Establishment of a favourable environment for
    enterprise development
  • Increase of the RD capacity, and stimulation of
    the cooperation between RDI institutions and
    productive sector
  • Exploitation of the ICT potential, and its
    application to the public (administration) and
    private (enterprises, citizens) sectors
  • Increased energy efficiency, and sustainable
    development of the energy system
  • Promotion of the Romanian tourism potential

SOP Increase of Economic Competitiveness
  • Priority axes identified
  • Priority Axis 1 An innovative productive
  • Priority Axis 2 Research and Development for
  • Priority Axis 3 ITC for private and public
  • Priority Axis 4 Increased energy efficiency
    and sustainable development of the energy system
  • Priority Axis 5 Romania, an attractive
    destination for tourism and businesses
  • Priority Axis 6 Technical Assistance

SOP Transport 2007-2013
  • Aim Increasing and improving the quality of
    investment in physical capital, thereby improving
    conditions for growth and employment and
    accelerating Romanias convergence with the other
    E.U. Member States.
  • Global objective To promote a sustainable
    transport system in Romania, which will
    facilitate safe, fast and efficient movement of
    persons and goods with appropriate level of
    service at European standards, nationally,
    Europe-wide and between and within the Romanian

SOP Transport 2007-2013
  • Specific objectives identified
  • Promote international and transit movements of
    persons and goods in Romania by providing
    effective connections through the port of
    Constanta, as well as transit transport from
    across the EU towards the South, through the
    modernisation and development of the relevant
    TEN-T priority axes.
  • Promote effective movement of persons and goods
    between Romanian regions and their transfer from
    the hinterland to priority axes by modernising
    and developing the national and TEN-T networks
    according to sustainable development principles.
  • Promote the development of a balanced system of
    transport modes, based on the respective
    competitive advantages of each, by encouraging
    the development of rail, waterborne and
    intermodal transport.
  • Promote the development of sustainable transport,
    by minimising the adverse effects of transport on
    the environment and improving traffic safety and
    citizens health.

SOP Transport 2007-2013
  • In order to achieve the SOPT objectives, the
    available funds will be allocated for the
    implementation of five priority axes
  • Modernisation and development of TEN-T priority
    axes, aiming at a sustainable transport system
    integrated with EU transport networks
  • Modernisation and development of the national
    transport infrastructure outside the TEN-T
    priority axes, aiming at a sustainable national
    transport system
  • Upgrade the railway passenger rolling stock on
    the national and TEN-T railway networks
  • Modernization of the transport sector, aiming at
    higher degree of environmental protection, human
    health and passenger safety
  • Technical Assistance

SOP Transport 2007-2013
  • Total budget of SOPT 20072013 about 5.7 bn EUR,
    an approx. 23 of the overall SFs allocation for
    Romania. Out of these
  • 4.57 bn EUR Community financial support (Cohesion
    Fund - concentrating on identified EU priority
    axes, which are of fundamental importance for
    Europes spatial cohesion, and ERDF - operations
    targeting the increased accessibility of the
    Romanian regions themselves).
  • about 1.09 billion EUR national co-financing.


SOP Environment 2007 - 2013
  • Main focus 3rd Priority of NDP (Protection and
    improvement of environment quality) and the
    relevant priorities under the NSRF - Develop
    Basic Infrastructure to European Standards,
    taking full consideration of the EU supporting
    principles and practices.
  • General objective To protect and improve the
    environment and living standards in Romania,
    focusing in particular on meeting the
    environmental acquis.

SOP Environment 2007 - 2013
  • To meet this global objective, three main
    strategic directions
  • Improvement of accessibility to public utilities
    and enhancing the conditions for economic
    development in the regions. To this end, the SOP
    ENV PA 1 2 support the improvement of
    integrated water and waste management systems, in
    a regional approach likely to generate measurable
    results (beneficiary population over 10 million).
    These PAs also contribute to meeting the
    environmental acquis in sectors linked to heavy
    investments (about 29 bn EUR by 2018).
  • Improvement of environmental protection as a
    prerequisite for sustainable development. The SOP
    ENV will (1) concentrate on preventing pollution
    and further deterioration of biodiversity (PA 2,
    4, 5) (2) tackle environmental pollution/damage
    in sensitive areas (urban heating/PA 3, natural
    risk prevention/PA 5), as part of longer-term
    investment strategies.
  • Strengthening institutional capacity and
    governance as a key priority, aiming at
    developing efficient management structures for
    environmental services. The SOP ENV assists with
    increasing public sector quality and efficiency,
    a prerequisite for embracing reforms and
    improving governance in the environmental field.
    Governance a key element underpinning all
    actions aimed at improving both the management of
    SOP ENV and the quality of environmental
    policy-making, thus helping not only to improve
    the implementation of EU cohesion policy, but
    also to raise the overall economic performance.

SOP Environment 2007 - 2013
  • Specific objectives of the SOP ENV
  • Improve the quality and access to water and
    wastewater infrastructure, by providing water
    supply and wastewater services in most urban
    areas by 2015
  • Development of sustainable waste management
    systems, by improving waste management and
    reducing the number of historically contaminated
    sites in min. 30 counties by 2015
  • Reduction of negative environmental impact caused
    by urban heating plants in most polluted
    localities by 2015
  • Protection and improvement of biodiversity and
    natural heritage by supporting the protected
    areas management, including NATURA 2000
  • Reduction of the incidence of natural disasters
    affecting the population, by implementing
    preventive measures in most vulnerable areas by

SOP Environment 2007 - 2013
  • Priority axes identified for achieving these
  • Priority Axis 1 Extension and modernisation of
    water and wastewater systems
  • Priority Axis 2 Development of integrated waste
    management systems and rehabilitation of
    historically contaminated sites / old ecological
  • Priority Axis 3 Reduction of pollution from
    urban heating systems in the identified local
    environmental hotspots
  • Priority Axis 4 Implementation of adequate
    management systems for nature protection
  • Priority Axis 5 Implementation of adequate
    infrastructure of natural risk prevention in most
    vulnerable areas
  • Priority Axis 6 Technical Assistance.

SOP Environment 2007 - 2013
  • SOP ENV with an overall budget of 5,589 bn EUR is
    one of the largest Operational Programmes
    developed under the NSRF. The EU contribution to
    SOP ENV amounting to about 4.512 bn EUR, approx.
    80.75 of the SOP ENV budget, represents about
    23.5 of the total SFs allocated to Romania under
    the Convergence Objective and the Cohesion Fund
    for 2007-2013,.
  • Along with the SOP Transport, SOP ENV benefits
    from allocations from both ERDF and Cohesion
    Fund. ERDF contribution will be 1.236 bn EUR
    (27.4 of the total Community contribution to SOP
    ENV), and the Cohesion Fund about 3.275 bn Euro
    (72.6). The national contribution will be
    approximately 1.076 bn EUR.
  • For projects financed from ERDF, the maximum rate
    for financing is 80
  • For projects financed from CF, the maximum rate
    for EU financing is 85.

Regional Operational Programme 2007 - 2013
  • Main focus In line with the NDP and the NSRF,
    the ROP contributes to achieving the NSRF 5th
    Priority Promoting a Balanced Territorial
    Development. It addresses all 5 priorities of
    the NSRF, contributing to tackling most of the
    development issues envisaged by the National
    Development Strategy concerning reducing the
    economic and social development disparities
    between Romania and the other EU MS.
  • General objective To support and promote the
    sustainable economic and social local development
    of the Romanian Regions, according to their
    specific needs, by improving their business
    environment and infrastructure conditions as a
    basis for growth, in order to make the Romanian
    Regions, especially those lagging behind, more
    attractive places to invest and work.

Regional Operational Programme 2007 - 2013
  • Main focus In line with the NDP and the NSRF,
    the ROP contributes to achieving the NSRF 5th
    Priority Promoting a Balanced Territorial
    Development. It addresses all 5 priorities of
    the NSRF, contributing to tackling most of the
    development issues envisaged by the National
    Development Strategy concerning reducing the
    economic and social development disparities
    between Romania and the other EU MS.
  • General objective To support and promote the
    sustainable economic and social local development
    of the Romanian Regions, according to their
    specific needs, by improving their business
    environment and infrastructure conditions as a
    basis for growth, in order to make the Romanian
    Regions, especially those lagging behind, more
    attractive places to invest and work.

Regional Operational Programme 2007 - 2013
  • Main focus In line with the NDP and the NSRF,
    the ROP contributes to achieving the NSRF 5th
    Priority Promoting a Balanced Territorial
    Development. It addresses all 5 priorities of
    the NSRF, contributing to tackling most of the
    development issues envisaged by the National
    Development Strategy concerning reducing the
    economic and social development disparities
    between Romania and the other EU MS.
  • General objective To support and promote the
    sustainable economic and social local development
    of the Romanian Regions, according to their
    specific needs, by improving their business
    environment and infrastructure conditions as a
    basis for growth, in order to make the Romanian
    Regions, especially those lagging behind, more
    attractive places to invest and work.

Regional Operational Programme 2007 - 2013
  • The ROP strategy give priority to the regions
    lagging behind and to the areas suffering the
    most serious infrastructural deficits, in need of
    specific public support in order to cope with the
    negative consequences of current development
  • The purpose is to mobilise local resources and
    activate endogenous potentials for interventions
    in areas that could have the highest possible
    direct impact on regional and local development,
  • Increasing the regions competitiveness as
    business locations
  • Reversing the loss of human capital from
    disadvantaged areas of the Country
  • Supporting the regional/local economic and social
  • Rehabilitating urban centres
  • Fostering labour mobility at the regional level
    and creating regional markets.

Regional Operational Programme 2007 - 2013
  • Specific Objectives for achieving the global
  • Improve the Regions accessibility, including
    intra-regional links
  • Increase the Regions attractiveness through an
    improved social infrastructure
  • Increase the Regions competitiveness as
    businesses locations
  • Increase the contribution of tourism to the
    Regions development
  • Increase the socio-economic role of the urban
    centres in regional / local development

Regional Operational Programme 2007 - 2013
  • ROP Priority Axes
  • Priority axis 1 Improvement of regional and
    local transport infrastructure - 25 of the
    overall ERDF contribution
  • Priority axis 2 Improvement of social
    infrastructure - 20 of the overall ERDF
  • Priority axis 3 Strengthening the regional and
    local business environment - 20 of the overall
    ERDF contribution
  • Priority axis 4 Sustainable development of
    regional and local tourism - 15 of the overall
    ERDF contribution
  • Priority axis 5 Support of sustainable urban
    development - 17 of the overall ERDF
  • Priority axis 6 Technical assistance to ROP
    implementation - 3 of the overall ERDF

ROP 2007 - 2013
  • Overall ROP budget approx. 4,510 bn EUR, out of
  • 3,726 bn EUR through ERDF (83.3 of total
    eligible expenditure)
  • 594.40 million EUR national public (13.3)
  • 153.32 million EUR estimated private funds (
  • Indirect proportionality will allow the less
    developed regions to benefit from proportionally
    higher amounts of assistance.
  • Financial allocation mechanism Indicative
    regional financial allocations correlated with
    the regions development levels GDP / capita
    (most efficient/widely used indicator of
    development levels) amended/adjusted through the
    population density index (to compensate the more
    prosperous regions, which attract large
    population flows both permanent and temporary).
  • The indicative allocations will be regularly
    reviewed/revised by the ROP MC, taking into
    account identified needs absorption capacity

SOP Human Resources Development 2007 2013
  • Main focus The SOP HRD supports the National HRD
    Strategy of the NDP and the NSRF, within the 3rd
    Thematic Priority Development and More Efficient
    Use of the Human Capital. Focused on the LLL
    principle, increasing adaptability and
    entrepreneurship, it contributes to attaining the
    strategic objectives set in the NSRF, i.e. to
    provide better education and skills and improved
    management capacity, and to ensure that education
    and training meet the needs of Romanias modern,
    expanding economy.
  • General objective The development of human
    capital and the increase of competitiveness, by
    linking education and life-long learning with the
    labour market and ensuring increased
    opportunities for participation in a modern,
    flexible and inclusive labour market for 850,000
  • This target represents the equivalent of 9.3 of
    the total employed population in 2005.

SOP Human Resources Development 2007 2013
  • The Specific objectives are summarised as
  • Promoting quality initial and continuous
    education and training, including higher
    education and research
  • Promoting entrepreneurial culture and improving
    quality and productivity at work
  • Facilitating the insertion of the young people
    and long term unemployed in the labour market
  • Developing a modern, flexible, inclusive labour
  • Promoting (re)insertion in the labour market of
    inactive people, including those in rural areas
  • Improving public employment services
  • Facilitating access to education and to the
    labour market of the vulnerable groups.

SOP Human Resources Development 2007 2013
  • The SOP HRD is structured around seven Priority
  • Education and training in support for growth and
    development of knowledge-based society
  • Linking life long learning and labour market
  • Increasing adaptability of workers and
  • Modernising the Public Employment Service
  • Promoting active employment measures
  • Promoting social inclusion
  • Technical Assistance

SOP Human Resources Development 2007 2013
  • The SOP HRD will be financed from European Social
    Fund. The ESF allocation for SOP HRD is 3,476 bn
    EUR, representing 84,55 of the Programmes
    overall budget of 4,112 bn EUR. The National
    co-financing is estimated at 635,35 million Euro,
    with an additional contribution from private
    funds of just over 64 million EUR. The Priority
    Axes envisaged for HRD in Romania are supported
    by concrete financial allocations, which indicate
    the importance given to each of the three main
    ESF interventions in the SOP HRD
  • Promoting lifelong learning and the adaptability
    of labour force and enterprises (PA 2 and 3),
    with a weight in the financial allocation of 40
  • Promoting active employment measures for the
    inactive population, especially for people living
    in subsistence agriculture, unemployed youths and
    long-term unemployed, as well as the integration
    on the labour market and the social inclusion of
    vulnerable groups (PA 4, 5 and 6) 33
  • Education and training in support for growth and
    development of knowledge based society, aiming at
    modernising the initial and continuous education
    and training systems, including supporting the
    university education and research (PA 1) 22.

Operational Programme Administrative Capacity
Development 2007 2013
  • Main focus Elaborated with attention to the
    strategy and objectives laid down in the NDP (4th
    National Development Priority Development of HR,
    employment, social inclusion and strengthening
    administrative capacity, in order to optimise
    the impact upon public administration and thus
    stimulate economic development) and the NSRF
    (4th thematic priority, Building Effective
    Administrative Capacity).
  • In this context, the rationale behind the OP ACD
    is that
  • efficient public services promote economic
    productivity e.g. through faster procedures,
    improved customer services, value for money,
  • well-functioning institutions and public
    administration facilitate the successful design
    and implementation of socio-economic development,
    growth and employment policies
  • effective institutional and administrative
    capacity is the key to good governance - an
    essential element of the Lisbon Strategy.

Operational Programme Administrative Capacity
Development 2007 2013
  • General objective To contribute to the
    achievement of EU and national objectives to make
    progress in socio-economic development in line
    with cohesion and convergence goals.
  • The achievement of the general objective will be
    reflected by an increase in economic activity
    across Romania, increased employment and
    measurable improvements in the delivery of public
    services at central and local administration
    levels, directly related to the successful
    implementation of a package of public
    administrative reforms designed to strengthen
    management capacity.

Operational Programme Administrative Capacity
Development 2007 2013
  • Specific objective To contribute to a
    sustainable improvement in public administration
    in Romania (to be assessed by a comparison of
    sectoral performance of the Romanian public
    service to that of other new and old EU MS).
  • One of the focus areas Improving management
    functions in public administration. The
    indicators of achievement at specific objective
    level will be measurable through a built-in
    component of reform monitoring and evaluation,
    providing feedback on the relative success of the
    implementation of strategic plans across the
  • Also a package of macro indicators including the
    overall cost of public services as a percentage
    of the GDP and the numbers and proportion
    (between central and local levels of
    administration) of public sector employees will
    also be monitored. Other potential indicators
    will include the change in the level of
    sustainable economic development achieved and
    knowledge learning indicators e.g. level of
    public sector budgets allocated to training and
    development as a of total payroll expenditure.

OP ACD 2007 2013 priority axes and key areas
of intervention
  • PA 1 Strengthen public policy interventions in
    central administration
  • 1.1 - Activities for the management of the
  • 1.2 Capacity to formulate public policy,
    including inter-institutional sectoral strategies
    and institutional strategic plans
  • 1.3. Implement Civil Service Reform
  • 1.4 Implement a programme monitoring and
    evaluation framework
  • PA 2 Capacity development to improve service
    performance of local administration
  • 2.1 Supporting the management of reforms in
    local public administration
  • 2.2 Strengthen capacity for strategic management
    and action planning
  • 2.3 Rationalisation of local service delivery
    and strengthening of HR management
  • 2.4 - Monitoring and evaluation in local
  • Priority Axis 3 Technical Assistance

Operational Programme Technical Assistance 2007
  • Main focus Building upon the pre-accession
    assisntance to enhancing the administrative
    capacity for EU funds management, the OPTA aims
    at ensuring that the implementation of the SFs in
    Romania meets the principles and rules on
    partnership, programming, evaluation,
    communication, management, incl. financial
    management, monitoring and control, on the basis
    of responsibilities shared between the MS and the

Operational Programme Technical Assistance 2007
  • Horizontal objectives, priority axes and areas of
  • The TA Priority Axis within each OP will support
    the provision of specific assistance for project
    preparation, monitoring, evaluation and control,
    as well as for communication activities ensuring
    appropriate publicity, with regards to
    specificity of each respective OP. The OPTA will
  • (1) with horizontal assistance tools for the
    common needs of all structures and actors
    involved in the management and implementation of
  • (2) with developing an effective SMIS, able to
    provide also transparent information on funds
  • (3) with activities aiming at increasing the
    general public awareness on the role of the
    Community support and overall understanding of
    the SFs interventions.

Operational Programme Technical Assistance 2007
  • General objective At the national level, to
    ensure support for the coordination and the
    implementation of the Structural Instruments in
    Romania, to ensure reliable managing and
    monitoring system for these instruments and to
    ensure a coordinated delivery of general messages
    related to Structural Instruments.
  • All these objectives reflect in the overall
    absorption and effective use of the Structural
    Instruments intervention.
  • Together with the other OPs, the OPTA will
    contribute significantly to the achievement of
    the thematic priority established in the NSRF
    regarding Building Effective Administrative

Operational Programme Technical Assistance 2007
  • The most important needs currently identified
  • Coordination and networking
  • Training of actors in all functions relating to
    the management of Structural Instruments
  • further development of the management and
    monitoring systems
  • communication/dissemination of information.
  • The OPTA is set up as a specific tool at the
    national level aiming to address these identified
    needs. In this framework, the Programme
    identifies as its main target groups the
    Structural Funds managers, as well as project
    managers and the general public.
  • Global objective To ensure support for the
    coordination, and to contribute to the sound,
    effective, efficient and transparent
    implementation and absorption of the Structural
    Instruments in Romania.

OP Technical Assistance 2007 2013
  • This main objective will be achieved by two
    specific objectives
  • Ensuring support and appropriate tools for
    efficient, effective SFs implementation and
    absorption during the 2007-2013 period and
    preparation for the future structural instruments
    programming period. The specific objective 1 will
    be achieved by implementation of the following
    priority axes
  • Priority axis 1 Support to the implementation of
    Structural Instruments and coordination of
  • Priority axis 2 Further development and support
    for the functioning of the Single Management
    Information System.
  • Ensuring the coordinated delivery of general
    messages related to the Structural and Cohesion
    Funds at the national level, and the
    implementation of the ANCISs Communication
    Action Plan in line with the National
    Communication Strategy for Structural
    Instruments. The specific objective 2 will be
    achieved by implementation of the
  • Priority axis 3 Dissemination of Information and
    Promotion of Structural Instruments.

Operational Programme Technical Assistance 2007
  • It is anticipated that nearly 604.46 million EUR,
    or approx. 80 of the total Technical Assistance
    for structural policy-related tasks financed from
    the Structural and national funds (831.14 million
    EUR) will be allocated to the TA priority axes of
    the SOPs and the ROP.
  • The remaining balance of Technical Assistance
    funds, approximately 200.28 million EUR, will be
    spent on implementing interventions provided for
    within the Technical Assistance Operational
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